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All About Sephiroth.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by JordanKnight, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    You can't use the drives themselves, but you should level them to max for the abilities that Sora obtains by doing so. The jump and glide abilities are useful in helping to reach him before he uses Heartess Angel and the MP Rage abilities are especially useful.

    Here was my strategy. Use Berserk and MP Rage. Berserk makes combos infinite as long as MP is less than 100%, and MP rage restores your MP whenever you take damage. One of Seph's Combos is enough to fill your MP. When he hits you cast Curaga. Your MP will be gone, but your HP will be full. Then you can wail on him with an unending combo until your MP fills. If he manages you break the combo and hit you, your MP will be restored by MP Rage and you can recure and start over.

    Also, keep a good supply of Elixers and hotkey them. That way, if he hits you with Heartless angel, you can recover quickly.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^That's how I beat him. I also tried to stay on the ground as long as possible so he wouldn't surprise me with that blockable combo that hands you your ass on a platter if you don't hit the reaction command quick enough.
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I was usually able to survive that and hit a Curaga spell. If you have the leaf bracer on, you're good even if he hits you in mid-cure. That move is the biggest reason MP Rage is essential to this fight.
  4. davcho

    davcho New Member

    what must you do to fight Sephiroth?

    i've seen him talk to cloud and stuff but i haven't fought him yet
  5. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Once you have completed all the stuff in Hollow Bastion and it becomes Radient Garden, go to where the party first confronted Xemnas (past where you fight the 1000 Heartless Battle) and he'll be standing there. Talk to him and you'll have the chance to fight him.

    There might be more involved, I don't remember. If that fails, keep talking to the Final Fantasy characters, particularly those from FFVII, and that should eventually trigger it.
  6. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    Just got the second kingdom hearts, and just passed the part where cloud and sephiroth run into eachother for the first time!!!
  7. hidden_villain

    hidden_villain New Member

    I've some methods to defeat him:

    1. If you've counter attack ability, it can be so easy, all you do just close to him but not too close and he will attack you with sword combo, block his attack and counter *blam blam*, and he'll do always same attack if the distance between you and him is correct even his hp low, and ta da you defeat him
    2. If he try flying quick attack him, and if you think late try trinity and his deadly attack is fail

    so I think don't need defeat him in lv 99 or else I just defeat him in lv 63
  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    It was 77 for me, and I have another useful tip. If you get him in midair, the Horizontal Slash ability (Hit suqare in midair for a horizontal sweep) will almost always break his combo. I find that's much easier than trying to break his ground combo.

    Also, I advise trying to hang back from him as much as possible. That way, he's more likely to just use his big attack that you can block by reaction command rather than chase you down and hit you. That's easy to block and as soon as he's done it, he's wide open, so you can just start wailing on him.
  9. heartless riku

    heartless riku New Member

    Just level up forms. I beat him at level 67 with sweet memories on proud mode.:cool:
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