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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Birdramon was sent plummeting down to the ground, and crushed into the snow with a large thud, causing piles of snow to fly into the air when the impact happened. Zac and his digimon friends ran up to the Digimon and saw Birdramon turning into Data already, with Zac's Digivice beeping again rapidly. But it was Gaomon taking it in. The data was heading into him, and the group watched as Birdramon completly vanished into nothing, with its data now inside of the two digimon.

    "I feel a bit weird..." Gaomon said as he felt his whole body tingle with energy, an aura glowed around him as his body engulfed with light. However, Gargomon wasn't going through the same thing as Gaomon, but he did feel stronger now.

    "Gaomon? Are you Digivolving again?"

    "Maybe so," Gargomon said, "I think it's a good time as well! Cause I think fighting Beelzemon is our only option!"

    "But I'm not even a champion yet!"

    Zac felt a lot of emptions inside of him right now. all of this? Killing the innocent just cause he was asociated with them? Was he really a threat? He pulled out his digivice and faced it at Gaomon, as his resonance of emotions was causing it to beep, he used it on Gaomon to help him digivolve. Soon, a wolf on all fours stood in place of the dog digimon. He roared proudly readied to fight,

    "I, an Gaogamon. Here me roar!" Gaogamon howled as he stepped towards Beelzemon, along with Gargomon, the two readied to fight,

    "Come at us bro!" the two yelled in unison as the prepared to fight,

    "Is there a reason you have to kill me cause I left? Because I think that since I left you consider me a threat, and I'm gonna show you that I'm not afraid! I will help the Digidestined! Labramon, take Bearmon and find the Digidestined," Zac said as his Digivice resonated energy and beeped faster,
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "But I just want to go back to the village! Let me at him!" Bearmon was very worried and really wanted to go to the village, thinking that he will be safe there.

    The screen finally reacted to Lady Sonya's laptop and it shows Lady Sonya on the screen. "Aire? Oh. There you are. I see that you have been getting yourself in trouble lately. Oh well. It doesn't matter to me. What matter is you being a part of... my new project that is. You really have no say so because right now, it is needed. Lady Sonya starts typing, making a small, digital map appear that shows different digimon that has wings"While I am away, I need you to make sure that my army is well prepared. I have another army that is getting ready and they are strengthening themselves to get ready. Also, I need you to equip this," Lady Sonya transported a small microphone that can safely be hidden and wrapped around Aire's ears.

    "I have spies who are carrying very important mission. It is crucial that if they are in trouble, that you will help them out in anyway as possible. The mission must not fail. Understand? I do not want to see you push your dear friend to the point where he cannot come back to life... at all."

    "Hello?" Lalamon was propelling herself in the air, only to see the Lopmon all scared. "Lopmon? What are you doing here?"
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Gargomon? Gaogamon? How am I going to keep those straight?" Labramon wondered through her teeth after the Birdramon went down. She barely managed to hang onto both the Birdramon and the bag of dumplings as they plummeted, but succeeded in the end.

    At Zac's behest, the dog let out a yip of acknowledgement and led the way, nudging Bearmon along until they were speedily exiting the general area of the brawl.


    "What's it talking about?" Katia asked, befuddled. She was thankful for the distraction, but its words were rather random. "I don't have any friends. . . And what does it mean by wisdom digimon?"
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon frowned but he made no attempt to shoot Labramon or Bearmon down. "Well then, let's begin!" He lifted his gun arm and yelled, "CORONA BLASTER!" As a huge wave of energy blasted Gaogamon, sending him flying through countless trees. "Just you and me traitor. No allies, no friends, one on one. Winner take all. You win, I'll leave you alone, hell, I'll personally take you to the other digidestined! However... If you lose... You will die. Come Digidestined! Face your fate against my blaster! FACE BEELZEMON!"

    Ooc: Gaogamon is not an actual character, so he's able to be powerplayed last time I checked. Though it's really going to be 1vs1 anyway.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: Its gonna be kind of hard without Gaogamon, but if you want....

    ""GAOGAMON!!" the two exclaimed as Gaogamon was sent back into the forest. Zac clenched his fists and looked up at Beelzemon, "How can I beat you when your a mega level?! You say your without mercy, but Gaogamon was the only other partner of my that was as strong Gargomon! But if that's what you want..."

    Gargomon growled and jumped high into the air, and reached the same height of Beelzemon and readied his vulcans, "GARGO PELLETS!" he yelled in anger as a storm of bullets headed towards Beelzemon,

    Lopmon turned and saw a Lalamon, but wasn't aware that it was one of Sonya's Digimon, "DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!" she cried as she curled up into a ball, "IF YOUR ONE OF THE DEVA's IM SORRY FOR NOT FINDING ZAC AND MY BROTHER!"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon scoffed, "No. I show mercy to people who deserve it. You are a traitor Zac. Because of this, I have no reason to show you mercy. Sonya wanted you alive... but Kaiser wants you dead after you abandoned him at the mansion fire. You don't need help if you are a digidestined. Now... DIE! CORONA BLASTER!" He roared again, this time, aiming the blast at Gargomon.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Don't think of me as a heartless being, I helped out in saving many of the babies, such as that Gaogamon you just blasted into the forest! I would not leave without helping, despite that we are enemies!" Zac yelled, "And I'm gonna save this digital world by finding the Digidestined,"

    Gargomon guarded his body with his Vulcans, but the impact sent him down to the snow. He made impact with the snow and grunted as he got up, and growled at Beelzemon, "You! You made my sister a monster! You Deva used her and I as an experiment! And now because of you Deva she hates my master and believes that he took me away from her!" Gargomon yelled as started to run across the ground, waiting for the right moment to attack.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon took to the air and sighed, "You are a bigger fool then I thought. I am not a Deva. I work for whoever pays me the most. You think you'd be saving the Digital World? The Deva Kings are trying to make both worlds better by merging them! If you intend to stop them, you will have to go through me! BEGONE! CORONA BLASTER!" He shouted as he rapid fired multiple blasts at Gargomon.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Each blast, Gargomon kept running ahead of each one as they made impact into the ground, despite his... Eh... Bulky build, he was quite nimble. He then jumped into the air and eased straight to Beelzemon and readied his right Vulcan,

    "BUNNY PUMMEL!" he yelled as he thrusted his Vulcan to the chest of Beelzemon and then fired several Gargo Pellets as well.

    "For a Mega, you aren't very smart... Don't you even care if this plan doesn't work, if it doesn't work as intended, or even destroys both worlds?!"
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon opened his gun and absorbed the blasts, but the pummel was a huge mistake. He grabbed Gargomon, who's forward momentum prevented him from dodging, and repeatedly punched him with his regular fist. "Do not doubt the Deva kings' power, they are superior to us in every way! You were given a chance... to be a part of something great! But you betrayed them! Now you will die! FIST OF THE BEAST KING!" He roared as his last punch blasted Gargomon to the ground. "Surrender human! Or die."
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac watched as Gargomon was set to the ground with the power of the attack. He couldn't stand Gargomon getting beaten around by Beelzemon. He had to do it, surrendering would have to be the best option to live.

    "Don't even think about surrendering! We can do it Zac!" Gargomon said as he got back up. Zac clenched his fists as a tear came from his eye. He couldn't stand it if Kipper would die... It would be what happened when he was a boy... All over agin...

    "F..fine...we surrender..." Zac said as he started to cry a bit.

    Gargomon just looked at Zac with disbelief. His partner was gonna surrender? Why was he crying?


    Gaogamon finally got up to his feet. Zac and Gargomon were in that fight now... He wasn't able to help, they could be dead. But he had to continue. He started to run off to find them. The Digidestined. He had to finish the mission that Zac started.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon frowned, "Well... that was... boring." He grabbed a radio on his waist and called in, "Hey Kaiser, Beelzemon reporting. I've been fighting Zaccy boy and he says he surrenders. What do I do? Throw him in jail or what?" Beelzemon yawned and began idley firing corona blasts at various locations.

    Ashe arrived at Hoshi's bar and smiled, "Leomon is dead, but we have a village to toast." A hawkmon flew over and whispered in his ear and he nodded. Ashe lifted his digivice and spoke, "Sonya, get your digimon out of my castle please... and any remote device you've decided to plant there. Oh and introduce me to your friend after I finish my mission! If not... well Kaiser would love to meet another human! DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He placed the digivice in its holster and thanked the hawkmon before turning to Hoshi. "You ready?"
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The untargeted blasts were flying everywhere. One was heading straight towards Zac, and the boy wasn't aware of it. Gargomon, however, did. He ran towards the blast and went in front of Zac and shot at the ball of energy till it was fully gone.

    "Are you really that cocky?! That stupid?!" Gargomon yelled at Beelzemon with anger,

    "Kipper stop!" Zac said as he placed a hand on Gargomon's shoulder, still with tears in his eyes, "I don't want you to die... I already lost a brother... A long time ago... I can't loose you..."

    "Digimon recover fast, and I have to protect you Zac. If I don't who will?" Gargomon said as he turned his head to Zac. Zac simply smiled and hugged Gargomon tightly, and said,

    "Your right...," Zac said as he let go of Gargomon and patted his back. His Digivice began to beep like crazy now, and a bright beam of light skyrocketed into the air, because of the resonance of emotion that Gargomon and Zac both shared. It was because of their brotherly love that the beam was formed.

    "What is that?" Zac thought as he saw the beam of light go up,
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Frankly, your not in the position of giving orders nor do I know who the hell you are! This was a complete waste of your time and more importantly my time." "However next chance I get when I'm in the vicinity. I'll give you a call". He grabbed the earpiece and walked towards the door. "Hmmph" with a wry grin on his face. Aire tossed it to the ground. "Spirit?!" "Coming" Poyomon said while hopping from the table to his side.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser started to wave his hands at the digimon to get it to fly away. " Why do you always speak in riddles!" Kaiser said with a rather annoyed look on his face. " Katia, finding your digimon will be on m priority list but if your digimon gives me trouble, i certainly hope your able to quell it before i have to step in."

    Kaiser sat back in the seat closing his eyes. As the day's had been moving he had not been getting much rest if any at all. He reached for his Digivice and let out a sigh of anger and annoynace. " Beezlemon i have the feeling that Aire kid is going to piss me off further. Bring him to me directly if you know his location. i'm going to make an example out of him. As for that Traitor....Zac. He had pray you have mercy. for if i see him.....he will rue the day he came in contact with me..."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon laughed, "Oy kid... I'm gonna show you mercy..." He appeared next to Gargomon and blasted him with a barrage of corona blasts. He then put his gun up to Zac's temple, "I'm going to end your suffering. You'll be with your brother, your family. Maybe, Kip will be there to hahahahaha! If Kaiser found you... you'd be tortured until you died. This will be over quickly..." Beelzemon paused...

    "Goodbye." He said as he pulled the trigger.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gargomon was sent down to the ground, but managed to get back up. As Beelzemon placed the Corona Blaster so perfectly that it was aimed at Zac's temple, Gargomon and bent down on his knees, and thrusted himself like a rocket towards Zac and pushe him away from the blast, though, he was shot by the Corona Blaster again, and sent back. Zac screamed with tears in his eyes, yelling, "KIPPER!" as he rushed towards the digimon.

    Then, the beam of light that had went into the sky, came back down and pierced into Gargomon. Light illuminated from the dog digimon and Zac heard Digivice beep like it was on steroids...well...metaphorically speaking, "What's going on?"
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon sighed, "Why must you make things so difficult. If you had let death take you Kipper wouldn't be dying in your place. You humans make me sick. Only the strong survive, and I am strong! You are nothing." Beelzemon kicked the digivice aside and placed a foot on Gargomon's chest. "Hold still, I shall ease your suffering..." He whispered and his face showed genuine sadness as he blasted the Champion, ending its pain.

    "You brought this upon yourself Zac. Now... join your brother in the afterlife."
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac ran and grabbe the Digivice and held it tight, "We are strong...I was chosen to come to this world, and I'm gonna prove my worth!" Zac yelled as the Digivice beeped even more. Gargomon growled at the Demon Lord but then felt something weird with the ground beneath him. When the blast was launched, dirt sattsred for some reason, but when the dirt cleared, a hole was left, big rnough for Gargomon to fall through. Did Beelzemon win? Even Zac was genuinely confused at this, "What...the..."

    Rumbling could be heard, and a few yards behind Beelzmon came out Gargomon, and for a briefmoment, Guilmon could be seen popping his head out and then retracting it, "I'm willing to protect him cause we are brothers Beelzemon, if you had that bond with anyone you would understand! GARGO PELLET!" he said as he shot a big Gargo Pellet at the Beelzmon.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Ignorant!" Lady Sonya slammed her laptop and stood right back up. "Let us hurry on to the others. We have no time to waste." "Yes Sonya." Lady Sonya hurried along with her PawnChessmon to try and catch up with Bae and his digimon, continuing their journey along the way. "I see that we are getting closer to the others. I do not know if they are Digidestined or not."

    "Oh Lopmon. You are so silly. Come on! Let's go back to the mansion! One of the commanders said that you need training soon." The Lalamon starts to fly around the Lopmon and grabbed it by the ears with its super tiny arms. "Come on now!"

    The small shrimp digimon continue to explore the mansion and was in Ashe's closet. "EEEW! Such dark taste. He needs some freshening in this room. FRESH SHRIMP!" The small digimon released a savory aroma into the air, giving the room a scent of shrimp smell from the sea all cooked. It smiled and then left out of Ashe's room and came out of the mansion with a smile. "Mission one is successful! No one can ever find the digivice or even break the coding! The knuckleheads are too busy enjoying the food."

    "WHOA! WHOA!" The Cupimon was flying all around Kaiser's head and pretended that it lost its balance over its flight and headed straight towards Katia. She eventually ended up flying straight towards her head and bounced off of her into the wall. "Whoops. Sowwie." Cupimon stood right back up and bowed, saying sorry one more time and flew right off, flying into the skies to enjoy itself in Quad City.

    "Now what are we going to do now Labramon?!" The Bearmon was kicking the ground as they were walking, very worried about Zac. "The boy do not stand a chance against Beelzemon if they try to resist him." The Bearmon looked at Labramon without her knowing and was wondering. "Uh... so... what are you trying to do?"
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012

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