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Day of The Dead (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Chocobo Dyl, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    The jalepeno juice didn't help him. He was in a shroud of thoughts, dreams, memories. He could feel a smudge of the pain in the distance, it was like a punch that was really just a feint. The pain poised in the perfect position ready for the next attack. But it didn't, it just kept feinting over and over, until Shaun didn't care anymore.

    He heard voices, also faint. Why was everything so faint? He heard that he needed water, but he couldn't drink. He got annoyed whne he heard Thea call him Shane. Unless thier was a Shane around? Was their? He didn't care anymore, tommorow he would be fine. Tommorow would be good.

    "Time. Time heals all wounds..."

    The darkness came, and the light faded. So did Shaun...

    OOC: This isn't magic or anything, it's all in his head. I've had mix ups like this before and I don't need anymore posts edited today.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stared down at Shaun and smiled. "Sleep tight, little mouse..." He said in the quizzical way he usually joked. He didn't know why but he couldn't get his mind off of Thea. Why was she still here? Why were any of them still here in the same backwater town they grew up in? "I guess time will tell if we actually make something of our lives, eh Shaun?" He muttered.
  3. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    The longer Chad was in the car the more and more tired he got.
    "Yo!" Said the cabman "Try not to fall asleep. I don't like people who fall asleep on me."
    "S-sorry. Long day." said Chad as he shook off some of the sleepyness.
    "By the way where are you headed?"
    "45 st. third appartment complex. Hey what time is it?"
    "12:00 midnight, or close enough anyways. Why you got a date or something?"
    "Nah, I just like getting off the roads by midnight. Crazy drunks and illogical robbers and all."
    "Can't blame you. Heres your stop." The cabman slows the car to a stop as Chad gets out and hands him the money. "By the way, the name is James."
    "Chad. Good night, and be careful." Chad waves goodbye as the cab drives off. once out of sight Chad makes a mad dash to his appartment.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea walked into the back room, which was sort of like a supply room/office. There were a bunch of boxes on the far corner full of some of the unparishables and things that were recently delivered to the bar. She wondered, if people knew how long some of this stuff had sat at room temperature in the back room, would they still buy it? She laughed a bit at that. Of course a lot of them still would. They would all be too drunk to notice anyway.
    On the opposite corner of the boxes, next to the door, was a rack where uniforms were hung. After closing time a barmaid would come back in and wash them for the next day. Next to the hung up dirty uniforms were hung the wokrkers every day clothes. Theas were the only ones there because she was the only one working today and she was pretty sure that the barkeeper never changed his clothes. That was Thea's job last week. She was glad she wouldn't have to wait up for the uniforms tonight.
    And lastly, dead center of the room, looking very out of place, there was a faided dark wood desk. It was angled toward the door, which made it look crooked in the square room and compared to the tiny window behind it. The office was slightly downstairs so the window was about ground level and the lights were dim in the office through most of the day and especially durring the night. The light was a single lightbulb that hung literally half way down the height of the room from a cord, you turned it on by pulling the string that dangled next to it. The light was extremely dim and it flickered slightly every once in a while and like the rest of the bar, the air was thick with smoke.
    Thea really never liked this room, the barman and the other bar workers were the only ones that came down here. It was always cold because the heating didn't work down there and it smell of the beer and smoke was strongest here because the barman was addicted to it horribly. There was an ash tray on the desk and the wood around it was burnt and singed grey and black from times when the barkeepr missed it when putting out his cigarettes. Trying to ignore the extremely strong smell of smoke, boose, and body odor that was extremely dominant in this room, Thea locked the door behind her and removed her uniform (A slightly undersized blue thing Thea could only describe as a form of dress which had the name of the bar advertized across the front in bold orenge lettering. It was topped with the orenge apron which tied around her waist and a white nametag across the arm) trying to keep out of view of the window which was small enough the barkeeper found it useless to buy a cover for.
    She quickly pulled on the clothes she came in this morning and hung up her uniform for whoever the poor soul was who had to come in and clean up. After pulling on her black boots and zipping them up to the center of her calf, she picked up her jacket and took out the pen that she had been using to hold her hair in a twisted not in the back of her head. Her hair was now a red tangled mess that cascaded down her back and she was already sick of. She sighed and rolled her eyes, she just planned on going home so she really didn't bother with it. She pulled on her jacket as she started to walk out of the room but stopped in the doorway. Deciding she may as well help out whoever it was who would have to come in after her. She picked up her uniform as well as Jace's *a man who came in with her this morning but left early*. She tossed the clothes into the washer that was right next to the door on the outside of the office and turned it on. This would save whoever had to come in to clean up a good 20 minutes.
    After she was sure the old macine had started and wasn't going to shut off like it sometimes had a habit of doing sometimes, Thea went back upstairs and through the door back to the bar, behind the counter. She picked up a pen and put a checkmark next to her name to clock out. She was suprised to see the barkeeper waiting for her outside next to the door.
    She raised an eyebrow "Everything squared away, captain?" she said sarcasticly.
    The barkeeper laughed "Yeah, I just didn't want you to run off without your paycheck." he said, handing her a small yellow envalope. It wasn't supposed to be yellow. The paper was old because he hadn't invested in new ones. Of course not though.
    She was a bit suprised that he was giving her her paycheck so early. Usually they got them on the last Saturday of the month. It was exactly in the middle of the month now, November 15'th if she remembred correctly.
    The barkeeper saw her suprise and laughed "Hey just dont spend it all in one place Thi." *a nickname which she found extreamely annoying*. He pat her sholder and then handed her the envalope.
    Thea nodded "Uh... thanks." she said as she took her pay and then turned to walk away. This check would go in the same plalce as the others, in a stack of cash she had hidden in her room which she was saving up until she could pay to leave this town, a final attempt to make something of herself. "Hey, Thea!" the barkeeper called after her as she made her way half across the parking lot. She looked back over her sholder, getting a bit impatient. "Yeah?"
    The barkeeper shrugged "Watch yourself out there." he said "There are some real weirdos out there in these times. Crime rate goes up every day this week."
    Thea laughed "You are still working in a bar till 1:00 am with drunken idiots who carry illegal drugs and guns." she pointed out, "You watch yourself."
    The barkeeper just waved her off and then walked back inside, taking the noise and light from the inside of the bar with him. Thea wished it good riddence.
    It was unusually dark tonight but Thea didn't mind it much. She pulled her jacket around her tighter and put her hands in her pockets, putting the check in her bag. She lived a couple of blocks away so she didn't really find it nessesary to drive. After a deep breath, which she could see mingle with the cold air autumn as she exhaled, she started walking in the direction of home.
  5. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    "Peace?" Said Chad as he looked out at a billboard from his balcony. "In this town? That really makes me laugh." Chad walks back inside leaving the door slightly opened creating an Omonious draft. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a letter as he makes his way to the door, as he opens the door he sees a mysterious shadow cross in front of him. "Hello?" He said reaching for his broom. "H-hello?" He gets the broom firm in his hand and drudges out, closing the door and locking it behind him. He walks slowly down to the end of the hall and hides on the wall. He pokes his head around the corner and sees nothing.
    A hand grabs him on the shoulder, and in that instant his reflexes spaz out and swing, bot even looking at what he is trying to hit. Suddenly the Broom stops. "Not again!" Chad looks around and sees it is the landlord Hitros. "Are you out here sweaping or trying to hit me again?" He said.
    "S-sorry." Chad said as he lowers the broom. "I was on my way to pay you rent..." He says as he pulls out the envelope "...And I saw a wierd shadow rush by. M-must have been you." Hitros takes the envelope.
    "Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, but where are you getting this money? Didn't you lose your job latly?" He asked.
    "My parents have been spotting me till I got on my feet, but I found a job and I start working later this week. I'm starting at a small computer shop as a computer repairman." Chad said.
    "Okay... Well then I know who to come to for when my laptop shuts down."
    "$400 dollars and we have a deal."
    "How about I pay a full month"
    "Well I have to go" said Hitros as he walked away.
    Chad makes his way back into his room still a bit spooked by what happened.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the bartender and said. "I gotta get home. Call me if he wakes up ok?" The bartender nodded and said. "So is that job you got gonna last because you could work here." He said. "And would that get me free drinks?" He joked. "Maybe, now get outta here." The bartender said. Will smiled and strode out the door, pulling his leather jacket over his hoodie. He had his hands in his pockets as he walked in almost the same direction as Thea, his house maybe two blocks from hers.
  7. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Dean had been waiting outside the bar for quite sometime. How flipping long can those guys stay in that damned bar Dean thought to himself. It was a pretty cold night, and it must look kinda suspicious to people passing by, and why shouldn't it. What he was doing seemed kind of stalker like. Waiting for a young woman to come out the bar. It would sound dodgy to anyone, heck if someone said it to Dean he would think there was something wrong with him. Dean then tried to justify it by telling himself that if he did with the guys there it would seem like he was just trying to impress them, and if it didn't he would get a hell of alot of stick from the guys after.

    Dean saw Chad leave. He was usually the first to leave out of the guys. And it would usually end up with Dean driving an unconscious or severely drunk Shaun home. Around another half an hour passed and finally Thea walked out. Dean saw the barman talking to her and handing her what he assumed was a pay check. Fortunately neither of them noticed him. Dean then saw the barman walking back inside and Thea wrap her jacket closer around her and she began walking. Dean was about to go after her when he suddenly had second thoughts about it. If you don't do it now, your never going to do it He told himself. Thea was quite abit away at this stage and Dean began to jog with his hands still in his jacket pocket after her.

    "Damn" Dean said softly as he turned a corner only to see she wasn't there. He then saw some movement at the corner at the other end of the road. Dean ran this time and turned the corner. There she is Dean thought to himself with a smile emerging on his face.

    "Thea!" Dean called as he ran up to her.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode into his house, kicking the door shut. He tossed his keys onto the table next to the soor and stretched. "God... why did I want to interview at that old supermarket?" He groaned, tossing his phone next to his keys. He then hung up his hoodie and jacket, walking into his living room. He sat on the couch and turned on his stereo, letting the song Life is Beautiful load up off the cd. At theintroducting guitar strums he immedeatly felt better. Music always calmed him, he never knew why, it just did. He was soon playing along with the song, guitar in his hand.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea hummed to herself tunelessly as she walked down the streets. It made her feel a bit better about walking dark streets by herself though she knew it wasn't exactly a safety tip to make sound that would alert people who could possibly harm her who hung out in the streets at night but she really didn't care. She was a young woman, seemingly defenseless and deffinately alone walking in the streets in the middle of the night and she didn't at all seem to be paying attention to her surroundings and of all things humming a random song she just happened to think up in her head note by random note. To most safety officials or thugs, she was an obvious perfect target for a criminal. All of that in mind, she wasn't exactly sure why singing lightly to herself made her feel any better but it did. She just didn't like complete silence. She never had ever since she was a kid. It made her feel clasterphobic in a way.

    Startled, Thea stopped very suddenly and her hand wrapped around a bottle she had been carrying in her pocket. She pulled it out and spun around to see who it was as she used her gloved thumb to pop the lid off of the spray can she was had and it fell to the ground with a faint sound. *heehee, not as deffenseless as she seemed ^_^*
    She stopped when she realized she recognised his face. She had seen him in the bar hadn't she? He had seemed to be a pretty decent person then, deffinately not the type to take advantage of a barmaid walking home or at least she hoped not or else her judgement of character was SERIOUSLY screwed up and that just wouldn't do.
    With an exasparated sigh, and cursing herself for being so paranoid, she put the can of pepper spray back into her pocket and waited for... what was his name again.... oh yeah: Dean, to catch up to her.

    "Can I help you?" of course her well known sarcasum was pretty apparent in her tone of voice but she wasnt meaning to offend. She still sounded just as cheerful as she had at the bar.
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Dean had assumed that Thea put some spray back into her bag when he got closer to her for her to see him. He was than thankful that he called out her name instead of tapping her on the shoulder like he had originally planed to. Nothing says hi like getting pepper sprayed in the eyes Dean thought to himself. He then remembered he was talking to Thea and decided he better say something or he would look stupid. "Dark out isn't it"

    Dang it Dean thought to himself Never mind about looking stupid you should be worried about how stupid you sound He sighed and then said "Well obviously, I mean it it pretty late" Figuring he was rambling he decided he would just ask. "I was wondering, well... would you maybe.... would you like to have dinner with me sometime" He blurted out faster than he had planned to. Dean began to feel embarrassed and hope that it wasn't showing on his face.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea smiled a little as he rambled a little bit. She had a feeling she knew what he was getting at by following her from the bar and what he seemed to be trying to say but she decided not to interrupt. He could ask the question on his own besides the fact that he was failing at small talk was kind of cute.

    She partly considered turning him down. She hadn't seen this guy since highschool and she barely even remembered his name not to mention that he had followed her from the bar. But then again he didn't follow her all the way home without letting her know he was there and he did seem like a decent person from what she did see of him in the bar. He wasn't abnoxious and drunk like his friends seemed to be anyway. "Sure. Why not." she said with a nod.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Why not Dean let the words echo through his mind for a little while. He smiled at her and said. "Great, well If you tell me where you live I can pick you up maybe tomorrow evening. Take you somewhere outside of this dingy little town." He joked.

    He wasn't to sure if he knew any restraunts or fancy places to take someone on a date so he thought he would add another option. "Or you could come to my place and I can cook you dinner?"

    It had been awhile since he had cooked a meal for anyone, including himself. He was usually out with Shaun and Will and just ate what he could when he could.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea shruggd "Why not just let me show you where I live." she offered "Then I can give you a ride home." she suggested. She wasn't sure if he had walked a long way but she did notice that he had left the bar in a car and that he hadn't shown up in one. Besides she was terrible at giving directions and lastly she wasn't a big fan of walking home alone anyway. Too many creeps liked wandering around her home street. "as for what we do, thats entirely up to you." she laughed a little "I'm not exactly the best at planning."

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