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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Hey! Gekomon! Wait up!" Patamon slowly glided in front of the Gekomon. It began to jerk its body back and forth trying to find a way passed Patamon. "Move it or loss it! Shorty! Ribbit!" "Who you calling a shorty!" Patamon swelled up with air, frustrated. "Listen! What's all of this about? Aire was now derailing Gekomon's path as well moving oh so chalantly. "I don't have time for this. The fight will be over soon!" He blew into his brass instrument, temporarily disorienting the two thenafter taking off. "Let's follow him!" "Right!"
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix ran to Shiori sliding as he fell to the ground next to her. " Hey! hey..get up. this isnt funny come on get up!" Agumon stood next to him tugging on his jacket. " Alix we have to go...before the volcano erupts. " I..i can't leave her side i can't just go. " Alix we have to its the only way we stand a chance to save our world. " Alix wiped his face with his sleeve looking down at the small lopmon" I'll be right back ok? you take care of her for me." Alix stood up taking a deep breath." Ok lets go"

    He turned his face to Sonya" I don't trust you." he said as he walked off into the tunnels. The broken rubble and rock cracked as it slowly fell apart as he and agumon trode through the tunnel. There was a bright orb of light towards the end of it. " You have come to take what is rightfully yours" The voice boomed out through the tunnels. " What is mine? " Alix yelled back at it. "

    The closer he got the brighter the orb of light was till he came upon it. " You have proven your courage when faced against looming danger" A large golden chest appeared through the light. Alix reached forward opening the chest. A golden necklace and tag presented itself to him. " What is -" It is the crest of courage you have earned it.." The lights went out and the place began to crumble.

    " Your kidding me this is not happening right now. " He placed the necklace around his neck and the tag gripped in his hand. Agumon ran forward with him as the rushed. Lava was starting to ooze from the walls. The volcano was ready to erput.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Kiki nervously nodded and stood beside Ri while the main group headed inside. She looked around the moutain like valcanic region, this place terrified her pour little soul. She wished Zac and Kipper had come along with her, her brother and Zac would know what to do... Then, she felt it. The rumbling. The volcano was already going to explode. She had to do something, but it was something she promised never to do. However she had no choice,

    "Forgive me Zac and Kipper... LOPMON DARK DIGIVOLVE TO!WENDIGOMON!" she said with a low rumbling voice as she roared. She picked up Ri and readied for anything that may happen.


    Zac had stuffed his backpack full of supplies, and Terriermon had also collected the laptop. Zac had looked at the Digivice, 6 minutes to go. He had to make sure he was ready for his second trip, he knew what to expect, so he got as much that would be useful to find their friends and find the Digidestined.
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "You really don't have to do that. . . Kaiser wants me to join his team. He wouldn't want to hurt me, because that'd ruin his plan," Katia said, applying the small wrapping to her finger. "Tch, it hurts. . ."

    "Kitty-kat! You don't need silly bandages!" Labramon barked, hopping over to the human. "Cure Liqueur!"

    A green mist appeared around the human's hand, then disappeared promptly. Katia flexed her finger a couple of times to test it, then peeled the band-aid off. Her finger was completely healed.

    "You can do healing things? So strange that it'd work on humans."
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. Wendigomon, let's go."

    Bae looked down at Hyokomon and they followed behind Sonya and the others, hoping that Alix made it back safely with Agumon.

    "The plan is coming altogether now..."

    While they were trying to escape, Shiori was fading in and out and a large, heated rock were coming out of the Peak with one coming straight at the group.

    Vix was trying to get up close to her dark-version, throwing a couple of high kicks. Sadly, her dark version was using illusions as her evasive ability to avoid getting hit as she was walking slowly.

    "Power Paw!"

    " 狐葉楔 ... Diamond Storm."

    As Vix made her feet engulfed in blue light and flames and leaped towards her alter ego, Kitsune conjured up very sharp leaves right underneath Vix's feet and lifted her up in the air. Kitsune then shot the leaves at Vix, cutting her from different directions until she knocked her back.


    Vix stood back up, trying hard not to show any pain and start running right back at Kitsune to try to get up close to her. Kitsune shot more leaves at Vix, forcing Vix to use her attack to burn the leaves and then to try to get real close with a punch.

    狐変虚... Kohenkyo."

    " ! "

    Kitsune lifted her tail in front of herself and copied herself to look exactly like Ri. This forces Vix to immediately stop in midair and give Kitsune the dark fox to grab her legs.

    " 藤八拳... Ivy Eight Punches."

    Kitsune was using her own version of Power Paw, emitting flames in purest black and set Vix aflames. She swung Vix into the air and leapt, doing various punches and kicks until she kicked her back down into the ground.

    "VIX! What..."

    Shiori saw herself fading while staring at Vix covered by a black aura. Ri ran up to Vix, scared as to what is happening to her.

    "Can you stand up? Please. Talk to me... why? Why won't you say anything?!"

    "I do not want to worry you."


    " If I say anything... then I will worry you even more. If I say that I am hurting, then it will only cloud your judgement to even think in battle."

    "But it doesn't mean that you must not express your feelings!"

    Kitsune and her partner was cackling at them for the two being so pitiful.

    "I am sorry Ri for failing this test. I did not want you to stop thinking on what you have to do."

    "Not to stop thinking?"

    "I think that it is time to end this battle right now Kitsune."

    "Would be my pleasure... Renamon... Shinka! Digivolve... Youkomon."

    Ri looked up and saw their opponent now digivolving into a higher form. Soon, Youkomon gained nine tails and ghostly, fiery flames were surrounding her.

    "Look father. As I said before, they are weak. Kitsune, end their misery."

    "Vix...I am sorry."

    "You shall not be sorry no more. 藤八拳... Fire Ball./COLOR]"

    The Youkomon shot out at the duo the fiery flames but Ri looked back and stood in front of Vix.

    "Who do you think you are, to judge as to whether or not my group will make it!"

    Ri took out her digivice and not knowing if she is using it right but didn't bother worrying about it, she she pointed her digivice and her digivice glowed and shot a white beam, extinguishing the flames. Ri was surprised that it work and that it was actually resonating with her a bit.

    "So this is what she was talking about."


    Ri had her digivice right by her side and was standing over Vix, helping her get right back up.

    "I will try not to worry anymore. I will make sure to have a clear mind. That is what is expected of me... but we will make it through this."

    "We'll see if your will is strong as your words.邪炎龍... Jaenryū.

    Vix saw that the Youkomon was ready to incinerate them and Vix leaped on ahead.

    Ri did not bother to worry and had her digivice next to her and had it facing towards Vix.

    "Please accept my will. Let me gain more knowledge."

    Soon, a larger white beam shot forth and hit Vix and Vix gained power from Shiori and used Diamond Storm to cause an explosion against Youkomon's attack.

    "Renamon... digivolve into...Kyubimon.

    Renamon finally reached her Champion form to combat against her alter ego and was ready to throw down.

    "Hmph. This should be interesting... Fire Ball!"

    "Dragon Wheel!"

    Vix starts to spin in a bright, burning circle and was extinguishing Kitsune's attack, taking on a dragon form and was aiming at Youkomon. Shocked by this, Youkomon jumped and starts to glide in order to avoid getting hit and used Jaenryū. Vix counteract this plan as Ri gave her the order to use Dragon Wheel once again to take on her own form, causing another explosion. That gave Vix enough time to get close to Youkomon and use headbutt, knocking her down.

    "Fox Tail Inferno."

    Vix summoned many will o' whisps of her own and trapped Youkomon in a cage, draining her of her powers. Soon, Vix sent another Dragon Wheel attack, sending a full dragon in red to go straight at Youkomon and brutally send her straight into the ground. Soon, Youkomon dedigivolved and the owner was shocked.


    "I see. So that is why she chose to be with you."

    Shiori looked around to see that the mist was coming from the stairs and was making everything hard to see.


    "You have passed your first trail... but be warned. Your next trail will be your hardest if you do not be cautious."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Will you and your allies be led astray or will you finally destroy the snare laid out for your friends... that is up for you to find out..."

    Everything was covered in mist but soon, Shiori's body in the real world faded completely.

  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Kiki turned her head and saw the rock heading towards them, she placed Shori over her shoulder and and stretched her arm at the rock aiming for a punch,

    "KOKO CRUSHER!" she yelled as her fist crushed the rock into a thousand pieces, all flying away from the group. She then kept running, but quickly stopped when she noticed Shori fading completely, "MISS RI?!"


    The clock counted down on the timer, 30... 29... 28...

    He gripped the Digivice tightly and kept his laptop out, Kipper on his shoulder, and his backpack on his back, the two were ready to return.

    19... 18... 17...

    He heard the beeps of his Digivice as it was counting down to the transport. He breathed in Derpy and released. He was nervous about going back, it meant returning into the crossfire, it meant he was gonna be hunted down again. But he had to help the Digital World. This was placed in his responsibility as a Digidestined, so now he had to do his duty and return.

    10... 9... 8...

    He patted Terriermon's head and placed a hand on his laptop as grabbed it tightly. He gulped and swallowed his fear, he had to put that aside now. Death didnt matter right now. What mattered was the death of others. He has to prevent that.

    3... 2... 1...

    A flash accrued, and eclipsed Zac, Terriermon, and his backpack, and began to turn into data and disappeared. The two traveled through a tunnel of digital data, he closed his eyes as a blinding light was shown, so did kipper, and soon, a portal had opened.

    Over the volcanic region a blue portal could be seen. Zac and Terriermon fell down towards the ground, ad were heading to death. Until Zac's Digivice beeped yet again and sent data towards his partner,

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Ribbit___Ribbit___Ribbit!" With every step the Gekomon began making frog sounds. "Now where is that damn mob!" He cocks his head from side to side and sees something familiar. "There!" Gekomon continued on his trout. "Ribbit___Ribbit___Ribbit!".


    "Where'd he go!" the mammal type digimon began to spread its ears. It just so happened that a cart had just made dirt impressions in the ground forming two straight lines with Patamon in the center. The small creature trouted down the center as though it was a runway and took off like a plane.

    "This way!" he said with eyes locked on Gekomon. "Whamming attack!" With full force Patamon descended on the Frog and collided using his head. Both had tumbled a few feet. "Croak! What the..." Gekomon rubbed its head. "Mini Me! It's you again!" "I told you. I'm not short!" Patamon scold. "You didn't answer my question earlier!" It would seem Aire once again strolled in with perfect timing. "Ugh. Fine! Croak! Two digimon, supposedly Devas are fighting. We're almost there so can I go now!" With those words, the Gekomon was off.

    "Devas?!" "Let's see for ourselves!"
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Hmph," was all the LadyDevimon had to say to Flaremon. She had suspected that her attempt to impale the other arm would fail one way or another. In a sense, Flaremon had just played into her hands. By setting up such a powerful attack around them, she had given Kuroneko a tool with which to work; and a what a tool it was!

    "Darkness Waves!" She said. Suddenly, the fiery cyclone circling around them began to change. The power of the attack was quickly enveloped and corrupted by LadyDevimon's dark energy. Fully corrupted by Darkness Waves, the cyclone compressed in against Flaremon, while working itself around Kuroneko.​


    Gururumon and Grizzlymon exchanged looks at each other as Gaogamon joined their charge. Without speaking, the two came to an agreement. "You're young, Gaogamon," Gururumon said. "Your experience is short. However, if you promise not to slow us down, then you may join our defensive." He looked ahead and saw the whirling fire from Flaremon's recent move. "They're not that far out. Prepare yourselves."​

    ((Village will be attacked in my next post)).
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I promise you that I'll be of good service," Gaogamon said as he ran beside Grizzlymon and Gururumon, "Leomon gave his life to protect my friends, his peoople, and me, only good that I return the favor by protecting his people,"


    Zac grabbed into Gargomon's feet while the hunter digimon opened his ears to help them float towards the ground, "Okay... where are we the end of the digital world?!" Zac asked as he saw the volcanic region,

    "I think this is Dragon's Peak, crumbling to the ground!!" Gargomon said as he examined the volcanic region. Zac also scanned the area and found a big mass of reddish-brown fur. It only took a second to realize who it was, "Kiki Digivolved again! We have to land right now Kipper quickly!"
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Flaremon laughed as Kuroneko corrupted the flames, however, she never even flinched. Instead, Flaremon exploded into flames, destroying much of the area nearby, and rekindling the flames in her favor. The whirlwind of flame became red once again, as Flaremon easily overpowered Kuroneko. Letting go, Flaremon watched as the whirlwind lifted Kuroneko to the very top, and in a swift action, Flaremon roared from above, "Crimson End!" She shouted, as her large burning fist launched itself towards the helpless Kuroneko.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Giant rocks were flying everywhere, heading towards Zac and Gargomon. As with Sonya's party, Sonya used her digivice and shot a beam at one of the rocks to break it into smaller pieces.

    "... We may not make it."

    Then, a pink light came from the sky and the ground was shaking, making more lava rocks to fly further. Strangely, it slowly ceased as a form was forming behind Sonya and the party. A large, nine-tailed fox and a girl sitting on its back was staring at the mountain. The fox had an orange aura around it and shot it towards the mountain. The aura took on the form of a dragon and it went straight towards the rocks. A blast came as a result and smoke was covered all around. Then, once the smoke cleared, the fox and the girl looked back at Sonya and the party, smiling as Shiori's hair and clothing became a little bit lighter. However, they can never return back because the path to Dragon's Peak is now blocked.

    "That's... stunning!"

    "Hmph. I see that you were able to achieve the champion form. Still have a long ways to go."

    Ri jumped off of Vix and had her hands around Vix's head while smiling.

    "I will remember next time. I will not worry no more."

    "But... what about Alix."

    "He'll be alright Bae. He'll catch up. Until then, we will need to camp out somewhere safe. I am too hot and dreary right now."

    Sonya checked her digivice and was seeing where Alix was and sent a signal to him to show where she was at. However, as she was checking the signal, she saw another digivice.

    "Hm...darling, Wendigomon." Sonya stood next to her and glared.

    "Once we find somewhere safe, we will have to stand guard for a while until Alix return."

    Sonya jumped on KnightChessmon's back and told everyone to folow her, trying to find a good place to camp.

    "Looks like I will have to speed things up a bit."

    Shiori was on Vix's back as they followed behind her but as for Bae, he was looking down at the ground, having a lot of things on his mind...
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Gargo Pellets!" Gargomon yelled as he shot down each of the flying rocks heading towards them. The two had just returned and action was thrown right at them wen they came back. The two managed to land on a part of Dragon's Peak that wasn't crumbling and looke around,

    "This is just great..." Zac said, "Already back and we are in some trouble,"

    Zac looked at his Digivice and began to read it. Already he saw four dots on it. Three of which were away from Dragon's Peak and close together, while one was near Zac's dot.

    "Four Digivices?" Zac asked to himself as he looked at the Digivice.

    "We gotta figure out a way out of here!" Gargomon said. Zac looked at the Digivice and ran off towards the location of the other Digivice,

    "Not without finding out who else is here!" Zac said as he ran off. Gargomon sighed and followed his partner as they ran off to find who was nearby.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Upward further and further, Kuroneko was carried by the force of Flaremon's whirling flames. But she was hardly struggling against it. Though initially caught in a scolding heat, he found herself able to unfold her wings, and ride the force up and around with the cyclone. Along the way, she maintained a steady output of her darkness waves, which eventually allowed her to safely ride the storm. With a final beating of her wings, she used the force of the cyclone to propel herself out of the upward spiral and off to the side, evading Flaremon's attacks and giving herself a clearer picture of the battlefield.

    It was then that she culminated her darkness waves. From the top of Flaremon's cyclone of fire, the energy collapsed downward towards the ground. Meanwhile, the fires at the base of the storm was compressing in around Flaremon. Even of this doesn't work completely, she's still been expending herself. She'll be worn out easy.

    ((I know I said the village would be attacked this post, but I'm on a tight schedule this weekend. If Sho hasn't posted by the time I'm back on, I'll edit it in. Zacax, you can post for Gaogamon, even though I haven't posted for the other two.))
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Flaremon yelped as she crashed into the flames, her body was already tired from using so many strong attacks... Raising her fists, she sucked the flames back in with a bit of trouble and roared out, "I need more power!"

    Asch growled lightly but gasped a bit as he saw his digivice feeding Flaremon power. "Uh-oh..." The Deva King whispered.

    "Flaremon digivolve to...! Data wrapped around Flaremon and began to grow drastically in size as flames began to scatter everywhere, setting trees, grass, and buildings alight.


    Once the data had vanished, a massive lion-like digimon came into view. On her back was a small orb that radiated heat, and her angry eyes glared at Kuroneko, while Asch looked on worried for Kuroneko's safety. "Get her out of there!" He whispered to Hoshi a bit uncharacteristically.

    Apollomon raised her arms as flames began forming into a massive ball of deadly fire. "Arrows of Dancing Flame!" She yelled as the ball of fire began rapidly launching burning arrows at Kuroneko.

    Beelzemon perked up sensing a massive amount of power, "Shit..." Turning to Labramon he frowned, he had no idea if he should say anything, but instead he just sighed, "No time to explain... Katia please stay here, it isn't safe! Labramon, come with me... I may need you to heal the wounded... I fear... that war is upon us." He growled out, completely ignoring any prior conversation, before running out the door, praying that Labramon would follow him as he ran towards the Village.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gaogamon saw the flames burn and consume the trees. He looked around frantically to see what was going on, confused in the spontaneous combustion of the forest. He growled and got into a fighting stance on all fours coming to a halt, ready for anything.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    LadyDevimon smirked as the debris from her counter attack cleared below her. As far as she could tell, she had done it; she had won the battle. From her place hovering, circling idly in the sky above the forest, she could see Flaremon's situation. There was no sign of fight left in the fiery opponent. "Just as I thought," she muttered. "Flaremon's got no energy left to fight me. This will be an easy finish."

    Kuroneko began to prep for her finishing assault. An Evil Wing attack would suffice, given the state of her opponent. Slowly, a mob of bat creatures formed from her dark power amassed around her. At least one of the. Would have been able to get trough and make contact, which would be just enough to leave Flaremon defeated. But there was something familiar and unsettling occurring, which LadyDevimon noticed immediately.

    A flash of digital light was emitting from Flaremon. It was a powerful one at that, which Kuroneko knew wasn't a sign of regression. "Digivolving? With such little power left? Interesting." Despite the Apollomon glaring up at her, she didn't lose much if any of her cool. She launched her mob of bats, which intercepted the bulk of the fire arrows, and began a spiraling dive bomb.

    Hoshi, meanwhile, observed the events from the cave. Even though the situation seemed to be growing dire for her, she, like her Digimon, was far from daunted by it. In fact, as Ashe pleaded for her to pull Kuroneko out of the fight, she cracked into a grin and a giggle, an expression uncharacteristic of her. "There will be no need for that, Ashey," she said. She directed his attention towards her Digivice, which had just began to let off its distinctive glow. "Kuroneko and I have been waiting for an opportunity to put this one to practical use."

    As Kuroneko's descent reached the ground, her pace slowed a bit. As that happened, she too was engulfed in a digital light, which touched ground in an arcing slide on the forest floor.

    "LadyDevimon Digivolve to..."

    The light faded away. The demonic form of LadyDevimon had vanished. In its place there stood a completely different being. It was a shorter Digimon that bore a resemblance to a Viking woman, which adorned a winged serpent-like helmet and wielded a shield one arm, and a sword as large as we was in the other hand. "Minervamon." The new Kuroneko faced off against Apollomon. Then, she swept her sword in a diagonal slash. "Dominion Blade!" From the blade, a diagonal wave of white energy cut trough the air towards Apollomon.

    "Let's hope the training pays off," Hoshi said. "It's so rare that we Devas get to maximize our Digimons' powers like this."​


    Gururumon and Grizzlymon stopped dead at the edge of the battlefield. They both saw that the scene was something more than they had expected. They had thought they'd run into Flaremon and LadyDevimon; but what they were looking at were Minervamon and Apollomon. "This.." Gururumon said. "This is worse than we thought. We-we can't go any further. To do so would put us in unnecessary peril." He turned to his companions. "Brothers," he said authoritatively, "the best we can do is return to the village and be prepared to evacuate if this battle draws too close."

    Just as he prepared to make the return journey, he saw a more horrifying sight than the two Digimon battling nearby: in the distance he as flames rising from the village. "Grrrrrrrrrraaaaaa! This is urgent!" he said to the other two. Follow me!" He dashed back towards the village at top pace. Within minutes he was standing in the smoldering wrecks of the burned down village. Many of the Digimon were huddled together in hiding places while others were making efforts to clean up the messes. "What happened here??!" Gururumon bellowed. "Speak up!"

    "It was Meramon," a Renamon said as it dropped a charred log into a debris pile. "He came while you were gone. He torched the whole village. Completely took us by surprise."

    "Meramon?" Grizzlymon said. Wasn't that lot banished to the mountains by the Deva Kings?"

    "That's we thought," Renamon said.

    "It's what we all thought," Gururumon said. "Clearly the Deva Kings are lapsing in their security measures of late..." Just then, a thought came to Gururumon. "I think I better head to quad city. The Deva Kings need a good talking to."​
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gaogamon ran towards the village with them and saw the burnt village. He was in shock as the village was black as ash. He growled and then ran off towards Quad City as Gururumon came up with the idea to go there. He was angered, his best friends were killed, Leomon was dead, Labramon was gone, and now Leomon's village was burnt. He was enraged.


    Zac and Gargomon hiked through Dragon's Peak, looking for the other Digivice. Who the heck could be ere in such a hazardous place? Someone who was captured by the Deva Kings and placed here to die? Who knows but it had to be a Digidestined, only they and the Deva had Digivices.
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Wounded? What the. . . Whatever, I'm staying here! Good riddance to ya!" Labramon barked, both confused and annoyed by Beezlemon's actions. The mutt continued to mumble, "Can't leave Kitty-Kat alone, anyways. Not when there's creeps like you and creepy creep creep, lord of the creeps!"

    Labramon's mumblings eventually left her alone in the room, as Katia had gone to bed already. She followed her partner's trail to find the bed, then hopped in and joined the girl, snuggling in close for warmth. It would be a long nap, she hoped.

    (Meh, this came out worse than I wanted it to.)
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The two had left Leomon's village in search of the Devas that were causing the upheaval upon it. Nothing could help the village for what happened next. It was as though a single 'match' within the town's limits blossomed into a wild fire of wavering flames, incinerating homes and vendors. Most noticeably the smaller digimon sought shelter and refuge from this shifting hell underneath pots and barrels, while others fought to tame the widespread fires. In the in, the culprit was non-other than Meramon.

    "Hey do you smell that!" Patamon didn't have a nose. "It's coming from the village's direction!". Aire and Patamon turned to its direction. A light accumulation of smoke shot upward like a beacon only to become thicker and thicker. "What a waste of time!" Aire stated continuing to move forward. "Wait! Should we go and help?" "It's their problem" he retorted. Patamon was worried for the villagers but couldn't help but think of poor Gekomon.
    [Gekomon point of view][Inside Leomon's Village]
    "Hot Hot Hot!" The heat from the fire had heated his brass instrument making it scorching hot. "Help! CROOOAK!" He hopped back and forth until he thought about his dilemma. "I wish; I would have taken this instrument off sooner! How did it get this way?" It must be that squirt's fault! Damn you!!!
    "Ahh Ahh" Patamon began to swell. "Accchooooo!" A boom bubble in the form of a sneeze ripped from Patamon's mouth. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me!"

    OOC: If you don't understand, its because I used a superstition. When someone is talking about you; You sneeze so that's what happened here.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Noisia - Devil May Cry Soundtrack - 16 - The Tower - YouTube
    "Lord Kaiser there are papers that you need to si-" Before the small digimon could finish his sentence Kaiser was no where to be found. His large balcony window was open, the curtains flailing about in the wind. A note was eft on his desk. " Do not let Katia outside until i return""

    The sky turned pitch black for a mere second and a warping sound could be heard all around. in the center of the village a fireball of statuesque proportions appeared. Leaving a crater in its wake. The fireball singed the ground as it stood in front of everyone. Everyone managed to move out of the way fairly fast. Out of the fire first dashed Agunimon swiftly slamming his elbow into Garurumon's stomach. and firmly placing his other elbow agaisnt his neck, baaring movement " Garurumon!" another digimon yelled out as he tried to rush foward. " Silly ass!" Using the element of surprise Agunimon shot out fist full of flames at the Digimon burning it alive. the screams could be heard miles around. The other digimon cowered in fear.

    Finally out of the large mass of fire Kaiser stepped out. His cloak blew with the wind. Kicking dust rock and debris as he walked across the ground. " Looks like i'm just in time for the party!" Snapping his fingers a Mechanized apparition appeared out of digital data. it took the form of a camera and shot out a large screen into the air. " We good? this thing clear?" he said looking into the cameara. The feed was cast so everyone in the digital world would hear and see it. Grizzlymon roared out in anger . ' Kaiser please leave this place! we have done nothing wrong." Apollomon if you don't mind. " Apollomon nodded her head waving her hands and grips of fire gripped onto Grizzlymons arms and legs bringing him next to Garurumon. " You boy's think your tough shit huh?"

    Agunimon punched garurumon in the gut again causing him to strike back as Agunimon released his firm grip. " You dare strike back! thats fine, i don't think i'll waste time prooving my point." He doubled back reaching onto his belt grabbing his Digivice. " Time to show you true fear." Agunimon stepped backwards as his body began to glow. Agunimon Digivolve to...... Aldamon...." Garurumon started to grown intently. His resolve to protect the village was that on the same level as Leomon. " Garuruflame!" he shout of a blue flare of fire landing directly on Aldamon but not seeming to do any damage. " Grizzlymon shouted back. " Garurumon your crazy" Garurumon started at Kaiser and aldamon thinking of Leomon. " I learned from the best."

    " Aldamon...if you would please." He dashed forward hitting him with a impressive fire palm gripping him by his arms pressing him against the ground stoopping movement." Kaiser kneeld down to both of them." You boy's think your crazy huh.....Rebeling against the deva kings. fighting the good fight. Shit man, that is crazy. I like that, i resepct that !. So what do we have here. Garurumon. and Grizzlymon. Well i hope your friends and loved ones really really love you cause you boys look expesnsive. and thats good because i like expensive things. " we will never bow down to you!" Im sorry what did you say? no no again what did you say!


    " Look at me..look me in the eye HEY YOU FUCK, LOOK ME IN THE EYE!! your my bitch
    !" Kaiser stood up raising his arms. " I ..no We! rule this fucking kingdom, so if i were you i'd shut the fuck up or you'll die. " Grizzlymon started to shake with fear and mumble under his breath. " Grizzly what is it man, what is it?" The camera was panning around Kaiser as he spoke to everyone. " What is this not fun anymore? have i failed to enterain you?" He looked over at Garurumon. " See the thing is. While we were up there, you thought you had a chance. " looking into the camera he began to speak directly to what it seemed to be the remaining digi destined. " While the Deva kings are way up in the fucking skies, you all thought you had your plans all laid out. But you see amigo....." He knelled down in front of both Garurumon and Grizzlymon gripping up some burnt ash and dirt." You see...down here." The dirt and ash slowly trickled out of his hands until there was nothing left. " You hit the ground...."

    OOC: you can control your characters now.

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