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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon's head shot up as it followed a golden light that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and the demon lord smirked, revving up Behemoth and riding towards the source.

    After a few minutes of riding he came to an opening in a forest. "Ha! I don't need to follow the trail! HYAHH!!!" He roared as he drew his guns and began riding through the forest, blasting away at trees as he rode towards the source of the light at the top speed. Eventually coming to a halt when he came across a human and a Poyomon. 'Sonya had said that Aire had a Patamon... and it was rare to see a human with a digimon besides the Deva Kings... this must be him...' Beelzemon snorted at he passed out human beneath him and lifted him up onto the bike. He picked up the Poyomon and placed it on his shoulder.

    After strapping Aire onto the bike so he wouldn't fall off, Beelzemon took a moment to take a look at the boy. 'Heh... kid could make a great warrior with the right trainer...' He smirked before hopping onto Behemoth and riding towards Kaiser's castle. 'Better be good payment... this kid would have been a bitch to track if that light hadn't led me to him.'
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    DigiWorld Mountain Region, The Previous Night

    A cold, rough gust of wind billowed and whipped against Hoshi as she descended from the mountains. Before her, lower in elevation along the trail rested a large, expansive valley, across which the crimson glow of the setting sun shone with an otherworldly light. The girl, and her Digimon both walked the trail in silence. The atmosphere was a strange one, as the two were usually in active conversation; it was easy to tell that there was something weighing on their minds on this mission. Only time would tell that for sure though.

    When at long last, after seeming hours of walking, the two reached the bottom of the slope, they came to a halt. Before them, there sat what appeared to be a piled field of steaming rocks. “Pathetic,” Hoshi said, apparently to the rocks themselves. “All that power, just to be beaten by kids! And freshly evolved Digimon!” There was a rumble in the rocks, a response to the demeaning words being spoken in the moment. “Perhaps you deserved to be buried,” Hoshi continued. A red glow appeared between the rocks. Hoshi’s eyes widened with interest as she spoke her last words: “You’re not worth pulling out of this rut.”

    Just as she suspected, her ruse had worked. From the pile of rocks at the base of the slope, the Meramon burst up in a rage, glaring at her in contempt. “And what say you to my burning your flesh to cinders?” he inquired in a heat-ejecting bellow.

    “I would say that you’d be hard pressed to do so,” Hoshi said calmly. “And that you’d have a lot of explaining to do for Kaiser, and hope that he just showed mercy.”

    Immediately, the Meramon backed away, knowing the stakes he was faced with. “So what is it you need?” he asked, a bit frightened of Hoshi all of the sudden.

    “We need help with a mission. We’ve been charged with burning down a certain Leomon’s village. The assault must be carried out… with precision on our part. We’ll need someone who can actually carry out the pryo maniacal action. I’ve decided that you’re the best fit for the job. So just meet with me, midday, in Quad City tomorrow….”

    In The Morning, In Quad City

    Waking to a solemn, sober, early morning sunrise, Hoshi awoke, and strode down the hall towards her club. The Sukamon was already there when she arrive; the Digimon was never one for much sleep, and always seemed to be awake before even Hoshi went off to sleep during her napping days. “Sukamon,” she said with a yawn. “Contact Kaiser as soon as you can. Tell him to see me when he gets the chance.

    ((Sorry for the blotchy post. Only have 12% battery life on my computer, since I'm trying to run a "recalibration)).
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon took the fireballs head on and growled, "Little pest! I'll end you here!" He turned his attention to Agumon and closed in on him at full speed. "HYAAAAHHH!! ICY STORM!" He growled out as he extended his wings and blasted Agumon head on with a massive storm of Icicles while more Snowagumon rose from the snow covered ground and piled onto Kyuubimon to prevent her from saving Agumon from the angry champion.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Agumon! Counter attack and evade!"

    Agumon flared out a large pillar of flame directly upwards into the sky. creating a miniature barrier of flames. the ice spikes were melted on contact but some made there way through knocking Agumon down causing him to roll backwards.

    " Alix! don't worry..i I Got this!"

    Alix ran to him sliding through the snow to agumon's side. " No Agumon WE got this. Time for a counter attack. He may be bigger and stronger but we can out play him. He whispered a few words into agumon's hear then Alix threw a snowball at IceDevimon's face. " Come on ya big jerk you want some!" He said trying to bait out The champion.

    Pepper Breath! Agumon yelled shooting out multiple fireballs on the ground and aroudn the area onto the snow. Creating a smokescreen." Agumon use your size to your advantage!" IceDevimon would have a hard time trying to track down both alix and Agumon throug the grey smoke.

    Alix treaded softly through the smoke " We only have one shot a this.."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon wiped the snow off his face and scowled, "ARGHH!! YOU LITTLE..." Icedevimon paused recalling his earlier conversation with his master,
    Icedevimon smirked and stood still, and listened. *Crack* He heard the sound of shoes on snow and turned to the source and fired a barrage of icicles at whatever made the sound. After he fired, he whispered, "Raging Blizzard..." and he flapped his wings rapidly creating a massive snow storm.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Everythign was going according to plan. " His arrogance is getting the better of him. perfect. he seems to think that by being aware that we are setting a trap for him. that he wont be tempted to fall for it...Ok once more!" Alix put his glasses on to cover his eyes from the snow. Dashing past Icedevimon he again threw another snowball at him this time at the back of his head. " Agumon was carefully scouting the area. The snow was starting to warm up.

    " Come on you lousy Digimon is that all you got!' Alix said as he vanished into the snow storm and mist"
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe's words spoke over and over in his head, "Hmm..." He frowned as another snowball smacked the back of his head. "Ow!" He turned to the source and growled softly. He could see steam rising and it clicked. He knew what they were doing and his mouth dropped. "NO! MY SNOW! MY ICE! NO!!!" He roared as he rand blindly through the mist, flapping his wings to clear it up. "Ashe told me of your tricks! And he was right! You humans aren't worthy of the title Digidestined! You're destroying my home!" He roared angrily and began wildly firing icicles in a wide circle, hoping to stop them from damaging his home any further.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Foolishness Icedevimon!!" Alix yelled as he slid into the snow laying flat ont he ground to avoid the darts. Ice Devimon's spins caused him to go out of control forgetting that traps were being set. Agumon was no where to be seen.

    Icedevimon stepped right into the traps layed for him. in the literal sense. Agumon had started melting a majority of the snow within the smoke screen. However while Icedevimon was toying around with Alix he was ignorant to the fact. The snow was melting leaving holes int he ground. Agumon had created tunnels throughout the area as the mist started to clear. the snow underneath the large champion began to collapse and crumbled leaving him trapped unable to get up.

    " Agumon Now!!"

    Agumon jumped out of one of the holes " Pepper punch!" He roared connecting his flaming fist with Icedevimons face. using the follow through he went into another tunnel coming out of another one. repeting this as a barrage of punches onto the trapped digimon. " Alix quickly got up holding his digivice up high as it lit up as did Agumon, he had a orange aura around his body emanating a warm pulse. " We will SHOW YOU OUR POWER!!!"

    Agumon jumped high in the sky. " PEPPER BLAST!!" A massive fireball came down onto ice Devimon. the flames melting the ice and snow around the area. Agumon landed next to Alix as they both prepared themselves. watching the large flame come down onto Ice devimon.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon screamed angrily as he fell into the trap. His eyes widened as the fireball closed in him... and a few other weaker digimon as well. "NO!" He yelled as he jumped from the hole and then jumped in front of the weaker digimon who were shivering in fear. Icedevimon caught the fireball and roared in pain, but he managed to take the blow, falling to his knees severely wounded. "You... you ca...can kill me... but... but please... don't.. hurt them..." He gestured weakly at the weaker digimon and he began breathing heavily.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya continues to walk on in the plains with her dear friend as they set out on their adventure.

    While the Deva Queen is on her own, a Bearmon is running and screaming for help as it is chased by a large dog. "GO AWAY! HELP!" "DISTEM HOWLING!" Bearmon ends up flying into the air as the dog's howl hurt him and made him lose his fighting spirit. Bearmon's scream was heard in the forest near Zac's destination. "Doggymon you bonehead! Karate Fist!" "Let's play!" Bearmon's attack went into the dog's chest but since the body is soft and strong, the Doggymon absorbed the attack.

    Meanwhile, an Ebiburgamon was walking up to Ashe's abode and knocked on the door as it had food. "A special delivery for the kind sir. A casserole made by the Lady Sonya!" The Ebiburgamon starts to jump up and down only to see that a window was open. "OH!" The small shrimp put the food up first and try to jump. It had a hard time reaching and try to find another way in. Soon, he found a small can and pushed the small can up toward the wall so that he can easily get inside. So, the Ebiburgamon jump up and finally went inside through the window. "That was tiring. SPECIAL DELIVERY FOR A DEVA KING!"
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned his head and hear the cry of a bear digimon. "Bearmon!" Zac exclaimed and ran off to that direction, running faster and faster, "Come on guys we need to take a u-turn!" Zac exclaimed as he ran towards bearmon. Terriermon nodded and tugged on Labramon's ear in the direction Zac went,

    "Lets go Labramon!"
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe bolted upright and frowned, "Huh? OH! FOOD!" It dawned on him what the digimon said earlier, "S-Sonya made it? For me?" He grabbed it and smiled happily at the smell, before digging in. He stopped and grabbed a small bowl and gave some to Coronamon. "Dig in buddy! It's delicious!"

    They both finished eating and Ashe grabbed his digivice after thanking the delivery digimon. He pushed the talk button but said nothing for short time. After a few moments he spoke softly and slowly, just two words for the Deva Queen to hear... "Thank you..."
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori covered his eyes and the two attacked merged together and began to shine bright as the two digimon beat Meramon.

    "Rein....you okay?" Sasori said as he took his hands from his eyes, to not see Leomon or Exveemon but their In-training forms Tsunomon and Demiveemon. "What happened to the two of you...your so small again." Sasori as he walked over to Tsunomon.

    "We got tired and turned back into our in-training forms." Tsumon said in reply to Sasori. "I've never reached the champion level, I thought only the strongest Digimon ever could reach that level." Tsunomon said to Demiveemon.

    Tsunomon let out a sigh as Sasori picked him up from off the ground. "Well guess it's time for you guys to rest. Me and Jordan will go out and find more food and get the fire started again so you guys can be back to full strength." Sasori said looking at the Jordan and Demiveemon.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at Sasori and nodded. "Sounds like a plan," he said confidently. He looked around for a way out and just began to walk, hoping Sasori was following. As he made his way out of the cave, he noticed a small river not too far off. And beyond the river he could see berries and mushrooms. Jordan sighed and said, "Well it's no Red Lobster, but I guess it's something. Sasori, you fish. Vex and I will get some berries and mushrooms."

    Vex rolled in Jordan's arms, sleeping.

    Jordan sighed again and mumbled, "Geez, I hope when I wake him up, he doesn't give me something poisonous." And with that, he walked through the small river to the other side to pick the food.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori followed behind him as they reached a river.

    "Well it's no Red Lobster, but I guess it's something. Sasori, you fish."

    Sasori laughed as he heard Jordan. "Alright dude me and Rein are on it." Sasori said as he layed Tsunomon in his bag.

    Sasori layed his bag down next to on and then sat down and began fishing with the same pole he had left there before their epic battle with Meramon. Before Sasori knew it he had caught about nine fish.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Agumon was tired. but his mouth still had flames surrounding his teeth. Alix quickly put his hand in front of Agumon

    " Hes done Agumon we won"

    Agumon fell back and let out a large sigh and plopped onto the snow turning back into a Koromon" Sorry alix im just so tired!!" Alix laughed and picked up the tiny digimon. Who quickly jumped onto his head. " I wana stay up here! " Haha, you can you fought a bigger digimon you deserve some rest."

    They both walked over to the Champion. Alix placed a hand on his shoulder. his body was cold and slippery. " We wont hurt the other digimon. Thats not how we are. We do however need somewhere to stay for the night. " Alix started to rub his chin in curiosity. " Have you seen anyone that looks like us? humans that is."


    Kaiser stood over a bit down the hall from where katia was. He slowly walked over to her.

    " I know this may seem like alot to you right now. But bear in mind your a important part to the puzzle we all call the ditital word-

    He was quickly cut off when his Digivice started to beep " Lord Kaiser sir! Queen Hoshi would like to speak with you." He didnt respond only nodded and looked back out the window placing the digivice back at his side. " Katia come with me we can continue this talk later. " He walked past her but not before saying " No harm will befall you as long as you are with me. "

    Stepping down the saircase he walked along the long hall until he reached his main doors Waiting for Katia.

    Sliding his hand to his side he reached for his digivice again. Getting the correct frequency he started to speak. " Yes Hoshi? Status update or is there something else of importance you'd like to discuss with me.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon shook his head weakly, "N...no. Just you two..." He shrugged sadly and whispered, "Take care of the others... please." The other digimon began to cry as Icedevimon slowly faded away into digital data.

    Beelzemon finally reached Kaiser's section of the city, and he revved up Behemoth as he raced up to the castle. The huge bike flew through the air and landed with a bang, right next to Kaiser. "I got you the kid... now... uhh... about my payment? Are you waiting until the other kid is found or... can I get half now?"
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi took a seat upon one of the stools at the bar, and removed her Digivice from it's stash spot. She fiddled with it for a few seconds, pressing a few buttons and examining it over; it had been a while since she had last used it as a communicator, so it was difficult to remember exactly how it worked. FInally, the device gave off a glow, which Hoshi knew from memory was the same one it let off when it was ready for communication purposes. "Hello? Kaiser? This is Hoshi, are you getting this?" she asked into the device.

    "Pick up you twit!" Kuroneko said, looking at the device over Hoshi's shoulder.

    Almost immediately, they heard Kaiser's voice from the other end. "Yes Hoshi? Status update or is there something else of importance you'd like to discuss with me?"

    "The plans are set for operations on the mission you gave me last night," Hoshi said. "Am I good to move on with the plans?"​
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia thoughtfully stepped in time to Kaiser's pace, not wanting to fall behind. It wasn't like he wasn't waiting for her, it was more the fact that his words haunted her a little more than she expected. He was the only one that has treated her so courteously, aside from Labramon, in this strange and unsettling world Katia found herself whisked to. One of her hands idly played with one of the straps on the arm gloves while she tailed the older boy.

    "Er. . . so who is Hoshi? Another Deva King?" she asked in a feeble attempt to make conversation.


    Labramon growled a little from her ear being pulled, but chased after Zac so she wouldn't be left behind.

    "You have a Bearmon in your group, too? Just how many partners do you have, boyo?" She barked, dodging under a low-hanging tree branch.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Terriermon is my only partner, Guilmon, Gaomon and Bearmon are my friends I've made here. Te digimon that told me to assemble the Digidestined was Leomon, but the Deva Kings killed him... His last words were to find the digidestined, and I'm gonna finish what was started, stopping the Deva Kings,"

    Zac and his friends kept running and saw Bearmon on the ground in pain. Zac clenched his fist and looked at the Doggymon laughing. Zac gestured to Guilmon and Gaomon and they ran towards Doggymon, Zac pulled out his Digivice and lifted it into the air as Terrimron glowed with energy and Digivolved to Gargomon and then followed his companions to fight.

    "PYRO SPHERE!" Guilmon yelled as he sent a red ball of fire at Doggymon from his mouth.

    "GAO RUSH!" Gaomon yelled as he ran at high speeds towards Doggymon and readied to send out his wave of punches,

    "GARGO PELLETS!" Gargomon yelled as he started to shoot at the Doggymon,

    "Wanna help Labramon?"

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