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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon sighed as his bike roared angrily at Labramon, "I promised Kaiser that for Katia's sake I'd try and bring you peacefully... but you've left me with no other choice." Behemoth revved up and charged by Beelzemon, who grabbed his guns as it passed, the front wheel was damaged but it had seen worse... like falling in lava... "Double impact!" He shouted as he blasted two balls of energy onto the ground, launching dust and debris into the air as Behemoth charged forward and tried to 'grab' Labramon.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The three returned to Zac's dorm and went inside, the two twin digimon jumped out of Zac's bag and onto his bed while he placed the backpack into his closet. He pulled out his phone and started to call some pizza, it was really the only thing he ate after school. After ordering he placed the phone down and pulle out his Digivice and face it at Lopmon,

    "Alright, lets see if we can get you to evolve first," Zac said,

    "I hate to ask, but what about returning the digital world?" Lopmon asked,

    "Well, we can't return right now because my room is the only private spot but my laptop is fried, and I can't use the Library's or the School's computers, people are gonna be there and watch us go there...unless of course we skip class...but we can't now, we have to wait till first thing in the morning! For now, we figure out how to digivolve into something that isn't Wendigomon,"

    "Does this mean we have to wake up early?" Terriermon asked,

    "Yes we will Terriermon, and you guys have to come along otherwise we can't help the Digidestined, and I can't leave you here in the real world, someone might see and/or steel you, and I don't want that. I called in pizza, it should be here in thirty minutes, so we have some time to practice,"

    "Okay," Lopmon said,

    Zac readied his Digivice and pointed it's front at Lopmon. Lopmon clenched her paws and closed her eyes and grunted, trying to digivolve. But nothing. Zac looked at the Digivice and moaned in annoyance, "Why won't it work? I mean it worked with Terriermon,"


    "Spiral Blow!" Gaogamon exclaimed as he sent a vortex of wind towards the Behemoth, hoping to knock it, an its rider over, or at least give Bearmon and Labramon enough time to escape, "Give us one good reason to trust you, you killed Zac and Kipper, and you work for our enemy, so I would love to hear a good reason why we should turn Labramon over to you!"
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Labramon wasn't prepared for the detonations nearby, so her body got projected upwards as she struggled to keep balanced in midair.

    "No! I have to rescue Kitty-kat!" She yowled as she felt her feet leave the ground. She really, REALLY hoped that Beezlemon wasn't close enough right then. That would certainly put a damper on things if he was.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Behemoth released a roaring soundwave from its wheels, counteracting Gaogamon's attack as Beelzemon took notice of the launched Labramon, "SHIT!" He nearly screamed as he raced towards her, literally diving to catch her before she landed. "Sorry sorry sorry! Don't be hurt!" The Demon Lord digimon had an actual look of sinceriety as he looked over the Labramon, searching for injuries.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gaogamon was shocked. Was Beelzemon really concerned about Labramon? Was his orders to truly reunite the Labramon with her partner? "Is this some cheap trick?" Gaogamon asked, "Are you really going to reunite her with her partner? Or are you still cruel hearted, and is this just so you and the Deva can kill both of them together?!"


    "Well we were in battle when I would digivolve," Terriermon said,

    "I don't get it... I have emotion, and that emotion is the determination to digivolve Lopmon to something other than Wendigomon," Zac said as he looked at the Digivice. He sighed and sat on the bed, "Maybe you aren't really our other partner,"

    "Actually, I heard a beeping noise and felt that you guys were in trouble," Lopmon stated, "Lalamon wasn't able to hear or feel t, but I could, and I somehow found you guys,"

    "So you actually are," Zac said with a smile, "But the question is this, why can't I get you digivolve?"

    "Momentai! It takes time for digimon to digivolve, I mean Guilmon and Gaogamon could digivolve without your Digivice,"

    "I guess, but we need to find that alternate route fast before we can enter the digital world, otherwise Sonya might take you back and force you to digivolve to Wendigomon again, I don't want you to be forced like that Kiki,"

    "Neither do I..."
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser found himself at Katia's door with both his arms crossed. " She leaves me no choice. i'm going to give that labramon some incentive to do what as i say. " He knocked on the door a few times to see if she would anser. " i wonder if shes even here. in any case i'll wait till she either shows up or answers the door. " He grabbed his digivice and spoke into it. " Beezlemon i hope you have that digimon by now i'm going to need you to hold onto it for a brief moment i have an idea."


    Alix looked around at all the new faces. " Ok First off i don't mean to be rude but who exactly are all of you. if were going to be acquainted for a long period of time now seems like a good time to be introduced to one another..." his hands were trembling at the thought.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Enough time had passed that Katia had gotten over the brunt of her emotions, though now she was suffering the aftershocks of the crying. Hiccups and all.

    Somebody knocked on the door.

    The girl considered her options. If it was Kaiser, then he might have Labramon. On the other hand, he could just be trying to drag her around the city again. The latter would be too stressful for her. On the flip side, it might be some sort of room service. Or Kaiser, still, and he'd just break down her door to find her. But he said she could roam the city all she wanted, so why would he wait-

    The somebody knocked again.

    Katia summoned up the most miniscule amount of resolve she could and called out from under her desk sanctuary, "Y-yes? Wh-*hic*-o is it?"


    "LEGGO OF ME!" The dog snarled, sinking her teeth into a leather-clad leg. It tasted awful, but hopefully Beezlemon would do just that.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser swallowed his pride for a brief moment. He could hear her terrified voice through the other side of the door. Flamemon sneered up blowing smoke from his nose. " She better pucker up and get straight!" Not now flamemon we need to be courteous to our guest he said as he started to clear his throat. " Its Kaiser..." he said gently he tried his best to refrain from using any type of bass in his voice. He had something evil planned but he almost felt bad doing so at this point. " Can i come in i'd like to speak to you for just a moment. i have something you may want to hear.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac nodded and went to check on his laptop. He moaned, he was baffled on how his laptop was fried. He opened it up to find that somehow the inside was compeltly okay. Keyboard was intact, the screen has no cracks and it was at the login screen. Zac's eyes widen, and quickly turned to Kipper and Kiki,

    "How is the outside of my computer burnt, but the inside is okay?" Zac asked looking at Kipper and Kiki, who both started to nervously chuckle, "Guys, what happened when I was asleep?"

    "Well..." Terriermon said, "When we got back you were sent flying into your door and got knocked out. Me and Kiki helped you up and placed you on your bed and looked at the computer thing. We walked over to it, and accidentally closed it. We didn't know how to open it, and I used Blazing Fire on it after I got mad from trying to open it so many times. Then it caught on fire, but then Lopmon grabbed a shirt of yours and took out the fire, but the cover was melted, hehehehe..."

    Zac slapped his palm into his face and and groaned, "So all this time, I've been hiding in a bathroom stall, just to communicate with QueenChessmon, just to find out my laptop still works?! Ugh....next time tell me. Please,"

    Terriermon nervously chuckled again, while his sister simply sighed,

    "Maybe my computer has a Digi-port to it, I mean we came back here to my room, maybe we could go back through my computer. After dinner of course,"
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Juh. . . Just a sec."

    The digidestined unrolled her legs from her body, then pulled the bag off her lap and set it on the ground. Nobody would notice it under the desk, she thought as she scooted the chair back into place. Her legs were a little sore from being so cramped up for so long, so Katia hobbled over to the door instead of walking.

    "What is it?" She asked, opening the door. Her sweater and cheeks were stained with tears, though she tried to make herself presentable beforehand by wiping her sleeves on her cheeks. Katia's eyes were still glassy and red, however.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon howled in pain, but refused to let go, "No... way... I promised I'd get you back to your partner, and I would gladly die if that's what it took. Kaiser and Ashe saved me from death... I owe them my life, but I don't kill innocents!" The Demon Lord's eyes shone with pride and determination, grabbing his communicator, he responded, "Yeah, I got her, she was wandering the woods by herself when I found her. Let me know when you want me to come."

    Beelzemon sighed and placed Labramon on the ground before sitting cross legged, and putting his guns away. "I won't force you... But I ask you to trust me... I won't let you or your partner be hurt... I promise... Please... Trust me..."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Thirty minutes passed and the pizzaman came and delivered the pizza. Zac paid for the pizza and room it in to his dorm, where at his table, were Terriermon and Lopmon, waiting for the food. He got the plates out and set up the food and grabbed a soda for him, and two glasses of milk, fearing te worst if those two digimon got their hands on caffeine... Oh god that would be horrifying...

    The two boys of the house chowed down, while Lopmon picked at her pizza, until she finally started to have the urge to eat. After the brief meal, Zac dashed to his laptop and grabbed his Digivice,

    "Alright...OPEN! DIGI PORT!" Zac said as he thrusted his Digivice towards the laptop. But nothing. He looked at the Digivice and shook it for a sec and thrusted it towards the computer. Why wasn't it working?

    "Sonya said it could open and create Digi-ports...why isn't it doing it now?"
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe frowned, "A village is a village, and it's always fun to burn things to the ground!" The Deva king followed closely behind Hoshi and he remembered to close the portal like Hoshi had said. "Of course... even without Leomon, the village will be heavily guarded, we have to think of some way to distract everybody, that way the village will be left undefended. Any ideas, lover girl?"
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "As innocent as the child that you went on ahead and attacked along with the experiment?" Angewomon flew down towards Beelzemon and stood between the Labramon and the demon, letting her light glimmer around her as she was fueled with fury. "If you truly want to take the pet back to her owner,I will not let stop you... but I will be watching you and I promise you that if you step out of line, I'll destroy you." The Angewomon then turned around the Labramon and took off her Holy Ring that was around her ankle.She starts whispering into the dog's ear, "Please take this." The angel put the ring on Labramon's tail and her glow was starting to go away. "This ring will give you great power... and I hope it will be of use. Promise me that you will take care of it."

    Angewomon felt herself weakening a bit, yet did not show that she was getting weaker. She looked at the Bearmon and Gaogomon, walking up towards them. "The two of you should go back to the village. I know that you cherish your friend but I myself will make sure that nothing will happen to her."

    LadyDevimon's spike collided with Angemon's staff as she was trying to overpower him. " As if I care about that old story. If you care about justice, you might as well bring justice to your friend. He has as much sins as the next person." LadyDevimon then stop pushing with her spike but kicked the Angemon with her feet so that she can focus on Aire. "If sins is what you want to purge, then let me take care of that... by getting rid of the boy!" LadyDevimon starts to spin in the air as she was cackling to finally get rid of the digidestined. "Darkness Wave!" Soon, bats came from within her and all were flying towards Aire, getting ready to gnaw on him...

    "*Sigh* Clueless." Lady Sonya turned around with Bae to see a bright light coming from the room, seeing that her digimon reverted back as PawnChessmon. Vix starts looking at the PawnChessmon and PawnChessmon in return, only looking back at her in silence... "I am Renamon... but my nickname is Vix... and yours?" "You will only call me by my form. Nothing more..." The two were still staring at each other while Bae decided to break the silence. " Sorry for being so rude. My name is Bae, Bae Ahn. I go to the same high school as the three of you. I am a transfer foreign exchange student like Sonya here." "Hmph." "And I'm Hyokomon but please call me Chicko! I do not like my long name. Everyone always ends with mon. Mon this and mon that."

    "Whatever. I will explain myself to you as much as possible." Lady Sonya took out her fan and stomped all the way towards Alix and made a pose in front of Alix to show her superiority. "Sonya Zolnerowich, senior, part of a great royal family, remember that and memorize it and that is my digimon." "Who ask you to say anything..." Lady Sonya stared back at Shiori and Shiori in return. "Can we at least figure out how to return back home? I doubt that we will be staying here in this town." "I suppose so... but since I am here, I will gain leadership temporarily until I believe that the three of you are safe and sound. No if,s ands or buts." "Excuse me but no one asked you to lead us. I believe that we can take care of ourselves." "Too bad that it is a unanimous vote. Now if you will excuse me,"

    Lady Sonya asked the laptop from PawnChessmon and turned it on, showing a map of the Digital World. "Now, we are in the Digital World. Right now, there are five Digidestined. There's myself and the three of you. As for the fifth one... I have met up with him but the two of us got separated. I am not sure if there are more. However, we have a problem far worse than that." Lady Sonya starts typing, bringing up a hologram of four mysterious figures. "The Deva Kings... have control of this world...but want more. Their aim is to merge this world with the real world. How to stop them I do not know." There has to be a way though."
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Terriermon and Lopmon had finished their dinner and walked over to Zac and jumped oto his shoulders. Zac felt the two dog and bunny digimon jump on him. It didnt hurt, but he wasn't expecting it. Finally the Digivice flashed green, and the computer screen flashe as well. Zac's eyes, Kipper's and Kiki's were fixed on the screen, and it seemed like their goal was in reach. However, Terriermon fell over, so Zc bent down to pick him up, with Lopmon jumping on the desk. But it only took a brief moment of not looking for Lopmon to be turned back into data and into the computer. Zac heard her scream, and so did Terriermon. The tried to grab her, but it was too late, only she made it back to the digital world.

    Zac moaned and sat on his chair and slammed his face into his desk, and kept on slamming his face into his desk. He said he would keep her safe and now se was back in te digital world without him.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Angemon was brushed aside by Lady's kick. The recoil didn't give Angemon enough time to save Aire but just enough to react. "Angel Rod" Angemon yelled as he threw his rod in the midst of all the 'bats' who quickly surrounded Aire. The objective wasn't to dissipate a few 'bats' but to ____. The rod landed perfectly in front of Aire who then proceeded to wield the weapon. He quickly slung the rod effectively eliminating a few but more and more surrounded him in which they quickly attacked and burned through his clothing. "Hurry and finish this!" he commanded Angemon as he took a knee because of his injuries. "Holy Shots" he pointed precisely at Lady who was now focused on the boy. Holy bullets propelled from his fingertips and collided with LadyDevimon. "This next move will decide it and you will gravely atone!"he readied himself.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Labramon let up the moment his voice faltered, staring up at him with big, puppydog eyes.

    "Awright, but if you're lying about this and Kitty-kat, I'm gonna delete you!" She snarled, letting her body slacken. She made no effort to respond to Angewomon's gift, because she didn't want Beezlemon to notice. "Just take me to Katia."
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon smiled and lifted Labramon, he yelped in pain as the holy ring burned through his leather. "OW!! Damn you Angewoman! Ughh!" He groaned, but placed Labramon safely on his bike, strapping her on so she wouldn't fall, before he jumped on as well. "Next stop... Kaiser's castle! I'll deliver you straight to Katia! LET'S GO!" He yelled as he revved up Behemoth, and after performing a flaming wheelie he rode off towards Kaiser's castle.

    After a short while he arrived outside the castle. "Hold on pup, this'll get bumpy!" He laughed as the motorcycle roared, and at top speed, he rode up the steps, flying through the air and landing at the bottom of the guest room. "Aha... she should be in here... or she's in Kaiser's room... Hmm... Let's check here first. Blaster Mode Activate!" He shouted out as wings appeared on his back. Lifting up Labramon, he flew up to the window, and upon close inspection, he saw Kaiser and the girl, who was now known to him as Katia. Beelzemon lifted a fist and knocked heavily on the window to get their attention.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser looked over with a more annoyed look than a look of relief. But at least his plan to get labramon to comply" Flamemon if you would please" The firedigimon placed his claws onto the window drawing a circle then placing his hand on it. the glass turned into glitering pixels as it broke down to a atomic level from the heat. " Done" Kaiser waved his hand ushering Beezlemon inside. he glanced over at katia. " I'm a man of my word" He quickly also turned his attention to Bezzlemon. " i find the need to ask, was she alone or was she with a group of digimon. and if so what did you do" Flamemon began to stare down beezlemon his hands smoking from the heat.


    " Oh yes i've seen you around the school parameter a few times. i'm sure you know me...as the class rep, in any case we can't get home just yet. " He looked over at Shiori. and shook his head. " No we can't go home yet don't you remember what that strange light told us. we were brought here for a reason..a..aaa....and as scared as it may seem we have to live up to that expectation. So if were going to be here for a while then we should at least get familar with the territory. He pointed at sonya" You there, i don't know who put you in charge nor is it a matter of importance to me. i appreciate the concern and you seem more learned in the ways of this world than i. so i'll follow your instructions as you will have me. But i do have a question.....how can i ...become stronger". Alix was very timid and afraid but he knew he had to step up and be more than just the nervous boy that sat in the back of the class.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac stoppe banging his head on the desk and looked at the screen, and saw a red widow flash with a white exclamation point. He sat up and clicked on it and saw what it was ,

    "A virus?!" Zac exclaimed and looked at the data,

    "What do you mean Zac?" Terriermon asked,

    "Lopmon must have had the virus!" Zac said as he looked at when the virus came,

    "No she is a Data Type," Terriermon said,

    "No no no, I mean that virus that got onto my computer must have come from Lopmon," Zac explained, "Digimon are made up of data, even though Lopmon isn't a virus type, she has a virus in her. When she dark Digivolves, she turns into Wendigomon, which is a virus type. However, I think that when she became corrupt enough to Digivolve, she formed a virus in her data. My only question is why my computer didnt inform me when the virus entered my computer..."

    As Zac was about to ready his Digivice again, his computer immediately shut down, "....FUCK!" he exclaimed. Terriermon was shocked when Zac said that, and jumped off his shoulder, "Now I deffinatly need a new laptop! Who knows what that virus did, I just hope you didn't get it when we entered the real world Terriermon,"

    "Me two..."
    A portal over the snowy mountains formed, and sent a small brown rabbit down to the snowy fields. She screamed as she was scared, fearing she would fall towards her death. He ears quickly puffed out and helped her softly glide down, though, her eyes were still closed. She was terrified.

    She opened one of her eyes and saw eight small figures, kind of like ants. They grew slightly in size as she approached the ground closer and closer. Why didn't Zac and Terriermon follow her? She heard them scream for her, so they must have tried.

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