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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    To pulled out the note and showed it to him.

    "Apparently we all have to go here now." Ri explained before heading out of the classroom. She saw Alix in front of her further down the hall. She quickly caught up to him hopefully the other student was following her. She tightened her bag as they went towards where they were summoned.

    "Something seems a bit off, Alix. Why would we be asked to go where we're heading?" She asked confused.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Humming along to his music, without a care in the world, Jordan accidentally bumped into Ri on his way to class, although he was late already. "Hey watch it," Jordan said loudly until he saw it was Ri. "Oh, Ri! Hey, what's up? Um, shouldn't you be in class?" Jordan looked at the boy who had approached her. He pulled his headphones down so they rested around his neck and scratched his head. "Who's this kid?" He hadn't even noticed Alix yet.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe coughed abrubtly, attempting to focus on the situation at hand. "So..." He looked towards Aire in interest, and began speaking, "I can give you power, though you must be loyal to our cause, we seek no destruction, simply peace. If you wish to recieve the power I can offer you, then you'll take my hand. If not... then you can go back to your regular life. Make your pick, and hurry, we have little time." He gave a quick glance to Kaiser, indicating the supposed digi destined were on the move.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Ashe is correct, time is indeed of the essense But first let me introduce myself to you both. I am Kaiser Legion, and this is my brother Ashe Legion. There are certain things in life i must say...are unatainable. that i have obtained. Certain things that seem impossible i have made possible. However there is something i still lack. You two fit the bill perfectly. " He reached out his hands to both individuals. Whatever it is you seek i assure you i can give it to you. All i ask is that you follow me. Once we reach our destination you may finalize your decision. That in itself will be soley up to you."

    He first looked at Zac with a kind stare" You want friendship and companionship yes? i can make it so" He then looked at Aire" You want control and a path to follow if i'm not mistaken. If so i can give you that as well. Each of you has a role and has a destiny to begin. as i am here to start the domino effect. So here is your choice." His eyes began to glow with a bright green aura. " Will you go...or will you stay. Take my hand if you are ready."

    Alix looked at Jordan while adjusting his glasses. " Distracted as usual i see but its fortunate that you are here. There was a strange note with all of our names on lt " Alix pointed at himself and the entire group. " But i guess were all here so i wond-" He was cut off the electric generator next to them started to shake and glow. It was like no one could notice but them. the other class rooms were carrying on as if nothing was happening. " You are all gathered here...now it is time to accept your destiny..." The same booming voice of that new teacher was heard. Suddenly the generator warped into a ball of light merging to the ground underneath there feet. which then turned into a hole they all fell into.

    " What the hell is this!!!" Alix yelled as he fell spiraling down into which looked like nothingness. The fall didnt last very long. at that same moment they all landed softly in a large green pasture. The grass was soft and the wind breeze was cool yet warm. The trees were beautiful yet they looked like some sort of futuristic design almost digital.

    " Eh.....ouch" Alix said rubbing his back as he stood up. " Where...exactly are we...?"

    A voice yelled out suddenly Alix was knocked to his stomach by something and as he turned around it was a small pink creature almost like a baby" HUH!!!" Hi i'm Koromon!" The creature said with a bright smile.

    EDIT. You can all control your digimon now and have them run up to you or something like that. we just fell into the Digimon ranch were all digimon are born. BUT i will in my next post have koromon explain what they are. so for now don't let them say they are digimon. just there names like i did with mine.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac's eyes widen with joy, a smile appeared across his face, "A..afriens? You can help me?" Zac asked, but then took a grip on Kaiser's hand, "Yes, I want friendship!" Zac said with a determined look in his eyes. He wasnt wanting this opertunity to slip by so easily. He wanted a friend, one he could trust.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe chuckled mildly as Zac became excited about friendship. "So, we got one happy recruit huh? Alright, then, what about you?" He looked at Aire and extended his hand, "All you have to do is take my hand, and we'll give you all you desire, and more, right brother?" He nodded at Kaiser and thought about how great this plan could work for him... less work! He turned and smiled at Aire, "So? What do you choose?"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri looked around confused pushing herself up.

    "What just happened, where are we, what is this place, what happened to the school..." Ri rambled on many questions confused and in a state of shock.

    "You ask a lot of questions..."

    "Huh?" Ri turned and noticed a small fox like creature talking. Ri looked around seeing a few other strange creatures. One that had jumped on Alix. "Who or rather what are you?" Ri asked confused observing the small creature that smiled up at her.

    "I'm Viximon." It spoke again.

    "Viximon? Can I just call you Vix for short? What are you though and how can you talk?" Ri asked confused looking at the others.

    "I'll leave it to Koromon to explain." Viximon said.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    He glanced at the boy taking Kaiser's hand. "How desperate can you get. Who needs friendship or compassion. Such a fool." he remarked in a menacing fashion. Aire accepted the cliche offer that was given to him. "Whatever it takes" he thought to himself.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I have always wanted a friend... One who would be there for me, one who wouldn't insult me, someone who would be there to cheer me up. I've tried so hard in my life to make a friend...but no one wanted to be my friend... That's why I'm wanting one. A friend who will be at my side and be here for me, and someone I can e there for as well. You don't seem to care," Zac said to Aire, "You seem to be really selfish,"
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well things are now settled on this end so lets begin shall we." just as quickly as he finished the sentence t hey all turned into digital data evaporating into dust only to re appear in a large green meadow. In the far far distance Kaiser could see other digimon gathering around. " So..it has started" He motioned the others further down till they were out of sight. " Welcome to the Digital World. a place where your dreams can become reality. A small creature with brown wings for its ears landed on Kaisers shoulder. and a small pinkish creature strolled up standing behind Kaisers leg as if it was scared of the two new comers.

    " Its ok Gummymon i want you to meet Zac he wont hurt you ok little fella" He reached down and patted his head the small creature slowly made its way to Zac looking up at it. " H..Hi i..im gummymon its nice to meetcha"

    " Patamon you've already been given instructions im sure. ' Yes sir!!!" he hopped over to Aire. " Were gonna be partners!" it said to aire in a energetic manner.

    Most if not all Digimon are excited to meet there partner for they know what power comes with this meeting.

    Kaiser looked at them both. " I assume you have many questions yes?"
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac was in awe as he approached Gummymon. "H-hi, I'm Zac," Zac said to he creature. He looked up to Kaiser and asked, "What are they?" he looked and saw Gummymon coming closer to him. Gummymon looked at the human, a bit scared, but Zac started to gently pet his head, avoided the spike on the top, "I'm Gumymon!"

    "What does the mon mean? Like Patamon and Gummymon ,"
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe smiled at the meeting of digimon and his smile grew when he saw his fiery friend Flaremon. Flaremon ran over to Ashe and tackled him to the ground, "What took you so long Ashe? You had me worried! Coronamon was getting lonely to..." Ashe laughed and hugged Flaremon, as he and the digimon stood up. "The mon is short for monster, Digimon is short for digital monster. Next question!"
  13. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Sodina fell with a thump on the grassy fields around her. What happened? she thought, getting up and looking around. She and couple other students were on grassy plains that seemed to go on forever, Strange creatures that seemed to be interacting with the others, and beatiful scenary. Only when she was looking at all the other strange creatures did she notice the injuried purple one.

    Sodina walked quickly over to the injured creature that had bandages around one of it's ears. It noticed her presence and looked at her. It had bright red and small mouth, In all it looked like a toy. The banages it had around it's ear were a bit too loose though.

    "Who are you?" the strange purple creature asked, scanning her over.

    "I'm Sodina, and you can talk?" Sodina asked

    "Yes, I can" The strange purple creature said, now taking notice that Sodina's hands were on it's left ear. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm tighting the bandage, it was a bit loose" she said, taking her hands and wrapping the bandages together so they would be tighter, but not too tight. "There, how's that"

    "Not that bad, it doesn't hurt to move, but it's a bit tighter than before" the creature said looking up to Sodina "It's not half-bad, I'm cheranine, a Pagumon"

    "Pagumon? Is that your species or a brand thing?" She asked, Completely confused about it.

    "Koromon will tell you" Cheranine said and looked over in that general direction.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was about to respond to Alix until the events afterwards. They all happened so fast, he had little to no time to react. The next thing he knows, he's sitting in a green pasture, the wind blowing behind him. He slowly rose from being on his hands and knees and brushed himself off as stood up. "Dude...what the hell just happened," he mumbled.


    Jordan spun around quickly. "Who said that?"

    "Jordan, Jordan!"

    Jordan looked around some more before finally looking down and seeing an adorable blue blob smiling up at him. However, Jordan didn't find it cute. He jumped back from it and gasped a bit. "What the heck are you," Jordan yelled.

    The happy blob bounced over to Jordan. "I'm Chibomon! And you're Jordan! My new friend!"

    Jordan raised an eyebrow and looked around. He saw Alix and Ri talking to blobs similar to his own. He reluctantly crouched in front of Chibomon and scratched his head. "Chibomon? Heh, I'll call you Chibi!"

    Chibomon bounced happily and smiled. "Oh wow, my own nickname, that's so cool!"

    OOC: Chibi is his nickname for right now
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    A lady in armor appeared near Kaiser and the others, giving a curtsy bow to Kaiser as she smiled, showing the sign that the mission is completed. By the time she stood up, another lady was in an emerald gown, prancing her way arrogantly walking towards Kaiser as she was smiling. "Sorry that I was late. Had to take care of something real quick. Everything is done." The lady Sonya turned around and saw that there was another young boy.

    "Oooooo. And who is this little fella?" The lady in armor smiled as she started to walk towards the boy. "Hm... handsome, more on the shy side, I wonder if he is a gentleman." The Lady Sonya walked up to the boy (Zac) and hugged him. "And what is your name?" The lady in armor smiled as it starts to comfort the Gummymon.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac was stunned, his fce turned red as his face gave a blank expression. "That's my master Zac!" Gummymon said, "Lady Sonya! You okay Zac?"

    "Huh?" Zac realized he went blank and shook his head, "Er uh yea, just but confused about this," Zac stated, now looking at this place.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori looked around, his heart was racing after falling through what seemed to be an endless height.

    "Where am I?" Sasori said as he looked around. "This place....is like some-"
    "It's my home, and Im Tsunomon. Whats your name?" The small golden brown horned thing approached him.

    "I-I'm Sasori." He said looking at the thing in front of him.

    "What a silly name Sasori is, can I call you Sori?" Tsunomon asked
    Sasori looked at the thing and laughed. "Tsunomon is a silly name, You can call me Sori. If I can call you.....Rein"He said as the thing nodded and smiled.

    Sasori hadn't even noticed that the others had came in contact with other creatures similar to his own. Sasori paid it no mind because he was so amused by this thing, it was like he had found the attention he really had wanted.
    After talking and laughing with Tsunomon, Sasori began become attached to this thing and he hadn't even know it more then ten minutes.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Koromon hopped up onto Alix's head. " Hey everyone come here!" he hopped down and all the small creatures gathered and said together. " Were Digimon! Digital Monsters!!" Koromon hopped forward and began to speak. You were all brought here for a certain reason you see. We were chosen to be your partners! So as partners you guys are the Digidestined and we are the Digimon!" the moment he finished saying that. on everyones left side there was glowing light. When the light faded each was gifted with a device. Each with a distinct color.

    "Those are your Digivices! It connects you guys to us with the digivice you can do awesome things. We hope you take great care of us!! see the Digital world is in danger and yours maybe as well. When that happens we have to call on you guys to help us out!

    "ARROOOOOORAWWWW!!!!" There was a booming loud noise coming from the sky. "Oh no! its Kuwagamon!!" The digimon soaring through the sky seemed like a brutal red beetle type with scissors that could cut through anything.

    " Aligning yourselves with Humans! i'll kill you all!" The large Digimon landed " Prepare yourselves!!!" The large digimon boomed out. Koromon hopped up " Guys we have to protect them come on lets show them what we can do!!"


    "It seems my brother Ashe is short on words but yes. These creatures are Called Digimon. They are digital creatures formed out of digital data. This world runs in tangent with ours. I've brought you here for a reason as you can see this is a spectacular world and i'm trying to bring this world to the real world. I want to give everyone the same happiness as you have now Zac. Don't you want everyone to feel the same way you feel?

    He turned his head looking at Sonya" Don't scare em now " He said with a smile on his face.

    A Pillar of fire appeared next to him out walked his Digimon Flamemon. " Yo i've sent Kuwagamon as instructed kay? oh and im assuming these are the newbies yea?" Yes I'd like you all to meet my Digimon FlameMon.

    Flamemon flicked his tail " Nice to meetcha"
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac looked at Gummymon as he walked, or scooted to Zac, and picked him up. He was about to respond, but he heard something. A roar of some sorts, and turned to see what it was, "Uh what was that?" Zac asked, "And I guess... As long as Kipper and I can stay together,"

    "That's my new name?" Gummymon asked with a smile,

    "I guess so," Zac said with a smile,

    "Yay! I have my own name!" he said as he snuggled on Zac. "I guess I want people to see this joy,"
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia was in the process of pulling out another dumpling when the portal hit, and for a moment everything went black. She awoke to being on her back, her left hand still holding her dumpling. But in her right was also a dumpling. Except this one was larger. And furrier. And had three pieces of pink seawee- that wasn't seaweed.

    The girl sat straight up, raising both hands to observe the two objects side by side. Her hands twisted as they did so, turning around a "Face" on the larger one. She stared at this face for a solid minute before the eyes blinked. And blinked again. Then a smile stretched across the furry object, showing one or two nibbly little canine teeth.

    "Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy! You're my new master? You're funny. You've got a big furry coat! I've never seen a human! Or maybe I have? I can't remember! This is so exciting! You're my new master oh boy! I'm Paomon!"

    The little creature nearly talked Katia's ears off, but somehow it managed to stay quiet for a moment. So she blinked. And blinked again. And then spoke.

    "Dumpling dog," Were the first words she unfazingly spoke, comparing the two together in her vision. Taking a bite out of the dumpling to adjust her glasses, she continued, "Paomon? Nice to meet you. I'm Kat-"

    Katia's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the giant bug. She did not like bugs that much, but the size just sort of left her speechless, and she didn't even notice the new light at her side. Thankfully she was still on the ground. Paomon did not flinch in the face of this new adversity, and instead welcomed it wholly.

    "Alright Kaht-kittycat-Kat! I'm gonna rescue you and then we're gonna save the world! Alright let's do this! ACID BUBB-B-B-B-B-B-BLESSSS!"

    The tiny Digimon yapped heartily, firing exactly that at the insectoid creature to the fore.

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