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best class

Discussion in 'General' started by shelleyx, Aug 8, 2009.

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  1. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    wow, i would've had -20/20 i don't apply myself enough
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Yea. Then there's P.E. I like that class. -__________- I hate football though. Never did liked it...
  3. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    i remember in 9th grade i was going the jump for physical fitness test and i fell flat on my back and all the sophomore laughed at me. it was really embarrassing
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Sorry to hear about that. -____- What does skating have to do with P.E. Had put on those street rollerblades & I was getting the hanged of it, but there were some people who was trying to make me fall...
  5. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Worst:Freakin' English and Geometry
    Chemistry is where I get all A's all the time =D I love history. Dates get annoying but I find it very interesting to learn about the past.

    I just find English stupid...if you know how to speak it well, why learn the specifics (literally almost every little thing) Geometry (sp?) is strangely challanging for me, maybe cuz I work better with numbers.
  6. Fate of Heaven

    Fate of Heaven New Member

    English. I'm a grammar nazi, so mistakes, no matter how miniscule they are, really tug at my nuts.
  7. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    English for me. I am yet to have a bad English teacher, and typically when we finish the book we have to read, we watch movies for a week.
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Best: Math, English, and P.E.

    Worst: Science (all subjects), Germany, and History
  9. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My favourite and best subjects are Math and Science ^^.. I enjoy both classes a lot but I've always had a thing for math because everything always works out in an equation if you do it properly =3
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Best: Has to be English. I've known it ever since from kindergarden, and I've got always almost the best grades that you can get. Even thought that I never practise to the tests, never haven't.
    Second, I would say sports. Last year that I was on a class that was based on educational working, so we didn't have many classes on that subject. :I

    But the worst were maths and swedish. To ay at least, I sucked at both of them and therefor it was hell of a pain always to sit down to the classroom just to hear how the teacher would start to preaching to me that I didn't had done my homework or anything.
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Best: English aswell. I've always liked it, and it's been very easy to me. No need to practice for the exams. ^^ five lessons English in week, ah.
    The other ones I like and I'm good at are art and sports.

    Worst: Swedish. I hate that subject soooo much, never been good at it. >.<
    And another one, physics. I don't get those things at all.
  12. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i justed started and i'm in 9th grade, but i get to do all 10th grade classes. cool eh?
  13. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I skipped class to play poker in the common room.

    If I had to chose it would be any of the sciences as long as we had experiments etc
  14. Riku_of_twilight

    Riku_of_twilight The ***** splitter

    My favorite class is science.
  15. Josh Homme

    Josh Homme New Member

    Math hands down!
  16. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    i'm better at government than i thought i would be today O_O
  17. Mike

    Mike Member

    Nobody liked Geometry? "Geometry and Topology" (Topology being a generalization of Geometry without lengths and angles) is my research area. D:

    This is an excerpt from my 'Research Interests' page at my university:

    I'm interested in Pure Math. I'm not as fond of 'applied' Math fields, like solving equations or modelling natural phenomena, and instead like the bare essentials which have no roots in the real world (but still have applications to the real world).

    In particular my interests lie in Mathematical Logic, Differential Geometry, (which is the Mathematical language of Cosmology and Astrophysics), as well as Point Set Topology and Algebraic Topology. Topology is sometimes called the "Geometry of Rubber sheets." Usually when I say Geometry people know what I'm refering to, shapes, various objects which you can measure. Topology is a generalization of Geometry, where lengths and angles are immeasurable. Basically this means, you can stretch, compress and bend objects and they are topologically, the exact same object!

    To a geometer, a circle and a square are different structures...but to a topologist, they are they same (Namely, they both have no holes, and I can squish a square so that it is round and becomes a circle). In a similar manner, a donut and a coffee mug both have exactly one hole...and so to a Topologist they are the same "Topological Space" or structure!


    1) Research Conducted:

    I've currently been working on a problem in Point-Set Topology. Namely, I am trying to solve the question: Is |R^∞ Normal in the Box Topology?

    This question is currently unsolved, and my attempts to answer it have been fruitless...but I'm trying nonetheless!

    If anyone is interested, the following are the technical details of the project (Sorry if it's a bit too technical...but it has to be precise! Please skip it if you don't really care haha):

    Definition: We say a Topological Space is Normal if any two closed sets (of 'points') can be separated by disjoint ("Non-touching") open sets.

    Definition: We call |R^∞ ("The Real numbers to the exponent infinity") the collection of all possible infinite sequences. Such as {1,2,...}, {1,11,111,...} etc. Even though it's very hard to visualize 'an object' this is a Topological Space!

    Definition: If X is a Topological Space that is the 'cartesian product' of some number of Topological Spaces (|R^∞ is an infinite number of 'copies' of the Real Numbers), then we define a topology on X called the Box Topology by designating that open sets are the arbitrary cartesian product of open sets in each smaller Topological space.

    -I've discovered, and proven, a very elegant construction of what is called Circular Inversion. To the layman, this can be explained as "Ok, I have a circle, and I have a point inside the circle. How do I "Mirror" this point to the outside of the circle?"

    This is also a very important method for contructing multiplicative inverses. That is, if I have line segment of length n, I can construct the length 1/n, without using a ruler.

    -I've also used Fourier Analysis to sum a series...but after the rigorous details I've posted above, I don't want to bore anyone, haha.
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    science by far
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :( Sorry Mike, but I do not understand that at all. I always end up with a C in that class & those shapesdo not want to agree with me at all.
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