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Best Game

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Apr 23, 2010.

Greatest Title

  1. ~ ~ Kingdom Hearts ~ ~

  2. KINGDOM HEARTS: Chain of Memories

    0 vote(s)
  3. Kingdom Hearts 2

  4. KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories

  5. KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days

  6. KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep

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  1. monkeykid

    monkeykid New Member

    MY favorite thats a hard choice. All the games Kick ASS but for me i guess it would be kingdom hearts cause it really started it all for me i remember when my dad said what game do you wanna get for ur free one (buy two get one free sale gamestop =) ) and i lookked through all of them and i mean all and the last one and im not kidding was kingdom hearts i looked at the cover and back and said woah this is my kinda game. I rember the weeks until that last cutscene when sora says kairi remember what u said before ill im always with u to ill comback for u i promise then when she said i no u wil they let go and that awesome music starts I though woah EPIC this was the first and best game i ever beat:D
  2. jjas132

    jjas132 New Member

    The first one for sure. No other KH game will be able to compare. No other game will capture that same feeling I got from playing the first game for the first time.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  3. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Instead of just making a choice on the spot, i'll give you a brief opinion on all of them.

    KHI is the best out of all the games. Yeah, yeah, look past the lame Gummi Ship system, and instead focus on the plot and gameplay. Every world seemed filled with life. The Disney characters were filled with...well, character! They were entertaining, to say the least. I liked it when DISNEY villains led by the badass Maleficent were after our protagonists, because they were once again filled with excellent dialogue and had the same personalities that we loved when we saw them in their respectful movies. Voice acting was filled with emotion, AND with professionalism, something the later games lacked. I'll agree that the button mashing can get a little old, but i'd rather do away with Forms than get rid of this system first, but it's simple and easy gameplay that makes the game flow better. The boss battles were great, especially the last battle where it's basically a world of it's own. I mean, come on, they even had CHERNABOG from Fantasia in the game, complete with Night on Bald Mountain and a dark looking environment. Those creative ideas is what sealed the deal with me that KH1 is indeed the best of the series. Everything about it is excellent, despite it's minor flaws like the Gummi Ship.

    Now, with COM, I never had played the GBA version, only the PS2 version (Re:CoM). I don't get why people be hatin' on the card system, as I found nothing wrong with it. I mean, sure, it's a BIG departure from the first game, and yeah, I wouldn't want this in KHII, but still, I think it's not that bad. It gives you more challenge than to simply button mash which adds to the difficulty which equals more fun! (Or raaaaage! =P) Re:CoM's storyline was excellent, and this is when I actually LIKED the Organization, because they were such a mysterious group of people with all sorts of personalities (which would be sucked dry in KHII). It was great to see the worlds again, and to introduce us to Twilight Town. I have a complaint on the last world though (Castle Oblivion), since it seemed so lifeless. Out of Sora and Riku's gameplay, I personally prefer Riku's better because it's simpler gameplay and you don't have to worry about many things like your cards or sleights. Overall, nice game, don't know why people hate the cards, decent story, moving on...

    KHII. Oh hell no. This is the game, in my opinion, that led to my increasing disinterest towards the story. Yeah, the graphics are great, the Gummi Ship is hella fun, the soundtrack is just as a orgasm to my ears as it was in the first, but storyline and gameplay wise? BLEEEEH. First, the story. My god, what have they done to it? The Organization is now just a bunch of annoying figures who get in Sora's way, leaving with no introductions or interesting dialogue. It's like S-E just basically rushed the development of these characters so they became boring and stale. Xemnas was nothing more than a mere leader who's secrecy ultimately led to the question "Who cares? I don't even know this guy. Let's just beat the crap out of him!" At least with Ansem (X's Heartless) in KH1, there was some backstory to him. But with Xemnas...he's basically just there as the main antagonist. True, more would be explained with BBS, but I shouldn't have to wait for another game. I want some answers, NOW! Now, onto the main characters. The only characters I applaud is the Disney characters, but somehow even they decided to become less interesting and enjoyable too. Maleficent, for example, is a joke compared to her appearance in KH1. She seems more comedic and cocky than evil and serious, which is a big turn-off to her respect as this bad-ass villain from KH1. The other villains seemed to do ok though, however I absolutely HATED the boss battle with Genie Jafar >.<. Sora has definitely lost some character, and is more comedic than serious which once again is a big turn-off. Donald and Goofy are probably the only ones I liked as much as in KH1. Riku is probably a close second, since I like his appearance better from KH1 when all he was was a bitching indecisive fool who was basically a dick throughout the game. =P Anyways, the gameplay. I really did not like the forms, the leveling up system was awkward, the Synthesis system was a waste of time, blah blah blah. I really didn't capture the feeling I had with KH1 with KHII, and it's possibly because S-E screwed up on some of the major things that makes KH a great game.

    Days. Sucked. I'm not going into detail, it just sucked. Please, avoid it like the plague.

    BBS was OKAY for the most part. I still need to finish Ventus, so i'll post more about it when I'm actually done.

    Overall, KH1 rules all!
  4. NeroTheSable

    NeroTheSable New Member

    I like kingdom hearts best because it was a good game now as for kh2 is concerned big disappointment they could have made it better and chain of memories was alright
  5. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Birth By Sleep, in my opinion was a better title. Also b/c the storyline had a minor serious issue, but out of all, this is better.
  6. skyblaze112

    skyblaze112 New Member

    Ok, my favorite out of all of them is KH 2, now let me elaborate...

    Kingdom Hearts 2 was the first game I ever played in the series. Sure it was confusing at first, but with help from my sister on the storyline, I loved it!! There were soo many interesting worlds filled with character and originality, and the characters themselves had so much life and emotion! The Gummi Ship system was epically awesome, and I loved all the different forms you could choose from with all their separate abilities and strengths. The Reaction Commands helped a lot in battle, even though the only downfall to them is that they got in my way a lot. There were plenty of Heartless and Nobodies to fight with all their different strengths and weaknesses, and the storyline just WOWED me!! Maybe I'm a bit biased towards it because it was the first I ever played in the series, but in my opinion, nothing can compare to how great KH 2 is!!

    Kingdom Hearts:This is easily my second favorite. It was the beginning of the whole series and Square really made the characters personalities fit to a T. I loved how intense all the battles were and how much of a challenge they posed, and I loved all the backstories and heartache hidden beneath it all. I was at the edge of my seat whenever it showed Riku and Sora's strained relationship, and it broke my heart with the raw emotion Sora showed to both Riku and Kairi. This game had me in tears when it ended ;_; Now, the Gummi Ship system sucked badly and I didn't really like the button mashing, but I know that if I hadn't played KH 2 first, this easily would've been my favorite :)

    Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM: I've never played the GB version, but what I got wasn't all that bad. The card system was a bit of a turn-off for me, but it posed a challenge, and I like challenges :p I fell in love with the mysterious Organization and all the different personalities, and the storyline was pretty good. I didn't much like Sora's story, because it got me into quite a rage really often with how hellish-ly hard it was. I liked Riku's gameplay though, because now come on, we're controlling Riku :p Also I liked that I didn't have to fret over cards or sleights, and I liked how he was fighting with Ansem over the darkness in his heart.But this game didn't have much emotion or fun like in KH and KH 2, so overall it was pretty good :)

    Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days: It was alright. I liked the relationship portrayed between Roxas, Axel, and Xion, and I was in love with the idea of being 'taught' by different Organization members xD But the storyline was just blah and Xion was kinda Mary-Sue-ish >.< The fighting was kind of gay, too. Overall it was ok :/

    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: I liked how you controlled three different characters and learned all their backstories. I loved the relationship berween the three and their sucessors (yes I'm a sucker for relationships ok? >.<) I loved all the different abilities (especially Aqua's :)) but the worlds were a big turn off, I hated them. Overall it was probably my least favorite game :( But it was still fun to play :)

    KH 2 is by far the best, with KH being a close second :D
  7. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne New Member

    My favorite is KH2 because...

    Well first off, just imagine if it was like this: "OH NO! ansem (same one from KH1) is back and he wants revenge! go stop him Sora!" and then it just pretty much repeats KH1, you wouldn't want that would you? in KH2 they managed to keep it the same kingdom hearts feel to it but just with a few more new things. They managed to come up with a new bad guy and new enemies PLUS adding an interesting story to it. KH2 was the second KH game i ever played and when i first played it i was like "this game is epic!". But remember this is just my opinion.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I liked KH2 the best, KH1 was great and I will always enjoy playing it. but, the gameplay in KH2 was a little bit better, and I liked the story that came along with Organization XIII.
  9. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    my most favorite is KH2 and my least favorite is KHrechain of memories becouse of the card system.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  10. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I love the better graphics in KH2. The characters changed. A lot. And they look more real. The story line is marvelous, I love it.
    I voted KH2! <3
  11. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    I'll have to say Kingdom Hearts 2.
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are very close competitors in my heart, the story, the opening, the ending, and a lot of other things have made KH1 and unforgetable legend in my heart, but I just find there have been made so many great improvements in KH2 (including the camera, the Drive Gauge, and the Reaction Commands making Sora move more freely) plus that in this game Sora, Riku and Kairi actually gets to return home to their island together which I love :'D
  12. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I'd say KH2. It had the best storyline and battle system
  13. Noir


    KH2 anyway.
    Just completed it and nothing to deal with it now.
    Yep, the worlds are just awesome..
  14. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix.

    rofl @ people who voted for the mess known as Kingdom Hearts 2.
  15. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm always torn between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 in regards to this question. Both games are lovely and have their faults and merits, but I'm going to have to say that Kingdom Hearts is the best between the two, in my opinion.

    I found that this game was more challenging to beat and I liked the Disney Worlds in it (and the storyline for them) a lot more. Also, I was one of those people who collected all of the Dalmatian puppies and I enjoyed trying to find their chest. The most difficult ones to locate were the puppies in Halloween Town >_< I liked being able to fly in Peter Pan's Neverland, and swimming in Atlantica too.

    The only thing I didn't like was the Gummi Ship and not being able to move off of those lines. It felt too restricting (I liked the KH 2 method more.)
  16. Daxt3r

    Daxt3r New Member

    I was gunna pick KH2 because of the excellent battle system and great story but I ended up picking 358/2 days because you can replay missions as Organization 13 members and other characters, it has a lot of replay value. Plus I loved the story because of the massive character development in both Roxas and Xion, and even Axel. The ending was kinda sad but I knew what was going to happen..The multiplayer was also fun. So overall this is my favorite of the series so far..followed closely by KH2.
  17. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    the battle system is 2nd best behind BBs
    but its story is superior to all the others.
  18. Axl

    Axl New Member

    ... I think Kingdom Hearts 2... But... Kingdom Hearts 1 is just awesome... ¡AAAAAAH! Sometimes i say Kingdom Hearts 1, others Kingdom Hearts 2... God, I don't know... The two are just... ¡AWESOME!... In Kingdom Hearts 1... ¡Agh! I love the two... No, I LOVE ALL KINGDOM HEARTS GAMES... But Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are my favorite games ever.
  19. sora1186

    sora1186 New Member

    I like the first KH because it was pretty easy and you didn't have to do as much to see the secret video at the end.
  20. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Call me crazy but I actually think I like Re:Chain of Memories, but I won't really bother to explain why, as I here the other day wrote a three pages long resume about what I love about the game^^ But I can say as much, I love the card battle system and all the sleights you can put together.
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