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Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Soul Knight, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    What is russian Roulette?

    If you make one mistake in Texas, they mostly give you the death penalty, like if you do something out of order they wont like it cuz there all super strict about there way of life, and you mess up you dead, with or without the law. but i think that was back in the day.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It is that game where you have a revolver and one bullet. You put the gun to your head and pull the trigger. If you're unlucky, you die.

    That reminds me of this one Ron White joke I heard before.

    "Here in Texas, they're trying to pass a new law. If you murdered somebody, and there are three or more witnesses, you get put to the front of the line for execution. While some states are trying to get rid of the death penalty, my state is putting in an express lane."

    And then people laugh.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Sounds like a barrel of fun!

    What's interesting about that to me is that states without the death penalty have a lower murder rate, and probably a lower crime rate in general. So, nice job deterring crime there, Texas. All that executing is really paying off.
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    so then is the death pentaly something killers like, so they can just go away without being in a cell forever?
  5. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    depends on how derranged the murderer is, its not uncommon for the murderer to chose death after there crimes.

    Also, very poor joke toph... I cringed... Then cried
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Lol, I didn't even mean the terrible pun, which I didn't notice until afterwards but was too damn lazy to edit out. I just like that saying. XD I'd apologize for making you cry, but I don't really care that much. :p

    Every person is different. Some people would prefer death to life in prison (I think I would), and some people would prefer to continue living no matter what. The theory behind the death penalty would be that people wouldn't want to die, and so they'd think twice before commiting capital crimes. But it doesn't seem to work that way.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    View the capital punishment debate. I made my views in that one quite clear. I am anti capital punishment. Its a stupid and barbaric system that is over used. Killing someone for committing a crime will not undo the crime.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The major arguments for capital punishment seem to be:

    1) Cost effectiveness- cheaper to kill 'em than feed 'em
    2) Safety- of society in general, and of the other prisoners and prison employees who would have to deal with the capital offenders
    3) Revenge or vengeance because of the heinousness of the crimes commited.
    4) Crime deterrent

    I think that with the cost of appeals, it ends up being around the same cost whether a person is given the death penalty or life in prison.

    If a person is so dangerous that people think they should be executed, they shouldn't be getting out on parole, so society wouldn't be at any more of a risk if the person were locked up than if they are dead. And likewise, if the person is so dangerous, he or she probably shouldn't be in the general population where they can potentially kill their fellow inmates. Guards should be trained so that they have an idea how to handle the prisoners.

    Like Zerieth and others have said before, executing someone doesn't undo the crime. And as I've said before, I don't think it will really make the victims, or their loved ones, feel any better.

    I've seen statistics both ways (I suppose you can find a statistic to prove just about anything if you look hard enough), but I don't think that capital punishment deters crime any more than prison does. And neither of them seem to work, really. People don't think that they'll be caught, so they aren't going to care about what the consequences would be.

    And I think that poor people are much more likely to end up with the death penalty than rich ones who've commited the same crimes, because the rich will pay a high quality attorney to get them a deal, and the poor will be stuck with an overworked public defender. How's that fair?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    it's not but for some odd reason it works. it's like saying that any rich person can go kill or steal but can get out in a month or so. Me i think that a crime is a crime, they should have a list that says if you do this this happens, like the eye for a eye thing. the person that attacked, raped, hurt or killed or tourted should get that back at them really, sound mean and cruel but better than death or as good. if you like rape some on they get a gay inmate to rape you till you get out, if you attacked someone brutally, then you get beat by prison guards or inmates. If you tortured some one you get that too, and if you killed some on you get the whole nine yards. Yes there would be more but it's only right, treat others the way you wanted to be treated, some thing are all told to, maybe it's time ppl did it.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^That's not justice. And commiting the exact same crime against the person you're punishing makes you just as guilty, in my opinion. How can you say "See, it's not okay to rape!" while that person is being raped? Hypocritical much?

    I'm not sure what you're talking about here, but I guess you're addressing the last sentence of my post. Are you saying that the system works, when poor people are more likely to get the death penalty than richer people who commit the same crime? I've also seen that the race of the victim plays a role in whether or not the criminal gets the death penalty- the murderer of a white person is more likely to receive it than the murderer of a person of another race. Since 1976, 15 white people were executed for murdering a black person or people. 245 black people have been executed for killing a white person or people. (Source). Somehow I doubt it's just that black people kill so much more than whites do. :rolleyes: How is our capital punishment system a good thing when it works so unequally?
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    no i'm just saying, that's something diffirent then just the death, something that ppl like SK would like to see instead of death. Me i rather ppl just stay in jail forever if they did something super bad. Alot of white people get out on bail or just a few months many time cuz some wont act like "black people" as a lot of people say, if you come in a cus and yell and act like a fool your thrown in jail, you come in nice suit, respectful and say some big words then you might get another sentence. not all the time but it happens. Capital punishment works in favor of the most money in some ones pocket, so really america needs to fix this or nobody will get a fair trial.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    An arguement for it would be helping to lower the population. I'm surprised that has never cropped up.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^^If you would type properly, it'd make it a lot easier to figure out what you're supporting and when you're playing devil's advocate.

    The fact is that you're being judged by people, and your sentence is granted by a person, or people. There are guidelines for sentencing, but it's ultimately up to the judge, or in the case of the death penalty, the jury. If you come in acting like a fool, people aren't going to have sympathy for you, and of course you're not going to get the lightest possible sentence. I don't think that has to do with "acting black" or not, it's about whether or not you can show the court some remorse for your behavior and seem respectful. If you're in that much trouble, you should know that now might be a good time to shut up and look innocent.

    I think the biggest inequality has to do with wealth, though race plays a part in that as well. Public defenders are seriously overworked, and even if they would like to, you know they aren't going to be able to give 100% to your death penalty case. And if that's the representation you're stuck with, you're probably not going to have a whole lot of luck pleading for clemency. You get the best defense you can pay for, not the best available. Studies have shown that if you can hire an attorney for the whole trial, you are much more likely to avoid the death penalty, and even get acquitted.

    The population in prison or the population of the world in general? A better way to lower the population in prison than executing capital offenses would be making some drug use legal. I'd wager that a lot more people are imprisoned for possession of marijuana than they are for murder.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2010
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It is a slight possibility, but I seriously doubt that. Just remember: Anything is possible. It's just not very likely.

    Because nobody in the world knows how to do something right. If somebody knew how to properly work out Capital Punishment (And parts of the legal system), then it'd be better.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    No i mean the world in general. Prison population doesn't really factor into my mind right now.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Extremely unlikely in this case, I'd say. The FBI's website gives the number of white and black murderers as about equal, though the data was last updated in 2006.

    Agreed. I'd be slightly more open to the pros of the death penalty if it was handled better. I still wouldn't support it, but I could understand more why some people do. As it is now, it seems totally ineffectual. It doesn't prevent crime, it doesn't cost less, and there are other ways to keep the criminals from hurting others.

    I don't believe that would be effective. The number of people convicted of capital offenses is small compared to the population of the world. The US only had 52 executions in 2009. A lot of countries don't even use the death penalty anymore. Even if every single person who commited murder was executed (the number was around 16,000 in the US in 2004, according to the FBI), and throw in the rest of the capital offenses, it wouldn't make much of a difference, I don't think.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2010
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Any little bit helps i guess. 52 today means 52 less tomorrow.

    Anyways that was just me being devils advocate. I think the guy has to at least get a second chance. If he messes up, then fry him on the chair. Heck, I'll even pull the switch.
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think there are probably more efficient methods for dealing with overpopulation. It makes slightly more sense if you were just talking about a prison population, since the starting population is smaller, so the loss would make more of an impact, but even there, I don't think it'd be a loss worth mentioning. And for the world at large, the number would be so miniscule that I think someone using decreasing the population as a viable argument for capital punishment would look rather foolish.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I never said i was good at being devils advocate. I just said that it could be an argument.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    some one tell me what devils advocate is, forgot.

    There's more than just a chair for death penatly, that's just the worst you could get, they have much more. I mean you would think Americans would think killing ppl in the name of justice would be un American, that's like super man killing bad guys cuz there bad. The world would be a little better without the death penalty.

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