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Boys vs. Girls: Count to 100 REMAKE

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Noir, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    -2, I'm still a girl.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -1. -___- I am on the girls side because there are less girls. The last game, I was on the girls side and the boys won. ... just be quiet AdogX and stop complaining. It is just a game.
  3. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    0 geeze, you are all fighting already? Why do we keep having these games if everyone is going to fight??
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    1. I'm not arguing. I am just telling it like it is.
  5. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    2 i know you are, but i'm just saying is all~
  6. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    3, Why can't we be friends? Why can't weeee beee friends? Lol sorry that's a song.
  7. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    4 wow, now that i think about it, the last time that song was played was at a park by some homeless guy. oh, i miss the insanity~
  8. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    5 Wait, was the homeless guy singing?
  9. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    6 yes he was. it was weird in a sense since he had a sign asking for people to spare money for the guy
  10. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    7, Hahaha, I wanna see a homeless man singing! Was he good or did he suck? I would've given him money either way. :D
  11. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    8 i think he was terrible, we were driving by at the time, but he was screaming it so we pretty much heard him either way X3
  12. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    9, hahah. Crazy homeless men, that isn't something you see in my town.
  13. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    10 lol well he was a little crazy indeed :3
  14. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    11, By the way, I like your username. Hahaha :)
  15. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    12 lol thank you. Right back at 'cha, even though it reminds me of the Eggo waffles instead X3
  16. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    13, Lol yeah I lovvvvve waffles! Especially when they have chocolate chips. I like your username because I'm Italian, :)
  17. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    14 i just like them plain with lots of syrup~ <3 and i think it's funny since I'm not even a hint of italian blood ^.^;
  18. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    15, Lol do you watch Jersey Shore? Mike has a shirt that says Italia and I want it so bad!
  19. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Was I missed that badly? Lol,

  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    17. And I ban you.

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