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Digimon Generations : Rise Of The Deva Kings

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by NeRo, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< Bae is not half of a Digidestined just to correct you.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I need to finish the doggymon fight first though, then I'll go find Alix and Shori, unless they are two far apart from Zac
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon is a bamf, I'd be greatly pissed and upset if he died tyvm!

    EDIT- Beelzemon would find you before you find Alix and Ri.
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Just give me some time...

    Maybe I could find bae-oh wait he is with Sonya
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    You won't find help, Beelzemon will find you first.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    its cute that you think that. What if kaiser give Beez assignments he has to do which prevents him from acting on his own until they are finished.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Fair point boss lol

  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I found a ride, it will take some time to find the Digidestined but it will give me some distance from the Deva.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'm thinking of putting this RP on hiatus.

  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    On one hand I don't want to,

    The other? I think we should come up with some ideas for a bit before we start again
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Why, exactly? Curious as to your initial reasoning.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Why? :( Zac and I is on the same page still, my character is going to meet up with the Digidestined and Angel is about to wake up his character soon.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    We just need Destiny ad Wayward back to be active so we can continue, or at least play as their characters till they are active in this again
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Let us just have permission to take control of their characters... -_- And who in the world is Zeo? I do not remember Angel making that character.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Sorry, I forgot about the permission thing, but its rather oblivious we need permission.

    Zero is a Digidestined character made by Angel to replace one of the old guys like how you made one.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well Req to answer your question. i wasnt sure if you guys were still enjoying it and with 3 people dropping out it left things kind hard for everyone to pick up the slack. i was just gonna wait till some new people joined.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    We could do a reboot or something
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Ahah, fuck no. I've had enough reboots to know that they only work in the very early stages or long after the original died.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Hmm...honestly it was one sided from the beginning. The three who dropped out rarely posted so I don't see a big difference now and personally, I wouldn't mind another active Roleplayer but I don't see that happening.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I mean we can continue as it. its just this is why i don't start Big RP's because of the tendency for people to pick up major roles and drop out.

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