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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'd take you up on that, but...we all know guys don't ride ont he back of cycles. So i'll pass. But what i need to tell you i can tell you here. " He said as he stopped walking" There are a few things i need you to take care of. Mainly one of them involves Finding out exactly what Sonya is up to. its not that i don't trust her i don't think she'd ever betray me but i just find it suspcious. Also i had planned to kill leomon myself so that throws a fork in the road for me. i have to find another approach. "

    He paced back and forth tapping the side of his head. " I think she knows fully well the things i'll do to get what i need to get accomplished. But In the Deva kings, we don't keep secrets from one another. In any case in her stead im placing you in charge of her operations. until further notice. But for now. Find the location of a boy named Zac. and the other one named Aire. Bring Aire to me alive. However, Zac...i really don't give a dam what you do with him."

    He looked at Beezlemon with intent. " Im glad to have you around. Its nice to have someone that can actually listen for once." With that Kaiser took his leave and headed towards his Castle. upon entering he was greeted by many female digimon all of which fawned over him.

    " Sir, Mikemon has scheduled a time to meet with you very soon im glad your back!"

    Kaiser raised a single eyebrow and noddd his head in agreement. He took a seat in his large chair. leaned his head onto he right arm and waited.


    The gates opened slowly. the gleeming golden rods on the gates shined brightly as the sun hit them. In massive platnium writing the words Quad City. were depicted as the gate finished opening. Mikemon lead Katia through the city passing by many digimon, many of whitch gave her looks of curiosity and prying eyes. It was so until they reached the largest building in the central city. The double doors swung open slowly

    " Im here to see Lord Kaiser." Mikemon said the receptionist.

    " Yes hes waiting for you in his chambers" She said back politely. Mikemon forcefully pushed her into the room.

    " You bow to lord Kaiser when your in his presence!
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon nodded and sped off on his Motorcycle. He rode through the forest and soon hit a jump which landed him next to Aire. "Huh... hmm... Patamon, check. Angry, check, In the forest... check! You must be Aire! It's your lucky day!" He saw the Veggiemon off to the side making noise and he drew his guns, "Heh, Double Impact!" He spoke as he blasted all the Veggiemon into digital data. "To easy..." He twirled Barenjara a few times before returning them to their holsters. "Ha! Hop on kid! I've got something that'll fill you up!"
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    All of a sudden, Katia's legs turned to jelly. What if he didn't like her? What if he ordered her to be killed right on the spot? These thoughts and more suddenly flooded her head, as if the physical gates outside her body opened the gates of anxiety inside her body as well. But soon she found herself in a throne room of sorts, facing Kaiser.

    Her whole body quivered with fear as the girl faced the tyrant. He was tall. Very tall. And he had a suitably evil-looking digivice, though it was just the colours that made it look evil. And he had tattoos! It's as if the scariest person ever decided to rule the digiworld! And OF COURSE he had to be attractive, too!

    Oh my, what do I do what do I do what do I BOW NOW- She panicked, bowing at a 90 degree angle. Suddenly, the ground seemed VERY interesting.


    "Hey, you okay?"

    Labramon's head shot up, her gaze meeting Zac's.

    "RetrieverG!" She snarled, firing a burst of sonic waves at the boy. She didn't recognize him from that first group of digidestined that she met her partner in, so he could only be a Deva King, by her logic.

    "You took Kitty-Kat! I'm going to get you!" She howled, guarding the bag while her fur bristled with anger.
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "AGH!" Zac said as he imediatly ducked from the sonic blast, he looked at the dog digimon and slowly approached it, "Listen I don't know who this...ah...."Kitty Kat" is but I'm assuming that is a girl who you know right?" Zac asked, his Digivice was beeping. He then realized it was and pulled it out and looked up data on Labramon, and also took note that Terriermon was obviously gonna come,

    "So Labramon...vaccine digimon...virus buster...is your friend a human?" Zac asked, hoping the answer was a yes.


    As Beelzemon took care of the Veggiemon, Wendigomon entered the scene and was now directly behind Aire, her hot breath coming from her about onto Aire's neck. She crackled her knuckles and looked at Beelzemon, "I got this,"
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC- Slight powerplay on you Angel, but you need to get moved forward lol.

    IC- "Well that complicates things huh..." Beelzemon frowned but grabbed Aire and placed him on the back of Behemoth(his ride) before revving off, leaving Wendigomon in the dust. He knew she'd understand why Beelzemon didn't let her hurt Aire, because she knew what his job was. "HAHA!" He laughed as he drove through Quad City and right through the front door to Kaiser's castle, coming to a perfect clean stop right next to Kaiser.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser's eye lit up when he first saw the girl. She was really pretty and looked pure yet innocent. He began walking over to her he could tell she was trembling. Kneeling down he pulled her face up by her chin. " You ok?'" he said in a caring tone. He shot a look at Mikemon. " Don't be so rough with our guest. " You can go get your reward from the receptonist i'll see your paid greatly for this."

    Shes one of the Digidestined!" Mikemon shouted in a excited manner.

    " Kaiser turned his head back to the girl. " Stand up come with me for a while i promise no harm will come to you while you are with me. " He walked away into another room which was a large lavish bath and spa room. " He waited by the door for her. " No questions for now. just relax and leave your clothes at the door. i'll have them washed, unless you would like a new set of clothing. "

    Kaiser knew how important it was to have one of the digiestined in his company, this may be the trump card he has been looking for.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia's trembling did not cease with Kaiser's welcoming. In fact, all his attempt to pacify her did was make her freeze up. It was several minutes before the courage to speak was finally upon her.

    A parched tongue croaked, "Y-yes. . . a bath would be nice. And n-new clothes. . ."

    Meanwhile her mind raced with interpretations of this all.

    He seems genuinely interested in me. . . But why? Why would they be so nice when they wanted me dead just a short while ago? It couldn't be because I am pretty. . . I'm not pretty. She thought, shakily closing the door behind herself and disrobing. The girl submerged herself in the hot water of the spa, letting the previous events melt from her bones and replacing them with comfort.

    Some time later, she noticed a towel sitting near the tub, and used that to cover her body as she emerged.


    "Listen I don't know who this...ah...."Kitty Kat" is but I'm assuming that is a girl who you know right?" Zac asked, his Digivice was beeping. He then realized it was and pulled it out and looked up data on Labramon, and also took note that Terriermon was obviously gonna come,

    "Grrrrr. . . You're a Deva King! You're not a digidestined!" Labramon growled, noticing the digivice of the boy.

    "So Labramon...vaccine digimon...virus buster...is your friend a human?"

    "Of course she's a human! You Devas took her!" Labramon said, clearly not getting the point.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I'm not a Deva!" Zac exclaimed, and on cue, Terriermon, Guilmon and Gaomon came running into the scene, "Look, a digimon said for me to get all the Digidestined together, if your partner is a human then she is a Digidestined, where is she? Please tell us!"

    "You can trust Zac," Terriermon said as he walked up to Labramon with a smile on his face, "He is my partner, and a Digidestined!"

    "Yea you can trust Zac! He is really nice to us, he got us away from the Deva Kings!"

    "So where is your partner?" Gaomon asked with his arms crossed, walking up to the dog digimon. It was then Zac realized there was mainly dog digimon in this small group. Odd.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser stood by the door hearing her step out of the tub. " You don't have to come out if you don't feel comfortable doing so, i've already arranged a meal for you, as well as new clothes for you to wear. When your ready i'll be waiting at the table theres something i'd like to discuss with you.

    " Kaiser walked away and sat back at his chair. This new girl was cute to him and he wanted to see how much informaiton he could get out of her. maybe she would be of use to him
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The digidestined was practically unfazed by the fact that Kaiser was creepily outside the door the moment she exited the tub. Her time in the calming waters had cooled her core and balanced her mind, so she felt much more at ease with people. At least, people that were separated by a barrier. The girl took her time drying and clothing herself, her easygoing nature returned in full force. She kept her hair in the long, dual braids she had before, not really feeling like those needed to change. Her large glasses were polished and clean, just like everything else of her at that moment.

    She could do this. She could face them.

    Five minutes later, Katia found herself staring at the plate on the table in front of her, unwilling to make eye contact with Kaiser.


    Labramon's fur de-bristled itself once she finally calmed down, her tail drooping listlessly between her legs. She scooted the bag between her paws, then lay on her stomach. The dog placed her head on her paws and the bag, whining, "They took her. They took Kitty-kat. . . and she doesn't want me anymore. . ."
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2012
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac bent down and began to prech like a bird, his normal sitting stance. He placed his hand on the digimon's head and stroked it, "Come on. Your a digimon, how can someone not like something as cute as you-....wait didn't you try to defend her? Never mind... Look, we will rescue your partner, I'm sure she was scared of what was happening...I was the same way only...I didn't come here with friends, just alone...no one to call friends but m family who I'm far away from... I was a little nervous when coming here, but I know she is happy to have you as a friend. Take me and Terriermon,"

    "Yea, we may annoy each other but we still love each other like brothers!" Terriermon said as he walked up to Labramon with a big smile,

    "C'mon, we have to get going to find the others, I think the Deva Kings are gonna send out to find...and maybe kill the others... I wish we could go save your partner, but it will be the five of us against an army. We need all the Digidestined to save your partner. So what do you say?" he asked as he reached out his hand, gesturing the Labramon to shake.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He continued to eye her as if she would look up, but it seemed she was avoiding his gaze. He let out a deep sigh and stood out of his chair. Walking across to her side he placed one hand on the table.

    " So how exactly do you intend to ignore the fact that your with me now" He said to her in a calm sense. " He knelled down till he was face level with her. " Tell me something, whats your name?"
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Lady was back on Earth, spending her time back at home before she start to go back to the Digital World. Since it is a Saturday,, she have free time on her hands. "Madam. Remember that whatever you do on your trip, make sure you do not talk to strangers. You know how much SOME people will try to use affectation to have you to trust them." "I understand. Take care."

    The Lady then left out of the mansion with her suitcase and lunch, using her digivice to see her PawnChessmon waiting on her. "Are you sure about this?" "I am positive. Let's go." Sonya went to the back of the mansion and used the digivice, opening a portal to go right back into the digital world. Soon, she found herself in front of her digimon friend and the two is in an open plain. "Ok. Where should we begin?"

    "We will go to the Dark Area. We will ask Anubismon of the situation and to decide who is the enemy. After that, we will have to find one of the two wisest digimon." "The two wisest digimon?" "Yes. Wisemon and AncientWisetmon. I have kept this from Kaiser for some time when we was going around taking over and uniting lands. I have found records on AncientWisetmon and that AncientWisetmon is to have the intellect to know the past and to forecast the future. Wisemon is also to have the similar ability." "But Sonya. AncientWisetmon have passed on eons ago and who knows where is Wisemon. Wisemon is said to be able to travel through time and space. This quest is impossible and where are we to even find them."

    "Then we shall go north and ask one of the Sovereigns, Ebonwumon. He is another digimon with the same wisdom rivalling the two. We must keep this between the two of us. I have sent a couple of spies around the world to keep me up-to-date as to what is going on. Now, let's go. We should find Aire soon."
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC- Try again huh...

    IC- Beelzemon accepted the orders and pondered where to look first. Obviously, Aire was the top priority, but the last person to see him was Ashe, and Aire had apparently disappeared in a beam of light. 'Aire came for power... but he wants it his own way... so he's probably training... Patamon was in rookie form when he was last seen... So he's more then likely in an area with champions or lower... It's a safe bet to assume he's most likely in an isolated area where he can work alone...'

    Beelzemon revved up Behemoth and raced forward, his first stop, the place he trained as a Rookie... Muchomon forest.

    OOC- Better -_-?
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia's strugle to find words increased as the distance between the two decreased, but her quivering did not return. She was, however, gripping the side of the table with white knuckles, which may have explained her stability. When Kaiser drew to face level, the girl's attempts to avoid his gaze ended up focusing on his mouth. Well, it was a start.

    "K-Katia," The digidestined managed to spit out after a bit of struggle.


    "Mrrrrm. . ." Labramon garrumphed, remembering the situation like it was yesterday. Which, technically it was. "Alright, you have a deal. Shake, human."

    The dog-mon raised a paw, shaking Zac's hand, then lifted herself off the ground and took the bag between her teeth, nodding for Zac to lead the way.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned around and gestured to Labramon to follow him. He started to walk off to find the other Digidestined, hopefully they would find the others soon,

    "So...how about I call you Abi? Seems like a nice name? But aside that, how many other Digidestined are there? That is, if you have seen them,"

  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The Vegiemonz started to chuckle finding that a human giving them orders was hysterical. "Boy! You should have stayed in hiding" RedVegiemon said as he hopped closer with a wide grin which exposed his jagged teeth. "I'll make you a deal!" his eyes began to grow wide. "Kill your friend and we'll let you go!" "Well?!" Aire by-passed RedVegiemon heading for Patamon. The noise that RedVegiemon made was clearly the sounds of suspense and elation. The sun became eclipse by the clouds in the late day sky casting a great shadow upon the forest. In mere seconds, the boy hovered over the crushed and defeated Patamon. There he stood face to face with the only thing that had shown him compassion and closeness. But now, it was coming to an end. The journey, the Power, the realization of it all began to halt as though the Clock of Fate was slowly coming at a stop. The Vegiemonz surrounded him and in union. "Compost Bomber". Everything fades to black, not a sound was uttered, not a sound was heard.

    ---------------------(Optional read)---------------------​
    "Hey, wake up!" a soft voice arouses Aire. "It's time to wake up!" There, Patamon stood over a boy that was briefly unconscious. "Why-y are you here?" the boy muddled. "Because, you let me in". "I let you in?" the boy questioned. "Yes! Do you know where we are?". Aire repositioned his-self in a upright position and observed his surroundings. He shook his head. "This is your SPIRIT!" "My SPI-RIT?!" He then touches his chest. "Yes! My Spirit" he says with affirmation. "And your a part of it?!" Patamon turns away from him and begins to speak. "You know what you desire most?!" "Yes the ability to be stronger, No absolute Power!" "Listen! Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. It errodes the SPIRIT" Patamon faced him again. "I don't care! It is all that I have. It is all that I need to acquire". "You just don't see it do you" "There is a light within you that is a beacon of HOPE!". Patamon's innervoice, "You don't know it now but whenever your obsession with this unattainable goal becomes too outrageous will it shine the brightest." Patamon then resumes. "From now on me and you share the same aspiration" "As one body, one mind, and one soul. Aire nods. "From now on, I will be more ambitious in my cause from which my SPIRIT gives life. The room in which the two were in, begins to brighten into a capitivating white light. "Hey, wake up!" a soft voice arouses Aire. "It's time to wake up!
    ---------------------(End of Optional Read)---------------------​

    Multidirectional streams of data spirals around both Aire and Patamon. The data forms a spiraling bulb that radiates intense light. The clouds pass and the sun's rays begin to shine. Wings emerge from the sphere ["PATAMON DIGIVOLVES TO"] then the sphere begins to expand and pulses out knocking away the Vegiemonz and revealing an Angel. An Angel with six dazzling wings and a helmet which "sees no evil" or "hears no evil". It's decent to the ground released sparkles of bright light as it landed. ["ANGEMON!"]. Aire's hand was gripped on his chest. A shiny object was glowing from his hand. "SPIRIT! Finish this!" "As you wish!" he replied in a 'Holier than thow' voice. "Angel Rod". His rod impales a still dazed Vegiemon. It dissipates (4). By this time, the Vegiemonz were ready! "Sharp Leaf" they said in union as their vines chased Angemon. He soared reaching an altitude from which the vines could not reach. Then descending back to the ground, he began dodging the vines which inexplicably tangled themselves. "Omni Tornado" a massive tornado sweeps 2 Vegiemon inside dispersing their data (2). The original Vegiemon stood in fear. "Die! Compost Bomber" Angemon used his rod to levy the damage from the blow. "It is you who will be judge" he declared as he struck the Vegiemon with his rod." He slowly eroded from previous injures in his fight with Patamon (1). Angemon landed to the sound of a familar voice. "Hahamwha!" RedVegiemon had the most sinister smile. "I should have eaten you when you were puny!" I won't make the same mistake again! "Chilli Pepper Pummel, Red Thorn, Stink Jet!!" RedVegiemon released one of the most powerful barrage of attacks in his arsenal. Angemon didn't move. The attacks effectively took their toll. "Look at you! This is where the humans get you! They make you weak!" he moved in expecting to finish it. "Your wrong! We will show you what true power is! both Aire and Angemon stated in union. "What the hell! Wait!!!" Angemon had thrown Vegiemon upwards. Aire raises his digivice to Angemon. It begins to shine brightly. "HEAVEN'S KNUCKLE!!!" "[HAND OF FATE] A golden light erupts from Angemon fist submerging RedVegiemon. The golden light shoots upward and high enough that it could be spotted from far and close vicinities.

    ---------------------(Time Skip)---------------------​
    After the events of last night, Patamon resorted back to Poyomon and Aire collapsed from over extortion.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Taking his hand pushing against the table he stood back to his feet. The room was well lit, it was middle of the day around 11 am to be exact. Outside the building, many of the other digimon were running about doing things for the day. Quad city was truly a beautiful sight to see. The lights shone bright at night illuminating the darkness of the night. So many things kaiser had accomplished, goals that he achieved. Things that he knew he could be proud of but from an outward perspective some would vow to view him as a evil lord.

    The sun sparkled through the stained glass of the room beaming onto the silverware on the table and the lavish belongings in the room. He leaned his back against the table using both hands to prop him up.

    " Katia huh, thats a nice name. I see that your a digi destined but i see no digimon companion with you...." Stretching his arms he stood to full posture. He started to walk to the center of the room where there was a large spiral staircase. " Your new clothes are waiting for you in the bathroom, while you were eating they were dropped off." He cracked his knuckles once and then his neck. " Meet me upstairs when your ready."

    He took off up the golden spiral staircase. Once up it lead him to a large open room. Glass window's overlooking the entire horizon, the broad view of the landscape, and more importantly it had a perfect view of the entire city. Placing both his hands in his pockets. He waited for Katia.

    The clothing was hung up onto the wall. a small hawkmon had just hopped down from placing them.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia gave no comment to his mention of her companion. Labramon would have been killed or worse had they stayed together with the Gatomon crowd. She didn't notice the grandiose view either, focusing too much on the situation of the now. Instead, she thanked him for the meal (That they totally had, but wasn't at all mentioned in the previous posts XD) and reentered the bathroom to change.

    "Wow, that's a lot of black. . . " She mumbled, taking a gander at the new outfit. "And the skirt is kinda short. . . and there's no sweater. . . At least there are some arm gloves. . ."

    Her insecurities reared their ugly heads again, but still she wore the ensemble, not wanting to displease her host. Katia's feet carried her into ascention of the stairs as previously instructed, still carrying her school-bag. She couldn't bear to leave it lying around, considering it's one of the few truly personal gifts from her parents.

    When the girl entered the room, she couldn't help but be a little awed by the size and magnitude of the Deva Kings' efforts, drifting over to the window overlooking it all.


    "I prefer Labramon, thank you!" The dog indignantly declared, then switching to a forgetful apology in thought. "Wellllll I think there was five, but that was a while ago and a lot stuff happened with Tyranomon and Mikemon and I haven't seen them for 2 days. And I only saw the others for five minutes!"
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Okay...Labramonit is... Lets see...Tyranomon...YEESH! Look at that thing!" Zac said as he looked it up on his Digivice, "Mikemon...a cat? Looks like one of my cats... So five Digidestined... Great...this place is so big and we have to find five humans and who knows what they look like?," Zac said as he kept walking through the forest, and then pulled out the map on his Digivice, "So I could try to locate other Digivices... But do I have to register them? Ugh..."

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