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Bleach RP: A mist of hope... RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by merlinosheep, May 16, 2009.

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  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Megumi smiled. She felt it alright, she felt his power. She didn't even try to put up a sound barrier. She felt her whole body injured, but it was alright, she likes pain anyway.

    "Ouchie." Megumi dust herself. "Surpass me? Let's not forget who help you train you. Let's not forget who taught you some sword techniques. Let's not forger who told you, you can achieve anything."

    Holding back the tears, Megumi force herself to remove her limit. The music tattoo behind her ear, slowly disappear, and she felt her power coming back.

    "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six. Way of Binding No. 61 Rikujōkōrō." Megumi shouted. Six thin beams of light slam into Rivel, holding him in place. Swinging her sword, she began slowly walking towards Rivel's paralyzed body.

    "Let's not forget, who use to be Captain of the 2nd Squad." Using her sword, she shown Rivel's reflection back at him.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel couldn't believe it. He should have known this would happen. She had been well known for this art, it was like a signature. He knew what would happen next. He tried to move, but nothing happened. Damn. Come on, answer me damn it. Lets see your second form. But his blades wouldn't respond. He hadn't earned the second stage of his bandkai yet. And if Megumi had it her way, he never would. He had only one chance. He tried moving his hand. It moved. "Think I'll let this hold me? GO!" He swung his hand upwards, making just enough force to make an explosion. The blast dispelled her binding, and sent him safely away. But now he was out of power, thanks to his close proximity to the blast. His bandkai faded, leaving him with his normal zanpaktou. Well, at least he was still alive.
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    'Music of the Heavens, Release!' Megumi shouted. Her sword began to transform back into a harp. Using one of her strings, she flick it, aiming at Rivel. Creating a small sound blast, it sent him crashing down.

    "Don't forget."

    "Stop!" A voice shouted across the sky. Looking where the voice is coming from, Megumi spotted her, 2nd Squad Vice-Captain, Suki Mizu. Using her chain blade, Suki send it flying towards Megumi. But it was too slow, Megumi flash step out of there. She headed back to the real world.

    Suki flash step towards, Rivel, "Captain, are you okay?"

    OOC: Introducing Suki, posting her bio soon.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >She and I are not in the same squads you know.<
    "Yeah, just give me a minute." He found that he was panting, but soon stopped. "Man, that girl is something else. We need to report this to the head captain. Something tells me we haven't seen the last of her." He stood up, then began walking towards his barracks. He sheathed his blade.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    OOC: But it is respect. If you are a Captain, you a Captain, doesn't matter if we are on different squads.

    Suki smiled and nodded. It was her job now, to take care of her squad, after all Megumi left her high and dry. So anytime Megumi hurt something, it was her job to make sure the person is alright, retracking her chain blade, she seal it up into a tiny dagger.

    Suki was happy and sad at the same time. Happy to see Megumi again and sad to see that Megumi actually went along with her plans.
  6. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "You reacted slower then i thought, reminding myself of you in battles!" Avalon said walking up slow and easy. "Something wrong? That was Megumi Shikami, right?"
    "Who...?" Raven asked.
    "She was captain once... second squad. Things turned out... bad." Avalon said.
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    "Well well. It seems like we got here a little too late, eh Ukitaki?" Kyoraku's voice crackled as he stepped around a corner. His pink over coat fluttered in the wind over his captain's jacket. The straw hat he wore was pulled down over his face so that only Ukitaki could see where he was looking. His zanpakuto rested at his side. Juushiro Ukitaki followed behind him. His bleach white hair streaming in the wind. Ukitaki wore a somber and serious face as they walked closer towards Rivel.

    "So it would seem," Ukitaki agreed, "Captain Rivel you are to report to the General Commander once Captain Retsu has seen to any wounds." As if his words were a signal, Unohana Retsu stepped out from the same corner the other two captains had. Her motherly face held a small smile, and the light in her eyes spoke of sorrow for the pain she saw. Her black hair was braided and nestled between her bossom, framing her face and emphasizing her caring nature. Not but a few moments later and Toshiro Hitsugaya walked out after Retsu. His hands were behind his hair which matched Ukitaki's. His cold terquist (sp?) eyes drifted upwards and off towards the sun. The frown on his face only made his face seem even more grave.

    "Well, Captain Rivel, shall we begin a physical check?" Unohana asked politely and tilted her head slightly to one side, still smiling.

    "Looks fine to me, I say we just kick him all the way to the General Commander for releasing his zanpakuto without permission." Hitsugaya commented in a dry sarcastic voice.

    "Now Captain Hitsugaya, that wouldn't get us any where. Punishment for captains falls under the General Commander." Ukitaki looked back over his shoulder to see Hitsugaya looking back at him. Hitsugaya adverted his gaze from Ukitaki and sighed.

    "I know that, but still. Maybe we can help beat some sense into him."
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