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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Beezlemon showed up in a dramatic fashion as always. He payed him no attention at this point. " Yes, begin the next phase of the plan. Keep me posted" He said as he cut the communication. He looked over to Katia who in his eyes look extremely cute in the outfit he picked out. " Yes, shes one of the Deva Kings. i see you've heard of us. "

    " He turned his attention back to Beezlemon. walking over to the bike where the boy lay." do you have any idea the trouble you have caused me to find you.." He said in a annoyed tone. " Take him to Sonya's mansion see to it that he is not let out of anyones sight. I don't trust him. He started to walk back to Katia and turned his head.

    " As for your payment. I didnt think me giving you an order deemed for a monetary award. however you saved me the time of having to place a bounty on his head. Go to the bank and collect your reward. " They should be awaiting you."

    He turned back to Katia. stretching his arms " So, now that i have a more balanced schedule. I know you have many questions so what would you like to know?"

    Out of the sky hopped down a firedigimon in front of Katia

    " Hello" He said in a unsure manner. " And this is My digimon companion Flamemon
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Well. . ."

    It took Katia a few minutes, but the girl composed a short list of questions mentally to ask. She recognized Flamemon from the first attack, but didn't point it out quite yet.

    "This is the digital world. Where is it in relation to the real world? Why am I a digidestined? Why did I get. . . a dog, of all the things to get, for a partner? And why, oh why were we attacked when we came in by your dinosaurs?"


    "Well, now that I'm full up on energy," Labramon began, dropping the bag with 3 dumplings in it, "RrrrrretrieverG!"

    A sonic wave belted out of the dog's mouth, poised to strike Doggymon with great force.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon nodded and revved up Behemoth, "Thanks a ton Kaiser! Oh by the way, your brother is officially awake now. I have one of my lesser minions keeping an eye on him." Beelzemon slowly moved over to Flamemon and smirked, "You and I need to battle one of these days. Alright I'm out of here... Oh and Kaiser... Nice find." He laughed as he drove off in the direction of Sonya's castle.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser didnt respond to the things Beezlemon said and started to walk forward. " Katia walk with me will you? i'll answer any questions you have. "

    Flamemon's fire around his fist lit up. " Son of a bitch i'll melt your insides!" He pointed his open palm towards beezlemons bike as it sped off and shot a lone fireball in his direction. " Asshole"

    Flamemon and Beezlemon never had the greatest connection or relationship.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!" Doggymon was hit by the attacks but his rubber body just ends up absorbing the attacks. "He can absorb attacks because of his soft and strong body! Punches will not hurt him!" yelled Bearmon. "HEE HEE HEE HEEE! Ultra Kamitsuki!" The Doggymon went straight at the Gaomon and snapped at him with his sharp teeths, pushing the Gaomon back. "BEAR ROLL!" "DISTEM HOWLING! AWOOOO WOOOO WOOOO!"

    The Bearmon ends up running behind the Gaomon after completely losing his fighting spirit while the Doggymon's howling also hit the other digimon. "Stop him. Please!"

    The Lady Sonya digivice starts to beeping so she checked it. "Thank you... Sonya..." She did not respond at all and put it back up. owever, she felt a different pulse. "Someone with another digivice. Who could it be?"
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "A digimon made of rubber..." Zac asked himself, "Alright if we can't make a dent, why not toss him away like a ball?" Gaomon was seemingly the only one who had not lost his fighting spirit. He ran towards the Doggymon yet again.

    "I've had enough of this overgrown chew toy already!" he yelled as he approached te Doggymon, "DOUBLE BACKHAND!"

    "Gee, Gaomon sure is stubborn,"

    "How did he not loose his fighting spirit?!"

    "Gaomon stop its useless!" Zac said to Gaomon, "Bearmon said punches aren't gonna work! We have to find another way!"
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe picked up his digivice and put on his regular clothes, Coronamon hopping onto his shoulder. He changed the digivice the correct frequency and spoke, "Hey Katz! I'm up and ready to roll! I have to see Hoshi, see you in a bit." He changed the frequency again and spoke, "Hoshi! We still up for torching the village? I'm bored but I have to get this done so I can help Kaiser... So we good or what?"
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix watched as the Digimon turned into specs of data and vanished. " Well that was certainly interesting." Koromon jumped up and down playfully on his head. " Yea Alix thats what happens when a Digimon dies they turn into data and go back to being an Egg!" Alix had a rather surprised look on his face. " Wow, you learn something new everyday. " He walked through the slush and snow back to the house. passed out onto the couch.

    " What a day!"
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: so confused on so much...

    Kyubimon stood up turning back into Renamon.

    "You're ok!" Ri exclaimed running over to help the digimon.

    "Yeah, just need some rest. I'm surprised though that Agumon is not exhausted." Ri looked back at the house seeing Alix wonder off frowning.

    "Yeah, but Alix looks like he's had all his energy knocked out of him. I'm sorry I could have helped more though, Renamon." Ri apologized.

    "It's alright, got myself into too much of a pickle anyways." Renamon said looking back at the house.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "I'll walk, but I've already asked everything I want to know, so I'd like to hear those questions answered first," Katia replied in a stunning display of resolution in her voice. Her steps followed Kaiser, eager to hear the answers she not-so-desperately craved.


    "Don't count me out yet!" Labramon barked, releasing another RetreiverG wave at Doggymon. Sound should do SOMETHING at least, she figured.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser raised a eyebrow at the girls new confidence. " Hmm i see. Alright then shall we?" He started to walk with her through the city.

    The Digital world, it runs in tangent with the real world almost like it overlaps it. It is the same place yet seperate. Things that are discarded in the real world are brought to manifestation in the digital world. By ideas of course. say for example a construction team starts the idea and begin building a large construct. But they never finish. That same idea comes to completion in the digital world. I hope it sheds life on that question for you .

    " Kaiser paused before he answered her next question. his Digivice started to beep, as he picked it up it was his brother. " No Ashe i'll be fine on my own im sure you have more pressing matters to attend to. He quickly attached it back to his belt. " Now where were we...OH! right the digi destined. "

    The streets were paved perfectly each building they walked past was more stunning than the next. These things were all guided and built by kaiser. His arrogance and pride of it all could be shown in the way he walked through the city of his own creation.

    He let out a large sign and began to talk. " I was once a Digidestined....as was my brother. we were the original digidestined task with saving the world both the real and digital. We did accomplish this but this place was just a prairie of turbulence and improper order. So i stepped in. " He took out his digivice and placed it in katias hands. " That is my digivice. each digidestined is gifted with one. They can do many extrodinary things. but there main use is to communicate with and help your digimon companion." Flamemon hoped behind her. " Yes one of us."

    " A digi destined is called forth to protect the digital world from chaos. In this case that would be....Me. However moving on. Digimon are chosen for you based on you personality, we don't know who we wil be paird with. oh and to quickly answer your question about why you were attacked. If i'm a digidestined and i'm this powerful, i know the potential of a digidestined if allowed to reach a said point.i knew what the digi lords wanted and why they called you all here. it was to put a stop to me and quite frankly im just not going to have that.
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Oh god he raised his eyebrow at me. He's judging me, he's so judging me. Katia's mind babbled, the girl retreating into her old shell.

    She listened to the explaination intently after that. Katia hung onto every word, trying to make the most of the font of knowledge before her. The increasing affluence and utterextravagance of the surroundings was not lost on her, however, and she made particular note of this fact. Kaiser seemed. . . cocky about the whole thing, or so she measured.

    "Sssssoooo then," Katia began, drawing out the first word like a long drink of water, "Why am I here? With you, I mean. Am I s-some sort of prize?"
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " He took the Digivice from her hands, latching it back onto his belt" To be more appropriate. your more like a hostage rather. Your here with me so that your not with them. I don't want things to turn out badly but the way we Deva kings are portrayed i'm sure you'd get that if let alone. i just want to change the way you think of us. perhaps maybe even join us. In all honesty i told everyone to dispose of the digidestined because i know why they were brought here. Its the digi deity's last ditch effort to stop me from maintaining control."

    Stopping abruptly in his walk. " However you may be a special case. I figured Mikemon brought you to me better alive than dead. So tell me something. Do you think im evil? do you feel like you have to escape?"
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    She almost felt relieved. A hostage, by her measuring, was better than being a prize. A prize was an object. A trophy. A medal. Something to be paraded about or displayed as to rub one's status in other people's faces. A hostage was none of these things.

    "That's b-better. . ." She mumbled, looking at a corner of a nearby building that suddenly seemed very interesting to look at for no reason at all. Wait, what's a digi-deity, and why does he keep mentioning it? Some sort of digi-god? Controlling this world? Trying to make me do its bidding?

    Katia's mind was abuzz with confusion, nearly panic, when Kaiser mentioned Mikemon. How the cat had brought her better alive than dead. But Mikemon had brought her as a prize, and not only just a prize, but only because she forced Labramon to abandon her! But here Kaiser was, saying that she was a hostage. The entire situation seemed very, incredibly suspicious to her, so instead of answering his question, she blurted the first thing that came to mind.

    "What are the D-digi Deities?" She stammered, trying to buy herself time.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser cracked his neck and let out a sigh of frustration. " I'd rather not mention the old fools...but i told you i'd answer any question you had." He turned to her and began to stare into her eyes. " The Digi Deities are the Gods of the Digital world. Though they are powerful they can not intefere with life. They can only guide it. They are the well how you say. Protectors of the digital world. they were the same ones that summoned me and my brother here years ago.There job is to ensure the digital world is safe...and above all else manage to annoy the shit out of me."

    Flamemon tugged on her skirt. " They are a bunch of old coots who are to stuck in there old thinking. They think we want to destroy the digital world when all master kaiser wants to do is better it. So these old poops brought you guys here to stop us. But now that your here. that wont be happening."
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The Wendigomon rampaged through the forest, searching for Aire. Unbeknownst to the vile digimon, she wasn't aware that Beelzemon had already done the deed. She ran through the forest, growing tired, and out of energy, she was about to dedigivolve. And now, she was lost, she didn't know where she was and had no clue how to get back to the City. When she stopped, her body morphed and shrunk as she turned back into Lopmon and looked around.

    "H-hello?" she called out as she walked around, confused on where to go, "Is anyone there?"
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Then what's to say that they won't keep doing this?" Katia found herself asking. In all honesty, she wasn't even looking for an answer at this point. She just wanted to keep Kaiser as distracted as possible so she could have more time to think. She had the feeling that Kaiser was dangerous, not to be trusted. And yet, he hadn't really done anything DIRECTLY to warrant this.

    What am I getting so worked up on? He's given me new clothes, food. . . He hasn't threatened me. . . Why does everything seem so eerie? This town is so hollow. So. . .

    She struggled to put the right word in her mind to describe the extravagant city.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser let out a huge laugh. " Oh! thats a easy one. A simple answer for that one. I dispose of them...as we speak i already have scouts looking for there main location. Its obviously somewhere no one should be able to reach but i have my ways. There is a Digimon gifted to the universe every few centuries. I am the master of that digimon...There is nothing that will stop me from accomplishing this goal."

    He poked her side gently. " But enough of this evil villian talk tell me about yourself. What is the name of your Digimon and would you like me to retrieve it for you?"
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    He's crazy. He's absolutely crazy. Destroying a godthing might mess up this whole world. Katia thought, barely keeping her jaw from dropping. Thankfully, her companion asked a simple question, so she blurted, "L-labramon! And. . ."

    The girl paused. Would Labramon even want to see her at this point? She said and did some pretty awful things, after all.

    "Er. . . I don't think she wants to see me anymore."
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    After replying to Kaiser’s call, Hoshi returned to her room. Rummaging carefully through her possessions, she determined any and all of the items she would need for the mission. Food and water was a must, so she started with throwing several “field snacks” into her backpack and made a mental note to fill up on water at the bar before she departed. She also decided that she would need to change clothes; high heels and thin leggings didn’t suit a battle much. She opted to change into a more outdoor camping sort of attire, and was sure to pack a spare set in case what she had put on got ruined. Finally, she threw a few outdoor tools and small weaponry… just in case.

    As soon as she had finished her preparations she heard a voice from her Digivice. This time it was Ashe, asking the same question she had asked Kaiser. She removed the Digivice from her belt, and replied. “We’re moving ahead with the plan. Meet outside the club in five minutes. And try not to go blabbing about what we’re about to do."​

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