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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon just sighed, but nodded. "I see... well then... I suppose you don't know Kaiser well enough... Lemme edumacate you on something! Flamemon will beat ya within an inch of your life and then take you to the hospital so you live! He's a bully, but there ain't nothin we can do! That's why I work for Kaiser... he said I'd find a partner one day... and a mate... but I'm too weak... I guess... this is my only choice huh?"

    Impmon stepped back... right off the building.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (Oh shoot. I never thought the posts will be this long. I need to type up a bigger post now.)

    Bearmon looked at Gaogamon in distressed. "DON'T LOOK AT ME! I'm not the spy! Besides, you have no proof anyways and I need to get to the village to warn my friends of the enemy! Lady Sonya will be aiming in building up her army sometime soon." Bearmon then turned around and saw smoke flying up in the air. "Huh? What?" Bearmon was startled and then looked back at Gaogamon. "What is that? Hey! You have four legs!" The Bearmon jumped on Gaogamon's back and was worried. "Can we complain about who is the spy later or something? Right now, we have work to do."

    "But until we get your family back together..." Lady Sonya then stood over Lopmon and had her hands on her hips. "You will stay with us. No reason for you to go out there alone. You will be torn to shreds. Best if I take care of you darling." The KnightChessmon then gave the Lopmon a stare but then glanced at Vix, who was staring right at her and then stared back at the Lopmon again. "Um... Lady Sonya? You sure do act as though you know her." "We have crossed paths before. She showed us a place and we helped her get to her destination as we went our way. Isn't that right... Lopmon darling?" Bae and Chicko was curious but Ri and Vix was staring at Sonya and KnightChessmon, wondering what was going on. "Now then, let us gather up the necessary materials and prepare ourselves to leave out of this dreary place. Nice to have you on the team Lopmon." Lady Sonya then put her hands by Lopmon's face, making sure that Lopmon's eye is in direct contact with hers.

    Angewomon was laying in the garden back in Lady Sonya's mansion, trying to regain her strength. "Mi'lady?" "BishopChessmon?" She turned around to see that he was walking out of the mansion, surprising her. "What are you doing here?" "To get ready for the invasion." "Oh yea. That. You are about to lead the army soon?" "That is correct... however, you do not look well." "I was... trying to do my mission to show that... I am more than an experiment and that I am grateful." "Yes... but even so, the Lady Sonya needs us. You, myself, LadyDevimon, all of us are important in her project to help bring an ideal world." "Yes. However... it is easy for you to say. You have completed your task as an experiment." "I guess you can say that. However, I am not sure if this is my final form myself." "But even still, there are a great number of us in different places, monitoring the Digital World." "That is correct. And it is our mission, to be what Lady Sonya desire us to be ever since she took us in. And the job," "Is to be superiors... celestials.... gods and goddesses..." Then, one of the IN-Training digimon starts running towards the generals. "One of Lady Sonya's spies has came back with one of the videos that he installed in Lord Kaiser's castle. All information of what has been going on lately will be transported to Lady Sonya directly.

    "Very well. It is best to keep her up-to-date as to what is going on." Angewomon then looked back at the mansion, just now fully repaired. "I do not wish for her to carry the burdens any longer..."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "...How do you know about an-" Gaogamon exclaimed, though he stopped wen he turned his was saw smoke. After heading Bearmon, he moaned and then bite on the cub's scruff and pulled him up into the air,

    "This is over for. For now," he muttered as he had the fur in his mouth and ran off towards the smoke.

    Kiki cowered when she heard Sonya's voice. Though it was soothing, she knew that she wouldn't bring any good, "L-l-lady Sonya!" she said, "W-what are you doing here with these Digidestined? O-or are they more of your m-minions?" she asked as she covered herself with her ears when she saw KnihtChessmon,

    "Y-yes... You...you...YOU," was all she could muster as she removed her ears from her body and stared at her. She felt Sonya's hands on her cheeks but stared at her with red eyes as she scowled at her, but quickly shook her head for a moment, as she was feeling anger, and anger was what caused her to become Wendigomon.

    "Could you at least tell Zac and Kipper I'm okay?" Lopmon asked,

    Zac had grabbed some ice and place it on Terriermon's head, the little puppy whacked his head pretty good on the desk. Kipper winced when he felt the ice on his forehead, but it felt better in a smarter of seconds. Zac then took off the ice and placed Kipper on the be and grabbed the remote,

    "Since we are gonna be here for a while, might as well be comfortable," Zac said as he turned on the television,
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix was growing more and more impatient about this Sonya character. Who died and made her king, why was she in charge. who was she? what made her fit to take lead. All these questions ran through His mind."Well as it stands we just need to get a move on. no point in wasting time here lets go koromon." Koromon hopped onto alix's head " Alix!! I have a feeling we have to go to Dragon's peak to get something for me!." Alix looked puzzled and put his hands into his pockets. " What do you mean ? and why Dragons peak? that place sounds kind of intense."

    " I know but its just a feeling like i have to be there for something!" Alix nodded and walked towards the door. " Alright then Lil buddy lets do this." He looked back at everyone else. " I'm heading out, if anyone is coming your welcome. but i'm following my Digimon's word." There was a point where a Digimon felt the need or desire to digivolve and this would be one of them. little Koromon was feeling a resonating feeling that he just had to feel out. Time to embark on a adventure.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Wha-wait! Aw, gosh darnit," Labramon groaned, slapping a paw over her face. "Well, it's a good thing we rookies are light. Otherwise, he could have gotten hurt."

    She looked about the rooftop, trying to find a way down.

    "Aww, now I gotta go down the stairs!" She whined, knocking the rooftop access door open and beginning her descent.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon landed with a thud, sighing at his own nervousness. He opened the door in front of him and scowled, "Damnit, she won't love me... I'm just a pathetic little imp who can't even defend himself... Why am I even trying...?"

    As Impmon ascended the many flights of stairs, he was clueless to the fact that his words echoed... all the way to the top of the building. "Gotta hurry! Maybe... She'll give me a chance to love her!"
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    There was a lone Digimon hiding watching Angewoman and company speak amongst each other. " Insubordination will not be tolerated....I must tell lord kaiser immediately. Punishment will be torturous and painful for all of them..."The invisible digimon creeped away a few feet from everyone else and re-appeared. It was a Ninjamon. his face was full of pent up anger that someone would betray his lord. " They will pay!" He took off in a full sprint throughout the city until he reached Kaiser's main headquaters.

    Running through the main hall he came to the desk. " Where is lord kaiser!" he asked to the gabumon receptionist. " I do not know exactly i can try to contact his frequency if you wish. " Yes do that! tell him its of dire importance."

    a few moments of fiddling on the desk monitor he got through to the king. " Lord kaiser there is a Ninjamon here waiting for you. he claims its of dire urgence.

    " Tell him i'll be there shortly..." Kaiser closed off his digivice and cracked his knuckles. A flowing digital cape pixelated itself onto his back. Kaiser and Flamemon both leaped from the roof the cape had strange abilities one of which was flight. they both landed outside the door walking in slowly. The air was tense as he strode over to ninjamon.

    " Ah, ninjamon i didnt think you'd pull up anything. status report please." Yes sir! It seems Lady Sonya has betrayed the Deva kings she has been installing cameras and devices into multiple buildings including this one and your brothers HQ." The purple ninjamon began to talk and talk until all the information had been gathered. apparently he had been silently following Lady sonya as well as Angewoman for quite some time now.

    A devious smile grew on kaisers face. " Simply outstanding...thank you Ninjamon i'll see that this information is shared amoung Myself Ashe and Hoshi. It is as you said. Insubordnation...will not be tolerated." He clinched his fist with his evil grin. " But for now...i will play her little game. she will not know that i know of this. as for Ashe...i'll tell him at a later date..."
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “As if I’d need your permission,” Hoshi spat under her breath. “All right Kuroneko,” she said aloud. The cat Digimon brushed around behind Hoshi’s legs and trotted out of the cave. She spun around throwing a vicious smile at Flaremon. Hoshi smiled softly and just as menacingly. “Ready for a fight, boys?” she asked. “Because you’re in for one.” She threw Kuroneko a nod and a pointed finger. “Make it convincing!” she called.

    A flash of light burst out for but a second, and where the cat had been standing, there stood the lean, elegant and ferocious figure of LadyDevimon. “Let’s have fun while we can. Those silly Digimon from the village won’t relent once they get here. They’ll want to see us deleted at all costs.” LadyDevimon shrieked with excitement. Throwing her wings open, she sent forth her signature volley of lethal bats that would eat away at Flaremon.

    “Now is when you move, Meramon,” Hoshi said to the infernal behemoth behind her. “Circle around the village and burn it to the ground, once its defenses have been emptied, of course.” The Meramon chuckled and slipped out of the cave. “Now,” Hoshi said, turning to Ashe. “You and I will hide out in the back of this cave. If the villagers know that it we were behind the attack, it wouldn’t exactly do my plans any favors.” She gave a yank on Ashe’s harm to usher him towards the back wall.​
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh my gosh. He is sadly mistaken!" The Cupimon was flying near Lord Kaiser and his spy when he heard of this. "Lady Sonya is not even betraying anyone! I must warn the others so that her plan will not go astray!" The Cupimon starts flying fast for the mansion, trying to warn the generals as fast as possible. "I must warn them!" The Cupimon starts fluttering high into the sky, trying so hard to make sure that Lady Sonya will receive all of the information that she needs.

    Angewomon and BishopChessmon starts to walk towards the conference room, talking in private with the spy, who is surprisingly the Biyomon who gave Kaiser a massage. "It is awful..." "What do you mean?" "Well, I will send the recording image to the Mistress' device soon but it is awful. While I was pretending to be just a normal digimon, I was actually looking through the camcorder, watching through the many cameras that was safely placed well and hidden. Even so, it seems as though the Lord Kaiser is getting a little bit... unstable. However, this image I will show." The Biyomon showed it to Angewomon and BishopChessmon, showing the clip of Impmon getting tortured by Kaiser's partner. "Once I saw that, I just had to stop the recording and immediately come here. I do not know what else has happened." "I... see. Thank you. It is just as Lady Sonya said. Putting our In-Training and rookie digimon in as spies, making them look harmless is an astonishing plan. No one will be able to suspect it. You may go now." "Thank you!" As the Biyomon left, Angewomon looked at BishopChessmon. "I hope the Lady comes back soon. I do not know what kind of journey she is going on right now but I hope that she is safe." "But until then, I shall now lead part of the secret army that the Mistress has been building up. Even the those of the ultimate stage will not be able to hold us off very long."

    "Why would we want to be minions to some witch?" "Minions? No no no no no. They are not minions. However, if I had it my way, I would call them... volunteering servants separated from... indentured servitude." "Say what?!" Sonya and Ri starts staring at each other once again in anger while Chicko facepalmed. "Can we have the feud later please?" "I agree." "*Sigh* ok then. Alix, let's go!" "I was thinking of the same thing. Lopmon... was it? Shall we?" Lady Sonya was riding on KnightChessmon and picked up Lopmon, having her sitting behind her as they start to ride off. "Wow. A royal treatment." Bae and Chicko starts to walk behind them while Shiori and Vix walked on after them. "Ri... be careful." "Hm?" "There is something about those two...bossy I know but... there is something else abut them than meets the eye." "If I can figure out what that is, I would bust her real good." "Just stand your ground and we better watch our back."

    The group starts to head for Dragon's Peak, starting on their adventure. However, to Lady Sonya... "I will be a little bit delayed on trying to reach my destination but that is alright. As long as I am up-to-date on what is going on in my absence and as long as I can keep the Digidestined in check, I will always be triumphant. But Lopmon...forgive me but it is necessary."

    The Bearmon was on Gaogamon's back, staying quiet and was in thought. "Hm... OH!" The Bearmon saw a tower and realized that it must be the village. "That must be the village! My friends must be ok! WHOO HOO! HURRY UP!"
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "It's Kiki..." Lopmon said. She then found herself being picked up by Sonya and placed on the back of Knightchessmon and was now with the group outside in the snow. She turned and looked at Ri and her partner Vix and then asked, "So...you and your partner are Digidestined?" Kiki asked Ri,


    Grizzlymon ran out of the village when he saw the Deva Kings fighting and ran outside of the village when he saw a Gaogamon with a Bearmon on his back. He ran towards the Gaogamon, quickly recognizing him,

    "Gaomon? Is that you?" Grizzlymon asked as he approached the wolf,

    "Yes Girzzlymon, I Digivolved with the aid of Zac who...I'm afraid is gone...so are Guilmon and Birdramon..."

    "Zac is gone? I hope he hasn't died... But we have bigger problems!" Grizzlymon stated. As he finished, he smelt smoke, and so did Gaogamon. The two looked and saw fire coming from the village,

    "And they are only getting worse..."
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Labramon heard this as she descended and winced.

    "What an idiot," she mumbled, looking down the gap between the spiralling rectangular stairs. Her eyes spotted the impmon's head bobbing several flights down, so she decided to wait until he was just a flight down. Wtih one paw hooked around the railing, she leaped over the edge and swung down to the flight directly below her, getting behind Impmon before he reached her. The dog dashed down the stairs, eager to get away from the strange little creature as fast as possible.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Impmon halted quickly and turned to see Labramon dash away. "Uhh? H-hey wait up! I hafta tell ya somethin real important about Katia! I think I know where she may be! But ya gotta let me talk first!" Impmon took a risk, warp digivolving to catch up to her.

    When he caught up, he jumped over her and blasted the stairs behind her so she couldn't turn around, while his large body and wings blocked the way down.

    "Please! Gimme a chance to prove I'm not a bad guy! I beg of you, just gimme one chance!"
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "-rustle- -crunch-" the leaves gave way underneath Patamon and Aire as they raced in the direction given by the elder. The two seemed to be in better shape prior to their leaving. In fact, the torns and tears which encased the young boy's clothing was completely mended. Even the digital mammal's complexion was untarnished. If anything, the culprit must have been the item that the two had unearthed. "A Tag?" "A Crest!" Aire and Patamon thought respectively.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe growled angrily, hearing Hoshi mumble under her breath, before pulling him away from the fight. "He's my brother, and you do need my permission!" He winked playfully before turning back to the battle.

    "You think you can beat me Kuroneko? Come at me with everything you've got, because I'm not holding back!" Expanding her flames to burn the bats, Flaremon charged Ladydevimon at blazing speed, her arm outstretched to clothesline the devil digimon.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "It doesn't matter, because she'll return to the house sometime, anyways. You can help by taking me back, jerk," Labramon replied to Beezlemon with a scowl. The beast-type sat on her hind legs and crossed her arms, turning her head in an indignant pout. The fang that poked out of her bottom lip seemed to just amplify this irritation, glinting in the electric light. He's so annoying! She thought, trying her hardest not to look at him.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon pouted but began speaking quickly, "The digidestined will need far more then raw power to defeat Kaiser. They'd need the legendary Crests. Katia will need one as well. The Crests are guarded by ancient trials that were created, supposedly by the digi-god Yggdrasil. I've faced a few of the trials on missions but never have I seen a Crest. Katia will need us, you and me, to get to the Crest that resonates with her. Once she has passed the Crest's trial and it deems her worthy, it'll appear to her."
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hm? Oh. Yes. We are Digidestined. Still though, it is strange to be chosen to protect a whole world." "To protect?" "Yes Sonya. To protect this world from the bad guys." "Hmph. And what it is you are protecting?" "Well, from my understanding, those who dwell in this world from these... Deva Kings as you said so earlier because they are the bad guys." "Hmph. Ridiculous." "Huh?" "Ever since I have came into this world and transported alongside all of you, I have been with my partner, searching through this world, wondering if I am the only one. Going through these lands, I have ended up in fights against these digimon who try to harm me and I have been to wonderful places fit for my style. Sometimes, I wonder if there is some kind of mistake."

    "I don't know about you but Alix and I have been attacked by the Deva Kings." "Oh really?" "Ri is right. Their power is too much for us at this current stage. If you seen them, you will see a different perspective."


    "I do not know how to get Vix stronger but I do know this. I will learn how to get stronger. That way, Alix will not have to endure like the last battle. I feel terrible. Now I have learned, from now on, that Vix and I will get stronger and will gain enough knowledge to save this world."

    "You must be joking." "What?" "At the pace the two of you are going, it is obvious that you little sophomores do not even know how to handle what you are afraid of." "Now that isn't nice Sonya." "Well it is true Bae! Ri is with a furry lil' fox, scared to use her knowledge or to even use it to show that she can fit in paired up with a boy with snowflaked hair, unable to take on the leadership role to even show you that he is ready to be a hero." "Sonya you tramp." "Sorry Sonya but it is obvious. I took on the leadership role and your friend just let me have it. Which is why I always believe that in order to make it in this world, you must show that you have the capabilities of the highest positions in the world."

    Vix stood there, looking at Sonya until KnightChessmon opened her mouth. "But... do you really believe that what you are doing is correct? If you ask me, I say that strength, power, determination, the characteristics that can build up a warrior, they are crucial in this Digital World. Once you have those, then you can achieve the goals that you desire for, even if it seems as though it is wrong to others." "But... are you truly sure that the goals will not bring a devastating outcome?" After Vix said those words, KnightChessmon did not say anything and Lady Sonya looked at Lopmon. "I...no. The outcomes will turn out exactly as how I plan."

    "That is...some confidence. I wish I know what my purpose is for being here." "Hm?" "I have always enjoy what there is to offer in America, the entertainment, the friends, everything. It always sparks my curiousity. However, I still do not know my purpose of what I really want to be. My family moved from India to explore. Our life wasn't bad; we just wanted to aim higher. I do not why it feels as though I am just standing in the middle of many long paths and doing nothing but wandering around."

    "Bae," "Don't worry Bae." Bae and Chicko looked at Ri as they were walking. "Even if you do not know where to go, you will eventually find it. It will be clear to you and it will show you the way. All of us are trying to find our paths." "You really mean it?" Vix then stopped and remembered something. "Remember, when life's path is steep to keep your mind even." "By Horace... how do you know that?" "I share the traits that you have. It is in my database on that poem... but I never ever heard it." "Thanks Vix." Bae smiled while the Lady Sonya scoffed off at them.

    "Advance and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in thy path for it only bring corrupt blood. A poem worthy from Khalil Gibran..." All of them kept on heading, finding themselves in front of Dragon's Peak...

    "Meh. Someone must have burned their house down or something. I don't know. I'll check and see if anyone needs any help. We may have to evacuate. I'll catch up with you later Gaogamon! I need to hurry and catch up with some friends and help out!" The Bearmon ran and left, hurrying on until he found himself in the middle of the square. He ran up to a store and went in, looking around and hid under a table full of candy.
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Lady Sonya?" Kiki asked, "Why do you see that Ri and Vix, and Alix and his partner aren't strong? Zac and Kipper are strong, and yet at one point were weak. If you wanna know Ri and Vix, you just need to believe in each other. If Zac and Kipper were here they could show you," she said with a smile to Ri and Vix.

    "Though...Sonya isn't a tramp. She is a really kind De- I mean lady, she cared for me and Kipper when we were babies,"


    "Wait Bearmon! Agh! Come on Grizzlymon," Gaogamon said as he ran off, having Grizzlymon follow him to the village after Bearmon.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix Clinched his fist as he walked a bit further than everyone else with Koromon placed firmly in his hair. " Alix are you ok? don't listen to her shes just a fat hag!" Koromon...shes right i posses the inability to take lead. i'm always so nervous and i get afraid when im put on the spot. i loose confidence when all eyes are on me...i just i freeze up when someone needs me the most. That's...that's why i don't really have any friends besides Shiori really. " Don't worry Alix i'm the best digimon ever! no one can beat me. Since i have Alix i'll never loose!!-

    Koromon was cut off by a loud roar as the reached the peak of the mountain. There were inner caves and tunnels. " What was that!" Alix yelled. around the corner of the mountain a massive Digimon peeked around the corner . A single eye stared directly at Alix and smoke fumed from its base. " You will not reach the peak of the mountain. only those chosen shall enter! Alix jumped back as he stood in front of everyone his hands stretched out to block them from harm. " Everyone stay back....this this is my fight..." Koromon hopped down without saying a word the moment he hit the ground he was Agumon again. Suddenly Alix Agumon and the massive Digimon were digitized to the very top of the peak which was flat. almost like a rockey valley.

    " This will be your grave human." i'm not so sure about that..." Alix pointed at Agumon " Lets do this buddy!!!" Agumon looked up at the massive dragon. " Pepper Breath!!" The monster didnt seem phased. he slaped Agumon aside quickly. Human i'll burn you alive i am Cyclonemon!!!"

    Agumon stumbled to get back up. he had a cool looking grin on its face. " Alix lets do it!!" Alix smiled and pulled his digivice out. Lets go!!

    Agumon rushed foward jumping into the sky. A massive light surrounded him. He was ready to Digivolve " In a flash of light the others were digitized to the peak. however they were kept in a Silver box as if they were brought to spectate.

    " Agumon Digivolve to Greymon!' He roared out as he landed onto the rocks with massive force. " Oh wow thats awesome agumon! no i mean Greymon!!" Alright Alix lets bust some heads!!" That wont be enough!! I'll kill you here you think your tough cause you completed your digivolution!" Cyclonemon was the Guardian of Dragons Peak. He was also a failed Greymon Digivolution. The stage was now set. Greymon Vs Cyclonemon
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "You've been listening to the wrong digi-teacher," Labramon scoffed with an incredulous look on her maw. "The digidestined gotta earn their crests, but not in some silly trial! They just gotta earn them! The only trial she's gonna face is the one that will come to her."

    The dog was not amused.

    "Just take me home already. . ."

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