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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Name: Noctus
    Age: unkown, but looks quite young.
    Looks: Shaped like a human, but is practically all black with lime green eyes (looks like a heartless).
    Specail Abilities: He weilds a katana, that can turn into a lazer sword(called omega) but doesn't use it often. He also can become invisible and move at fast speeds.
    Character they are most like: Not really like any other character.
    Gender: male
    Short bio: He is a heartless made with such a strong heart that he is essentially what he was before he was turned into one. He started a group of heartless like himself, containing 2 others. They are really neutral as far as heartless vs. the living. He is the leader of the group who call themselves the Dark Lords. He doesn't often do much in or involving the light realm, unless it threatens the existance of the dark realm.
    Power Level: Higher than all other heartless^10.
    Darkness or Light: Dark
    Other: not much.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Name: Zon Shin
    Age: 15
    Gender:Black Male
    Looks: has black twist hair with eyes like a egale, has one shrit that has a red X strap and shorts that are black and red.
    Powers: has the power of cosmic force and can know how to fight any person with in five minutes.
    Story: He grew up in Afica and his world was destroy by organization 13 and was bout to turn to a nobody when he stoped right in the middle of being a heartless and nobody, he can tap into the cosmic force in the middle of both powers of heartless and nobody mixing them together. He can control Organization 13 people puls chasers and nobodys and heartless. he uses the power of light and dark and he combined those two to make the twilight keyblade. He can also control any keyblade.

    Wepon: Twilight in Darkness, has the power to mix diffrent attacks and use dark and
    light plus Twilght attacks. Can split into two other keyblades of darkness and light.

    Other things you should know: He was oringally the first keyblade weldier but darkness over came him and MX told him he could help him and Zon became the first MX aprentince. He was beat by the new one when he lost his powers.
  3. linkkid65

    linkkid65 New Member

    Name: Andrew
    Age: 13
    Looks: long light brown hair that goes over his ears,blue eyes, black jacket zipped up,blue jeans,black shoes,and a small silver crystal that is whats left of his memory
    Specail Abilities: to use his keyblade upside down and use it for magic,to go into differnt keyblade forms
    Character they are most like:cloud,Roxas,Riku
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: he washed away in darkness and dosent remeber anything a blue and golden keyblade at his feet, all he remembers is his mentor cloud saying "see you on the other side"
    Power Level: 100% in alpha state
    Darkness or Light: a mix of the two if and when he feels like it
    Other:has the main blue and gold keyblade or E-Blade....or his sword given to him by cloud
  4. WayToDawn

    WayToDawn New Member

    Name: Zeru

    Age: ???

    Looks: Hair like Sephiroth's, except red like Axel's. Eyes switch between colours depending on his mood.

    Special Abilities: ???

    Character they are most like: Sephiroth, if he's calm, Cloud, if he's angry, Sora, if he's happy.

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: Zeru is the nobody of Cloud and Sephiroth, nobody knows how he is a nobody of two people, or how he is a nobody of these people, since they have not been turned into a heartless. His eyes change between three colours depending on his mood; if he's angry, they will be red; if he's calm, they'll be light blue; and if he's happy, they'll be dark blue/light purple. He has a long sword like sephiroths and a normal length, but big and heavy sword like clouds, he mostly uses the long sword though. He has formed a group called Anti-XIII, a group of nobodies against Organization XIII.

    Power Level: High to very high

    Darkness or Light: None, he helps who he feels need it, but mostly light

    Other: Anti-XIII has many people, but many are anonymous and only 5 off them are known. He started the group when Organization didn't let him be like a normal human, they are trying to over throw them, and become the new rulers of the nobody realm.
  5. ThisMustBeIt

    ThisMustBeIt New Member

    Name: Jutur (but also known as Head)

    Age: 17

    Looks: Has white skin, light blue and dark blue stripped black hair, a black headband, a skintight spandex green shirt, baggy snow pants, and white sneakers

    Specail Abilities: Can do somersaults, and can change into a white figure with drawings surrounding him

    Character they are most like: Possibly Riku

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: His father was gone when Jutur was seven. His mother was left in prison.

    Power Level: Mezzo high to high

    Darkness or Light: Light

    Other: He is a practical loner, and loves techno music.
  6. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    Name: Belorax

    Age: 20ish

    Looks: Strong but humerous

    Specail Abilities: Agility and crazy fighting skills

    Character they are most like: Kind of a combo between a young sora and leon (Yeah I know thats a big contrast)


    Short bio: Comes from a Destiny Island in an alternate universe created by a malfunction in the Kingdom Heart. When the heartless attacked the real DI the alternate DI was destroyed as well. Belorax travels through the different universes to be landed in Hollow Bastion during Maleficents rule. He hides out there until everythings cool and comes out then.

    Power Level: Strong but he doesnt like to fight much. He likes to talk things over before battle.

    Darkness or Light:Light of course.
  7. ilovesora101

    ilovesora101 New Member


    don't mind the name up there^ i kind of goofed. :\

    Name: Lyndx
    Age: 14
    Looks: kind of looks like kairi but has light brown hair, blue eyes, and a short tannish dress that kind of looks like Nomine's but a little bit longer.
    Specail Abilities:can hear trouble comming from miles away and stops time
    Character they are most like: she is like kairi because she wants to help her friends and go on adventures
    Gender: female
    Short bio: She came from a small world and lives with her mom and little brother.
    Power Level: she is average for her age but she is trying to be just like sora.
    Darkness or Light: light
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoa. I'll try.

    Name: Kindano
    Age: ???
    Looks: Looks like a moogle, but is the size of a 9 year old.
    Abilities: Can make items, have a keyblade of his own, moogle style,can teleport, & can use moogle magic.
    Power lv: He's very speedy, but can take a lot of damage.
    Short Bio: He's very intelligent in technology & moogle magic. He even made his own keyblade after he helped Sora make the Ultima Keyblade in KH. He's very sweet, but is more steamed p at people touching his pom-pom than any other moogles. He's now traveling between Traverse Town, Twilight Town, & Radient Garden, hoping to see Sora once more.

    Looks: He looks like a regular moogle. What do you expect?

    Edit: HEE HEE HEEE!! HE looks like a samurai!!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  9. ilovesora101

    ilovesora101 New Member

    i made another one if you don't mind

    Age: 19
    Looks: long black hair in a pony tail, brown eyes, and a long black dress
    Specail Abilities:set things on fire or freezes things by just staring at the object
    Character they are most like:she is mostly like axel
    Gender: female
    Short bio: her family died in a fire and she was the only surivor. this made Yasmik turn to darkness and she wants to destroy everyone in the light.
    Power Level: she is very strong and she is stronger than nyone she knows
    Darkness or Light: darkness
  10. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    Name: Peter
    Age: 12
    Looks: kinda like roxas but with white eyes
    Specail Abilities: he can control time and fire
    Character they are most like: roxas and axel
    Gender: boy
    Short bio: well peter was created because of the death of darkside, maleficent made him to kill sora, when peter set off he decided not to follow maleficent and to live his own life.
    Power Level: very strong for his age
    Darkness or Light: light
    Other: if peter meets sephiroth peter goes full rage berzerk and gets engulfed in massive flames and starts freezing time and wild attacks
  11. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    is it ok if a make another?

    Name: Kyros
    Age: 12
    Looks: Basically Zexion but with square glasses and blue eyes like sora, and paler skin than usual. he wears the Organization XIII cloack and has darker hair than Zexion.
    Special Abilities: The abilty to control souls and to take control of other peoples bodies, plus has the powers of nearly all other Organization XIII members.
    Character they are most like: most likely Zexion but some Axel.
    Gender: Male
    Short Boi: Kyros was born a nobody from Zexion even though Zexion was already a nobody... Zexion and Kyros bonded quickly and became great friends, then when Marluxia found out about Kyros he thought it was a clone, infuriated he tried to kill Kyros, Zexion tried to save Kyros but ended up being killed by Marluxia. Zexion's last words to Kyros were "It's ok Kyros, if i die i just want you to know, you've been a brother to me..." ;) Now kyros is out for revenge on Marluxia and all of Organization XIII...
    Power Level: Extremely powerful, like sephiroth...
    Darkness or Light: Mainly Darkness but seems to help the light alot.
    Other: Kyros has the ability to weild the keyblades; way to dawn and oblivion, also has mostly Zexion's power. Vexen's real death was not Axel's doing but Kyros's, Axel just took the credit...
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  12. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    Name: Maxi

    Age: 20

    Looks: http://www.linkelink.nl/images/wallpaper_final_fantasy_x_02_1024.jpg

    Specail Abilities: He has the ability to control his enemies minds. also he is the last gunblader

    Character they are most like: a mixture between Squall and Siefer

    Gender: male

    Short bio: Maxi is the son of Squall. on his 18th birthday his father gave him his gunblade.

    Power Level: the strongest 20 year old in history

    Darkness or Light: nuetral
  13. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    Create a new character for the third game...

    Name: 'Gilgamesh' abandoned real name and goes by aforementioned alias
    Age: 17
    Looks: awesome
    Specail Abilities: Can drive form by himself
    Character they are most like: Sora
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: Basically been sealing keyholes in every world for quite some time and can drive to a special "ultima" form with 4 keyblades.
    'gilgamesh' travels with other keyblade users from a long destroyed planet "earth" which was consumed by darkness. Managing to wield two keyblades initially, "lentus sententia" and a bronze "kingdom key", he can create 4 with "ultima form"
    Power Level: lets just say...over 9000
    Darkness or Light: He is Light made manifest
    Other: practically unkillable, he has great luck and an uncanny reflex. having once also having a nobody, he has since regained his full power.
  14. NightKairi

    NightKairi New Member

    I'm making mine, I hope you don't mind if I join:

    Name: Xayri
    Looks: her skin is as white as aerith, she has black hair like Tifa, she has green eyes, she looks alot like Kairi
    Special Abilities: She can control Fire and can see the future, and she fights like tifa
    Character they are most like: A mixture of Aerith and Tifa
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: She has forgotten her past, and thus she is confuse about everything, now she walks alone trying to find a path of her own
    Power Level: she is really strong and very fast
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: She helps people that are close by her who needed her help
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  15. Name: Kiryn
    Age: 17
    Looks: White Hair (In Madara Uchiha's style with two ponytails that reach the middle of his back), Sea Green Eyes, around 5ft9, has a slim build, has two white wolf ears and seven white wolf tails
    Specail Abilities: He is able to turn into light thus enabling him to move at the speed of light etc (Pretty much the same as Kizaru from One Piece)
    Gender: Male
    Character they are most like: Saix, calm on the surface, but a mess of insanity when you break the surface
    Short bio: His world was destroyed by the one known as Xehanort, and he seeks a way to destroy Xehanort once and for all, however he has since become corrupt with the idea of becoming immortal, so he searches for a way to access Kingdom Hearts to fulfil this obssession.
    Power Level: More than likely on the Upper Tier
    Darkness or Light: Walks a fine path between the two, but perfers Light
    Other: He has come acroos the one known as Gilgamesh before, that encounter nearly lead to the destruction of a world
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
    LivingDeath likes this.
  16. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    I'll post one:

    Name: Dawn
    Age: 15
    Looks: She has shoulder length brown hair with a side fringe (the oppsite side to kairi's) and her left eyes is green while her right eye is blue. She is taller than Kairi, but only slightly smaller than Sora (so she's in the middle)
    Special Abilities: Control's the element of sound and can control her emotions through singing, she also has the ability to wield a keyblade
    Short bio: Her mother is a Somebody while her father is a Nobody, Dawn posseses all the regular emotions while not phsically owning a heart, she is number XII in the Organization (Promoted from XIIII when Larxene was eliminated) and goes under the name 'The Demonic Nightingale'
    Power level: Very acrobatic and dynamic, can do backflips to avoid enemy attacks
    Darkness or Light: Mostly light, but has been turned to darkness on a few occasions
    Other: Dawn is older than Sora and Kairi by a few months, and is very caring towards her friends
  17. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    another 1 o_O

    Name: Zarryann
    Age: 14
    Looks: 5'5 short for her age(i think, cause thats as tall as me) shoulder length dark brown hair and slightly tanned skin, usually seen wearing white clothes seeing as her eyes are fully white and no pupils.
    Special Abilities: Zarryann can summon forms of elements and use them as weapons or armor and other things. also has the ability of water and electricity.
    Character they are most like: Riku, sephiroth and cloud all together.
    Gernder: Female
    Short Bio: Zarryann (Za-rri-an) is a girl who was lucky to be alive because 3 months after she was born her village was burnt and destroyed by Evil crusaders of Nyami, she lost all her family and friends. she was found by a person named Kyros (my last char) and even tho kyros was young he raised her and tought her how to fight and defend her self. she aged rather fast and was the age of 14 in 19 weeks. she left Kyros's care to find Nyami, she wanted revenge and nothing would get in her way.
    Power Level: 79 / 100
    Darkness or Light: Water XD
    Other: Zarryan also inherited some of Nyami's powers some how so she can control some time (she can speed attack and stuff) Fire and Ice.
  18. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Name: Mike
    Age: 19
    Looks: Tonned, Thick Black hair that goes to his shoulders.
    Specail Abilities: Pure Agility. Unmatched stamina speed and reflex. His jumping skills are also in the class of godly.
    Character they are most like: Sora. Happy all the time, nice caring and forgiving.
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: Was an ordinary boy but his grandfather wished that he would be able to improve thousands of times faster than any normal human so he focused his efforts on becoming fast because he prefers to run than fight. He was present when Kiryn and Gilgamesh had there fight on a now desolate world, barely escaping the two powers fight.
    Power Level: Middle (he can improve :D)
    Darkness or Light: Neutral, he prefers to stay out of the universes affairs but is almost always present.
    Other: Absolutely hates fighting. Absolutely loves running.
  19. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    Name: Nyami
    Age: 18
    Looks: Kinda long white hair, dark blue eyes like sora's, usually wears white clothes, paler than average
    Special Abilities: Unmatched Bladesman, Super Agility, really smart, sees future (only 2 minutes like off the movie next lol), extremely skilled blacksmithing skills and ninja talents.
    Character they are most like: Cloud
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: Nyami is a powerful warlord who has great charisma and is quite powerful, he is in love with Sarian Kashima will do anything for her, and is also a prince.
    Power Level: Very strong
    Darkness or Light: Mainly a light person but is known to help other sides if he is rewarded.
    Other: Sarian was born of Pure light which is why Nyami loves her so much because he has a natural love for the light even though he does evil things.
  20. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    Name: Sariana
    Age: 17
    Looks: Long white hair shoulder length, light green eyes and wears blue clothes.
    Special Abilities: Can control peoples hearts she rarely does this, has abilities of fire and ice also, can "shift" meaning small teleporting or "blinking". also her eyes change from blue to green to red depending on her mood; Blue - Sad, Green - Happy, normal, Red - Angry.
    Character they are most like: Sephiroth and Cloud.
    Gender: Female
    Short Bio: Sariana was born of pure light in kingdom hearts, she has something for Nyami but wont admit it, everytime he talks to her she blushes real bad and looks away. Her father was killed by Zexion but the death was accidental.
    Power Level: Extremely powerful but rarely gets to fight.
    Darkness or Light: Light of course XD
    Other: Well she was once manipulated by darkness and worked for orginaztion XIII for a small amount of time but when she realised they were evil she killed Larxene and Lexaeus.
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