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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Lady finally made it inside the city and start to ask questions to see if they say a lion-humanoid walking around. Some wasn't quite sure but the clues eventually pointed her towards the west. As she rode on KnightChessmon, she eventually saw that the trail leads into a forest. "So... he is in there?" "Are you upset Sonya?" "I wish it didn't come to this..." "We are doing the right thing."
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The now transformed Wendigomon swung her giant arm at Zc, causing him to be slammed into the wall, almost breaking through it. He fell to the floor in pain, getting up slowly. He looked and saw the Brady's eyes, and then recognized who it was after hearing its words. No.

    "Kiki?! What happened to you?!" he asked as he scrambled back as the hulking beast walked towards him, with its fists and feet slamming into the ground, causing a loud thud to be heard throughout the halls. Wendigomon snarled and growled as it approached Zac.

    Zac kept crawling back, until he felt his body pressing against a wall. He looked around, breathing heavily as the beast slowly crept towards Zac. There was now way out. He felt a vibration in his front pocket, as beeping as well. His Digivice had sent a signal to his chosen digimon.


    Terriermon froze, he felt something calling him. He looked around and then looke towards the direction of the mansion. Zac needed him, something was wrong. He told the baby digimon to stay here and then ran off, heading back towards the mansion.


    Leomon had saw no signs of Kaiser, and left the mansion, unaware of the battle that would take place on there. He walked back into the forest, in the direction of where his cave was, hoping Zac would have returned there. To his surprise, he saw a human and a Knightchessmon coming through the forest. He approached them with his sword drawn out, he knew who they were, and wasn't all that thrilled that they came ino his forest.

    "What are you doing here? Looking for the boy and Terriermon?" He growled as he clenched te handle of his blade, furious of the sight of a Deva King.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The two were walking through the seemingly never-ending jungle. No one had said a word. In fact nothing made a sound. Everything was stiff and silent. It was quite bizarre then unexpectedly Patamon broke the silence. His stomach let out a large groan.

    "Uhhh! I am starving!" It was apparent that he was struggling on maintaining a constant speed. Abruptly, Aire stopped. Patamon, not paying any attention, bumped into his leg and fell over helplessly. The sound of roaring water was near by. Behind a thick row of bushes laid a massive waterfall and cultivated fruit and vegitables. The two arrived at this dazzling display in mere moments.

    "Oh boy!" Patamon was quite excited already devouring the fruit which wasn't his to begin with. Aire grabbed a tomatoe himself and began to eat. Things began to look up for the two.

    Patamon sniffed the air with his no existent noise, momentarily standing on two legs. "What is that?!" an irresisting fragrance filled the air. Aire didn't smell a thing and did not notice Patamon's absence. It would seem Patamon had ventured off after the smell, just a ways from the waterfall. "Dinner-time!" unexpectedly a tentacle pulled Patamon near and into the mouth of a large plant like digimon. "Boom Bubble!" Patamon shouted.

    A mid-sized explosion could be heard in the distance. Aire stopped and quickly headed in that direction, realizing Patamon wasn't with him.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Lionel." "M'lady." The girl jumped off of KnightChessmon and walked slowly towards Leomon. Sonya took off her veil to reveal her face to Leomon with a sad expression. "It has been a while. How have you been? Forgive me. It is not even what you think..." Sonya looked down to the ground, ashame that the three of them have to meet like this.

    "Terriormon and the boy is less of our concern Leomon. You, however, is the problem."
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Me? I swear by my blade that I am not the problem! Kaiser and Ashe are, and you follow their lead like a trained Digimon, while we suffer and do our best to stand our ground. If its about me telling he boy it was te right thing, I believe he is one of the Digidestined, and my people need hope. But I will listen to why you believe that I am the problem, so explain yourself of that,"


    The Wendigomon readied her fist and sent it flying at Zac. Zac clenched his fists and closed his eyes, preparing for the worse. But...he didnt feel anything... He opened his eyes and saw Terriermon using all of his might to use his ears to push back Wendigomon away from his master,

    "Zac! Use the Digivice again!" Terriermon exclaimed as he was being pushed by Wendigomon. Zac grabbed his Digivice and raised it into the air, it glowed a light green aura, so did Terriermon. Pretty soon the light consumed Terriermon as digital data formed around him, and caused him to grow in size.

    "Terriermon digivolve toooooo!"GARGOMON!"

    A gargomon stood in place of Terriermon, with two twin vulcans on his arms, a bullet belt going around his body, a he wore a pair of blue denim pants. The barrels of te vulcans spun as he aimed at Wendigomon,

  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe rose from his throne and limped towards the exit, Coronamon stopped him and spoke lightly, "Ashe please... I know how you feel about your brother, but believe me... he loves you, you're his brother and nothing can change that. You know he'll never take it any further then that..." Ashe sighed at this but his face showed his confliction. "Yeah... I know... Let's go. We have to show Kaiser what the hawkmon just informed us of..." He smirked and with Coronamon on his shoulder, he warped to Hoshi's club.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Flamemon do me a favor. Make a mental note for me. Remind me to Brutally murder Leomon the moment i see him. kay? i think his existence has worn out his welcome." Kaiser slammed his fist into the wall next to him creating a small hole. Kaiser had been in the Digital world for so long he was more than human. He inherited inhuman abilities that most would deem impossible for humans to feat. " Everyday i walk out i hear the propaganda that son of a bitch spouts. He paints us in a negative light and now he will reap the fruits of his labor. "

    Kaiser's eyes were intense with anger he then turned his head slightly . " Hello Brother...." Kaiser was getting sick of being painted as a war criminal or a corrupt god " Im getting a little more than annoyed with leomon and his rebels...Im tired of them prancing around the digital world like im causing so much hell on this place. All the technological advances I DID! without me this poor piss ass place would still be rolling around in its filth. I CHANGED THAT. This son of a bitch will die and i'll be the one to burn his corpse to the ground. I've had it with his overzealous bullshit. "

    Kaiser's face lowered and his hair covered his eyes. " If they want me...to be a Demon god king...They shall get what they wish to receive.."


    Wll edit with Alix and Gatomon in a moment.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The Wendigomon stepped back as the bullets started to fly. She shook her head and roared with anger as she readied her fist, not caring this was her brother she was fighting with.

    "KOKO CRUSHER!" she yelled as she sent the punch flying at Gargomon. Kipper was smart, as he jumped in the air and readied his right Vulcan as it spun. He flew towards her and punched her face saying, "BUNNY PUMEL!" and shot several "Gargo Pellets" as his Vulcan made impact. Wendigomon stepped back several feet and covered her face.


    "THAT THING IS MY SISTER?!" Gargomon said , not thinking his words through,

    "You betrayed the Deva!" she said in a demonic voice, which sounded like a combination of her voice as a Lopmon, and a deep, booming voice, "Now you will pay the price, CABLE CRUSHER! RAGGGH!"

    Gargomon grabbed Zac's arm and tossed him aside and then jumped away from her giant, club like arms as they collided with the floor. He growled and took aim at his sister and continued to shoot, "GARGO LASER!"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Coronamon hopped onto her brother's shoulder and hugged his head, attempting to hide from the angry Kaiser.

    Ashe limped over to his brother and shook his head. "That's exactly what he wants, then he'd be considered a martyr, and we'll look like the bad guys for real. We've got to play it smart, let them believe what they want to believe. Until then, we simply continue our plans. However..." He handed a note from the hawkmon to his brother, which contained info that Sonya and Zac had been seen with Leomon.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "How dare you Lionel! You know very well that Kaiser is not the problem. Well, I do believe you that Ashe can be a problem but not Kaiser. All he want is a great world! If you only joined us. However, what is unnecessary is you taking away that boy. Do you honestly think that having him on your side will do any good? It is more as though you and your rebels are the bad guys!"

    "The Lady is correct. Though it may look as though we are we are doing bad, we are not, especially the Lady. Look at her. You yourself have seen the mansion. You saw how it is now being rebuilt by the digimon who she is training, those who are weak to help themselves. You see how they are working together and yet you still want to interfere?" "So tell me! What is wrong with Kaiser that I don't know about?" Lady Sonya walked up to Lionel and had her hands on his face. "Please. I do not want my darlings to get harmed or anyone in this world. This place is like a big chess battleground where all we can do is fight and fight until we evolve our allies to their most powerful form. Please...I am a Deva Queen... but I am being a leader for what is right. "
  11. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Sodina climbed down the cliff to see a village beneth it. The village was abundent with residents who all looked like wolves, some of them were shorter, and had four arms. She set her feet down on the solid ground and looked around again. All of the villagers were staring at her.

    "Excuse me, but you're not from here,are you" one of the wolf creatures said

    "Yeah" said Sodina

    "S-Stay away from us" the creature said and ran off, the others were following

    "That was weird" Cheranine said from Sodina's shoulders. At that moment, they heard sounds coming from behind them, then another one of those creatures stood before them.

    "I am the elder of this village, please come with me" the creature said with a smile and walked away to hut that was not far away. Without anywhere esle to go Sodina followed the elder into his hut
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "kaiser may have pure intentions but the plan is flawed! If both worlds merge it is the end or both! But that isn't just why I rebel, he has taken homes, he has become corrupt with the power and glory he and his brother were given!" he said moving her hands away and sighed,

    "I see your pure intentions, you have a caring and pure heart, which was why you had that crest. But...Kaiser was at one point worthy of a leader, a father like king, like how he use to be. But...his power, the glory and praise, all of which were consumed, his pride go the best of him. I understand you want to keep the young ones safe, but you should not do it with Kaiser, the worlds can be in harmony together but merging them would bring chaos! I remember them, you as we'll, all of the Deva before what they became. I remember seeing all of you care for PawnChessmon, Coronamon, Flamemon and Salamon. I remember the adventures those twins had, I remember the lives they saved. But... Something has changed... If you don't believe me, then I will tell you the same story that I told Zac as well, and maybe, you understand my rebellion, and maybe, you could return, back to the side you were destined to fight for. This ideal plan will end in destruction, if you do not heed my warning,"


    "Zac we have to go!" Gargomon said as he grabbed Zac's arm as the two ran out of the halls, Wendigomon on their tails. The two kept running, until they jumped through a window, and ran off. Wendigomon however, stopped. She was not wanting to cause harm to the mansion. Enough was already bestowed on this place.

    The two partners ran into the forest as they kept running and running, and then looked and saw the baby digimon following them. Zac kept running while lookin back, not seeing where he was going and ran into some sort of mechanical horse and fall backwards, with Gargomon and the baby digimon looking at him, all asking if he was okay.

    "Ow my head..."

    "It looks like the prodigal son has returned," Leomon said with a laugh,
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kyubimon looked up before running off and jumping to the side.

    "I'm for the challenge, but you better watch who you pick a challenge with." Kyubimon said before running forward. "Fox Tail Inferno!" Kyubimon shouted while fireballs went at icedevimon.

    Ri stood there shock but looked at Alix.

    "Come on we need to find a place before we get hurt anymore than what we may already be." Ri said to Alix
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon aimed to jump over the fireballs but was hit by one, hurting his leg and effectively slowing his movements. "ARGH! You'll pay for that digidestined! Rise Snowagumon, attack the digidestined!" Icedevimon turned to kyuubimon and scowled, extending his wings, "Take this then, ICY STORM!!" He yelled as icicles flew from his wings towards kyuubimon.

    Impmon sat casually on his chair in Sonya's mansion, he had learned alot, and when she returned, he'd have alot to tell her.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " No i'm not leaving Agumon out there alone Ri!. " Alix turned his head to her quickly" i'm not going anywhere ri i'm fine. " he said as he coughed again. " Suddenly many Snowagumon charged towards them. " Ri you take care of ice Devimon Leave these to us. Alix and Agumon said in unison. Agumon quickly took on the Snow Digimon blasting each one he saw and going blow for blow with each. Somehow Agumon was not getting tired something was strange about it all.

    Beep Beep!! His Digivice was beeping and glowing red but nothing was hapening. It seemed as if it was transmitting energy to Agumon. " Keep it up Agumon you can do this!!"


    Gatomon raised his head in annoyance. " Blegh you dogs are disgusting. Yuck!" The gatomon jumped to another tree only to hop down onto Katia's head. " Well hi little lady you sure are pretty. You'd make a good mistress for lord kaiser yes yes you would!!" As he wiggled on her head 5 other Gatomon stepped out of the bushes. They all began to hiss in a angry like manner. The gatomon sitting on her head waved his finger. " Quite the predicament you got yourself into little lady Meow!"
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "And you are back once again." KnightChessmon walked back from Zac and Terriormon as Gargomon to stand there and look at them. "What is wrong? You look troubled and terrified. Ah. And I see that you have reached your next form. Congratulations."

    "Ending of the worlds? ... Heheheh. Preposterous. I cannot see any reason as to why it both worlds would collapse. As for Kaiser taking homes... why would he? If he did, then it is because of you and your rebels. You may have some other leaders to help carry out the plans but because of them, he had to take drastic actions. Lionel. Please stop this. Why must we continue all of the fighting?" Sonya lend out a hand to the digimon. "Rest and be at peace for once."
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Abyssal and KoD can go ahead and do some power-playing against the Meramon)).

    With Kuroneko pestering her all the while, Hoshi threw her bed sheets off of herself and planted her feet on the floor. She had fallen asleep in her street clothes, since there was never any time to really get comfortable in real sleeping clothes. She simply slipped on her boots and stood up out of bed. Stretching and yawning, she glanced at Kuroneko. “So Kaiser’s on his way, is he?” she asked.

    “Yeah. That’s what I said!”
    Kuroneko replied, with a bit of an attitude. “We should probably go wait for him in the club. You know he doesn’t like it when we keep him waiting long!”

    Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the voice of a Gabumon called from the other side. “Miss Hoshi! Lord Kaiser has just arrived to see you.”

    “Looks like we already waited too long,”
    Hoshi whispered to Kuroneko as she walked to the door. There was another knocking sound, but it cut off only be Hoshi’s opening of the door. She looked down at the partly stunned Gabumon, who had been ready to knock several more times. “I’m aware,” she said to him. “Thank you for coming for me though. Now get back to work…. Or whatever it was you were doing.” Leaving her door closed behind her, she walked back into the nightclub space. First looked to the bar, she saw only the Sukamon tending to a few early-arrivals for the nightly activity. Silently, the Sukamon pointed towards the foyer, where Kaiser could be easily seen driving his fist against the wall.

    “Typical,” Kuroneko said.

    “Bad control,” Hoshi said. “Let’s go see what’s up.” She walked across the floor towards the foyer as Ashe arrived behind Kaiser. “If you’re done punching holes into my wall,” she said to him once she was at a conversation distance, “what’s the news?”
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "*sigh* I wish for nothing more than peace, but Kaiser is hard to reach, he is so caught up in his pride, he believes he can achieve something that he thinks will aid the worlds. But if he successfully does this, both worlds will be on a path to destruction. That's why I fight, it's the only way I can get to him. But I can't keep it up, luckily, the Digidestined are here, and they can help Kaiser see the light,"

    "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?!" Kipper yelled as he aimed his left Vulcan at Sonya, Zac pulled the arm away and gave Sonya a stern look, "Kipper is right, what did you do to Kiki? Why is she a big beast now instead of being Lopmon? She nearly killed me!"
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire manages to locate Patamon and he wasn't alone. It was Patamon versus Vegiemon. The two waited for the other to make a move. Vegiemon stood erect moving its tentacles in a wavy pattern while Patamon was lunged on his hind legs.Then Vegiemon notices the human. "Ah so your that kind of digimon!" "I heard the chosen are the tastiest." He said licking his 'would be' lips. Hastingly, he whips his tentacles at Aire but oddly enough Veggiemon's attack missed. Although it had missed, a crackling sound was made. "Look out!" Patamon yelled running towards Aire. A tree was falling fast, down upon Aire. "Not so fast" One of Vegiemon's tentacle pulled on Patamon's leg. Aire grinned!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe turned to Hoshi and shrugged, "I caused some problems, aka, burned down Sonya's mansion. Also, from what I've heard... Leomon has been once again spouting bullshit lies about Kaiser and I, like he completely forgot that if my brother and I hadn't shown up when we did, they'd still be rolling around in their own shit." He turned to Sukamon and limped towards the bar. "I don't care what it is, just make it strong and good or you aren't getting a tip, understand me?" Ashe wasn't happy that he was injured, it made him look and feel weak.

    Coronamon looked at her brother and whispered, "Kaiser won't hurt Ashe anymore will he... It hurts him both physically and mentally... I don't really like this depressed Ashe... and he hasn't had a drink in years... Please don't let Kaiser hurt him anymore big brother..."

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