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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Darkness Wave!" LadyDevimon starts to cackle as she starts spinning, reversing the attack phase of Angemon's spheres. She then starts to burn Angemon on the inside, making her attack stronger since Angemon was in a stronger form. "Pitiful. Just pitiful. I expected for you to give me a decent fight. Pretty boys like you are such a drag." She looked at Aire, smiling as she saw him holding the rod. "Very well then. I'll leave you to your own desires... but do know this. You will not survive at the state you are in now... ta ta darlings... HAHAHAHAHA!" The demon lady then disappeared, leaving bats behind in her wake, leaving no trace of where she is going.

    "So... you really want to know how to survive in such a dreary place like this?" "Help? From her? We are fine without her Alix." "Ri, let us listen what she has to say." "Hmph." Sonya turned off her laptop and then stood in front of the table with PawnChessmon on the side of her. "I will only explain myself once and asking the same question over and over again will irritate me. Understand? You better listen carefully." The Lady took out her digivice as she was about to explain herself. "We all know that we work alongside the digimon in order to gain strength. However, the digimon themselves are made of data anyway... especially your fossilized dinosaur over there. They can digivolve through our digivice, yet they can get stronger by just downloading and capturing data. You want to get stronger do you? Start practicing the use of your digivice."

    She took out her digivice and starts to point at a random wall, shooting out a beam. "The digivice is able to allow us to shoot a beam of light at an enemy to restrain them if it is possible. That is... the only function that I know how to do with this crap. Nothing more. Still, you can get stronger by controlling your emotions. Control your emotions and stand for what you know is right, taking down anyone who stands in your way and the digimon will evolve through your emotions. And who knows..." PawnChessmon starts to react to Sonya's feelings and eventually evolved into KnightChessmon. "Your digimon will gain immense power." "Teamwork then." "That is the basics."

    Lady Sonya looked out of the window and was wondering what else to do. "Well, I think that we have rested well enough already. I say that we start to head...west. We may be able to find the next digidestined hopefully." "Are you positive?" "WE might as well trust her Bae. I do not want my feathers to grow more popsicles." Anyone object?" Shoiri looks at Sonya and then at Vix. "Well Alix... I guess we have no choice."
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon smiled and placed Labramon next to Katia before turning his attention to Kaiser, "She was alone, apparently Sonya had sent spies to take me out, Angewoman attacked me with the intent to kill. I don't like it... but I think Sonya may be overstepping her bounds." Turning to Flamemon, Beelzemon became extremely serious, "Your sister, as well as her partner, Lord Ashe, were spotted leaving the hospital and heading towards Hoshi's domain... Thought you'd like to know."
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Something about your demenor is off...Leave labramon and katia to there affairs. I'd like to speak with you in private. " Kaiser jumped out of the hole in the window with flamemon. "Seal that gap as you leave beezlemon." Kaiser seemed a bit more pissed than beezlemon could have been expecting. walked up the part of the balcony where he stood on the roof overlooking the entire city awaiting Beezlemon. there were a few choice questions he had in mind to ask.

    OOC: Will post as alix later.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon glanced worriedly at Labramon before following Kaiser, sealing the path behind him. He took one last glance at the two inside before ascending to where Kaiser waited. "Yes Lord Kaiser? I will gladly answer your questions. Ask me whatever you'd like, and I'll tell you whatever you'd like." The demon lord bowed, and awaited Kaiser's questions.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Angewomon what did you give Labramon? You aren't really flowing anymore," Gaogamon asked the angel digimon, "And when were you concerned about Labramon? I thought it was your duty to help the Deva, and the Deva want the Digidestined gone,"


    Lopmon floated down towards the snow and landed near the small cottage. She looked around and then slowly walked to the cabin to see if it belonged to anyone. She approached the door and knocked on it. She waited for a response, hoping it wasn't one of The Deva's bases.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well I was wonderin---" He was cut off by flamemon "I know that dog was not alone in the forest and i know you probably showed some pussless mercy on whatever group or persons she was with. i swear if i find out that you let any of them go i'll burn your sorry ass alive myself!" Kaiser motioned Flamemon back towards him. " Its fine its quite fine...." Kaiser started to pace back and forth" Well actually no its not fine but i see as of late i have to make an example out of these people that continue to disobey my rule and my order. "

    He snapped his fingers and swiftly looked over at Beezlemon " However maybe you can help me with something. i want you to find me a tech savy digimon that can broadcast my image across the globe. i intend to how do you say...help hoshi and my brother along with things. I know leomon had a second in command, and i know he is at the village just in case leomon was to be removed from duty." A evil sneering grin found itself on Kaisers face. " oh, and i don't want Katia to see this broadcast i have intentions of her joining our ranks. theres something about that girl and i'm not letting her go any time soon."

    " As for Angewoman.." he started to laugh maniacally" She had better tread carefully...haha...hahah..AAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!"


    " You take that back you ugly hag!" Koromon shot out at sonya as she finished talking. " Dontchu call me a fossil or i'll get you!" Alix put his hand over koromons mouth. " Look miss um, Sonya was it? I don't really know who you are or why your helping us but it seems our main focus right now is to get all of us digidestined together. otherwise we are just lost out here like fools. So the question is how do we track em down?

    " Oh and i don't mean to cut you off but my digivice did a sort of strange thing when we encountered IceDevimon, it shout out burst of light to Agumon which seemed to be fueling him. i don't really know what that was about, well that and Shiori's digimon evolved into something else. There are some mysteries to this device and i think i'll get to the bottom of it!"
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Several minutes of silence passed between the duo left alone in the guest room. Neither could really figure out what to say, so Labramon finally blurted out, "I forgot your food baaaaaag!" in a whining tone, causing Katia to burst into tears once more. The girl dove and hugged the dogmon tightly, crying into the digital fur.

    "I-It's okay, Labramon. I di-didn't ca-care enough about the bag anyways. . ." She sobbed, squeezing the digimon some more. "I'm so, so sorry ab-bout what I did. . . I was angry. . . And scared. . . I ju-just wanted to go home. . ."

    "Kitty-kat. . . It's okay. . ." Labramon reassured, placing two paws around Katia and hugging her back. "I knew ya didn't mean it. . ."

    It would be a while before either would tell their story.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon raised an eyebrow but "Aha"'d after a few moments. "I know just the one!" He whistled loudly, the sound echoing across the digital world. After a couple of minutes a motor could be heard as Behemoth landed next to Beelzemon. Patting the bike, he whispered something, and in the next moment, wires grabbed Kaiser's digivice and Behemoth sent out a sonic wave with the same signal as his digivice, causing every electronic device to connect to Kaiser's digivice, giving him the ability to address the entire Digital world, including the digi destined.

    "Speak away my Lord! Everyone can see and hear you!"
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Angemon was incredibly weakened and a light withdrew around him as he descended towards the ground. A four-legged creature with long ears emerged upon touching the earth. Lady had completely vanish without a single trace and the bats that she had conjured slowly began to fade as did the Angel Rod. Both Aire and Patamon were pretty beat up but it was nothing compared to their past endeavours. "You let her get away!" Aire approached Patamon. "Sorry!" he replied. "Apologizing is for the weak! Next time. Kill her!" he started to walk into the forest. "Where are we headed!" Patamon stated swiftly following behind. "To find Leomon!!!"
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Not yet, you will know when the time draws near. For now the only mission i want you to carry out is to find out exactly what Sonya is doing. actually no.. don't i want to see where this leads i think the pot is getting quite full and i want to see how far i can mix it." He shrugged and turned his back. " Your free to leave i'll contact you when its time to make preparations. For now the only job you need to concern yourself with is being Katia's Caretaker. whatever she needs you do it. She will turn on the digidestined and she will join our cause.

    Kaiser leaned onto the glass rods poking out of the rooftop. punching his hands together. " Its all just a big waiting game."
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon nodded and disappeared, leaving Behemoth behind in case Kaiser wanted to take it for a ride.

    The demon lord digimon appeared on the bed in the guest room, he smiled before dedigivolving into Impmon and finally, after all the fighting, he let sleep take him. He had no idea that his digital heart had slowed to the point of nearly stopping, nor did he know that his wounds were greater then he thought... But most of all, he did not know... that unless he was given quick treatment... he would die.
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Once the reuinited duo recovered from their emotions, a much happier Katia stood up and brushed herself off. Miraculously, Labramon did not shed at all. She led the dogmon through the house on a mini tour. Along the way, however, something caught her eye.

    "So do you want some food? I think we can get food deliv-ered. . . or. . . wait, who the heck is that?" She asked, coming to a confused stop in front of one of the guest bedrooms. The human's steps led her to the bedside of Impmon, confusedly. "Labramon, who is this and why are they sort of pulsing or blinking or whatever?

    Labramon, who was too short to see the figure on the bed before, immediately hopped up on the bed to inspect the individual. The digimon's jaw dropped.

    "That's Impmon, the rookie form of Beezlemon. But something's wrong! He's dying, i think!"

    "What do I do?!" Katia panicked, a surprisingly calm Labramon ordering, "Try the digivice."

    Katia held out the device, praying it would do something - lo and behold, a bright light projected at Impmon, stopping the blinking effect that his body had. After a time, the light stopped and Katia fell to the ground, hugging the side of the bed to watch the digimon for any sign of improvement.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon twitched a bit before cracking open his eyes. The first thing he saw, was Labramon, then when he looked to the bedside, he saw Katia. "Aww what's wrong Katia? You shouldn't be sad! I'm alright, at least I think I am... Huh?" Impmon looked at his chest, and a bright light engulfed him. When the light faded, Impmon had the mark of Katia's digivice on his chest.

    Impmon smiled happily, "I.. I have a partner now!? Thank you Katia! It's just like Kaiser promised all those years ago! He told me if I worked hard, one day I'd be rewarded with a partner of my own! Of course, Labramon is your real partner... but I'll be your friend! I'll always protect you, I swear it!"
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "B-but. . . what? A second partner? But I-"

    "You were about do die, Impmon! I saw your data fading! Kitty-kat saved you! You owe her more than gratitude!" Labramon barked at the purple digimon. Katia, on the other hand, looked panicked.

    "I. . . need air. And food. And a walk. I'm going to. . . goodbye!" She babbled before bolting out the door. Impressive, considering she wasn't exactly the fastest runner.

    "Kitty-kat, wai- great, now I gotta find her again! I wanna stay together for five minutes! Is that so much?" Labramon whined, bounding off the bed and after her partner and leaving Impmon to his own devices.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon frowned and jumped off the bed, "Labramon! Katia! What's wrong?" The purple imp ran after the two, but he wasn't strong enough to catch up and he tripped and fell, rolling faster then he ran... Until he smashed headfirst into Labramon. "Uhh... uh... Labra...mon... um... Sorry! Ah!" Impmon nervously backed away and ran off, though he knew if Labramon wanted to, she could catch him easily.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "What for?" Patamon was quite confused. "Wasn't Leomon the digimon Zac was talking about!"

    "Yeah, although a pain that kid is, he was covered in soot and wanting to find that digimon" "Something doesn't add up!" "I have been thinking since we've woken up."

    "About what"

    "Of what we already know!" "We've seen three Devas! The two twins! Kaiser, the leader. Ashe, the Ass and that bitchy foreigner which I remember briefly seeing when coming to this world"

    "Oh you mean Sonya! And the last is Hoshi!"

    "Right! You were amongst the Devas before joining me. What else do you know?"

    "Kids from the human world who partner up with Digimon are called Digidestined"

    "That means that I...."

    "Yes, that device is proof! There's a possibility of others"

    "Great! More obstacles! Okay let's speed it up the Muchomons' villiage is not far!"
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I better tell Sonya, wait...if I tell her, she is only gonna want to digivolve her even more. Besides I can't even trust her," Zac said as he scrolled through the contacts on his Digivice, and then noticed something... "Who the heck are these guys? How did I get Aire's Digivice on here? Well... even though that guys a jerk, I think I can trust him, at least he doesn't work with the Deva Kings and Queens... but he won't work with anyone... and I don't know if the contacts on here are more minions of the Deva... Aire it is,"

    He tapped the bar with Aire's name on it and heard it ring, "I wonder if I can play games on this as well... no, focus, you got I make sure no one forces Kiki to digivolve,"
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Because... Labramon may be able to help. What I gave her is my holy ring. It will give her holy powers and it may be able to help her gain so much power that she may be able to tap into her true form. That is all. Besides, this is one of my own mission... as a major experiment." "A major... experiment?" "Yes. I am one of the major experiments under Lady Sonya's leadership. It may seem like torture but in all honesty, I am honored to serve such a human who treats digimon with care." Angewomon looked up into the sky and sighed. "The mission is not really to get rid of the digidestined... not in the Lady Sonya's case anyway. The mission is to halt the digidestined from corrupting the plans of a perfect world. The digidestined are the enemies who will disrupt that process and thus, they are evil beings who must be kept at bay." Bearmon just stood there and looked away to the other side, not saying another word.

    "However... I must warn you. There are other generals who too are experiments for greater power and they may not show you a warm welcome. You two best be off. There is a spy who will attempt to find the secret base of the rebellion and to secure the location to Lady Sonya. That is all I can tell you. Please, stay safe and protect each other." Angewomon realized that her strength is leaving and she starts flying away, aiming to go back to Sonya's mansion."

    "It's called Digivolution. Didn't you just hear me the first time? The Digivice gives our partners a new form and power. Each digimon differs in terms of strength when they evolve." "Yea. We heard you the first time." "I wonder what Chicko will evolve into." Until then, Lady Sonya and Bae heard a knock on the door. Bae and Chicko walk up to the door and saw a small, rabbit who looked lost. "Hi there. Are you lost? You need to find a place real quick before you end up sick." "OH PLEASE COME IN! You will end up having icicles appearing in your ears if you do not come in! Welcome! Welcome!" Chicko pushed Lopmon inside the cabin and was hugging it. Shiori saw the rabbit and smiled, walking up to her. "You look cold. Have my scarf." Ri wrapped the scarf and smiled.

    "So what is your name?" Lady Sonya and KnightChessmon looked at each other, knowing what to do to carry out their next plan. "This is certainly a surprise."
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Impmon's little fall caused Labramon to fall facefirst, then roll into a wall. Katia was long gone.

    "Grrr. . . I'm going to get you for that!" Labramon growled, chasing after the small devil with gusto. It didn't take her long to catch up, seeing as he was still weak from his brush with death.

    "Raaaaa!" she snarled leaping up and pinning Impmon to the ground. "You jerk! You made me lose- aw, crap."


    Meanwhile, elsewhere, Katia found herself in a barlike setting, minus alcohol but in its place was other assorted colourful, fizzy drinks. She took a seat at the bar, looking upon the Gabuman behind the counter that wore a vest.

    "Er. . . could I have something to eat?" she asked warily, watching as the creature cleaned a glass.

    "Ah, a guest of the lord! Anything you would like is free of cost!"

    "Just get me something that is safe for humans."
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Lopmon saw the door open and was greeted by a chicken, a boy and a girl she never had seen before. Where these more Digidestined? She was imediatly pulled in and was now being hugged by the chicken digimon, and soon the girl placed a scarf around her neck. She pushed the Chicken away, a bit uncomfortable with a digimon she didn't know hugging her.

    "Whoa...you guys sure are friendly," Kiki said, "I guess you don't get a lot of visitors... Where am I? Because I've never been here before... I'm Kiki I sorta got seperated from my brother Kipper and my partner,"

    As Angewomon flew off, Gaogamon simply growled, "Cares for Digimon my fury blue ass," he muttered, "If she cared, then why the heck would she turn Kipper and his sister against each other and make his sister into Wenidgomon? C'mon Bearmon lets g-".

    He quickly turned his head towards Bearmon and focused his eye on the little bear's ones, "Wait a minute... a spy trying to find Leomon's village... and you are wanting to Leomon's Village so badly..."

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