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Back to School

Discussion in 'General' started by LDC1121, Aug 3, 2008.

Are you ready to go back to school?

  1. Yes! Can't wait to go and show off my new clothes!

    7 vote(s)
  2. No! Another week of summer, please!!!!

    10 vote(s)
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  1. zzic

    zzic New Member

    Thats even worse,
  2. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeah, but luckily my school starts one day at 9.00. Otherwise at 8.00.
  3. zzic

    zzic New Member

    Yeh, my school starts at 9:00 aswell but I have to wake up early because I live really far from my school.
  4. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Luckily I live quite near my school... But damn good that now is weekend!
  5. zzic

    zzic New Member

    The weakends isn't all fun for me. We get a lot of homework to do. Some are easy but the rest are hard
  6. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    My school starts at 7:25. So, ya.. i wake up more or less at 6:00am.
  7. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    my scholl starts at 8:00 but my dad has me up at 5:00 am
    yeah it is the worse iam so tired
  8. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Omg, I could never get up at 5:00...
  9. zzic

    zzic New Member

    ya lol, same, I can't wake up at five. What time do you go to sleep at?
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    my alarm clock is acutally my mother. She wakes me up.. and sadly i have to get that energy to wake up T_T and push myself that school is 'important'. Well it is important, the education is great. Just the place just sucks
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeahh, that's true.. For me it's too hard to get up at 6:30. I'm quite usually late from the school... ^^'
  12. hey everyone i still have a FREAKIN month till i start school back... haha OH YEAAA


  13. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    im pretty excited cus the last year i had was
    really cool
  14. Mike

    Mike Member

    The mindset shifts in university (at least if you're not forcing yourself to be there). It changes from a question of obligation (ie. 'go to school or you're grounded') into one of self-satisfaction.

    When you hit the point that you actually enjoy learning and don't mind doing 'homework,' then you know you're in the right field. Heck, I find my assignments exciting at times (which is nerdy, I know).
  15. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    So, how old are you Mike? You must be very intelligent writting those statements and great expression. As for me, i don't really like studying. But sometimes I like to aply in the actual material and study for it to get a good grade. No doubt that some are boring and some are intersting. it just depends on the teacher and class. For example, i hate science. I like math and history. You see? Its juts really a matter of preferences.
  16. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    I guess if you look at it like that but i dislike almost all my teachers they dislike me and i still end up getting a B after doing no studying or barely any homework
  17. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    My teachers are always telling me that I don't apply myself and I would get better grades if I study for tests and quizzes, but I'm too lazy and I'm happy with the B's, C's, and occasional A's I get. Though it's always good to know that I could get straight A's if I really wanted to. : )
  18. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Im not much like a straight A person. ITs like literely 'killing'! your self by just a class. I don't doo that much homework but since i don't talk to much and don't interupt the teachers or anything, they would give me a chance. I have a good reputation because i play violin every year. each time i play, the more they respect me. Bullies don't bother me because they know me pretty well. Im not a wimp also. That's what most bullies get attracted.

    You gotta take it smooth and laugh at yourself. I like this metaphor or quote or watever it is: "I take a shower with oil"
    Meaning that everything slips on me. More like, u can say me im an idiot, and laugh at me but i just dont care and dont pay any attention to it. That simple.
  19. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    That's deep! I really admire people who are that confident in themselves! : ) As for me if someone makes fun of me and truly offends me then I'll most likely go off on them, but it would take alot to get me angry, I don't get offended that easily.
  20. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    I do, the fact that someone who has no knowledge of me r how i do things saying that they are smarter than me irks me. i'm a bit nicer than my brther who beats them up i simply let the test scores show-actios speak louder than words after all.
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