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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Partners?!" Aire both questioned and exclaimed. "Yes, me and you are inseparable from now on!" Patamon gleefully moved closer. "What are you good for?" "Your such a small and puny creature. Patamon expression quickly changed. "Besides I work alone and don't need anything weak slowing me down" he said smirking at the mere thought of partnering with this creature. It was laughable. "BOOM BUBBLE!" Patamon's lungs inhaled a massive quantity of air and its body expanded into a miniature blimp. It then released an air bullet twice its size which made contact with Aire. UGH! Aire lets out a moan grasping his stomach at which the attack had landed. He slowly kneeled to the pasture below gasping for air. "You might talk this crap to everyone else but not to your partner!"

    "W-What the--" "Digi-mon"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri looked up at the sky at the creature, she watched as the small creature he nicknamed Vix ran forward next to Koromon. Ri looked at the devise in her hand standing next to Alix.

    "We can handle this guys!" Vix exclaimed. Vix ran forward pushing off the ground into the air . "Killing Stone!" Vix shoulted as it rolled into a ball and turned into a rock and began spewing out toxic gas.

    "Whoa..." was all Ri could mutter watching the small creatures fighting for them, for their safety.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac couldn't help but laugh at Aire as he started to walk up and pet Patamon, " That's what you get for being mean to your partner," Zac said, "These guys have powers apparently, so you shouldn't call this little guy weak when he can knock you down in ten seconds flat,"

    Kipper scooted towards Patamon with a smile, "Jee my master is really kind to us! I hope yours won't be the way he is forever,"
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Do not worry. I will not scare them at all. But as for you, Aire was it? You will do well to remember as to why you are connected to your digimon." Lady Sonya and the Lady in the armor let their hair fly in the air as they smiled. "I am QueenChessmon. If there is anything you want loves, do not hesitate to ask." "Digimons are an interesting species. Although they take on strange forms, some have the personalities of a human. Great is their power. As you can see, their world mirrors our world in a small way. After coming to this world, we have a dream. Our dream... is to introduce this world to the other world. A world where maybe... maybe we can change history on the chess field."

    "However... there are complications Zac."
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "What do you mean?" Zac asked Lady Sonya and Queenchessmon,. He was worried about these complications... Woils they cause harm? Good? Something terrible? He was getting a little panicked, he hoped this wasn't gonna effect his bond with Kipper.

    "Yea what's wrong Lady Sonya?" Kipper also asked
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe quickly interrupted the two, "That is not something we need to worry about right now, for now you two will rest and train." He shot a sadistic look at Sonya before smiling. "Sonya, return to headquarters, you are no longer needed here. Me or my brother will inform you when you're needed again..." Ashe paused and his face became serious like his brother's usually was, "And that's an order."
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya brushed her hair towards Ashe, looking down at him as though he is inferior to her. "In your dreams. I have some important matters to take care of right now." The girl started to hug Zac, adoring him and then took off, having a different plan of heading towards a mansion that she created with several digimon under her control. She winked at Kaiser and walk as though she is a Russian empress. "Ta-ta my loves." While Sonya was gone, QueenChessmon looked at Patamon, feeling sorry for him and back at Aire. "Do not be so reckless and cruel young man. Trying to give away the most important piece of the game will certainly be your downfall." QueenChessmon then digitally transported herself to the mansion, preparing herself to devise the next move with Lady Sonya.

    "Having three leaders is not enough and having just the three of us feels too cramped. But... I think that I may be able to find a potential in... a fourth leader... if Kaiser sees the boy useful." The girl and QueenChessmon were already out of sight by then.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe swore under his breath but did not make a move to follow Sonya. He approached his brother and pulled him to the side to whisper, "I suspect Sonya may not be... completely loyal. Plus she disobeyed a direct order, she must be punished brother, otherwise this high and mighty act will never end." He frowned and pondered her reasoning for hugging the boy, "Zac... did she do something to you?"
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac was blank, his face was red. He couldn't realy respond to Ashe. Gummymon jumped off Zc and swallowed some air and said, "Double Bubble!" Gummymon then launched two bubbles at Zc this waking him from his daze. Zac shook his head and Saw Sonya walking off, "Does she like me or something?" Zac asked The two brother's, curious of the Russian girl.

    Zac picked up Gummymon and followed Sonya, curious about her, "Hey wait!" he called out as he was catching up to her, before she went out of sight.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stared in awe as the flying beast landed before the group. "Whoa, that's a big bug," Jordan said, tone sounding frightened. He then smiled and chuckled. "That just means I can squish it!" He was ready to charge it until Chibomon bounced in front of him.

    "No Jordan! Let us handle it! You'll get hurt," he said, smiling.

    Jordan wasn't sure but grudgingly accepted. "Fine. But you better win!"

    Chibomon smiled and turned to face the enemy Digimon. He bounced high up and yelled, "Aciiiiiid bubbles!" He then began to spit acidic bubbles at the foe, much to Jordan's favor.

    "Cool," Jordan said in admiration.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire knelt there in the same position face to face with Patamon. Neither said a word or uttered a sound. In this moment, everything else was oblivious. The two were deadlocked in conflict! The boy soon arose breaking the stillness and faced Kaiser with a straight-forward question. Why are we hear. I hope not for this one ambition? which was bluntly stated. Patamon became stern already knowing the answer.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Lets do this!! " Koromon yelled all the digimon attacked with there variation of bubble attacks. Kuwagamon stumbled but came back to a perfect stance in mere moments. With a loud angry roar he slapped all of the Digimon back " You are all foolish if you even THINK for a mere moment you scrawny pets can take me down. i'll chew you all up one by one then i'll feast on the human scum!" He started to walk forward to all of them slowly.

    " Alix we need you guys help grab your digivice and hold it high!"

    Alix looked at his side there was this strange divice that was beeping out of control as were the others. " I..i don't know what to do but i have to do something!" He grabbed his Digivice and it felt almost perfect as if this was meant for him.

    " Alright!!" Koromon yelled as he hopped into the sky. A large light and digital data began to surround him. Kormon Digivolve to!!!!! " The light exploded as a small dragon type appeared on the ground. " Agumon!" The small dragon or dino looking digimon rose its head high firing out a blast of fire. " No way Kuwagamon you Will NOT hurt my friends!!"

    It was time, Time for the Digimon to Digivolve.

    Flamemon looked at Aire closely his fist buring with flame he placed it on the boy's head but the fire did not hurt it felt cool" No need to freak out or anything i wont hurt ya. but i think you need to be a bit more respectful when it comes to us Digimon as well as when speaking in front of my master." Aiden is cool don't worry about it. hes fresh here and i'm sure no well in fact i know everything here is blowing his mind and he must have many questions but i'll answer them in due time." For now we should be leaving things around this area are going to be getting a little... hectic i might say." He shrugged and snapped his fingers and they all teleported to the gates it seemed to a massive city. " This is Quad City. the largest city in the Digiworld which is run by the Deva Kings respectivly each sector is covered by one of us. as are regions of the Digiworld. Walk with me will you?" He began to walk forward as his Flamemon trailed behind him.
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Upon seeing Agumon appear, Paomon's excitement rose even further.

    "OOOoooh! Oh! Oh! OOoooh! C'mon, kat-kitty-cat-kat! I gotta digivolve too! Kat cat kitty kitty ka-"

    The trainer practically flung the device at the creature, only managing to hold onto it by its strap. She really would not be able to take the creature's hyperactivity for much longer, so she hoped that whatever 'digivolution' is that it would mellow Paomon out. The purple-pink digivice glowed brightly, the dumpling-shaped creature following suit. It was over as soon as it started as Labramon finally appeared.

    Katia's jaw dropped, apparently a little shocked, pleased, and confused all at once at his transformation into a dog. He yapped happily at the change. "You proud, Kitty-kat? Huh? Are ya? Are ya?"

    "Stop talking and just save us already!" She barked, pointing at the giant bug. "And stop calling me that!"

    "Whatever you say, Kat-kitty!" Labramon yipped, turning and facing the giant bug. "Alright, I'm gonna do this and you're gonna go down, RowrrrrrrrRetriverG!"

    A sound wave projected from the mutt at the giant bug, manifesting itself as physical force.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri heard what koromon said to Alix. She looked down at the device as well as at Viximon who nodded her head.

    Ri held the device.

    "Alright time to digivolve!" Viximon shouted as light soon engulfed the small digimon.

    "Renamon!" in place of viximon stood a fox looking creature standing on two legs.

    "Oh wow!" Ri exclaimed surprised. Renamon looked back at her who nodded her head. Ri nodded her head back looking over at Jordan next. She was witnessing so much but she felt experienced like this was what she's supposed to do, almost like her destiny.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Tsunomon turned around as he seen the others raging on in battle.

    "Sori, I think we need to help them" Tsunomon said as he turned around and began to shoot large amount of bubbles rapidly out of its mouth.

    Sasori looked at the big bug looking thing and backed up in fright. "What in the heck is that thing!" Sasori said

    Tsunomon continued shooting multiple bubble blow attacks at the huge bug but it didn't phase him at all. Tsunomon looked back at Sasori saying "It's time Sori.".
    "Time for what Rein?" Sasori said as in reply to Tsunomon.
    "I need to digivolve, use your digivice." Tsunomon cried out.

    Sasori looked at Tsunomon with out a clue of what he was talking about until he felt something vibrating from the inner pocket of his track jacket. He reached his hand in and pulled out a black device. "Is this it Tsunomon?" Sasori asked.

    "Yes! ,Hold it in the air Sori!" Tsunomon said .

    Sasori raised the black device into the air and watched as stream of data began to tornado around Tsunomon. He heard Tsunomon saying " Tsunomon digivolve too...." as the streams surronded him. Sasori was completely shocked with what was going on with Tsunomon.

    "Elecmon!" The red rabbit like creature said as the data tornado disappeared from around it. "Rein....is that you?" Sasori asked.

    The red rabbit like creature looked back and winked at Sasori then began shooting electric bolt from it's tail.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hm?" Lady Sonya looked back only to see the same young boy following after her. "Oooh. So you want to come with me. Very well." Lady Sonya continued to walk as she always walk, acting royal. By the time they reached to a place where the plains is larger, she took out her small device. "Make sure you cover your eyes love. It may be too bright." She had her small device flash a white beam and a pink portal opened up in front of them. As Lady Sonya led Zac into the portal, there, she led him to part of the Deva King City.

    "Welcome hun, to my humble abode!" All around the mansion was a garden sprouting different kinds of flowers and small digimon were running around chasing each other. In the center, the mansion was red with many hues of yellow. "The two of you might as well rest here. Stay as long as you like!"
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Wow..." Zac said, looking around the place, chuckling to see the young digimon play. Gummymon looked around, he sighed with joy. This was a remarkable place. Zac looked to Sonya with a smile, "Thank you," Zac said, "Mind if we head inside the mansion? So we wot get confused?"
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Chibomon backed away and looked back at Jordan with a smile. "It's your turn Jordan," he said happily.

    Jordan smirked and ran over to retrieve his digivice. He immediately didn't know which was his until he just grabbed one. It felt perfect in his hands, like it was meant for him. Jordan figured it was his 'natural instinct's. Jordan nodded at Chibomon who replied with a smile. "Alright Chibi! Let's do it," Jordan shouted confidently, holding his digivice high.

    Chibomon bounced up high in the air "Chibomon digivolve to-" A bright light engulfed Chibomon and when he came back down, Jordan's small blob friend was gone. In its place was a blue two footed creature, with a yellow V on his forehead. "Veemon!"

    "Whoa," Jordan said in a whisper, impressed with the upgrade.

    "Just leave it to me Jordan! Heh, wouldn't want you getting hurt," Veemon said in a cocky manner, running at Kuwagaman swinging his fist at him. "Vee Punch!"

    As Jordan watched, he scoffed and shook his head. Jordan looked at Ri and said, "He's a little cocky, don't you think."
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “Where are they? The extraction shouldn’t have been that hard.”
    “They did have to go to that Real World though.”
    “That shouldn’t have taken too long though.”
    “You know Kaiser. He likes to take his time and be dramatic!”
    “Yes…. Hold on! I think I hear someone coming.”
    “You sure about that?”
    “Quiet… Yeah. It’s Kaiser. Let’s go say hello.”

    The unmistakable clunking of hard soles and heels echoed out from a nearby alleyway. Half masked by the shadow of a building, a girl in her late teens with silver-dyed bangs stood with her arms crossed around her waist. Through a look of cold boredom, she could be seem with a hint of a smile on her face, showing only her content disposition towards the return of her accomplice. Flicking her head back, she waved her hair out from her eyes and walked out of the alley with a casual stride. “You’re late,” the girl, Ankoku Hoshi, said in a dry tone. “A nice stroll through the Real World to find us some recruits?”

    “At least he made it back unharmed this time,” said a more colorful and snide voice. A rather large black cat-like creature brushed against Hoshi’s legs, purring and stretching lazily. “And he brought us some new friends to play with.” The cat-like creature made a meowing noise as its eyes fell upon the Patamon. “Hello dear. Good to see you’re well, little one. And we have another human too!”

    “Indeed we do, Kuroneko,” Hoshi said. She walked in closer, coming to face-to-face with Aire. “Yup,” she said with a nod. Softly, she gripped beneath his chin with her thumb and index finger to bring his eyes level with hers. “Yeah. He’s good.” She turned away and approached Kaiser. “Maybe a bit too much spunk for a newbie though, judging by the look of him.”

    ((Very light rule-breaking; I apologize)).
  20. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Sodina picked up Cheranine in her arms and carried her to other creatures and listened to Koromon's speech and saw the bright light flash from her shirt. She reached her hand in the pocket and grabbed the strange device, it was light purple with various buttons and a screen. Just as the creature was about to finish it's speech, A red beetle looking bug monster who called itself Kuwagamonmon attacked the group.

    Upon seeing the giant red bug monster named Kuwagamonmon, Cheranine jumped out of Sodina's hands and tried to attack the monster with her bubble attack, Frothey spit, but to no avil, it did not work.

    "Hey are you just going to stand there?" Cheranine asked to Sodina who was trembling a little, "My ranged attacks don't do much"

    "S-sure, but you're not going more hurt are you?" Sodina asked and then looked at the strange device. It was glowing and radiating light. She held the device up in the air and the light began to swirl around Cheranine, who looked supprised. Pagumon digivolve to...

    As the light began to find, Sodina looked at her partner who had just digivolved to a bat like creature with stiched uped wings, yellow eyes, skinny feet with red claws at the ends. The bandages that were orginally on it's left ear, fell to the ground.

    "DemoDevimon!!" It shouted and then looked back at Sodina, "So this is digvoltion, it ain't half bad". Cheranine in her new form, took out a small dart imbuned with dark energy and aimed at Kuwagamon

    "DemiDart!!" Chernanine shouted and threw the dart at the kuwagamon.

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