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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "If you-"

    Katia and Labramon struggled, the dog attempting to wriggle her way out of her partner's grasp - unsuccessfully, of course. The human was an accomplished dog wrangler, and soon had the digimon completely pinned. And that's when the voice called out.

    "Oh. I see you've decided to come to us. Come here, please."

    "Er. . ." Katia mumbled, pulling herself up and letting Labramon go. "I'm. . . sorry. My partner doesn't-"
    "-Want this stupid collar! Idiot devil!" The beast cut in, irritatedly referencing Beezlemon. "

    Of course, when the duo finally focused in on their greeters, Katia froze. Another human? Clearly a Deva King, considering she met the other digidestined when she first arrived. Then doesn't that mean she's closely allied Crazytown Bananapants and his brother, Locoville Mangotrousers? Unfortunately for her and her good manners, she couldn't just leave and not converse. That would be rude. And then-

    OH GOD IT'S ONE OF THOSE She mentally screeched, noticing Kuroneko. The coat was different, but the shape was exactly the same as the ones who got her into this mess - those perverted, scary cats. ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodoh-

    "I'm Katia. This is Labramon." She bluntly greeted. Though her head screamed no, her body walked forward to meet the other duo.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Angel Rod" without hesitation Angemon slammed the head of one the Golemons back into the sand. "RRRRRRRR" Golemon let out as it lifted itself back onto two legs, without so much as a flinch. In a rock muffled tone, "Goooolem Puuunch!" with a swipe of its boulder size knuckle. It contacted with Angemon's torso which Angemon countered with a defensive block with his staff. "Ahh" Angemon was knocked into air. A second Golemon applied an unusual amount of force beneath him [bending the ground] and leapt into the air with tremendous speed. Appearing behind Angemon. It's hulking arms wrapped around Angemon and the two hurled back towards the Desert surface. Upon collision with the sand dune, piles of sand filled the air. Angemon's vision became completely minimum. Tired and injure, Angemon isn't through yet he frailly lifts himself, only to notice a vague silhouette looming in front of him. It becomes clearer. The third Golemon! "Suuuuuulfuuuuur Pluuuuuume" its mouth glowed with fiery lava and spouted out the liquid causing an unorthodox explosion.

    "Angeeemon!" shouted Aire unable to see anything.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi let out a long sigh at the young girl and her Digimon. It was more of a friendly and comforting sigh, rather than one of annoyance, if one could believe that such an expression was possible. She watched the girl carefully, and waited for further response. Once the introductions were made, she smiled brightly, or rather calmly, nodded and introduced herself. "Welcome, Katia, and welcome to you too Labramon. My name his Hoshi. This is my Digimon companion, Kuroneko, of the BlackGatomon species. I take it that you're the girl that Kaiser wanted me to attend to? Yet you seem... frightened. Are you frightened of us?"

    It was a clear fact, by Katia's mannerisms that she wasn't keen on being amongst the Deva Kings, and that she'd probably rather be somewhere else. Hoshi could tell that her nerves were running high, especially now that she had been "found" by someone. And the Labramon's harsh attitudes probably weren't helping her much. "You don't need to be afraid," Hoshi added before she got her answer. "I can tell you are. But rest assured that you're in good hands.​
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Damn straight she is!" Beelzemon blasted the ground in front of Hoshi and stood between her and Katia. "My last order from Kaiser was very specific! ALL yous other Devas is traitors if yous try to do something to Katia. I resent all yous Devas, but I respect his final request. Now yous BACK THE FUCK OFF! Or I'll blows you into next week!"
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    If anything was clear to Katia at this moment, it was that Hoshi definitely put up the most calming appearance out of all the Deva Kings so far. "I had a run-in with some very nasty digi-cats before. . ." She replied to the Deva, shaking. Still, the human bore a smile, either to show some sense of strength or to play down her shaking. Labramon's fur bristled as she nodded in agreement. Gato-types weren't exactly high in the duo's books. Before Katia's own personal insecurities managed to rear their respective heads (Hoshi was much prettier, in her opinion), she was interrupted by a sudden Beezlemon.

    Katia screamed and fell backwards, entirely startled by her guardian's explosive outburst. Labramon did a similar action, but minus the scream.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "You have been a bit quiet Alix...you okay?" Zac asked as he adjusted the tent. He was wanting to make sure that the other Digidestined was alright, but he was a little reluctant to really talk, mainly because of what he had told them. Could he really be trusted by Alix?

  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A ringing sound, much like that of a blade being unsheathed echoed about the throne room. Kuroneko had brandished her razor sharp claws and held a single paw up as she glared menacingly at Beelzemon. "You listen here bub! Hoshi and me got special orders from Kaiser to keep Katia here company! If you don't get out of our way--"

    "Calm down," Hoshi said, forcefully. She cut in front of Kuroneko, standing between her and Beelzemon. "You still need rest from your last battle, Kuroneko. Even as LadyDevimon, you might not be able to hold off long enough just yet. Besides, yelling at this one will only cause more trouble for us." She then looked directly at Beelzemon. "It's true though. Kaiser asked us to make Ms. Katia comfortable and keep her company. And for all your talk about us doing harm to her," she pointed a finger past Beelzemon, to the shocked and practically cowering young girl behind him. "It would appear that your working quite to the contrary. If you want to respect Kaiser's last orders, then you'll allow me to take over from here; it's best that Ms. Katia is watched over by her own kind, yes?"​
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon glared at Hoshi and turned to Katia and Labramon. "Sorry." The demon lord whispered, before helping them to their feet. Returning his gaze to Hoshi, Beelzemon extended a hand. "Gimme your communicator! If whatchu say is true then Kaiser will confirm it! I ain't stupid, and I knows for a fact you Deva Kings are very good liars. So until you prove your claim, Katia will stay with me, got it?!"
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " You seem to forget who i am!" Kaiser said bracing himself for the incoming attack. Clinching his fist the pain was surging through his body like being shot with a thousand needless. The walls were cracking as the tiles broke into pieces, debris started to cloud the area. Summoning forth a powerful impulse of energy slamming his foot to the ground he gripped the dark Ashe. Rotating his body he slammed him to the ground causing a momentary lapse in his grip breaking free. " I will break your hold on my brother!!!" Kaiser's body began pulsing with energy and a white aura began to surround him. Two digital braces locked onto Ashe's body. " This is where we end this..." he glared up to his brother kept in the orb. " This will hurt i need you to hold on for me".

    " I understand you want me dead but you forget i am lord kaiser and my life will not stop until i reach my dream of a utopia for all!!" He rotated his shoulder and punched his fist into his other hand. " Time to break your hold" The braces held tight restricting movement. " With a loud yell and a swift shot Kaisers fist lit up and connected with the body of dark Ashe. energy shooting out beams of light illuminating the area. The darkness was pressed back and out of his body. The orb cracked piece by piece till it shattered.

    Catching the falling Ashe as the other turned into dust. a long black cape surrounded him covering his body. Kaiser's body began to buckle and he fell down to one knee. coughing he swiftly pulled himself together. " EmperorGreymon, take my brother to the Medical unit." Like that he was gone in a flash of flame with both Ashe and his digimon companion.

    Ashe was left in the care of the Quad City Med team. walking through a thread of fire Kaiser appeared back in his throne room. In hoshi's peripheral area he stumbled out making eye contact with her. his body was beaten and bruised his digital clothing torn and not restoring itself. he let out a breif smile to her before collapsing in front of her."


    "Y..y..yea i'm fine man, just alot to think about and alot to gather ya know? so much to plan out and so much to take in. it feels like this is all one wicked crazy dream that i can't seem to wake out of . i'd call it a nightmare but i'm actually enjoying myself. We've come across each other many times in school i do apologize for my stand off-ish attitude. i'm not to keen on meeting new people..."

    Alix rested his head in the grass staring up at the sunset view. " We really gotta get everyone together...."
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Before fading into dust, the dark Ashe roared "THIS ISN'T OVER... KAISSSSSEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!"

    Apollomon, now back to Firamon, awoke slowly, turning to her left she saw Ashe scarred and shivering. "Ashe..." Firamon could not say what was going on inside of Ashe's head, but from the way he was shivering, she could only imagine how bad it was.

    Pain... Ashe looked around in the darkness. Hoshi and Sonya were dead, killed by the dark beings. He saw his brother next to him, panting heavily and bleeding profusely. "Kaiser... We can't fight on like this..." Kaiser simply turned to his brother and shook his head, "I won't stop. Fighting is our only choice..." Ashe and Kaiser nodded to each other and charged against whatever hid within the darkness...
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "You big idiot! Stop scaring Kat!" a recovered Labramon growled, staring down Beezlemon.

    Katia however, continued to sit on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest, apparently not noticing Kaiser in her self-absorbment.

    "Why does he have a Brooklyn accent all of a sudden. . ?" She mumbled, hiding her face behind her knees. She was only partway successful, and covered everything from her nose down.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2013
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Join the club we got jackets," Zac said as he finished with the tent, "I agree with you, we need to find all the Digidestined. I only know of two others, you and this one of I have yet to meet. Her partner is a Labramon who I helped out in trying to get to her partner but then I was kicked out of the Digital World for some reason... I think it was my Digivice but I didn't press any buttons..."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon jumped a few feet in the air when Labramon yelled at him. "JESUS! Get Katia out of here... What the? Kaiser?!" Beelzemon's shock was very visible as the strongest man in the digital world collapsed to the ground. "Uggghh, Hoshi, put our differences aside. He may be evil but even Kaiser doesn't deserve to die! Labramon, I swear ta god, if you yell at me again, I'll yell back ten times louder! Please just listen to me and take Katia back to the room." Beelzemon ran over to Kaiser and checked his pulse. "He's alive, but he's we- I mean, his pulse is weak. We have to get him to the hospital, now. Hoshi, open a gate to the hospital, Kuroneko, help me carry Kaiser."
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser momentarily regained consciousness. Slapping Beezlemons hands back. " Get your dam hands off of me!" He released the grip and fell down to one knee. his eyes were closed and he began to cough. he spit out a spat of blood. Struggling to get to his throne he sat up and cross his hands. " i'm fine."
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Heart thudding, Hoshi glared wide-eyed towards the stumbling, beaten Kaiser as he slumped into the room and collapsed ungracefully onto the floor. She approached slowly and carefully; she knew Kaiser too well than to rush to his side as Beelzemon had. Though she did prepare a gate to the Quad City infirmary, she was suspicious that Kaiser might not be down for the count.

    Her suspicion proved true when Kaiser swatted Beelzemon away and continued to slump his way to his throne. Hoshi then did something that might have shocked the others: she broke a smile. “Ha. You’re such a tough guy Kaiser!” she said, half-pouting at Kaiser as she approached his throne. “Look at yourself; you’re a mess. You could barely even get to your throne.” Just as suddenly, her smile faded to a more sincere expression. “But I can see there’s no convincing you otherwise.

    “As for you,” she continued, turning to Beelzemon. “I can do you one better. Kaiser, when he’s feeling up to it, can vouch for me being in charge of taking care of Miss Katia here.”​

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