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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The blush that appeared on Impmon's face gave away everything as he sort of melted into the forced tackle-like embrace as Labramon pinned him to the ground. "Labramon? You look... kinda... cute like that... all powerful like. I mean... aww I ain't no good at this thing... just let me try something... and... don't get mad or kill me... please..." The smaller digimon leaned up and pecked Labramon on the cheek, before putting his hands up,"See... I really like you..."
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    A blush, red as a an angry beehive, slapped down onto the dog's face as quickly as that peck did, though this lasted much longer. Labramon bit down on Impmon's ascot, lifting him up by the small cloth and growling, "YOU-JERK!" Then, she threw him across the street, projecting, "RetrieverG!" and firing one of her sonic bursts. The bubble bounced into Impmon, shooting him straight into a pile of old mattresses that happened to be leaning against the wall outside for whatever reason. The digimon found herself fuming and storming off back towards the apartment. Katia would return eventually, and she couldn't search every corner of the city.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon groaned, that was painful... "L-Labramon! Wait!" The weakened imp dragged himself to his feet and followed after the dog. "Please... I just want someone... to care... someone to be there... someone who loves me for me, not for being a Demon Lord... Please Labramon..." Impmon collapsed to the ground, but not before saying, "Don't abandon me like everyone else did..."

    ((I see an Impmon backstory on the horizon!))
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Flamemon snorted out smoke as he looked across the city. He noticed impmon limping in such a pathetic manner. " Master i will return, i have to deal with something for a while. " Kaiser nodded his head and flamemon leaped off the rooftop. Falling with tremendous force he blasted flames towards the ground slowing his decent as he slammed into the ground into a pit of flames. He stepped out his fist filled with smoke looking directly at Impmon. " What the hell are you chasing after you pathetic fool."

    Flamemon pushed the weak digimon over so that he fell backwards." You and me got some unfinished business." He kicked impmon in the chest with flares coming from his feet." I know enough about you to know i don't like you. You act all high and mighty as beezlemon but your nothing but a fool." He landed another kick into Impmon. " You may fool lord kaiser but you don't fool me. your up to something and i'm going to find out what it is! Why were you chasing after that Dog! tell me now or i'll send your ashes scattered amongst the wind!!


    Koromon yelled out. " Hey thats a Lopmon!!!" He hopped out of Alix's hands and went over to it. " Hi im koromon i'm Alix's digital partner. you lost your friend ? I know how i'd feel if i got separated from Alix so you can tag along with us till we find your partner." The small pink digimon said with a bright smile on his face. Alix walked over to the lopmon he kneeled down rubbing its head. " Hey my name is Alix " He took his free hand and pointed at Shiori. " This is Shiori and over there is Vix. i don't know much about this place but your welcome to come along with all of us on this adventure." A quaint smile came across his face it was a warm welcoming smile. To let the small digimon know it was ok.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire's Digivice starts flashing and Whamon's Digimelody erupts from its speaker. Aire takes the device and presses a button. Another melody begins to play. It's Lucemon's Digimelody, after the melody finishes, bars appear on the small screen. They begin to rise and fall depending on the acoustics. Patamon takes to the air and speaks through the device.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    Zac and Terriermon both heard Patamon's voice, their eyes lit up with joy, "Patamon! Good you are okay. It's me, Zac and Terriermon. Where is Aire? I need to warn him about something before the Deva find her,"

    "Hi Patamon!" Terriermon exclaimed into the Digivice,


    "Yea...I lost my family..." she said with a sad sigh. But then, her eyes lit up, however, this time, they turned red, insted of their usual color, "You will? Thank you Koromon!" she exclaimed as she hugged him, and then she was Alix speak, "Thank you Mr Alix," she said letting go of Koromon and bowed at the boy.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon cried out in pain as Flamemon brutally struck him, looking at the demon digimon he whined pathetically, "Uhh... F-Flamemon... I thought you were with Lord Kaiser... I was just following Labramon... Look, I know you don't like me but... we're on the same side, you know that! I've never had a real partner... This is my chance! What'dya mean I act all high and mighty as Beelzemon? Are you accusing me of somethin? I'd never betray Lord Kaiser! And I was chasing her... I was... chasing her... because.. well... I kinda... sort of... fell for her... Please don't hurt her! I'll do whatever ya want just don't hurt her Flamemon..."
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Oh hi we were just...." "Give me one good reason. Why I shouldn't end this transmission". Aire interrupted. "I know that your a lonely pathetic excuse for a child but what makes you think that I even remotely like you!" Patamon looked at Aire. "Zac was is it that you need?" Aire looked back at Patamon. "Whatever!"
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well at least I'm not someone who is willing to whatever he can for power, even if it means PUTTING YOUR PARTNER IN DANGER!" Zac yelled in the Digivice,

    "Momentai Zac! Remember my sister?" Kipper exclaimed, interrupting Zac,

    "*Sigh*...your right Kipper. Look Aire, I don't like you, you don't like me, but we both hate the Deva Kings, and this is something I need you to do. If the Deva Kings find Lopmon, Terriermon's sister, they are gonna turn her into a monster. Inside of her is a virus, and if Digivolves again into Wendigomon, she can't control herself. I'm back in the real world by accident, and when we tried to get back, Lopmon was the only one by accident, but that's when I discovered the Virus after she was sent back to the digital world, my laptop was fried completely. When you find her, tell me immediately, and make sure the Deva Kings don't get here, especially Sonya,"

    "Please! Me and Zac promised to keep her safe, and to help her! Please!" Terriermon said,

    "I know we had some problems, but look this isn't about me, this is about stopping the Deva Kings, that's my duty as a Digidestined," Zac said,
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Hahaha-aaaahah-mwh!!!" Aire laughed into the device. "That's quite a sob story!" "And you don't say! The real world! A place where your completely out of my way!" "I tell you what; I'll 'take care' of this virus for you. One way or the other!" Aire laughed as he ended the transmission. "Spirit, we're almost there!" Patamon was slightly saddened but focused on Aire's goals and became more stoic.

  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Labramon was a good distance away from Impmon when she finally checked behind herself to make sure that the devil digimon wasn't following.

    "Good riddan-" she began, but then noticed in the reflection of a skyscraper a falling ball of flame, heading straight towards where she left Impmon. The Vaccine-type guessed that it was the flamemon that she had noticed with the evil looking human earlier, then hissed, "An evil meeting! I've got to spy and tell Katia!"

    Little did she know of the brutality she'd see. As the Beast rounded the corner, she saw Flamemon beating up Impmon.

    "No evil meeting, just an evil jerkface!" Labramon snarled, bounding near the duo and letting loose a RetriverG shot at Flamemon.

    "Hey! Pick on somebody less stupid than him!" She barked, taking an aggressive stance on all fours.



    Katia ate what tasted like the best burger of her life. She mumbled in-between bites of the delicious meal. "It's so good. . ."

    The door opened, letting in an Obabamon who saddled up onto the barstool next to Katia.

    "Hey, I respectfully told you to stay out of this restaurant. Please get out of here before I have to call one of the local law enforcement of-"

    "Quit yer whining, whippersnapper! I'm going!" The grannylike digimon groaned, shuffling off of the chair and back out the door. Katia didn't notice, but the creature had left a little gift in her pocket on her exit.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Aww whats this!?" He grabbed impmon by his red scarf pulling him up off the ground punching him into the gut. "Aww what! you fell in wub with someone awww how SO GOD DAM ADORABLE-" before he could finish his statement. a second before he landed another punch. " Retriever G!" he dropped impmon " Flame Tail!' he said as the fires collided with the sudden attack. " Oh ho hO!! whats this come to save your dashing lover eh? come to rescue your prince charming did you!!" Flamemon ran forward to Labramon its palms open tackling it to the ground. with its hands on the fur it started to increase the heat output from its body. This would begin to burn Labramon if she continued to stay close to him. " Take a hint pup!"
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon's eyes darkened and he began to grow. Wings shot out of his back and his right arm became a massive gun, "Listen here buddy! I said leave her alone! Your fight is with me!" Beelzemon lifted Flamemon up and growled, his three eyes glaring at the fiery digimon. "Kaiser doesn't want them hurt and neither do I!" He tossed Flamemon aside and grabbed Labramon, "Hang on tight!" Taking off hurt, but he managed to make it to the roof before falling to his knees. "I can't beat him... You hafta run! Please!"
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Ok little chicken were gonna play that kind of game eh...then Tag and i'm It..." He said vanishing into a pit of flames only to appear on the roof top next to kaiser who was oddly enough staring at his Digivice as if he was waiting for a call or message of some sort. " Sorry about that Kaiser i had to tigten some loose ends. " Kaiser turned his head in confirmation. " I'm not going to ask what it was you had to do but did you finish. " No, no i did not however the pot thickens and i'll finish my business soon enough..."
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi passed by the ‘lover girl’ comment with a wince of her eyes.

    Cautiously, she peered out of the cave into the forest. There was no one around, at least not within earshot. Her gaze fell first upon Ashe, whom she contemplated for what seemed like ages. Then, her eyes fell upon both of their Digimon. They widened with a sudden revelation of latent understanding. “A diversion,” she said. “Our Digimon are about to get into a fight, Ashe. This fight will threaten the village, and only the strongest Digimon from the village will be able to break them apart. Except while they’re busy trying to stop two powerful Digimon from catching their village in the crossfire, an old friend of mine is going to get a little heated.”

    A sizzling, cackling sound came from deeper within the cave, followed by a living, breathing, walking mass of fire rounding a corner.

    “Meramon,” Hoshi said, “will be our flamethrower today.”​
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Before the dogmon could even begin to respond, Impmon digivolved and absconded with her, heading to some random rooftop. Her burns weren't severe, but they did hurt like the dickens.

    "Put me down, put me down!" She snarled, getting herself out of his grip once they were finally on solid ground. An utterance of "Cure Liqueur!" bathed Labramon in a small mist of what seemed like iridescent water, healing the burns instantly.

    "I coulda taken him. . ." She grumbled, staring into the Demon Lord's masked face.


    Katia finished up the burger, feeling her pocket for some change - but found something else. The Gabumon saw the gesture and waved a paw.

    "No need for payment, miss. Deva Kings eat free."

    "I'm not a- oh, whatever. . ." She said, hopping off of the chair. "Thanks for the meal."

    The Digidestined ended up outside quickly, taking the object out and inspecting in closely. It resembled a pentagon that got stretched out, golden with a little glass-or plastic - window that had a slot inside for a card or picture or something.

    "Why would she give me this?" She asked no-one, holding the tag up to the light.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon breathed heavily, "I gotta stop doing this! I couldn't take the risk... we're close to Kaiser, meaning he coulda easily digivolved! Katia is nowhere to be found, so you wouldn't be able to! I was just tryin to keep you safe! I ain't as stupid as you may think! I know when I can't win, and at my power there was no way I could fight!" He dedigivolved and crawled rather pitifully over to Labramon, "Please... promise me you won't take those risks! I don't want you to face the beatings I've faced, I'd be destroyed if you died..." He paused before adding quickly, "And uhhh... Katia too..." Impmon was officially horrible at hiding his feelings.


    Ashe groaned, "You saying we have to fake fight? Here I was hoping for a real fight. Whatever. Bring it on Hoshi! Allow me to heighten the stakes, if you manage to beat me in this little joyous battle, I'll give you permission to date my brother! Dahahahahahaha! Go get em bud!" Firamon digivolved into Flaremon and roared, flames erupting from her entire body, attracting the attention of the nearby villagers.
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Aire don't you dare try to kill her!" he yelled before the transmission was cut off. When it was, Zac moaned and then slammed his head on the table again.

    "Gee I guess humans love that huh?" Terriermon said to himself. He shrugged and then proceeded to slam his head into the desk. Zac heard the noise and and saw Terriermon lifting his head up, and rubbing it, "Ow..."

    "Kipper," Zac said with a small laugh as examined Kipper's forehead.

    Grizzlymon turned his head, and took note of the flames erupting near the village. There must be a fight going on. He was one of the first to go see what was going on and started walking towards were the fire was emitting from, "What the..."
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The Muchomon quickly noticed someones presence. Several were hiding stealthfully behind some oak trees. They waited and watched as the light pierced through the canopies exposing the trespassers. A Muchomon motioned to the others and they departed and then soon returned with an elderly digimon.

    "You've grown in such little time!" the elder Muchomon walked into light that was exposed through a hole in the canopy. "Has your journey taking you to the place?!" he implied the place that he mentioned to Aire during his first encounter. "No, not yet. We would like to find Leomon first!" Aire glanced at the Muchomonz. They began facing each other in two lines, evenly spacing themselves and creating a walkway. "First, you must follow me!" the elder began pacing himself through the walkway created by the Muchomon.

    Aire and Patamon followed. The deeper they progressed; the stranger the forest became. It was desolate and not a soul stirred. The elder stopped in front of a large cave formation. "Muchomonz hemos protegido este lugar por siglos. Ahora, el tesoro se puso dentro. Es para ti " "He said, the Muchomonz have guarded this place for centuries. And now, the item that lies inside; is for you" Patamon translated.

    The elder led Aire inside. "I was meaning for this treasure to be yours after your travels to the....but I feel danger for this sacred place's safety." The room began to darkened due to lack of a light source. "Ardent Flare!" the elder launched a fire based attack lighting the candles which had hung from the side of the cave to the very end. At the very end, a pedestal stood. Two devices were hung at the center of the cave wall. "You see! Those instrumental horns in corner of the cave? Only a wind guardian can create enough wind through those things to activate the wind devices in the center. Patamon and Aire looked at each other. "Do it!" "BOOM BUBBLES!" two bubbles shot from Patamon into the horns causing a chain reaction as the device in the middle began spinning and releasing air. The pedestal began to open at the top as a box clattered in gold emerged. Aire approached it. He lifted the lid and within its contents was a golden pendant. "It's your tag! Your corresponding crest awaits!" Aire places the tag over his head. "Okay! Let's go!"
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "They won't kill me, stupid! Katia told me how that knuckle-head leader of yours wants her to join team Deva King! They need me alive for that!" Labramon growled, baring her teeth at Impmon.

    Meanwhile (Again)

    Katia's strolling took her further into the city, near what seemed like more of a business district. She couldn't imagine what a bunch of Digimon would need office buildings for, but that question didn't really matter all that much. She took the tag and looped the strap around her neck, then stuffed it down her shirt to hide it. People don't slip people things unless there's a reason to hide them, or so said those spy movies she used to watch.

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