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Clan Updates Are Underway

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Nova, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    TD owns the site, the rest of us don't got enough money to pay for it and everything, TD left the site in teh care of Raiden and Hope. right now Raiden is dealing with some family health problems, so he hasn't been aroudn as much. TD is the site owner. According to so many KHI's site owner is never on, but he's admin. Somone else who does not own the site basicly runs it. Thats where Hope and Raiden come in.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Thank you Kairi you made it to the post before i did. TD has other things he has to deal with and with that he left me in charge for the time until he returns. More like me and hope, If you have a suggestion or something you would like done with the site your more than welcome to post it in the idea forum. You may not think it but we listen to everything you guys say. As well as we take all of your ideas into consideration.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hell, I'd pay for it. How much does this site cost to run?
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    He prob has it on a dedi box as he owns a lot of sites. Maybe about £160 ($200) a month.

    If he has it hosted it would be about £10 a month ($14).

    The £160 estimate is based on running about 15+ sites on one box.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It's not the point Zerieth. There's a lot into this and everything. I highly doubt TD will give it up, plus you have to be very responcible and know exactly what your doing. TD may not be around but everything staff does we run by him. Like these clan updates were ran by him. Hope I believe ran the whole DoD/ TK/ KoM inccedent by him. He may not be on the site in person, but he knows what's going on because we inform him. You don't see him doing work, but he actually is. However Raiden and Hope were left in charge, I personally think it's best to have the whole two fer team. For example, Rai's been buisy with his job and famil health problems, so Hope took over. Now lets say if Raiden was the only admin, none of these updates and soon to be second update will never happen. Now let's continue this, let's say Hope has something go wrong again like an after shock sort of thing from her accident(highly doubt this will happen, but you never know) Raiden would take over and everything. Now if Hope were the only admin, then nothing would get done plus we'd have to rely on her cousin who has been buisy with her wedding to inform her of everything, but we don't want to be bugging hope now.

    Ok anotehr example, this whole TK/ DoD incedent it be the same as above, if we had one admin and that one admin happen to be buisy then we'd never be able to truly right away punish and catch DoD in the act.
  6. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    eh I've been reading this and i wanted to know who TD is, and what a PM is as well. plus what DoD and TK, and kom is. like to get some answers.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    TD or Trade Demon is the main Admin in this forum.
    TK or Twilight Keyblade is a member that got banned
    DoD or Demon of Darkness is a mod that got banned
    Kom or KeybladeofMemory is a member that got banned

    Please don't SPAM IN HERE!
  8. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    sorry, really am.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    LEAVE THAT DOD/TK STUFF ALONE PPLE!!! No reason to dwell on that anymore!!! Anyways, I agree with Star & the rest of them. Pwincess Hope & Raiden are very good pple to watch over this site. Even if Raiden is having problems, there's Hope to help & if something else happens to her, then it's up to someone else to carry the torch & watch over this site. Since Oath is busy, we have to go to like Star or Yukou to watch over this site. We need someone who be active a lot, someone who cares about this site, & someone who is willing to take responsibility to be make sure that everything goes right in this site & help others & show others errors & having 3 admins & some mods are enough. Anyways, there is really are going to be some contests now.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    [:at's not what I meant about oath I was talking about oath informing us and delivering message between her and us. It works though. Answerman please don't spam even the so sorry, that is spam itself; actually one of the worst.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    We understood what you meant, Star. :)
    Anyway what do you mean by Contests SB?
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD U know. Drawing contests, game contests. If there was a online fighting site that we can use to fight against other clans, that'll be great.
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    that would be great, but are the other clans going away?(or is this spaming)?
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Sovieto is a horrible, rude piece of work. He needed to be banned.
    Sorry to be out of context but come on!

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