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Advent of a Dirge RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hey guys, just a few things to remember when you are RPing. You're doing really good with the no one liners rule but please create an OOC thread and keep any off of subject posts there so you don't spam the thread. This is warning #1.

  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Dude this rp is about as dead as they come. I'm just trying to get this guy to post so i can. If its reletive to the subject its not spam. Spam is me going off the rp like saying "I like pie." If a warning is needed because i just wanted to rp in here and was seeing this guy begin to leave, well i would rather not fill the forum for an ooc that is only going to be me getting him to post, then i wont argue the warning. Just keep in mind i was not intending to get someone mad at me. Incidentally it should say mod of a sorts in your profile -_-
    Im assuming these casovier u mentioned Hare are for me? also that was kinda god modding mister deep frier =)<
    Edited* Apologies Hare, im just gonna leave this zone for now<

    Zack and Leo had been walking up until they found a great big gate. "*whistles* Wow, nice door" Zack says pointing. "Yah, what do you think their trying to keep out?" "I dunno. Us?" "Heh." Leo pulls out his sword. "One swing and were in." Just then the gate opens. "Or not." He puts his blade away. Just as their about to walk in a small hole in space appears. An orb falls out then the hole vanishes. "I get this bad feeling i know what it is." Zack says with a groan. He picks it up and activates it. "YOUR IN A LOT OF TROUBLE WHEN YOU GET BACK YOU STUPID (*#@*$#*(&" A voice screams. The ball starts to tick. "ARgh! Zeri's trying to kill me!" Zack throws it just as it blows up. Leo can't help but laugh. "Lets get going." "Yah." They walk in.

    >That just pretains to zacks personal story. Nothing to do with the plot what so ever.<
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  3. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Will Edit This Post For Rp Also Zer ... you're GM. The Casovier are my characters to choose what they do. You'll have to rework your post accordingly. Also Check the OOC. We'll use it more.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Hey, I found my last post. Let's continue.

    The gates opened after some time. Gerik roused up the Vac'amen. "Let's go. I'll go ahead and find out where we make camp. I suppose it's okay to look around, but don't start anything. The Alem don't like us too much, so it might be better to not tell them where we're from."
  5. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais continued to skip along and he saw a curious group of people, a group of desert nomads. Archais skipped up to the man who looked like the leader and smiled "Hello, who are you, are you a nice person, do you like cheese?"
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack and Leo, having had an interesting time up until this point, have just now seen Archais. "That man, is giving me the hibi gibi's." "With good reason. He's tough." Leo reply's. "Steer clear?" "Yah." To late Archais see's them and runs up *they are the nomads* "Hello, who are. Do you like cheese?" Zack and Leo look at each other. "I think he's got a few brain cells missing." Zack, wearily, "Yes. I happen to like cheese. Why do you ask?" Leo is already reaching behind his back, just in case. Zack is putting magic into his hands to better cast his fire.
  7. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais could feel something familiar,suspicion, He leaned close to Zack and whispered "I wouldn't if I were you..." Archais's malice caused his camo to flicker briefly for Zack and Leo to see his form faintly.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Uh... Hi." Gerik said to the visitor. "I guess we're nice people. We're from the desert. And I guess I like cheese. Any reason why you ask?"
  9. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Arcais turned to Gerik and smiled "can I join your small group, cause I have some special items to help you" He pulled out a few of his gauntlets and showed them to Gerik.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik examined the gauntlets and thought for a moment. "Well, I suppose. Although we're all here to help fight against the Dragoth."
  11. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archias put the gauntlets away and danced around Gerik "thank you so much" He joined the group and started talking to some of the people. (sorry I edited)
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack almost showed the horror that he felt. "What the heck is this guy?" He asks his partner. "Beats me," Leo replied. "But i am NOT about to fight this guy.

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