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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe scowled and put his face inches from Kaiser, "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Ashe practically screamed at Kaiser, "I felt that I had to take initiative and make YOU look good! But did you give me anything? NO! ALL YOU FUCKING GAVE ME WAS ORDERS! I AM YOUR BROTHER, Kaiser! I am your only family... and you're mine! But listen here, BRO, if you're going to cause needless destruction, YOU have to learn to accept the responsibility! If this comes back to bite you... it's your fault!"
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh HO HO!! Look what we have here, you decided to grow some fucking balls for once eh?!?!" Kaiser pushed Ashe forcefully. " Get the fuck out of my face!, Goes to show you know nothing about anything i do. " Kaiser raised an eyebrow to his brother " Your one to talk about NEEDLESS distruction. were you not the one to just cause almost every propblem we have had recently huh?!. Yea thats what i thought so don't talk to me about responsibility until you can own up to your own sins.

    Raising his hand to slap his brother instead he pointed a finger at him. " Everything i do is carefully planned and there is a reason behind all my actions. lets take our PAL leomon, hes foolish enough to think i don't know the exact location of his village, oh but will he have a rude awakening when he finds out what i've sent Hoshi out to do."

    Kaiser was starting to get frustrated with Ashe, beyond means. " Why are you looking to receive something from me HUH!! What do you want from me Ashe!" He slapped his fist across his own chest ," What do you want from me!!


    Mikemon was one of the strongest Champion Digimon that was under Kaisers rule. Not the srongest in terms of strength but the more well prepared and ready with strategies. he figured instead of allowing the digimon to digivolve he'd just capture the Digidestined.

    " Thats a good girl... i knew you'd see things my way. " He walked away from her waving her finger for her to walk his way. "Lets go. were heading to Quad city." He turned quickly to her. "Don't sell yourself short, you are pretty my dear and your going to meet, the current ruler of this world. "
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe cracked completely, "WHY DON'T YOU GET IT? WHY? ALL I WANT... ALL I'VE EVER WANTED FROM YOU... IS RECOGNITION... RESPECT... AND... MORE THEN ANYTHING KAISER... more then anything... I just want you to be the brotherly figure you used to be again... The brother who protected me from our mom... the brother who saved me from nightmares... the brother that didn't care when I was hanging around him. Why can't you go back to being him Kaiser... That's what I want from you!"
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia pulled herself straight on shaken legs, using the tree to brace herself. Her school uniform and sweater, slightly dirtied by her travels and tears, still remained relatively crisp from the morning, it seems. At least she looked somewhat presentable for whoever this big bad was.

    Katia really hoped that they weren't a thousand-limbed tentacle beast demon lord.


    Labramon's travels took her through other forested regions, dragging along that bag of dumplings, until eventually she took refuge in a large hollow at the bottom of a tree. Dropping down, she placed the bag gently on the ground so she wouldn't wreck the bag.

    "Kitty-kat. . ." She whined, digging her nose into the container.

    OOC: Timeskip for Katia? She's been lagging behind everybody else, anyways
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Tch....whatever"

    Kaiser turned his head and started to walk off.

    " Stop!" Flamemon stood in front of kaiser " Don't do this to him..i'd be devestated if i lost my sister like this. i don't want you to end up that way. just hear him out."

    Kaiser turned around and faced his brother. " Look, that side of me never changed...it just became suppressed. I can't figure out how i'll go back to that..and i don't think i ever will. That part of me....is no longer present. i havent felt love in years i think i forgot how it felt....maybe thats why i've become this cold shell."

    He placed his hand on Ashe's shoulder. " Get some rest and Take it easy bro.."

    Kaiser turned slowly and began to walk away.

    OOC: yes we can do a timeskip, i'll either edit this post or in my next she will be moved to Quad city waiting to meet kaiser.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe sighed but after getting it all off his chest he finally collapsed. Coronamon digivolved from Ashe's flurry of emotions earlier and lifted him onto her back, before running after Kaiser and Flamemon. Before slipping into unconsciousness Ashe muttered to his brother, "You'll find it... Kaiser... Hoshi and I'll help you find the caring side... I promise... Dahahahahahaha... ha... ughh..." He groaned as he fell asleep. It was later realized he had fallen into a coma from all the stress on his body.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Time Skip to next morning everyone. ------

    The morning sun beamed in trough the hospital window. Kaiser's upper body lay asleep on Ashe's chest. The Nurse came in,

    " She left the diagnosis on the bed post.

    " The patient passed out due to over exhertion and Alcohol Overdosage"

    Kaiser had stayed overnight by Ashe's side the entire night. He tried to stay up most of the night but it seems he was to tired to muster the strength to stay up.

    -----will edit with katia in this post
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe's eyes slowly opened, and widened moments after. His face turned red but he remained calm and quiet, allowing his brother to get much needed rest. He thought about the previous day, and his blush deepened as he realized what he had revealed to his brother. He noticed Coronamon sleeping on Flamemon's shoulder and smiled for the first time in a while. Placing his arm gently across his brother, so he didn't wake him, Ashe closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep by his brother's side.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: Zac and I is going to do the time skip in Zac's post to explain what had happened after the battle. My own time skip is a little bit more with Sonya.

    KnightChessmon and Lady Sonya walked towards Leomon with tears in their eyes, knowing that this may happen. "We're... sorry." KnightChessmon took out another dart and had her hands by Leomon's face. "Forgive us." KnightChessmon stuck the missile into Leomon's stomach, piercing him and trapping him into the tree. Lady Sonya didn't know what else to do and just fell next to Leomon, hugging him. "Lionel. Why?" Lady Sonya continue to hug him as he was fading away slowly. Lady Sonya's emotion soon had KnightChessmon to warp digivolve into QueenChessmon. QueenChessmon's dark complexion soon start to brighten a little bit.

    "I will not let the weak get hurt. I promise you that."

    A Few Hours Later: Sonya's Interpretation

    "After defeating Lionel, my mind was in different places. I didn't even bother trying to contact Kaiser. I wanted to keep it all a secret and with my meeting with Lionel. In all honesty, I had sent a couple of my servants to send several letters to Lionel. Now, I do not know what to do next. As a Deva Queen, I have to put my trust for the digimon. Wendigomon is somewhere. She will be a good asset and I am still waiting on Aire to come back.

    What will be my next chess move? The clock is ticking and I cannot waste any time. I need answers...but I think..."

    Lady Sonya starts to walk down the stairs in a different set of clothing. As she wore a 10 cm silver heels and she made her hair longer to reach to the middle of her back. Her clothes are also dyed in violet, with a long Russian gown that even covers her shoes. She made her way into the kitchen, which is halfway to completion.

    "M'lady. Your breakfast." "Wrap it up and put it in a case."

    Once she left out of the kitchen, she made her way to the main hall, where Angewoman and LadyDevimon presides. "Lady Sonya. We have sent the two on the mission to find Aire yesterday as you requested. However, we do not know and fear Wendigomon's personality. She is now becoming a bit more... rebellious." "If that is the case, then we will tame her even more." The three looked back to see QueenChessmon walking from the other direction. "We do not accept any rebellion. She is our weapon after all." "Even so, we must be cautious. This is a dark evolution that we are talking about. Who knows what kind of effects this will have on her. AngeWoman, LadyDevimon. Once I meet up with Aire, the two of you and Beelzemon will be leaders in my absence. QueenChessmon and I... we are going out on a mission ourselves. If Kaiser is trying to find us, keep it vague. I do not wish for him to know what I am up to. I did not even bother contacting him. Now that Leomon is gone, we should have less rebellion."

    "Yes ma'am." "And also... let this be a mission also. If you come across any of the "Digidestined", kidnap them. Separate them from their digimon if you have to. And the mail sent to the leader?" "We already sent someone to send the Sovereign your mail." "Good." Lady Sonya and QueenChessmon starts to leave with Angewoman and LadyDevimon staring. "Must she have such a burden?"

    A Chapmon was flying towards Kaiser with a pink envelope decorated in its mouth. It flew up towards him and dropped it off in Kaiser's hands and flew back towards the base. With Sonya's royal symbol on it, inside the envelope is a letter:

    "Lionel is defeated. Zac has escaped. I will be living back on earth more often. On a journey. Will not be in contact as much love.

    ~ Sonya
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon screamed in agony, which was when Zac and the other digimon hear it and came runnin towards him, not caring about Sonya and QueenChesmon. Leomon clenched his fists as data was fading off him, starting from his feet.

    "S-Sonya...y-you...you made a grave mistake..." he said with a furious expression on his face as he looke at her. She really felt remorse, but that wasn't enough to keep him from his death, "All of this...just to reach an unachievable dream?"

    "Leomon!" Zac yelled as he came up to him, tears running down his face as he watched Leomon fade away, "Don't die Leomon c'mon you can survive this! Just get that dart out and walk up!"

    "I'm afraid this is one injury that can't be healed with simple bandages and medicine. My time has come I'm afraid. I was, yes, a coward for not helping my people for this time of need until now. I knew that if I revealed myself in battle, death would surely come at me. I didn't care, because... You... You and the other Digidestined, I have faith, and hope in you, that you will set things right,"

    "But Leomon!" Zac said as he got to his knees,

    "No buts Zac...those are for sitting," Leomon said as he placed his hand-like paws on his chest and began to close his eyes as his body was almost fully gone, "Take care..."

    When he said those final words, his data was gone, but instead of heading towards Knightchessmon, the two little digimon ran up to Leomon's dying and fading body, and soon, Leomon's data had went into the two. After he was compeltly gone, the three little digimon began to cry at the death of Leomon. Zac got up with his fists clenched, his head sulking down at the ground, hiding his face covered in tears and his enraged expression. He looked up at Sonya and yelled,

    "Why?! If you are feeling remorse then why the fuck did you that in the first place you bitch!" he yelled, but then realized all of what he said and then covered his mouth. He back away slowly, and said "I-I so sorry, I didn't-" and then he picked the other digimon and ran away, far away from Sonya. Tears came down from his face, where did that come from? He never said those words in his life and used them at someone he thought of as...maybe... A friend? But that friendship was over from when Leomon spoke the truth, Zac was just trying to keep it lasting, because that was the only other friendship he had.

    "Whoa I feel ticklish and tingly!" Gigimon said as he glowed a bright yellow aura,

    "Yeah me two!" Wanyamon replied, as he two was shining a yellow aura. Zac placed them on the ground for the moment and realized what was napping as he saw the balls morph. It was time to Digivolve.



    Zac woke up leaning on a tree, looking up to the morning blue sky. He stretched out his arms and saw Terriermon, and the newly Digivolved Gaomon and Guilmon, sleeping on top of each other. As it turned out, Leomon's data gave them enough energy to digivolve into Rookie form. He got up as he yawned and walked off to get breakfeast, he wasn't sure where to find any but he had to look.


    The Wendigomon never slept the night in the forest, or even slept for that matter. She rampaged through the forest, knocking through a tree or two using her Koko Crusher and caused bird digimon to fly away from the tree tops and escape from the terrifying power of Wendigomon. She was searching for Aire, not knowing he was but she knew he was a human and that was about it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon stood in the shadow of the room containing the two brothers, he had been sent to check on Ashe's condition on Lady Sonya's behalf, though he was utterly confused as to what caused this change of heart in his queen but he had recieved the orders directly from Sonya... well, she didn't give it to him directly, but it was in her handwriting and he didn't want to risk disobeying orders. He noticed the note sent with Lady Sonya's seal and intercepted it before it could come into contact with Kaiser. He didn't want to see this moment ruined by news of Leomon's death, so he placed the note into his pocket and jumped out the window. He landed on his motorcycle and drove off back to Sonya's mansion.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Time was passing slowly. The bright light shone onto Kaisers face, the blazing sun gleamed over the room. Kaiser started to rustle as his eyes widened he awoke. He noticed everyone in the room was still sleep. He had a strange feeling that things were moving beneath his knowledge. These were things he did not approve of. Pressing his hands against the chair he stood up. Cracking his knuckles and stretching each arm and body appendage carefully.

    " There is something that i dont know of...and its bothering me. " He walked over to the window, standing by it he opened the window carefully leaning outside taking in the warm morning air. " Eh.....so bothersome"
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Kaiser's movement caused his brother to stir, and eventually wake up as well. "Go back to sleep bro... it's to early..." He mumbled to himself and sat up, hissing at the pain in his head, "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow......." He turned to the wall and frowned, there was a message written in... what looked like bullet holes... "Leomon is dead. Sonya did him in. I'm on my way to eliminate the traitor, but if you want me to change course, I'd be happy to oblige. Your loyal assassin, Beelzemon. PS: It seems Sonya is going out on a loner mission... You want me to look in on it?" "Hey Kaiser... Beelzemon left us a message..." He pointed to the wall.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac kept walking through the forest. He wasn't sure at all where he and his friends were, but it wasn't gonna stop them. He wasn't sure HOW many Digidestined there were, but that was one of Leomon's final words...he had to fulfill it! He kept walking till he was about a good 20 yards from where the group was sleeping. He sighed, he wasn't gonna be able to find any breakfeast around in this forest.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His body still motionless as he figured he was right about the feeling he had. " I see, Do me a favor will ya and read it to me" He didnt take his face out of the window or bother turning around. Because he didnt want his brother to see the look of hatred and anger overcoming his face. Aire and Zac were starting to irritated him more than he originally intended.

    Flamemon started to wake up rubbing his head he rolled around on the floor. "The floor is warm...." Roll Roll Roll" He said as he rolled around on the floor to a cooler spot " Ok..its cool now good night.." he said passing out again.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe smiled and read it, "It says... 'Leomon is dead, Sonya did him in. I'm on my way to eliminate the traitor, but if you want me to change course I'd be happy to oblige. Your loyal assassin, Beelzemon. PS: Sonya is going on a loner mission. Want me to look in on it?' That's it..."

    Coronamon rolled with Flamemon, until she found a nice comfortable place on his stomach, "Nighty night big brother." She squeaked out, before following Flamemon's lead and falling asleep again.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Flamemon up now" He said sternly snappng his fingers. He moved his head from the window returning to his brother with a warm smile. he kneed down to Coronamon rubbing her head gently" You do well to take care of my brother alright, me and your brother have some things we have to attend do. "

    He looked back at Ashe and stood up. " Alright bro you take it easy today. i have to go deal with this sonya thing. " he rolled his eyes out of annoyance.

    Flamemon shot up at attention scooting from underneath his sister. " Arg....can't it just be a little while longer..."

    Kaiser shrugged and started to walk through the doors. " Sure i'll just replace you with another digimon that WANTS to hang with me."

    " Hey!! don't do that"
    Flamemon said running after kaiser.
    Kaiser grabbed his Digivice and spoke into it. " Beezlemon... do me a favor , rather two favor. meet me at my HQ in exactly 15 minutes.


    Time had passed since Katia was captured. Mikemon lead her to the gates of a large City. The other gatomon pushed her up closer to the gate. " Well well here we are, it been a day's journey but were here now. You get to meet the man in charge. are you excited. " Mikemon looked up at the girl quickly. he was excited to bring his lord a gift. a human girl at that.
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "About as excited as a fish on a beach. . ." Katia meekly mumbled in reply, fully aware of the fish pun. The whole trip she had been recovering from her outburst from earlier and was now feeling rather apathetic towards the situation as a whole. The girl's feet pained her, her chest was taut from all the exertion, and all she wanted was a bath. With any luck, though, this Kaiser would not be a total jerk to her. She thought, That's unlikely. . . as she observed the tall gates.


    Labramon whined in her little alcove, the bag of dumplings just down to three pastries left.

    "What do I doooooooo?" She howled, pacing in circles.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac kept on walking though the forest when he heard whining of some sorts. He stopped and followed the spud. He kept walking till he saw an aclove of some sorts. He looked inside and saw a dog of some sorts. It was white and had pinkish-purple ears and seemed pretty sad and nervous. What was it doing with a food bag?

    "Hey," Zac said to the Labramon, "You okay?"
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe sighed and nodded as Kaiser left he smiled as Coronamon jumped onto his bed and laid on his stomach. "It's just us now buddy..."

    Beelzemon got the message and u-turned with his motorcycle before riding back, he slowed down when he saw Kaiser, "Hey Kaiser! Need a ride? Or are you just taking a stroll? Hehehehehe! So which base am I going to? Yours? Sonya's? Hoshi's? Obviously not Ashe's since his is always locked hahahaha!"

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