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Ascendant: Divine Inheritance (OOC & SU)

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Nova, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It Leviosa; not Leviosa.

    I will have my character reposted tomorrow or Monday
    Legendseeker likes this.
  2. Akira

    Akira True Lord of Arenas

    Ulric Loughlyn

    Age: 35

    Race: Síneach

    Title: Blood Bringer, The First, The Bastard Runt (those who have used the later no longer live)

    Description: Ulric stands at a mere 6”3 (...and a half! don’t short change me) He is sturdy muscular compact barbarian. Though small and young, Ulric is deceptively strong. He has piercing aqua blue eyes with a golden rim surrounding the outer iris. His armour is made from dragon plate/scales. He has donned the fashion of the southern scum i.e. boots (as it makes him appear 6”4)

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Very tactful in most everything he does. He is by far and large (get it….large) cool calm and collected, being slow to anger but thoroughly enjoys letting loose and having fun both on and off the battlefield.

    Weapon(s): Rather than carry any physical weaponry Ulric carries flasks of blessed water which he manipulates into different weaponry.

    Hydro weaponry
    – Can create, shape and manipulate his blessed water into weapons of his choice depending on the situation he faces.
    Hydrokinesis – Can shape and manipulate water in any form be that liquid or gas and can change it from one state to another. This is far less taxing when using blessed water rather than from any other source.
    Mist Veil – When he feels the need Ulric will surround himself with a veil of mist. He can then use this to enhance the reach of his hydro weaponry or use it for defensive purposes.

    Aquatic Restoration
    – Using the blessed water he carries Ulric can heal wounds. Doing this taints the water so it no longer carries its blessing. He only uses this when absolutely necessary.
    Berserker Rage – Ulric has no choice when this ability activates. It is most commonly activated when he becomes excessively angry. When entered he loses all ability to us is Aquatic abilities and instead he loses all notion of pain and self preservation throwing himself into battle. His physical traits surpass those of most of the strongest living beings. Once entered it requires days or a high priestess tapping into his dragon blood to restore him to his former, less angry self.

    Goals: Work with Finnan in achieving their goal of unification of their homeland.
    Learn how to control or eliminate the berserker bloodline.

    Bio: Ulric’s Mother was The High Bandraoi who resided within the Uisce Tribe, being born with the gifts of a high Bandraoi is very rare so when one was found to have the gifts his mother went south to train the young woman. Ulric was left to be raised with 6 of his 11 half brothers and their farther the Chief of the Uisce Tribe. Despised by them Ulric quickly developed a sharp mind and well conditioned body to counteract the physical torment they put him through. At the age of 10 they caused him to fly into one of his fits of rage, he left four of his half brothers unconscious the oldest of them bleeding from what remained of his arm. Once he eventually calmed down the Chief held council and sent him out on his trials, Making Ulric the youngest tribe member to ever take them. Ulric travelled south to have his trials blessed by his mother as he approached he found the temple under attack by the southern scum (Azureth soldiers). He flew into a rage, when he became self aware again he found his mother had died. On that terrible day Ulric managed to forge some unexpected yet interesting friendships. Ulric continued his trials honing his body mind and self control. Shortly after the completion of his trials and his return to the tribe the Chief died. Ulric won the chieftains challenge killing 15 challengers 8 of which being his half brothers in the process. Miena came to live with the Uisce tribe several years after; Ulric sees her as the sister he never had.


    Name: Miena Foraoiseoir

    Age: 42

    Race: Síneach

    Title: High Bandraoi de na Bandraoithe

    Description: Miena is 7”9. Green eyed barbarian beauty. Her tanned skin and auburn hair give her a striking appearance.


    Personality: Miena enjoys life has a slightly twisted sense of humour.
    She does not allow anyone to disrespect her or tolerate fools.

    Weapon(s): As a Bandraoithe Miena has sworn not to take up arms.

    Energy drain
    -The ability to take and store energy. This is much easier if the host offers the energy willing; the energy is used as a part of the blessed infusion rituals
    Blessed infusion -The power to infuse the powers of the Síneach into weapons and elements such as water and earth.

    Síneach Blood Call
    -Allows Miena to help her kindred become more in tune with their inner powers received via their bloodline.
    Healing arts -Using the extensive knowledge and training of herbs and poultices Miena tends to the sick and afflicted.

    Goals: To uphold the ceremonial and other duties of the Bandraoithe, such as blessing rituals of unions, trials and the passing of the fallen as well as healing the sick and afflicted. Miena wants to witness the demise of the men who were behind the orders of the destruction of the Bandraoithe. She also wants to mate with Ulric.

    Bio: As a young girl Miena’s father often came home in a drunken rampage, Miena found that she had the ability to put him to sleep. Miena when tested was found to be a Bandraoi; she embraced the call and never looked back. At the temple Miena advanced through the trials with such ease she was offered the trial of the highest order. It is rarely offered as if one is not born with the gift the trial kills them. After passing the trial Miena was personally tutored by The High Bandraoi until the passing ritual for her tutor at her untimely demise.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
    RebelMurf and Nova like this.
  3. Akira

    Akira True Lord of Arenas

    Name: Rhysand Alvah

    Age: 27

    Race: First generation Demigod – Son of Thanatos

    Title: The Dark Knight

    Description: Rhysand stands at 6’2; he has a slender ripped athletic body, medium length black hair and vibrant blood red eyes.



    Personality: Rhysand sees the good in all people and while he is aware of their corrupt nature he tends to be able to bring out the good that he sees. As such Rhysand tends to develop contacts from many different walks of life.

    Weapon(s): In general Rhysand always has a couple hidden blades ready to use with a correct flick of the wrist. His favorite larger weapons he keeps in a bag of darkness (as well as anything else bulky enough to be combersem yet useful enough to want to have with them, like rope) from which he can retrieve when needed. The bag was gifted to him from his father which is said to be able to hold the souls of the dead, while it is perfect for inanimate objects it has a negative effect on the living. His preferred weapons are his saber and dagger combination for close combat and he loves his bow which is an heirloom from his mother.

    Aetherial Presence:
    Rhysand can step into the aetherial realm essentially removing himself from existence. While in this realm he cannot be detected by the living but is still present. When in the realm Rhysand's wounds heal. If he lingers to long he can become stuck until a death in the world of the living weakens the way back.
    Death sense – Focusing, Rhysand has the ability to sense if people have died in or around the area he is in.
    Death Compultion – Rhysand can make those he locks eyes with lose the fear and gain the desire to cross over to the other side.

    Enhanced Conditioning
    – As a demigod Rhysands nature gave him greater physical traits. Through years of training and conditioning Rhysand has greatly enhanced those traits – Athleticism, combat, hunting, senses and tracking.
    Stealth Tactics – Rhysand had a natural affinity for stealth and spent years fine tuning and mastering the art of stealth. This includes camouflage, hiding, silent movement and social cloaking. Rhysand prides himself of being one of the few who can go undetected in Merricks presence.
    Pure Killing Instinct – Rhysand has the instincts to kill in the most pure and effective manner possible, as such his targets receive a peaceful death. He therefore has no mental issues or moral dilemmas before, during or after the deed.

    Bio: Born to one of the high ranking noble families of the Orcus clan; being a first generation demigod being the son of Thanatos, Rhysands powers manifested themselves at a very young age. Due to this Rhysand started his rigorous formidable training while still a young child. Rhysand’s mother helped him cope with the onerous training by teaching him the techniques of pure darkness; how while darkness and death may be disliked it is very important for the balance of life and while this darkness may not be nice, or comfortable, or maybe it is even outright terrifying, it nonetheless radiates a dignity that cannot be denied and like it or not, the world would be worse off without it.
    With this view point Rhysand was able to excel in his training becoming one of the youngest clan members to ever climb the ranks.

    Goals: It is widely known among the clan that Rhysand works for balance and justice in the world, due to his proficiency and skill the clan elders have used his belief system to manipulate him.


    Theme: *optional*
    Nova and RebelMurf like this.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A (hopefully) more suitable rendition of the Amazon Prince.

    Name: Alexandros Hippolytou (Amazon name)| Marcus Maximus (future Imperial moniker)
    Age: 16
    Race: First Generation Demigod
    Lineage: Andromache, Queen of the Amazons; Mars/Ares, God of War
    Titles: “Son of War,” used as his hereditary marker. It is the only ‘title’ he will allow himself, for he believes that any other title would necessitate his earning it beforehand.

    Physical Attributes
    Height: 8’6”
    Weight: 325lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Skin Tone: Chestnut
    Description: True and consistent with the common anatomy of Demigods, Alexandros is young man of giant stature. Unlike those among the “diminished” Demigods and normal humans, who may bear such size with the disadvantage of odd proportions and physical maladies, Alexandros’ proportions are adapted to the height and weight of his body, and his internal supporting structure accommodated to carrying the load in all of his routines. It is such that he simply presents the visage of a human scaled to larger dimensions. His physical build is best described as neutral or balanced. His fitness, following a repertoire of activity akin to cross training, has gifted him a physique that is neither excessively bulky nor detrimentally slim. His body is one that can be seen performing feats of strength, speed, and agility at comparable proficiency. Though his background as a more tribal man may precede him with imagery of a rugged roughness, he maintains himself as a particularly well-groomed individual. Viewing the extremities of long hair and thick beards as more a detriment to his way of life, he keeps both short-trimmed and adequately maintained; he rarely allows either to grow much more than two inches before a cutting.

    Clothing & Armor: Largely in part to the tropical climate of their homelands, the Amazons were never fans of wearing much in the way of clothing and heavy adornments. Though royalty may wear a crown of some precious material upon their heads within the ceremonial settings of a throne room or at political engagements, they have grown to eschew most of what isn’t practical.

    Minimalism being his staple in wear, Alexandros’ everyday outer clothing consists of a chiton of an ivory hue with green linings woven along the edges resembling ivy-like leafage; contrasting with those of more ‘common’ blood, he is known to wear this garment with a leather strap not unlike a modern belt to fasten around the waistline. Additional layers of this include a himation, which he wears as either a cloak or shawl in colder temperatures, and a clamys, a somewhat larger and heavier garment worn over the shoulders, which he most often wears for the sake of formal events. Though he prefers to walk barefooted in most cases, his footwear, when necessary, will most often consist of a leathery sandal, held to the foot through a series of thin, interlacing straps that run up his leg to approximately knee-level.

    The ideal of minimalist adornment carries over to his current armors. Like all of his fellow Amazons, primary components of his armor are the bronze plates that protect the most critical spaces on his body: a breastplate, covering the entirety of his front torso, an assortment of flexibly interlinked plates spans from his hips to just above his knees. Braces upon his arms and legs respectively provide coverage for his forearms and calves. A Corinthian-style of helmet is often worn as protection for his head, face and neck. This armor is typically worn over a chiton of a heavier fabric more suitable for absorbing blunt impacts against the armor and standing against the cutting of blades. Alexandros has taken some aesthetic liberties with his personal armor set. His helmet bears a short, feathered plumage, inserted into a built-in fixture just above his forehead and the outlining shape of a burning torch is marked upon his breastplate by a manner of branding. On occasion, he is known to adorn a meticulously and laboriously crafted shoulder piece shaped in the head of a wolf. All these adornments stand as homages to his divine lineage as the son of the God of War.

    Psychological Profile
    Dauntless? Being, understandably, proud of his royal and divine heritage, Alexandros levies his bloodline as a boast of confidence in his ordeals. Among both his own people and foreigners, he has been known as exceptionally energetic and non-stop individual. Thus far in life, he hasn’t so much as hinted to the capacity of losing his morale. Practically eternally motivated, he is and has been one to continue pushing forward even when all else is determined to throw him back. A steadfast follower of the ancient motto of ‘E tan, e epi tan,” Alexandros would sooner perish in the attempt of an endeavor than turn tail from unsurmountable odds. This creed is one that he carries through all dealings in which he engages; whether military, political, or social, he strives to see things through to whatever the end. This manner of philosophy has lead him to recklessness, and frequently left him at odds with others, due to his unwillingness to backdown without putting up a fight.

    Bearing a Burden. Through the storied past of patriarchal societies, women have frequently struggled to reign over the world of men. Alexandros Hippolytou views himself as the inverse of this trend: a male in line to lead a society of strong, powerful, and influential women. Knowing the controversy of his very life among a people among which males are frequently cast aside or killed when born, has only ever served to strengthen the resolve of his will. Holding a core virtue in emanating a resolute and powerful presence, he is a young man that is only invigorated by setbacks and resistance. Believing that he must be strong, and moreover stronger than the challenges he faces, adversity and defeat provide him a catalyst from which to grow more adept. Losing battle spurs him to train harder; being outsmarted inspires him to study more in-depth. When budged, he retaliates with a push.

    Hubris; to say that Alexandros’ abundance and strength of will comes without its pitfalls would be an egregious error. His ever-striving nature, and the confidence with which engages life, has left him with a significant measure of arrogance and driven him to detrimental decisions. He tends to be condescending to those that he understands to be beneath him Not out of spite for lower castes, it stems from his sense that he truly is a powerful Demigod, and that he must stand as someone that all others look up to. He’s often chided the training techniques of others, and frequently determines the need to assist those that are well enough off left to their own devices; he has, on some occasions, rushed to the aid of other warriors when they were standing their ground with little to no struggle.

    Darting across battlefields and setting his hands within all matters of law that he can reach, he measures success in terms of personal quantities: how many enemies can he slay or route; how many policies can he claim had his influence. On at least one occasion, he spearheaded and undermanned and underinformed raid against an army set upon invading his homeland, nearly losing his unit before withdrawing to consolidate a more adequate defense. He has been endlessly chastised by his mother and her closest confidants for his reckless and self-centered actions. Though he strives to improve on this matter, he struggles to rid himself of the notion that he must personally achieve all victories.

    Goals: Nothing more or less than to prove himself to all; to be the best version of himself possible.


    Born to the reigning Queen of the Amazon Tribes, Andromache Hippolytou and Ares (known as Mars within the pervading Imperial tongues), Alaxandros is a first generation of Demigod. He was named thus for his heritage as a member of a warrior-clan. The name of his family derives from that of Hippolyte, an ancient Amazon Queen cited in the clan’s legends as having established the unified ruling of the Tribes; all who have entered unto the bloodline of Hippolyte have adopted the surname of Hippolytou. As it happened, Alexandros’ birth came in a time in which the relations between the Amazon Tribes and the mainland Empire, under Emperor Edward Newgate, were on a pathway to a quick, yet stable mend with. Because of these domestic and foreign affairs, Alexandros was readily under watch by his Tribeswomen.

    Despite his status as prince among his people, Alexandros’ formative years were hardly times of privilege and prominence; the fact that he was permitted to live beyond infancy was a gift afforded to him by his heritage from Ares. Between the society he was born into, and the position within that society into which he was born, the work before was cut out as soon as he was registered as having a living, breathing pulse. The Amazons were historically acclaimed, if not legendary, for their physical prowess and their skill on the field of battle. In this respect, the young prince would be expected to carry on that heritage through future generations. Beyond the burden of bearing the flag of his peoples’ famous acumen for warfare, he was a rarity within the scope of Amazon society: a male born into one of the Tribes; something that scarcely occurred unless a divine being had been involved in the conception. Had it not been for his lineage as Amazon royalty, he might have been cast from the Amazon lands, either to fend for himself or, if in good fortune, to be left in the surrogate care of an Imperial family.

    As soon as he began taking his first steps on his own two feet, the young Alexandros was subjected to the rigors of training. Being the offspring of a God only served to expedite his physical growth, permitting him to achieve higher standards earlier than others his age. By the age of ten, his conditioning was deemed worthy of the beginning of his formal training in the martial arts. He took as well to this as he did his conditioning, quick gaining his competence in both unarmed combat and the standard weapons of his people, encompassing the use of one-handed and two-handed swords, shields, spears, and archery. Under the tutelage of his own mother, he learned of strategy, and frequently put his tactical talents to the test in mock-battles and hunting ventures. By the age of thirteen, he was well-regarded as one of the finest warriors among the Amazons, with some viewing him as a rival to the mainland’s own warriors.

    ~First Blood~

    Over the following years, word would mount around Azureth of the young man from the Amazon Tribes being put up for ascension by his people. Alexandros, however, while relishing the challenge presented by battling against other divine offspring, remained largely uninterested in the prospect of ruling anything more than his own hereditary lands. Even with this disinterest, he held fast to the training in preparation for the eventual Ascension rituals. He proved his resolve of leadership in a slew of military campaigns, in which he, battling alongside his mother, repelled would-be invaders from the Amazon coasts, thus creating an effective blockade against foreign interference within the Empire, that is still kept in high regard by foreigners to this day.

    By the age of sixteen, since lauded as a rising force both among Amazons and the Imperials, Alexandros would prove his mettle on the fields of battle on the mainland.

    Invasions of barbarian peoples from lands afar were threatening the empire’s southern coastline. The once grand settlement at Alvish, since left a shadow of its former self by a vicious civil war some years prior, was at constant risk. Even with fortifications implemented to maintain a blockade, it fell victim to a wave of naval assaults. When the city fell into the hands of an invading tribe, the Amazons were summoned by Emperor Newgate, whose connection to the Amazons was solidified through a marriage to one of their own. He requested their aid in a personally written letter for reinforcements. It was upon this summon that Andromache appointed Alexander as the chief tactician for the retaking of Alvish, believing that a successful completion of such an endeavor would only bolster the positive strides her reign had begun to make within the Imperial court.

    Alexandros would respond with pride and excitement at the opportunity to see to a battle alongside the Imperial armies. As soon as he read the request, he sent word of his agreement back to the Emperor. He began his preparations immediately after sending the messenger back to Sax. His contingent would consist chiefly of his own Amazon warriors, some traveling by land, and others continuing on as a naval detachment after dropping the land-based main force. Upon reaching the lands overlooking Alvish, he would set his camp in wait upon the Southeastern coast. It would only be upon witnessing the march of Imperial troops upon the seized city that Alexadnros made his move, calling upon both his units on land and at sea, to commence their own movements. The resulting battle would be dealt with quickly, and with minimal casualties among the Imperial-Amazon coalition. Alexandros would be praised among the Imperial officers for his timing of his own attack, a pincer maneuver that allowed little room for invaders to flee the battle.

    It was upon the coattails of this very victory that an Imperial General brought up the ascension trials among the Amazons. Specifically, he questioned as to why Alexandros had not been sent to Sax as a child. Given the state of affairs between Amazons and the Empire, dating to before their Prince’s birth, few of the tribeswomen had only seldom considered the idea of the boy being chosen to represent them as an Ascendant; even if affairs had been more positive, the Amazons had been insistent that Alexandros prove his worth to them before being granted any grandeurs. However, with the climate between their homeland and the Empire having made positive strides over the years leading to and since the Prince’s birth, the possibility of an Amazon being Ascended to the Imperial Throne struck a chord of intrigue among the tribes.

    After a long night’s worth of discussion, Queen Andromache determined that the possibility of seeing her son as Emperor was a favorable reward to reap: an Amazon at the helm of the Empire could someday bring their isolated nation more firmly into the Imperial fold, and bring about the benefits thereof; her son could rise to a ruling status, while the Amazons themselves retained their traditional of a matriarchal leadership. Naturally, they were all aware of the risks. The final trial would be a battle to the death. Victory or Defeat. With one’s shield, or upon it. It was the way the Amazons lived. It was the perfect arrangement. Alexandros himself relished and reveled in the prospect of challenging for the throne. By the next morning’s light, after a sleepless night, the Amazon Prince, now heralded by an Imperial escort to Sax, and bequeathed the name “Marcus Maximus” as a hark to his lineage in the Imperial tongues.

    Powers & Abilities

    Physical Prowess
    Bred from the lineage of the God of War, Alexandros was gifted with a natural physical aptitude. His upbringing among a predominantly warrior culture only served to nurture this natural disposition through training. His abilities, at his current stage, rank well above those of even the most adept of humans. Feats of physical prowess have included: a clean lift of an estimated five tons; a clocked mile timed at approximately 3 minutes, and a handful of exercises in dexterity that point towards a reasonable control over his own physical abilities. Alexandros himself has further claimed to have (recently) wrestled an elephant to the ground, though details and legitimacy of the assertion is debated even among those that would claim to have witnessed the instance.

    Also enhanced are the Prince’s five senses. Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, are both more acute and, to an extent with his relatively brief training, of greater tolerance than those of humans.

    Wellness and Healing
    Due prominently to his divine lineage, Alexandros is more robust in the face of the maladies and injuries that would plague the typical human. Such damages that would cripple or debilitate a normal man would heal naturally over time for him. He is quite resilient to the standard weaponry of mankind, though such weapons directed at him in bulk quantities can leave him worse for the wear.

    Rooting the growing branches of his abilities, Alexandros capitalizes on a concept referred to by his people as “Pneuma.” In their old language, the term is regarded as meaning “Breath of Life.” Appropriately, the concept refers to the notion of a source of potential energy embodied by the self; a flow of one’s spiritual essence into their physical and mental being. Through training, those that harness this energy source can hone themselves to passively and/or actively engage their latent potential to an array of purposes. It can be thus, applied as a fuel reserve for the physical body, a kinetic force to utilize as a tool in battle, and, within higher orders of learning, create safeguards against adversities to which body, mind, and soul, might be subjected to. Alexandros’ training in this art began when he was thirteen years old, and though he’s covered a considerable distance, he still as much to learn.
    • Empowerment; the grassroot standard of Alexandros’ application of his life force is the ability to harness the energy thereof as a supplement to his base physiological assets. Empowering himself through Pneuma allows him to dramatically augment his physical abilities beyond their normal limitations. At his present stage in learning, this ability is somewhat difficult to sustain in a long term. At an all-out increase encompassing all facets of physical performance, he can only maintain an empowered state for a short few seconds. Excessive reliance on this technique can leave a practitioner of Alexandros’ experience fatigued very quickly, and possibly render them incapable of moving, let alone fighting.
    • Projections; a standard manner of kinetic application for one’s energy, projection techniques allow potential energy to be released in external forms. Projection techniques, though often taking offensive shapes, forms, and functions, may also be used to defensive effects as well.
    • Gales; regarded as such for their likeness to a ferocious wind, the most accessible form of energy projection comes in that of a raw, compressed, kinetic force. It’s use involves the condensing of a user’s energy to enclose and push the air around them. Most often displayed as a blast of blunt, concussive force, the energy may also be focused to create shockwaves, and even to replicate the effects of a cutting edge. Effectively invisible to the naked eye, though the effects can be perceived; those gifted with the ability to see such energies would be able to make out a subtle, silvery, smoke-like wisp within the effected space.
    • Focused Mind; a practitioner, regardless of their style, cannot achieve any foundation in the use of the energy without strides in mental focus. Through a manner of focus, particularly the use of his power to attend to his mental fortitude, Alexandros is allotted a degree of resilience against his mental state. Aware enough of his own mind, he is aware of many basic forms of psychological manipulation, and alert to their direction against him, and can stave off some effects through concentration and forced-stimulation.
    • Sixth Sense; through the beginnings of his training to control his own energy potential, Alexandros has gleaned a keener sense of perception for anomalies dealing with divine energies. He is most readily attuned to his own energy, enabling him the sensory perception to witness his own abilities coming to fruition. Beyond that, his sense for energy is regarded as unlocked but unrefined; he cannot actively seek sources, but rather, feels their intensity when exertion is high.
    • Combat Training; he is learned in the martial arts, with a skillset encompassing unarmed fighting and the use of weaponry, inclusive of single-handed swords, knives and daggers, spears, bow & arrow, javelin throwing, shields.
    • Tactical Knowledge; the Amazon Prince has studied warfare throughout his life thus far, and possess tactical potential in a capacity in the logistics of troop movements, formations, and strategic approaches to battles (ambushes, fire attacks, etc.). Still, his judgement skills, and willingness to delegate in the heat of battle remain lacking.
    • Survivalist; having spent time in a wilder part of the world, Alexandros has gleaned some knowledge of surviving outside of urban and sub-urban locales. He can hold his own in the uninhabited spans of the continent.
    • Hoplon; based upon the similar designs of shields scaled down for the use of the average man, Alexandros’ shield is approximately a foot and a half larger in diameter than its smaller variant. Circular in shape, it is constructed in three layers: the outermost layer forming the shield’s face is a metal material, likely of a bronze base; the second is constructed of wood; the final layer is that of a leather padding to soften the force of strikes taken by the shield.
    • Doru; the first and foremost weapon brandished in a battle, the Doru is a spear, measuring at a length equivalent to Alexandros’ height. At its top end it is affixed with a leaf-shaped blade, and at its bottom, a spike; both of these are crafted from a bronze material. The pole of the Doru is made from a tough hardwood and has been modified with a wider diameter to better suit Alexandros’ larger hands.
    • Xiphos; treated as a sidearm, the Xiphos is only removed from its baldric if a Doru is broken or rendered ineffective due a battle moving to closer quarters. It is regarded as a short sword, though this is merely in relation to Alexandros’ larger frame, as a human would consider it a “long sword” by its size. It measures at nearly three and a half feet in length, with a leaf-shaped, double-edged blade. Alexandros’ preference is for the employment of a cross guard. For the Prince’s use, the Xiphos constitutes a one-handed sword. As in most of his armory, the primary material used for the weapon’s construction is a bronze-like material.
    • Bow; typically carried by an attendant on the battlefield, Alexandros’ bow, like his other armaments, is scaled to accommodate his size. It is as tall as the span of his hips to the top of his head, and made from a composite material, with polished iron fittings, and a thin leather pad upon the handle. Its design harks to that of recurve bow, wherein the limbs curve away from the archer, allowing greater tension when drawing arrows and thus, longer range of fire.
    • Others; Alexandros has been known to carry at least one ‘dagger’ on his person, and, on occasion, will take up a javelin or a sling deal with foes at long distance. The latter, are, however, typically spur-of the moment options, that he might take up from a fallen friend or foe as improvised offensive measure.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'm taking into account your profiles and will address them privately as I have been doing. You guys will know when your characters are accepted as usual. :)

    It has come to my attention that there is confusion over the lore. I will try to take time this weekend after my move to try to make certain points more clear in the google doc. Until then I would like to remind everyone that I have memorized the specifics of the lore and have discussed them in depth with the other GMs. As I have been doing, I would be happy to answer any questions on things. The first draft of this RP was written on my cellphone and was never meant to be as big as it has become. Because of it's size, the reset was necessary and changes are of course going to have to be made. And I am doing my best to make sure everyone is on the same page before we get started so please take in mind that things that were accepted in the first draft may not work this time around.

    A lot of you have discussed the basics of your characters with me before posting templates. So I don't expect to have to correct many of you. But if you do get asked to make changes please don't take it personally. If you feel you don't understand the lore please reach out to me. I'd be happy to explain it all.
    Legendseeker and RebelMurf like this.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator


    For now I am putting a hold on creating characters. Sorry everyone. I know there is a lot of anticipation to get this thing started again. But I don't want to see confusion and frustration happen as a result of the way that this has been run. I'll work this weekend on getting a clear written outline of the history and culture of all three countries at play. I'll do my best to be able to re open this by Monday.

    In the meantime, I'm going to try to make sure I incorporate as many ideas from as many people as possible. If there is anything you guys want added or changed please feel free to reach out to me.

    Thanks. Sorry again.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    This is making me frustrated just reading lol. **scraps complete template**
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Don't scrap it. I'm still willing to work with you on what you have going on. :) I just want to make sure everyone understands before putting a ton of work into a template. It can get discouraging to players.

    But I already explained the lore to you in full on the phone. So you should be fine.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Posting to let you guys know I haven't forgotten this. Just haven't had time with the move. Might take longer than I hoped.

    Feel free to keep working on your characters. I'll try to finish the lore this week but I have family staying with me and I am not able to move into my new place until after work today so no promises
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll work on it tonight. If you have time, you can join me, but enjoy your family time.
  11. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Hey guys,

    Hope gave me the go ahead to start the IC and put up the first post. You can find it here - https://www.squareelite.com/forum/threads/ascendant-divine-inheritance-ic.13867/

    Those of you whose characters have been approved feel free to post when you can. Just keep in mind if your opening involves other characters who aren't yours be mindful of them. Otherwise I'm glad to say the reboot is officially underway.
  12. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    He's back... but not as you were expecting.

    Name: Roan Brak Vangard

    Age: 70

    Race: 1st generation Demigod. Child of Zeus.

    Title: Stormbringer

    Description: Roan has olive skin and silvery blonde hair. His eyes are clear and blue colored with a silvery hue, almond shaped and somewhat close set. His lashes and brows are the same silver tone as his hair, but slightly darker in color. His facial features are rugged and handsome. He keeps his beard well groomed, mostly to the length of well trimmed scruff. His body and face are decorated the scars earned from many conquered enemies and won battles. He has a fairly intimidating build at 6'5" and muscular body type. He appears to be in his 40's rather than almost 100 years old.

    Picture: [​IMG]


    Personality: Roan has a naturally charming, warm, and ambitious personality. Now, still in the prime of his lengthened life, he is known to be successful, brave, strong, and a bit of a womanizer. Close to a century of battle and hardship has hardened him in many ways, though. He still carries the same charisma and charm as always. He is kind and patient to friends but ruthless and cold to foes.

    Weapon(s): Sword forged from, rumors say, Zeus’s own lightning bolt. It is a sword capable of conducting and amplifying his fire and lightning control. It also has poison chambers within the blade that he can choose to activate for a more delayed victory.

    Powers: Where he is a first generation, Roan is more powerful than most. Like his daughter much of his power comes from the sky. He can summon great storms. But his power is more specific and controlled. He can summon lightning bolts from himself and his weapons to create terrible destruction.

    Storm Summon-
    Can generate and control devastating wind/rain/lightning storms.
    Lightning Bolt- can summon lightning bolts from the sky or project them from hands, using them to pierce and/or severely burn their opponents even to the point of death.
    Impale- A focused beam of electric energy that can pierce through hard metals.
    Static Jump- Able to transform himself into electricity to change his position quickly.
    Shock Touch- Emit a short but extremely powerful shock through a touch of his hand.
    Electrocute- Send a continuous stream of electricity into a person or object. If un interrupted it will continue to immobilize, and cause great pain and damage. He can lift objects into the air with this ability.
    Scatter- Transform himself into static electricity and scatter across a wide area. If he can generate enough charge, the scatter can do damage before Roan loses energy and has to return to his physical form.
    Spark Strike- His sword generates sparks on impact.
    Blade Bolt- Can transform the blade of his sword to a fully powerful lightning bolt strong enough to disintegrate unsuspecting victims.
    Electric Combat- Contact with roan will send waves of electricity through rows of enemies causing damage for a short time.
    Charming Draw- The distant relation to the goddess Venus has given Roan a strangely attractive aura. People are more quick to trust him even against better judgement. This ability works better on some than others.

    Goals: Keep those he cares about alive at all costs. Rise in political ranking to change the world for the better.

    Bio: Roan has no earthly father. He was raised until age 12 by his mother, who was 5th generation descendant of Venus. His mother was a peaceful woman who, even as a descendant of a god herself, actively practiced the old religion of Titan worship. She was a bit of a crazy fanatic. They had to move frequently because of his mothers openness about her religion. They were often shunned, mocked, and threatened by society for her beliefs. In good times, Roan’s mother was neglectful. But mostly she was nearly abusive in her ways of forcing her beliefs on her son. She kept Roan's lineage a secret for years and bound his powers to prevent him from being chosen for ascension. Finally, at age 12, Roan learned the truth. In his anger, he accidentally killed his own mother using his newly discovered powers. From then on, he vowed that he would use his power to change the world for the better. He also made the goal to rid himself of his mother’s fanatic reputation. He never got over his resentment for those who practice the ‘old religion’ or the titans.
    He, as a child, moved himself to Sax and took care of himself. He joined the army at 16. By the time he was 30, he was leading the military based specifically in Sax. During Diana Sol’s campaign against the country north of Azureth, Roan was sent to aid in the invasion overseas. This was where he met his sworn brother, Edward Newgate. It was only a few years later that Emperor Newgate came into power by winning the ascension. Not long later, Roan rose in political ranks as an imperial council member representing Sax.
    Newgate was unusual in his leadership and though many embraced the changes he wanted to make for Azureth (including Roan), a majority did not. During the reign of Newgate, Roan fathered one daughter he named Ariana. He affectionately calls the girl Ari.

    Other: Roan appears to be a good man. But there is a deeper rage and ambition buried beneath the surface.

    RebelMurf, Legendseeker and Akira like this.
  13. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Name: Paige Perea

    Age: 25

    Race: Mortal Valkyrie

    Title: ???

    Description: Paige is 5'3’’. She has a lean toned body type but is not as muscular looking as most demigods. Long straight white hair. Her eyes are violet. She has a slender nose and high arched eyebrows. Her lips are full shaped and her skin is dark colored. She wears white face paint in different shapes depending on the day. Unlike demigods, Paige has pointed ears and her blood is not silver. She bleeds red like a normal human. She wears a tattered brown leather top and trousers. She also wears a pendant that has a faint white glow.


    Personality: Overall she has a cheerful and friendly personality. She is upbeat and likes to poke fun at companions whenever she can. She is constantly putting up a flirtatious and upbeat facade. Always up for competition and adventure and travels the world in search of both of those things. She has been known to meddle in other people's business, which can be annoying to some. But she usually means good by it.
    Beneath the smiles and teasing, Paige is a fierce woman. She is intelligent and determined. There are deeper sorrows she keeps locked away. She focuses on her work to keep it that way.

    Weapon(s): Massive Chakram that can be separated in half to be two blades. [​IMG]

    She also carries a long sword that doubles as a long spiked whip when she releases a clip in the handle that unlatches the blade to reveal a chain which holds the blade together. She prefers the chakram but will use the sword or even both weapons at once if the situation calls for it.

    Powers: Where she is not yet a full Valkyrie, Paige’s abilities are not at the level that they could be. But she does have some psychic abilities that help her to stay ahead of her enemies in battle. Even as a mortal, her life is extended and she heals faster than a human would. She is faster and stronger than humans and her physical senses are heightened to the level of a second generation demigod. She is resilient enough to take a few (not many) hits from even first generation demigods. However, she isn’t indestructible. So she relies on her instincts to avoid taking a lot of damage.

    Paige can sense the true nature of the people around her either friend or foe. It is very difficult to trick, surprise, or trap Paige. Because she can sense the good and bad intent of other beings, she can tell pretty easily if someone is being dishonest. It can be difficult for her to block out the stronger emotions of others and too much negativity gives her headaches after extended periods of time. If she gets too annoyed, she will try to get people to work through their issues if only to get rid of having to feel them. Frustratingly, she can only read what a people are feeling. She can not read thoughts.
    Psychic Probability- Telepathically view most of the possible outcomes of a situation in a moment. This helps her to avoid taking potentially fatal hits from stronger enemies and make the best possible decisions on the fly in combat and otherwise.
    Tactician- Her Valkyrie side is very in tune with most forms of battle. Weather on a massive battlefield or a one on one brawl, Paige is quick to pick up on the habits of her enemies and exploit them.
    Weapon Proficiency- Her past in Valhalla was good for her training. Paige is skilled with most weapons and without.
    Herbalist- She knows most plant life and how to craft different potions with them. These potions have a wide variety of uses from creating poison gas to healing.
    Hyper Enhanced Senses- Her vision, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are all super enhanced. Even beyond that of a demigod.
    Enhanced Strength, speed, agility, and badassery. Not to the full extent of a first gen demigod, though.

    Goals: Save Valhalla, become a full Valkyrie.

    Bio: Paige came to creation in Valhalla. She is the daughter of a Valkyrie and a famous warrior and was raised in Valhalla for the first few years of her life. During that time she was taught with most forms of weaponry and combat by famed warriors of old and by the Valkyries themselves. She was in training to one day become a full valkyrie herself. She greatly respected her mother and the other residents of Valhalla. She wanted nothing more than to one day join them. However the task would not be easy. For a child of Valhalla to become a Valkyrie they would have to pass a great trial. When a young Valkyrie turned sixteen, they were given a sacred key and sent to the mortal realm. The key would be the child’s one way home and it would only work once. The child would be tasked with searching the world for a soul of a warrior worthy of Valhalla. Should they succeed, they would earn their wings and with them, the full powers of Valhalla. Should they fail, they would live out the rest of their days in the mortal realm.
    Paige had studied for her trial religiously. However years ago, Valhalla was struck by a string of tragedies. Valkyries that were sent to the mortal realm started to disappear and never return to Valhalla. The souls were not making it to their proper place either. It began to happen more and more frequently until the Valkyrie queen became hesitant to send any more of her people to the mortal realm until further notice. She finally passed the law when Paige was fifteen that no one would be permitted to leave or enter Valhalla. The new law prohibited Paige from completing her test and becoming a full Valkyrie. She wanted to help to save her home and learn what happened to the ones that had been lost. But she knew she could not do that if she remained a mortal. She tried to convince the queen to allow her to complete her trial, to no avail.
    Stubborn and proud as she is, Paige couldn’t take no for an answer. She waited for her chance. And when it came, she stole one of the sacred keys to Valhalla and used it to enter the mortal realm. As the spell works, Paige’s trial had begun at that point. Not even the queen had the power to interrupt the trial to force her to return home until the it was complete and Paige’s key was activated. Ever since then, she has been on her own. She refuses to complete her trial until she has learned the truth of the missing Valkyries though. Her search has brought her on many adventures around the world and unfortunately she isn’t much closer to the end of her mission.
    Considering she is still mortal, she has found the need to provide for herself. She works as a mercenary, using her empathic abilities to choose her targets wisely to not kill innocent people. Though it is clear she is not human, she does not reveal her true identity. She allows people to assume what they wish of her lineage but has never confirmed or denied anyone's guesses.

    Other: Paige Perea is not her true name. She read stories of a sexy half Valkyrie in a different reality and liked her so much she decided to adopt the name herself while in the mortal realm.

  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So I did tell a certain somebody I would attempt to (at least) get started on a profile tonight. I did explicitly say I wasn't promising anything though, but figured I should probably stop procrastinating in the event anybody was waiting on me or hoping I would get around to doing this.

    Name: Gerik Omari

    Age: 17

    Race: Demigod (No clear generation)

    Title: Desert Warrior

    Description: He stands at approximately 6'2" and has a muscular build to him. His eyes seem to change colors, ranging from a light bluish-gray to a deep purple.

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Personality: Extremely confident in his abilities, almost to the point of arrogance. Sometimes has difficulty taking others into consideration.

    Weapon(s): He wields a longsword forged out of a secret metal created by the blacksmiths of his country. This metal is unbreakable and is near impossible to melt once it has been forged. In addition to his sword he carries with him two sacred treasures of his royal family. These treasures are his sword's scabbard and a large black dagger. These treasures were created by various Djinn that inhabit Gerik's homeland and as such have special properties attached to them.

    The dagger is made out of the same metal as his sword, only the metal is black and is inscribed with ancient runes. It does not reflect any light and instead absorbs light around it, making it a perfect weapon for assassins. Also, the dagger is fairly long, measuring at about 2'6" long.

    The scabbard is magnificently made, with bands of gold and platinum streaked across. It is always in pristine condition, seemingly repelling any dirt and flaws from it. The scabbard is the most sacred treasure in possession of the royal family. As such, the gifts that are attached to it are kept secret and unknown to the world.

    Powers: Control of the Earth – Gerik's strength with his powers lies in the ability to manipulate the earth around him. He is able to cause earthquakes strong enough to rip the ground apart. He can cause the earth around him to rise or fall, changing the elevation of things around him or having the ground act as a shield. He is able to create golems out of the ground and have them fight alongside him. This strength is also not limited to large chunks of the earth. Gerik can also apply this power to sand, moving it around as though he was manipulating water.

    • Life of the Desert – This ability has two separate functions. First, it is able to create mirages to confuse and disorient people. Second, it momentarily turns Gerik into sand itself. By doing this, he is able to make it seem like he can teleport short distances like sand being blown away in the wind.

    • Eye of Horus – Gerik's eyes are able to see the divine. He can tell if somebody is a demigod simply by looking at them. His eyes are also able to see through illusions and see things that are supposed to be invisible.

    • Creature of Set – Animals and monsters are much less likely to attack Gerik than they would other people. He is also able to channel this ability directly into an animal or monster, forcing them to be loyal to him.

    • Wrath of Osiris – A last ditch move of sorts for Gerik. He lets his body become something akin to a vessel for the gods. His abilities are strengthened during the duration of this ability. That being said, once it ends his body immediately suffers from the strain put on it. The longer it is active, the more damaging it is for Gerik.

    Goals: Return home and be considered fit to take the throne when the time comes.

    Bio: Gerik is the prince of a kingdom hidden away in a desert far away from Aezureth, across the ocean. He claims descent from multiple gods, and as such he has multiple abilities that seem to be disconnected from each other. From a young age, the people of this land are taught the value of things. Growing up in the desert every day had the risk of the oasis running dry, or the river suddenly stopping. Water is especially important for life in the desert and every person in Gerik's homeland understand just how valuable it is.

    Unfortunately Gerik didn't grow to be as humble as hoped. He would use his station in life as a tool, flaunting it to get his way when he needed to. This quickly began to reflect badly, not just on him but the Pharaoh himself. This lack of maturity was concerning. Unfortunately, in Gerik's eyes there were legitimate reasons for him to act the way he does. When he was about 14 years old, Gerik had left the palace for a week. He had gone alone into a special part of the surrounding desert. This part was cursed; something about this area prevented magic and demigod powers from being used. Anybody who step foot in this part of the desert was a normal human being until they left. As such, the people of the desert used this area as a sort of trial into adulthood. By surviving out there alone for a week, Gerik proved that he was an adult, even if he hadn't necessarily fully matured into adulthood. Completing such a task at that age must clearly mean that he could back up his actions, right?

    Worried about Gerik and the role he would eventually inherit was a constant source of stress. So, a solution was decided on. A sort of final task, this extra step to prove Gerik could be trusted with the reigns of leadership. The land of Aezureth, with its collection of different peoples and cultures, could perhaps be used to allow Gerik to experience the world and what it means to be a benevolent ruler.

    This idea, of course, infuriated Gerik. To him, who had already proven himself an adult, this was like he was being treated as a child. He proved his worth and yet for some reason he was required to go above and beyond, something no one else was required to do.

    Gerik's role, as he was told, was to serve as an ambassador of sorts. The current emperor of Aezureth, Edouárdos Néapýli, had heard tales of a reclusive country hidden away on the sands of another shore. He was not the first emperor of Aezureth who had attempted to make contact with them before, but it could not be done. There is a small port city used to bridge Gerik's country with the outside world, but it also served as a gate. Merchants would arrive to trade goods but very rarely would they allow outsiders to return to the desert with them. The desert itself also serves as a natural barrier, preventing anybody who does not know the way from reaching the main city.

    The Pharaoh and Newgate communicated with each other about the possibility of easing entry into the desert. And so Newgate received word that Gerik, the son of the Pharaoh, would arrive in Aezureth. Once there he would observe the different people of the land and then return home, where a decision would be made as to whether or not they should open up their lands to the outside world. There was a slight catch of sorts to this. Gerik's identity was to remain secret, to avoid as much special treatment as possible and prevent people from acting differently and showing a favorable lie.



    Name: Voltair

    Age: Unknown (Appears to be in the mid 20's)

    Race: Assumed Demigod

    Title: Titan of the Arena

    Description:Voltair stands at an even 6' and he has well defined muscles but his body is fairly lean. His body doesn't really seem to have the usual physical differences associated with demigods. He's not much taller than the average person and he certainly isn't a hulking mass of muscle. His eyes aren't a unique color either.

    Picture: [​IMG]


    Weapon(s): He has no personal weapons that he carries with him. When he was a gladiator he would use whatever weapons were available in the arena. Outside of the arena any weapons used by Voltair would materialize under a shroud of shadow and darkness.

    Powers: Voltair's powers don't match with any specific god. Some powers don't match with any god at all. That being said, his powers have never been seen during any of his gladiator matches. Due to certain unknown circumstances, these unseen powers are not as powerful as they could be. That being said, they are more than strong enough for him to keep up with or potentially even exceed demigods.

    Abilities: It is unknown just how much physically stronger and faster he is than regular people. There are probably demigods who exceed him in this respect. Aside from that, Voltair fights with with a sort of minimalist approach. He keeps his powers hidden as much as possible in order to always give him an additional advantage that his opponent is unaware of. That way, even if he fights somebody more than once, his opponents can never be sure if he's done everything he can in a fight.

    • Darkness manipulation – Voltair's main strength. He is able to form masses of pure darkness and shadow and give them physical forms. These range from simple bursts, more concentrated beams, and even actual weapons. In addition to this he is able to manipulate them to such a fine point that this darkness is able to imitate the elements themselves. This elemental imitation does seem to be limiting somehow, as if there was a finite amount of darkness he could create at a single time and most of it was collected in these imitations.
    • Shadow intangibility – Voltair's body, either parts or the whole, can momentarily become intangible; looking as if it were the night sky itself. Physical weapons cannot harm him but things of a more magical nature still can. All other abilities vanish or freeze while this is in effect.
    • Shadow dive – Voltair is able to meld with shadows as if they were pools of water. He is also able to come out of a different shadow than the one he entered.
    • Shadow illusions – A combination of both his darkness manipulation and him influencing a person's mind to alter the sounds they hear, Voltair is able to create illusions. These illusions can either be something that isn't actually there, or making something that is there appear to be invisible. In his own view, Voltair finds this ability rather boring.
    • Familiar summon – Voltair appears to be able to summon familiars to command. Whatever he summons, they all seem to share a few common characteristics. Black fur/feathers/whatever, a feeling like someone or something is watching from afar whenever they are near, and certain minuscule details that, while almost always unnoticed by all but the most observant, gives a sense as if the familiars were missing something and as such weren't actual living creatures.
    • Gravity manipulation – Voltair is able to change the weight of things, or people, even if he isn't touching them. This influence seems to reach maybe a foot away from him. Anything further than that is unable to be influenced. This change in weight will remain even if Voltair steps away and exceeds his maximum distance, but the change will wear off. The time it takes to wear off seems to vary depending on how much Voltair is focusing on it. If he just ignores it and seems to forget, it wears off instantly. If he focuses on it and nothing else, it will wear off in a minute or two.
    • Energy absorption – Voltair is able to collect the energy from attacks into the palm of his hand. From there he is able to absorb the energy into his own body to augment himself. He is able to absorb both physical and non physical attacks. Absorbing the energy from physical attacks involves preparing the surrounding environment first. The duration of these boosts varies based on how strong of an attack he absorbed. He is also able to absorb his own darkness attacks if he needed to.
    • Telepathy – Voltair is able to read a person's mind. He is also able to project his own voice into a person's mind, allowing him to have a silent conversation. Or just screw with somebody. Mostly screwing with people.
    • Mind dive – A much more advanced version of his telepathy. Voltair is able to project his own consciousness into another person, allowing him to interact with the person's deepest thoughts as if it was its own separate reality.


    Other: He has a strange dislike for the gods that he himself can't even explain.

    Theme: *optional*
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
    Nova likes this.
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yay welcome back. :)
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Págos Aurelius

    Age: 16

    Race: Demigod Son of Boreas

    Title: Winter Spirit

    Description: Págos, like all Winter Spirits is extraordinarily handsome by normal standards. Clean blonde hair, and glowing, frosty blue eyes. He stands at a modest six feet five inches, but he will always remind you of the extra inch he gets from his boots. He wears silver plated, magically enchanted armor created by his father which grants him complete immunity to any and all ice magics, but is extremely vulnerable to fire magics. Over the armor, he wears an extremely expensive white robe because he likes to look fancy.

    He also wears a single uniquely crafted earring. The matching earring, is to be presented to whomsoever he gives his heart to.

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Personality: Behind the pretty boy appearance that he was “gifted” with by his bloodline, lies a warm hearted hero wannabe. Not a huge fan of attention, preferring to much rather shine the spotlight on others, Págos takes his role as an ascendant extremely seriously. He seeks to bring about change for the people, as his clan has always been rich and prosperous, they have never cared about the lower class. Seeing the lives people live without the boons of riches, as well as the struggles of everyday lives has inspired him to fight and win the ascension for his clan, no matter what the cost.

    Though he shys away from the spotlight, he despises being second best. In a fight, he will strive to be the best, and thusly pushes himself beyond his normal limits to be more powerful than any who should stand opposed to him.

    Weapon(s): The Breath of Boreas(staff pictured in character image): A magical staff that contains within it the powerful winds of Boreas, that allows Págos to manipulate the weather to his advantage.

    Lucius’ Knife: A knife Lucius had Págos craft himself with the intention of showing him that he has to work and rely on himself to achieve his goals. He keeps it on him as a reminder.

    Powers: Weather manipulation: Using the Breath of Boreas, Págos can create storms as powerful as seasonal blizzards to put himself at an advantage in a fight. The cold doesn’t bother him in any way.

    Ice and Snow Manipulation: As long as there is snow to be gathered, Págos can manipulate it into many dangerous weapons; spears, swords, you name it, he can do it. He is also able to animate snow golems to fight alongside him.

    Abilities: As a demigod, Págos has enhanced physical capabilities, including durability, physical strength, and a powerful healing factor for most wounds.

    Goals: Win the ascension for his clan to prove his worth.

    Bio: Born to the godly spirit of winter, Boreas, Págos is one of a cluster of eight spirits, and the first born of the group. It was as simple as being born first, that entitled him to the godly weapon of his father, The Breath of Boreas. Life was normal for the winter spirits, for the first 4 years of his life, and Págos was happy with learning and mastering manipulation of the weather and the snow and ice his father was known for. One day however, a fight broke out among the younger nature spirits. The spirits fought with powerful magics, that caused such a commotion, that Newgate sent one of his generals, Lucius, to quell the fighting.

    When Lucius arrived however, he found there was no need for him to be there, as the four year old Págos in a fit of desperation, summoned a massive golem that frightened the other child spirits and ended the fighting. Impressed with the child’s skill, Lucius insisted that instead of waiting for a non nature spirit demigod to be born, they should send Págos with him to Sax, and enter him instead. The clan leader relented after some convincing, and sent Págos on his way.

    Upon reaching Sax, Págos was introduced to Emperor Newgate and the High Councilman of Sax, Roan Vangard. They explained to him what he’d be doing for the foreseeable future and instructed him to pick someone to be his mentor during his time in Sax. Surprisingly, Págos chose Lucius, and after finalizing the idea with the general, they were on their way.

    Learning from Lucius was not easy. He did not accept second best, and was harsh with his training, but fair. The general quickly snuffed out any thoughts Págos had about being high and mighty just because he was chosen, and forced him to learn his place among the people. He showed him of the difficulty people in their positions did not have to worry about. Poverty, starvation, homelessness… All these terrible things that existed in this world. Lucius explained that the clan Págos came from never knew these troubles, because they were extremely wealthy, and had no intention of sharing that wealth outside their own clan. He insisted that change had to happen for anything to get better, but between the civil war and invader war, it was impossible for the Emperor to solve all these problems at once. It was people like the ascendants that could make a difference, while in their positions of power, they could help these people, give them food so they do not starve, or money so they do not lose everything. There was always something people who are higher on the food chain can provide to people who are lower.

    This reality check hit Págos hard, and it was from that point forward that he dedicated himself fully to the ascension. He trained day in and day out, with or without Lucius, who was deployed regularly. At 13 years old, he approached Emperor Newgate, and requested to join the Azureth military. Newgate was shocked, and initially denied him, explaining that he still had much to learn. But, when Págos explained he wanted to be just like Lucius, and help people, the Emperor found himself surprisingly leaning towards allowing it. Eventually, after much persuasion, Newgate agreed to let him serve under Lucius. However, he was informed that until he was of age, he would only be assigned duties within the borders of Sax. Also, his duties as an ascendant came first a foremost, and would not be overshadowed by his military position.

    Accepting these terms, Págos began his military duties under his mentor, awaiting the day he would get to leave Sax, and learn more about this world, discover what more there was to change… and in time, he hoped to change it all, for the better.

    Other: The children of Boreas are spirits of Winter itself, there is no generational deterioration, though his children are nowhere as strong as true blooded demigods.

  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Name: Ilda Ironside

    Age: 50

    Race: Síneach

    Valkyrie of Death
    Queen of the Senach Talim Isles
    White Siren of the Eastern Seas
    Haldor's Wrath

    Description: Ilda is taller than most most average women, she stands at 6'3" and is very intimidating for most men. She has blonde hair with light blue eyes and has a very pale skin complexion. She is very fit and muscular and her face while strikingly beautiful has a very thin look to it.

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Personality: Ilda is stubborn, is vicious, is dangerously unpredictable, and has a never ending hunger for war. She respects strength and knowledge only. Despite seeming very barbaric and at times downright insane she is a genius in strategy, has more patience than Time itself. She can be very calm as well, but when she is calm is usually a dangerous sign.

    Weapon(s): The sword of Ysgramor and the Shield of Fenrir.

    Powers: Death's Daughter - Ilda has control over the element of ice. She has the power to summon blizzards, to freeze large bodies of water, or to move quickly across the land by becoming snow and hail and having the wind carry her..

    Death's Cold Embrace- With each defeated enemy she steals their soul and take whatever strength they had leftover when they died.

    Bite of Frost- A strong bitter and cold magic seeps into her enemies, making them feel as if their internal body had frozen all the way to their bones. The cold presence seeps into their minds and sends shivers down their back. The voice places seeds of doubt, bringing up their worst fears, and influencing them to abandon all hope in their lives. The weak willed break, the strong will not, but they will bend.

    Ruler of Ice Giants - She summons large behemoth ice monsters to do her bidding. Their bodies are made of ice as strong as stone. They will not stop until they are destroyed completely.

    Wraith of Winter- Ilda summons a large and great blizzard to come forth. Clouds form and snow begins to fall as the wind intensifies. The air becomes cold, visibility is low, and the land is covered in layers of ice and snow.

    Gust of Svell - Ilda is able to shoot freezing wind from her hands that can cover anything in a layer of ice, immobilizing people, or creating a wall in front of her.

    Goals: To wage war across the world, to fight the strongest and greatest warriors, to bring death to all who are weak and unfit for her ideal world.

    Bio: Ilda is Haldor's firstborn daughter from a previous relationship before he had met Eerika. As a result the two women's relationship has never been anymore than bickering and the clashing of blades. Though at one time Ilda was the light of Haldor's world. Ilda while small and lacking the physical size of her father and others of her people showed great strength and resolve to destroy the greatest of opponents. As she grew so did her strength, cunning, and her magical powers. She quickly became adept at controlling the element of ice, though her powers did not come from her father, but from her mother. Ilda knew little of her mother, taken from her during harsh times of violent war that plagued her homeland. From what little information she could gather, her mother was a Valkyrie banished from Valhalla due to her desire to ravage the mortal world in war rather than carry fallen warriors to the afterlife.

    Ilda continued to gain father with her father for while her sibilings continued to die off, she survived and perservered. As a little girl inspired by the story of her father wrestling a bear, Ilda ran off and spent the night in the woods and eventually was descended upon by a large lone wolf. Not having her father's size of strength, she outwitted the lone wolf and with an ice shard pierced its heart. She returned home to her father with a freshly cut wolf hide, Haldor was proud of his little girl and also learned that she needed a lesson in how to skin an animal. As she grew into a young teen she learned much from her father about how to fight, think quick on her feet, and to never give mercy to a weak opponent. Though her relationship with her father would soon begin to strain as he found himself a wife, Eerika. Ilda did not like Eerika for being her stepmom, but simply because she felt she was too weak to be married to someone as strong as her father, who was to her the strongest man in the land. Though she tolerated her for the time being as she soon found a new home on the battlefield leading her father's warriors into battle against the other tribes to unite the entire south.

    With each battle she grew in strength, each wound she suffered made her stronger, and each warrior she slew made her lust and hunger for more death. Within a couple years Ilda had become twisted, her methods on the battlefield while at times genius, deteriorated into downright savagery. Respect turned to outright fear, the war to unite the south soon became a war to conquer the north as well. When Ilda returned home to Haldor, he could see that Ilda while still his beloved daughter had become something else. Though he refused to acknowledge or admit that she was going too far, overreaching. Only when Ilda had found out that Eerika was the one to dissuade Haldor from allowing her to conquer the north dide Ilda overstep her bounds. She attempted to unsuccessfully kill Eerika and lead an a small band of loyalists to the north. Haldor intervened and with a broken heart banished her to the Senach Talim Isles. Hurt as well, Ilda complied with her father's wishes. She left peacefully with her followers and became Queen of the Senach Talim Isles, and humorously allowed Eerika to put her own guards and watchers there to let her think that she was in control of the situation.

    Many years had passed since her banishment, but the regret still haunted Haldor for banishing his own blood and such a great warrior even if her methods were fitting of the term "barbaric" used by foreigners. Though with the birth of Saoirse, Haldor was able to distract himself from the guilt. Though unbeknownst to his knowledge or Eerika's, Ilda had her spies within her father's court. She has bide her time in her "banishment", converting Eerika's guards to her side, and has conquering other nearby islands, forcing many of the roaming pirate ships into her service. While her father and stepmother have been preoccupied she has bolstered her lands, armies, and wealth, as well as continuing to spiral into a deeper level of savagery and insanity.

    With the recent news of her homelands shores being invaded, her father's kingdom being weakened and him seeking a treaty with the north, Ilda has set sail home, for her time to resume her conquests have presented themselves to her.

    Other: She has earned the name of Ironside due to the fact that no weapon has been able to kill her despite several close encounters. Some believe it is a sign of the gods that they watch after her.

    Name: Chieftain Oryx

    Age: 125

    Race: 3rd generation demigod

    Title: Lord of Iron, Lord of Sol, Lord of War

    Description: Oryx stands at 8'5" in his armor, his skin is pale due to not getting much sunlight. He has a braided ponytail that goes a bit below his shoulders and a thick beard that covers his face. He is very muscular and well toned, his body is covered in scars that range from gashes, to claw marks, and burn marks. He has orange eyes and a big nose that are the most notable things about his face. Oryx while having a bit of grey hair looks tremendously young, for his people age more slowly, but his bloodline increases his longevity even more so. Though the curse that has been placed on him may have frozen more than just his heart at the time.


    Personality: Oryx is a man of honor who lives by the blade and worships the art of war, though he is not bloodthirsty for battle or death, he simply never avoids conflict when it presents itself to him. He lives by a code of the warrior, and is a man of his word. He has high morals and never falters from doing what is right, though is able to do what is necessary for the good of the many, even at the sacrifice of the few. Oryx will avoid bloodshed if possible, but if his hand must be forced he will not hold back.

    Weapon(s): Svell's Bane, a large curved blade axe that is imbued with ancient magic that gives it fire like properties.

    Powers: Being a 3rd generation demigod, he is not as powerful or as strong as newer demigods, because his blood is diluted by mortal blood. the sliver blood has been diluted by that of human blood. His blood though is different from that of humans and gods. It is bright yellowish orange and when touched feels hot, just a mere degree below being able to burn flesh. His blood gives him the natural gift of control over heat and fire, and many people believe him to have been blessed by the sun itself because of this power.

    The Might of Sol: a long staffed giant hammer conjured from pure fire, its heat is intense and packs a mighty blow for any unfortunate to feel its wraith.
    Arrows of Blaze: a bow conjured of fire that shoots flaming arrows. Shield of Sunlight: a shield conjured of fire that protects the user from attacks, common weapons have been known to melt trying to pierce it, and arrows having turned to ash passing through it.
    Sun Beserkers Rage: Oryx unleashes his fiery rage, the area is engulfed in unbearable heat, evaporating all water, drying up all plants, and lighting the darkest of caves. Oryx is covered in flames and his strength increases drastically tenfold, giving him the ability to bring down the mightiest of beasts or foes, but drains him of much energy and requires him to recover before using it again. Oryx can use this ability in shorter periods allowing him to use it more frequently, but the longer he is in it the longer he needs to recover.

    Goals: To vanquish evil, to die in combat, to protect the innocent and weak, and to drink and merry make for all eternity in the great halls of Valhalla.

    Bio: Oryx comes a country in the far north, shrouded in mountains, snows, and harsh conditions. The country was small compared to many others, but its people were unified and survived together through willpower, strength, and family. His people were pale skinned due to little sunlight, but were a large and strong people.

    He comes from a great clan that worships Tyr the Norse god of law and heroic glory, and Oryx's deity bloodline can be traced back to Tyr. Because of this Oryx's clan places justice and honor above all things. Since he was old enough to hold a weapon his parents have taught him these values, that they as warriors must descend upon all that is evil in the world and vanquish it, in hopes of that they might one day die a heroic death in battle against said evil and join their ancestors in Valhalla in drink and merry making for all of eternity. However for Oryx as son of the High Chieftain of his land, these were not just simple ruled or traditions, they were engraved into his very being. He would be tasked with the responsibility of leading their warriors in battle across the world, standing up for the meek and innocent who could not protect themselves.

    When he had come of age at 20, Oryx lead the warriors of his country across the vast oceans of the world, seeking out monsters and beasts who terrorized villages and kingdoms, waging war against foreign invaders in foreigns in the name of justice and freedom.

    After several years he returned home to home a great warrior. His father proud of the man his son had become took him on a perilous journey to the top of the highest mountains in their country, where they descended into the caves that stretched deep and what felt like the heart of the mountains. There Oryx met with the Great Drawf Lords and recieved their blessing and knowledge. Oryx had already known of his unique powers and strength, but with the help of the Drawf Lords, he gained incredible knowledge and insight, allowing him to tap into his power and unleash his full potential. Oryx would become a Lord of Iron like his father and the other greatest of warriors in their land.

    With his new found strength he once again set off into the world to seek the greatest of warriors, the most vile of creatures and beasts to slay, as well as seeking the best to be had. Across his journeys he met many formidable opponents, fought in battles every hero desires to be a part of, and lost many friends new and old. Across all of these adventures Oryx continued to sharpen and hone his new abilities as a Lord of Iron, pushing himself further with every battle he fought. After many years though Oryx grew tired and sought the comfort only his home could provide, feeling it was finally time to rest. After a long journey home his return was celebrated and a great feast that last weeks was held. Oryx told story after story to his fellow warriors and all were amazed and awed at his adventures. After the feast was finally over Oryx studied under his father to become chieftain of their people.

    Though Oryx's peaceful return home was short lived for the warrior. After an extremely harsh winter, his land was invaded by another nation that had never known defeat. After a lengthy and bloody war that climated into a massive battle that saw the invaders repelled, but Oryx was the sole survivor of his people. It was a sorrowful day for Oryx, so much bloodshed, but his mourning was not long for he knew that his people were in the great Valhalla.

    Oryx with no lands to preside over continued his adventures seeking out evil wherever it was to be found. Though his misfortunes were far from over. His adventure sailed him to the end of the world to seek out a siren greater than any of her kind who had stolen the lives and souls of countless heroes and sailors. Oryx overcame this demon of a monster, sending her to the depths of hel, but at the cost of his own life. However the siren placed a curse on him and robbing him of his glorious death and snatching his spirit from the Valkyries hands. Returned to his body he was greatly angered, the demon's curse trapped his soul in his now frozen heart. Oryx was lost for the first time in his life.

    Oryx prayed for wisdom and guidance for many days as her wandered aimlessly without purpose. Tyr spoke to him through his father's axe that had been gifted to him when he became a Lord of Iron, Svell's Bane and told him that he must perform such an act of heroism that it pleases the Sun itself, which will then bath him in such a fire it could melt even the coldest of ice in the underworld. The fire would melt his frozen heart and let his soul go free.

    Now Oryx travels the world in hopes of finding such a tremendous act of heroism.

    Other: wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yay welcome back! Accepted
  19. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Fenris

    Age: 16

    Race: 2nd Generation Demigod


    Description: Fenris stands at 6”2. He has dark brown hair that he keeps short at the sides and longer on top. His eyes are a deep Hazel. He has an athletic build with a slender shredded body.


    Personality: Fenris is an easy go lucky type of guy. Very few things phase him and he has never been known to lose his temper. With his easy going nature Fenris has been known to make light of heavy situations often earning scorn from the moodier ascendants and his retainer.

    Weapon(s): Dual daggers pictured above. Being an ascendant certainly has its perks. No expense was spared crafting the beautiful blades that Fenris uses as his primary weapons. Perfectly balanced and deadly sharp they were made using a few drops of his own blood tempering them to him so when in his hands, they feel light as feathers. Fenris forgoes full body armour wearing only half gauntlets and shin guards. He focuses on speed and agility over strength and power.

    Powers: Illusionist - Can create perfect illusions of items or people he has seen. He can most comfortably cast them on himself, but has been working to master easily casting them separately from himself.

    Abilities: Luck - Fenris is incredibly lucky. Situations seemingly always have a way of going in his favour. He can't control the luck or the ways it takes effect.

    Goals: Live life as lavishly as he can until the time comes for the trials of the ascendant.

    Bio: Coming from Favlak Fenris was born into nobility. He had a rich upbringing during which he had good schooling both mentally and physically. His power was discovered early in his youth when servants claimed to have seen him in one part of the house and then moments later in another. He was chosen as ascendant and sent to the capitol with his retainer.

    Other: *If there is anything you want to add, do so here*

    Theme: *optional*
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Applying the last of the edits of which I was told were necessary (the removal of his 1st Generation Demigod status, and reduction of age), and making reminder to Hope that she DID afford me the credit of his physical abilities being what she had envisioned all Demigods as having (enhanced physiology and such). If there's anything that I still need to adjust... I'll try to slog through it throughout the week. But as far as I'm aware, he's to the level that was ultimately asked of me months ago.

    Name: Alexandros Hippolytou (Amazon name)| Marcus Maximus (Imperial moniker)
    Age: 17
    Race: Second Generation Demigod (Half-God from two Demigod parents)
    • Ares (Mars in Imperial tongue), God of War (Grandfather) > Andromache, Queen of the Amazons (Mother)
    • Athena (Minerva in Imperial tongue) Godess of War, Wisdom, and Handicraft (Grandmother) > Erichthonius (Father)
    Titles: “Son of War,” used as his hereditary marker. It is the only ‘title’ he will allow himself, for he believes that any other title would necessitate his earning it beforehand.

    Height: 8’6”
    Weight: 325lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Skin Tone: Chestnut
    Description: True and consistent with the common anatomy of Demigods, Alexandros is young man of giant stature. Unlike those among the “diminished” Demigods and normal humans, who may bear such size with the disadvantage of odd proportions and physical maladies, Alexandros’ proportions are adapted to the height and weight of his body, and his internal supporting structure accommodated to carrying the load in all of his routines. It is such that he simply presents the visage of a human scaled to larger dimensions. His physical build is best described as neutral or balanced. His fitness, following a repertoire of activity akin to cross training, has gifted him a physique that is neither excessively bulky nor detrimentally slim. His body is one that can be seen performing feats of strength, speed, and agility at comparable proficiency. Though his background as a more tribal man may precede him with imagery of a rugged roughness, he maintains himself as a particularly well-groomed individual. Viewing the extremities of long hair and thick beards as more a detriment to his way of life, he keeps both short-trimmed and adequately maintained; he rarely allows either to grow much more than two inches before a cutting.

    Clothing & Armor: Largely in part to the tropical climate of their homelands, the Amazons were never fans of wearing much in the way of clothing and heavy adornments. Though royalty may wear a crown of some precious material upon their heads within the ceremonial settings of a throne room or at political engagements, they have grown to eschew most of what isn’t practical.

    Minimalism being his staple in wear, Alexandros’ everyday outer clothing consists of a chiton of an ivory hue with green linings woven along the edges resembling ivy-like leafage; contrasting with those of more ‘common’ blood, he is known to wear this garment with a leather strap not unlike a modern belt to fasten around the waistline. Additional layers of this include a himation, which he wears as either a cloak or shawl in colder temperatures, and a clamys, a somewhat larger and heavier garment worn over the shoulders, which he most often wears for the sake of formal events. Though he prefers to walk barefooted in most cases, his footwear, when necessary, will most often consist of a leathery sandal, held to the foot through a series of thin, interlacing straps that run up his leg to approximately knee-level.

    The ideal of minimalist adornment carries over to his current armors. Like all of his fellow Amazons, primary components of his armor are the bronze plates that protect the most critical spaces on his body: a breastplate, covering the entirety of his front torso, an assortment of flexibly interlinked plates spans from his hips to just above his knees. Braces upon his arms and legs respectively provide coverage for his forearms and calves. A Corinthian-style of helmet is often worn as protection for his head, face and neck. This armor is typically worn over a chiton of a heavier fabric more suitable for absorbing blunt impacts against the armor and standing against the cutting of blades. Alexandros has taken some aesthetic liberties with his personal armor set. His helmet bears a short, feathered plumage, inserted into a built-in fixture just above his forehead and the outlining shape of a burning torch is marked upon his breastplate by a manner of branding. On occasion, he is known to adorn a meticulously and laboriously crafted shoulder piece shaped in the head of a wolf. All these adornments stand as homages to his divine lineage as the son of the God of War.

    Psychological Profile
    Dauntless? Being, understandably, proud of his royal and divine heritage, Alexandros levies his bloodline as a boast of confidence in his ordeals. Among both his own people and foreigners, he has been known as exceptionally energetic and non-stop individual. Thus far in life, he hasn’t so much as hinted to the capacity of losing his morale. Practically eternally motivated, he is and has been one to continue pushing forward even when all else is determined to throw him back. A steadfast follower of the ancient motto of ‘E tan, e epi tan,” Alexandros would sooner perish in the attempt of an endeavor than turn tail from unsurmountable odds. This creed is one that he carries through all dealings in which he engages; whether military, political, or social, he strives to see things through to whatever the end. This manner of philosophy has lead him to recklessness, and frequently left him at odds with others, due to his unwillingness to back down without putting up a fight.​

    Bearing a Burden; Through the storied past of patriarchal societies, women have frequently struggled to reign over the world of men. Alexandros Hippolytou views himself as the inverse of this trend: a male in line to lead a society of strong, powerful, and influential women. Knowing the controversy of his very life among a people among which males are frequently cast aside or killed when born, has only ever served to strengthen the resolve of his will. Holding a core virtue in emanating a resolute and powerful presence, he is a young man that is only invigorated by setbacks and resistance. Believing that he must be strong, and moreover stronger than the challenges he faces, adversity and defeat provide him a catalyst from which to grow more adept. Losing battle spurs him to train harder; being outsmarted inspires him to study more in-depth. When budged, he retaliates with a push.

    Hubris; to say that Alexandros’ abundance and strength of will comes without its pitfalls would be an egregious error. His ever-striving nature, and the confidence with which engages life, has left him with a significant measure of arrogance and driven him to detrimental decisions. He tends to be condescending to those that he understands to be beneath him Not out of spite for lower castes, it stems from his sense that he truly is a powerful Demigod, and that he must stand as someone that all others look up to. He’s often chided the training techniques of others, and frequently determines the need to assist those that are well enough off left to their own devices; he has, on some occasions, rushed to the aid of other warriors when they were standing their ground with little to no struggle.

    Darting across battlefields and setting his hands within all matters of law that he can reach, he measures success in terms of personal quantities: how many enemies can he slay or route; how many policies can he claim had his influence. On at least one occasion, he spearheaded and undermanned and underinformed raid against an army set upon invading his homeland, nearly losing his unit before withdrawing to consolidate a more adequate defense. He has been endlessly chastised by his mother and her closest confidants for his reckless and self-centered actions. Though he strives to improve on this matter, he struggles to rid himself of the notion that he must personally achieve all victories.

    Goals: Nothing more or less than to prove himself to all; to be the best version of himself possible.

    Alexandros was born to the reigning Queen of the Amazon Tribes, Andromache Hippolytou, a daughter of the God Ares (Mars in the Imperial language), and Erichthonius, an offspring born of the Goddess Athena.

    Alaxandros is a second generation of Demigod, though due to the nature of his lineage, he retains a status of being “half-blooded” in his divine heritage. He was named thus for his heritage as a member of a warrior-clan. The name of his family derives from that of Hippolyte, an ancient Amazon Queen cited in the clan’s legends as having established the unified ruling of the Tribes; all who have entered into the bloodline of Hippolyte have adopted the surname of Hippolytou. As it happened, Alexandros’ birth came in a time in which the relations between the Amazon Tribes and the mainland Empire, under Emperor Edward Newgate, were on a pathway to a quick, yet stable mend. Because of these domestic and foreign affairs, Alexandros was readily under watch by his Tribeswomen.

    Despite his status as prince among his people, Alexandros’ formative years were hardly times of privilege and prominence; the fact that he was permitted to live beyond infancy was a gift afforded to him by his heritage from the Gods. Between the society he was born into, and the position within that society into which he was born, the work before was cut out as soon as he was registered as having a living, breathing pulse. The Amazons were historically acclaimed, if not legendary, for their physical prowess and their skill on the field of battle. In this respect, the young prince would be expected to carry on that heritage through future generations. Beyond the burden of bearing the flag of his peoples’ famous acumen for warfare, he was a rarity within the scope of Amazon society: a male born into one of the Tribes; something that scarcely occurred unless a divine being had been involved in the conception. Had it not been for his lineage as Amazon royalty, he might have been cast from the Amazon lands, either to fend for himself or, if in good fortune, to be left in the surrogate care of an Imperial family.

    As soon as he began taking his first steps on his own two feet, the young Alexandros was subjected to the rigors of training. Being the offspring of a God only served to expedite his physical growth, permitting him to achieve higher standards earlier than others his age. By the age of ten, his conditioning was deemed worthy of the beginning of his formal training in the martial arts. He took as well to this as he did his conditioning, quick gaining his competence in both unarmed combat and the standard weapons of his people, encompassing the use of one-handed and two-handed swords, shields, spears, and archery. Under the tutelage of his own mother, he learned of strategy, and frequently put his tactical talents to the test in mock-battles and hunting ventures. By the age of thirteen, he was well-regarded as one of the finest young warriors among the Amazons, with some viewing him as a rival to the Imperial troops of the mainland.

    ~First Blood~
    Over the following years, word would mount around Azureth of the young man from the Amazon Tribes. Rumor began to circulate of a new, albeit late-coming Ascendant; rumors quickly made their rounds among Amazon ears, and Alexandros’ curiosities were rustled. Alexandros, however, while relishing the challenge presented by battling against other divine offspring, remained largely uninterested in the prospect of ruling anything more than his own hereditary lands. Even with this disinterest, he held fast to the training in preparation for the eventual Ascension rituals. He proved his resolve of leadership in a slew of military campaigns, in which he, battling alongside his mother, repelled would-be invaders from the Amazon coasts, thus creating an effective blockade against foreign interference within the Empire, that is still kept in high regard by foreigners to this day.

    By the age of sixteen, since lauded as a rising force both among Amazons and the Imperials, Alexandros would prove his mettle on the fields of battle on the mainland.

    Invasions of barbarian peoples from lands afar were threatening the empire’s southern coastline. The once grand settlement at Alvish, since left a shadow of its former self by a vicious civil war some years prior, was at constant risk. Even with fortifications implemented to maintain a blockade, it fell victim to a wave of naval assaults. When the city fell into the hands of an invading tribe, the Amazons were summoned by Emperor Newgate, whose connection to the Amazons was solidified through a marriage to one of their own. He requested their aid in a personally written letter for reinforcements. It was upon this summon that Andromache appointed Alexander as the chief tactician for the retaking of Alvish, believing that a successful completion of such an endeavor would only bolster the positive strides her reign had begun to make within the Imperial court.

    Alexandros would respond with pride and excitement at the opportunity to see to a battle alongside the Imperial armies. As soon as he read the request, he sent word of his agreement back to the Emperor. He began his preparations immediately after sending the messenger back to Sax. His contingent would consist chiefly of his own Amazon warriors, some traveling by land, and others continuing on as a naval detachment after dropping the land-based main force. Upon reaching the lands overlooking Alvish, he would set his camp in wait upon the Southeastern coast. It would only be upon witnessing the march of Imperial troops upon the seized city that Alexadnros made his move, calling upon both his units on land and at sea, to commence their own movements. The resulting battle would be dealt with quickly, and with minimal casualties among the Imperial-Amazon coalition. Alexandros would be praised among the Imperial officers for his timing of his own attack, a pincer maneuver that allowed little room for invaders to flee the battle.

    ~A New Ascendant?~
    It was upon the coattails of this very victory that an Imperial General brought up the ascension trials among the Amazons. Specifically, he questioned as to why Alexandros had not been sent to Sax as a child. Given the state of affairs between Amazons and the Empire, dating to before their Prince’s birth, few of the tribeswomen had only seldom considered the idea of the boy being chosen to represent them as an Ascendant; even if affairs had been more positive, the Amazons had been insistent that Alexandros prove his worth to them before being granted any grandeurs. However, with the climate between their homeland and the Empire having made positive strides over the years leading to and since the Prince’s birth, the possibility of an Amazon being Ascended to the Imperial Throne struck a chord of intrigue among the tribes.​

    After a long night’s worth of discussion, Queen Andromache determined that the possibility of seeing her son as Emperor was a favorable reward to reap: an Amazon at the helm of the Empire could someday bring their isolated nation more firmly into the Imperial fold, and bring about the benefits thereof; her son could rise to a ruling status, while the Amazons themselves retained their traditional of a matriarchal leadership. Naturally, they were all aware of the risks. The final trial would be a battle to the death. Victory or Defeat. With one’s shield, or upon it. It was the way the Amazons lived. It was the perfect arrangement. Alexandros himself relished and reveled in the prospect of challenging for the throne. By the next morning’s light, after a sleepless night, the Amazon Prince, now heralded by an Imperial escort to Sax, and bequeathed the name “Marcus Maximus” as a hark to his lineage in the Imperial tongues.

    Powers & Abilities
    • Physical Prowess; Bred from the lineage of the God of War, Alexandros was gifted with a natural physical aptitude. His upbringing among a predominantly warrior culture only served to nurture this natural disposition through training. His abilities, at his current stage, rank well above those of even the most adept of humans. Feats of physical prowess have included: a clean lift of an estimated five tons; a clocked mile timed at approximately 3 minutes, and a handful of exercises in dexterity that point towards a reasonable control over his own physical abilities. Alexandros himself has further claimed to have (recently) wrestled an elephant to the ground, though details and legitimacy of the assertion is debated even among those that would claim to have witnessed the instance.
    • Senses; Also enhanced are the Prince’s five senses. Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, are both more acute and, to an extent with his relatively brief training, of greater tolerance than those of humans
    • Wellness and Healing; Due prominently to his divine lineage, Alexandros is more robust in the face of the maladies and injuries that would plague the typical human. Such damages that would cripple or debilitate a normal man would heal naturally over time for him. He is quite resilient to the standard weaponry of mankind, though such weapons directed at him in bulk quantities can leave him worse for the wear.
    • Pneuma; Rooting the growing branches of his abilities, Alexandros capitalizes on a concept referred to by his people as “Pneuma.” In their old language, the term is regarded as meaning “Breath of Life.” Appropriately, the concept refers to the notion of a source of potential energy embodied by the self; a flow of one’s spiritual essence into their physical and mental being. Through training, those that harness this energy source can hone themselves to passively and/or actively engage their latent potential to an array of purposes. It can be thus, applied as a fuel reserve for the physical body, a kinetic force to utilize as a tool in battle, and, within higher orders of learning, create safeguards against adversities to which body, mind, and soul, might be subjected to. Alexandros’ training in this art began when he was thirteen years old, and though he’s covered a considerable distance, he still as much to learn. Empowerment; the grassroot standard of Alexandros’ application of his life force is the ability to harness the energy thereof as a supplement to his base physiological assets. Empowering himself through Pneuma allows him to dramatically augment his physical abilities beyond their normal limitations. At his present stage in learning, this ability is somewhat difficult to sustain in a long term. At an all-out increase encompassing all facets of physical performance, he can only maintain an empowered state for a short few seconds. Excessive reliance on this technique can leave a practitioner of Alexandros’ experience fatigued very quickly, and possibly render them incapable of moving, let alone fighting.
    • Projections; a standard manner of kinetic application for one’s energy, projection techniques allow potential energy to be released in external forms. Projection techniques, though often taking offensive shapes, forms, and functions, may also be used to defensive effects as well.
      • Gales; regarded as such for their likeness to a ferocious wind, the most accessible form of energy projection comes in that of a raw, compressed, kinetic force. It’s use involves the condensing of a user’s energy to enclose and push the air around them. Most often displayed as a blast of blunt, concussive force, the energy may also be focused to create shockwaves, and even to replicate the effects of a cutting edge. Effectively invisible to the naked eye, though the effects can be perceived; those gifted with the ability to see such energies would be able to make out a subtle, silvery, smoke-like wisp within the effected space.
      • Ignitions; supposedly a manner of manifesting Pneuma in a form similar in appearance to a fire, or white-hot light-like projectile. Alexandros has heard stories of practitioners able to use their energies to such effect, but as never seen it done; he aspires to train himself to such a feat.
    • Focused Mind; a practitioner, regardless of their style, cannot achieve any foundation in the use of the energy without strides in mental focus. Through a manner of focus, particularly the use of his power to attend to his mental fortitude, Alexandros is allotted a degree of resilience against assaults on his mental state. Aware enough of his own mind, he is aware of many basic forms of psychological manipulation, and alert to their direction against him, and can stave off some effects through concentration and forced-stimulation. Experienced users of such mental-manipulation powers can, indeed, break his resistance.
    • Sixth Sense; through the beginnings of his training to control his own energy potential, Alexandros has gleaned a keener sense of perception for anomalies dealing with divine energies. He is most readily attuned to his own energy, enabling him the sensory perception to witness his own abilities coming to fruition. Beyond that, his sense for energy is regarded as unlocked but unrefined; he cannot actively seek sources, but rather, feels their intensity when exertion is high.
    • Combat Training; he is learned in the martial arts, with a skillset encompassing unarmed fighting and the use of weaponry, inclusive of single-handed swords, knives and daggers, spears, bow & arrow, javelin throwing, shields.
    • Tactical Knowledge; the Amazon Prince has studied warfare throughout his life thus far, and possess tactical potential in a capacity in the logistics of troop movements, formations, and strategic approaches to battles (ambushes, fire attacks, etc.). Still, his judgement skills, and willingness to delegate in the heat of battle remain lacking.
    • Survivalist; having spent time in a wilder part of the world, Alexandros has gleaned some knowledge of surviving outside of urban and sub-urban locales. He can hold his own in the uninhabited spans of the continent.
    • Hoplon; based upon the similar designs of shields scaled down for the use of the average man, Alexandros’ shield is approximately a foot and a half larger in diameter than its smaller variant. Circular in shape, it is constructed in three layers: the outermost layer forming the shield’s face is a metal material, likely of a bronze base; the second is constructed of wood; the final layer is that of a leather padding to soften the force of strikes taken by the shield.
    • Doru; the first and foremost weapon brandished in a battle, the Doru is a spear, measuring at a length equivalent to Alexandros’ height. At its top end it is affixed with a leaf-shaped blade, and at its bottom, a spike; both of these are crafted from a bronze material. The pole of the Doru is made from a tough hardwood and has been modified with a wider diameter to better suit Alexandros’ larger hands.
    • Xiphos; treated as a sidearm, the Xiphos is only removed from its baldric if a Doru is broken or rendered ineffective due a battle moving to closer quarters. It is regarded as a short sword, though this is merely in relation to Alexandros’ larger frame, as a human would consider it a “long sword” by its size. It measures at nearly three and a half feet in length, with a leaf-shaped, double-edged blade. Alexandros’ preference is for the employment of a cross guard. For the Prince’s use, the Xiphos constitutes a one-handed sword. As in most of his armory, the primary material used for the weapon’s construction is a bronze-like material.
    • Bow; typically carried by an attendant on the battlefield, Alexandros’ bow, like his other armaments, is scaled to accommodate his size. It is as tall as the span of his hips to the top of his head, and made from a composite material, with polished iron fittings, and a thin leather pad upon the handle. Its design harks to that of recurve bow, wherein the limbs curve away from the archer, allowing greater tension when drawing arrows and thus, longer range of fire.
    • Others; Alexandros has been known to carry at least one ‘dagger’ on his person, and, on occasion, will take up a javelin or a sling deal with foes at long distance. The latter, are, however, typically spur-of the moment options, that he might take up from a fallen friend or foe as improvised offensive measure.
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