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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "YAAAK!" The DemiVeemon started to fly out of the arena, unable to take on Gummymon at all. The rest of the digimon still cheered while Lady Sonya and QueenChessmon were pleased. "Quite amazing. Just amazing. Simply wonderful. The way you have put your trust in your friend. Just simply amazing." Lady Sonya took her fan and fanned Zac as she walked towards him. "And that is how you battle." Lady Sonya realized that her digivice started to beep and she frowned.

    "I am terrible sorry but I do believe that I have some other matters to attend to. While I am out, I do believe that I can send you on your first mission." She waved took out her purse and brought a map out, showing it to Zac. "You should go into town and pick up a few supplies and be well-prepared in Quad City. This is where you are now and the marketplace will reside over here. After you pick up some supplies, you will go and stop some Muchomon. They are disgusting and is stopping the plans of us expanding. Defeat them by any means necessary. Capture them if you have to."

    PawnChessmon walked up towards Gummymon and had her spear pointed towards him. "If you defeat a digimon in battle, you have the option of absorbing their data to gain power. The two of you now have started your Chess opening." Lady Sonya smiled and winked as she waved back at them as she threw some currency at them. "Ta-ta. I hope you come back with a good report. And one more thing. You will have two soldiers who will be waiting for you at the marketplace. Lalamon and Deputymon I believe. Go on now. Have fun and stay safe. Take control of ANY situation."
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Opening his eyes Alix felt a cool chill come down his face." Ouch.." he mumbled sitting up on the snowy floor. He plopped back down on the snow, eyes staring into the sky. " I have absolutely no idea whats happening or what just happened...." He turned to agumon who was just now starting to stand to his feet. " Gee that hurt. he stood up looking at Shiori " Thanks for checking on me us Digimon can handle something like this. " he said with a short smile. " Shiori was it? i think ? May i call you Ri? like Alix does. "

    The Digivice began to beep out of control from both Alix and Shiori. Each one shout out a beam of light into one another making a large sphere of light in front of them all. ( For reference this is appearing to all the DigiDestined)

    "DigiDestined i can only appear to you for a short while...in this short time i will try to be as informative as possible." Alix sat up confused and scared at the same time.
    " Who..Who are you?"

    " Now is not a time for questions. You were each chosen to preform a specific role. You are all strong willed children with the heart of gold. The DigiDestined are chosen when the Digital World can no longer defend itself. With this you are gifted with the device you now hold Known as the Digivice. It holds immense powers that you will one day come to control and understand. Your digimon partner was specifically paired to you based on who you all are. The digivice brings life to the digimon it gives them power beyond any of your wildest dreams.

    "I'm not asking you to believe me i'm only asking you to listen." The voice rang out. From the sound of it it seemd to be a older more mature man. There was no vision so there was no way to mae out any type of appearance as the light spoke.

    " There are others that wish to destroy your world by bringing this world and your world intertwined with one another. This will inflict both worlds in such a terrible way that all that will be left is a wasteland...

    You must stand against this evil, you must fight, you must evolve..Furthermore .......You must win." The voice finally said as it trailed off vanishing."

    Alix stood up his eyes now bright and lively. " Ri...i may not fully understand things as they are but we have to prevent that from occuring. I know not all people are evil but evil exist in every mans heart...all they need is that taste of corruption and that will be the end result if we fail.."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac nodded, "See you Sonya!" Zc said, but then remembered...the DemiVeemon was tossed out of the arena. Zac ran out of the arena and went to get the DemiVeemon before it fell to its doom, Terriermon climbed on Zac's back,

    "Absorb it's data?" Zac asked,

    "I dot even know...do I have to?"

    Zac shook his head as a no, "I don't think it's the right thing, hewas just a kid..." he said as he went into the garden. All of this was going by too fast.

    Zac and Kipper kept running until they saw DemiVeemon, who somehow managed to be caught in a tree ranch, "You okay?!"

    "I flew!" he exclaimed with glee, "You were awesome!"

    "Let's help you down!" Terriermon said as Zac got the DemiVeemon down. The two watched it hop away, like nothing happened. A curious digimon...then again they all were, "Come on, according to Sonya, we have Digimon waiting for us,"
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri looked at Agumon and nodded smiling at him.

    "Sure, everybody calls me that." She said smiling before looking back at Alix when suddenly she noticed his digivise glowing as well as hers when a beam of light shot out. She stared amazed at the light.

    "Wait!" She exclaimed before the light faded away. She sighed before turning to Alix and standing up. She nodded her head in agreement.

    "Your right, hey Agumon, Vix?" Ri looked over to the two digimon. "Do you guys know where we are?" She asked them. She soon felt another strong gust of wind whipping her hair around. Snow began full in big flakes but she could tell it was going to get worst. "Maybe we should find shelter first to wait out this storm.
  5. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Sodina looked at her partner who was out of breath and smiled. Cheranine had done a good job of protecting her from a distance with it's demidart attack. Then suddenly a group of large digimon leaded by a digimon who called itself "Flaremon" approched the group. Two other digimon who were partners to other people tried to attack flaremon, but with no success. Cheranine was cowering a little

    "These guys are chamion level" Said Cheranine, "After that last fight we don't stand a chance against them"

    "wow, so should we run" Sodina suggested but when she suggested that idea, another digimon came, the new digimon created bat like creatures that grabbed the others and flew off.

    Sodina watched as the digimon were quickly seperating the group with bat like creatures. One of the bat like creatures quickly picked her up and carried off to someplace else, her partner was following. the bat like creature dropped Sodina above a forest and let her fall. She hit more than 4 braches on the way down and felt the pain of it. Finally she hit the ground and collasped.

    Hours laters she woke up and saw her digivice flashing and shout out a light sphere which projected no one, but sounded like an old man. Sodina and her partner listened to old man's speach and then the projection of light faded away.

    "Well that was fine and dandy" Sodina said, sitting down, and feeling pain in her left leg. Feeling pain in her left leg, Sodina, tried to get up, but her leg hurt. Cheranine helped by geting a branch at her request. Sodina looked at her leg, there was open wound across it, and it wasn't bleeding anymore.

    "I can make do" Sodina said falling back down on her butt. She was still tired from all of the day's events and it looked to be almost nightfall. Sodina fell backwards on to her back

    "I'm going to sleep" she said and closed her eyes.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The two walked into the marketplace, digimon where either running shops or shopping. There was quite a variety of Digimon. Terriermon looked around the market place, Zac did two, they were looking for ther partners before getting anything.

    Zac and terrier entered the main square and saw two digimon. One with a revolvler in his chest, the other looked like a blooming flower. It was Deputymon and Lalamon.

    "Deputymon?" Lalamon asked her trigger happy partner, as he was playing cards with another Digimon.

    "Not now Lalamon," he muttered with his southern accent, "I'm in da middle of things here, what it is?"

    As he asked that question, Zac and Terriermon had approached their partners. Zac was fascinated by their appearances. Deputymon was a cowboy fused with a revolver like in the old days of the west, Lalamon was struggling to fly in the air with her leaf. "Hey Sonya told me I was to meet up with you guys?" Zac asked,

    Deputymon looked up and saw a human with a Terriermon. He got up and shook Zac's hand rapidly. "Well howdy there! I'm Deputymon and this is Lalamon!"

    "I'm Zac and this is Kipper," Zac said introducing the two, "Sonya said we need to buy supplies and then go to fight Muchomon,"

    "Alrighty then, let's get a move on little Gaomon! WEEHOO!!! he exclaimed as he pulled out his revolvers and fired some shots into the air with glee, and stamped his feet on the ground. Lalamon sighed and shook her head,

    "He always wants to find a reason to use his guns..." she told Zac and Kipper. To be honest, she wasn't happy wing paired with a trigger-happy digimon like Deputymon.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Flaremon frowned, her fun had been ruined by Ladydevimon and her master. "Curses... You'll be hearing from Ashe about this! Hmph!" Flaremon vanished in a supernova like blast of data, reappearing above Ashe. "Patamon! You can do it! Digivolve!!!!!" She cheered for him and smiled to herself as she planned her attack on the digi destined, which her and Ashe would be starting in mere hours.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire sprinted towards Starmon with fist raised high despite Patamon's composition. "I'll show you a flashy uppercut" he said grinding his teeth as he was about to make contact with Starmon's torso. Patamon was in excruciating pain. Bruises and scuffs covered its body. It seemed as if he had lost consciousness. It was apparent that these two were outclassed. "Patamon!. It seemed as someone was calling him. You can do it! Digivolve!!!!!". Something arose in Patamon!
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Flamemon appeared in a ball of flames behind kaiser. He jumped up and snatched his sister down. " Shut your dam mouth you fool. Besides i'm sure we all know Patamon is one of those digimon that can't just DIGIVOLVE. we both know he can't do it without the one hundred percent sync of his partner. From how i see it that wont be happening any time soon. " He let go of her arm with a angry look on his face. " Kaiser im pissed off i want to go blow something up. " Kaiser raised his eyes and a smile found its way onto his face.

    " Yea we will take out some local ressistant digimon soon enough. But for now i'm going to go to HQ." Placing his hand on Ashe's shoulder " Its all yours bro" He vanished with Flamemon into a mini inferno leaving Ashe to deal with the situation.

    The ball of fire opened up in a large room with 4 chairs and open space. " Hawkmon tell Lady Sonya to come to me i have to have a chat with her. " Hawkmon nodded his head and flew off.

    " Got big britches don'tcha boy" Starmon said as he slapped Aire down to the ground before he had a chance to impact him. " Boy watch your tone i'm a Champion level Bad ass. Know your place boy i'll light that ass on fire if you keep it up. "

    It was time for Ashe or someone to intervene things had spun out of control.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Before Ashe could stop her, Flaremon tackled Aire to the ground, her flames growing in size, "Listen up kid! You see him," She pointed at Patamon, "He is the one and only digimon in this place that had faith in you! He had this feeling that he could find a friend in you! But what do you do? Not a thing! He is the only one who cared enough to help you! The only one!" Ashe pulled Flaremon off Aire and pushed him to the side as Flaremon yelled "Crimson Lion Dance!" and Starmon was blasted by a wave of fire.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The four started to get some supplies, some food and a few beverages (Deputymon got his own pack of beer). They walked through he market place heading to Quad City, and then off to find the muchomon. As the entered the city, they encountered Ashe, Kaiser, Flaremon, Flamemon, Patamon and Aire. Patamon was bruised and beaten and he saw Flaremon on Aire getting pissed. Zac went into a sprint as he head for Patamon, with Terriermon holding on for dear life.

    "What in tarnation?!" Deputymon exclaimed as he saw Zac run to the fight. Zac came in and picked up Patamon and got him out of their, Terriermon had often off. Kipper than walked up with a stern look at Aire.

    "Whats the big idea?!" Terriermon huffed as he crossed his arms. It was hard to take him seriously with his adorable appearance. Zac had gotten Patamon to the others and looked at him with a concerned face,

    "Hey...you okay?" he asked the Patamon in the eyes. He then looks at Aire with a furious face, "What the hell?!" he exclaimed, rarely did he curse. But with Aire, he made an exception.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya and QueenChessmon walked on to a small room, opening it to see a chocolate-covered digimon. "So... you have witnessed your twin. Do not worry. You are one-of-a-kind. My favorite type of weapon. This is where we decide which Gambit we want to use." The chocolate-covered digimon just looked back out of the window, still having a lonely expression. "But do not worry. You are a wonderful warrior. Soon anyways. All you need is a type of bond."

    "And speaking of bond... where is that idiotic Impmon?" "It doesn't matter. Now darling, remember. You have a special power. Unlike your sibling, you are powerful than him. Now, listen carefully..."
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia woke in a tree branch. How did she get there? She thought back to recent events. She was at school. . . and then she got the strange note, then she was behind the school . . and then really weird things happened. But she quickly surmised that those strange, bizarre, surreal happenings were just a dream, since she even dreamed up a little dog for herself that was a dumpling. Wait, where was her bag?

    The girl shot upright and looked around, suddenly startled. She wasn't sleeping in her usual tree! She was in a forest! Which means -

    "Kiiiiitty-kat!" A whine rose to the girl. "I'm huuunnnggrrryyy. And your bag is closed!"

    "That's not dog-food, Pao-I mean Labramon. That's people food!" Katia chided, making her way to the trunk, then sliding down like a koala.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Apparently whilst on the ground by the hands of starmon. A Beast-man digimon, tiny by no means, tackled him screaming obscure words and accusations which he didn't give a d8mn. Low and behold the party was now complete when the nonabrasive outcast joined the festivities screaming foolishness like the first. "Are you two done yet as much as I love hearing you guys talk! I'd rather continue my battle"

    Aire motioned to Patamon. "GET UP!"

    "Um I'm fine!" Patamon said. Stammering to get up only to collapse again.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    ((Starmon was cooked by Taboo Angel))

    "YOU IDIOT!" Zac exclaimed as he punched Aire, "You treat Patamon like a weapon! Do you even care about him?!" Zac was infuriated by Aire. This guy was just a jerk, "You knew Patamon wasn't strong enough didn't you?! If you did, why did you place him there he could have died!"

    "Patamon?" Kipper asked the Patamon, "Are you okay? Any bruises?" Kipper was really sad of what happened. He was truly mad at Aire, but maybe he was trying to show he was tough.

    "Alright what in tarnation happened here?! I'm guessing a brawl huh? Starmon is always acting cocky like that," Deputymon said, shaking his head. Lalamon was staying out of this. She wasn't wanting to be involved.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: Flaremon attacked Starmon. I know that. Whether it was cooked, is your perception.

    Aire blocks the punch right before it landed. He begins to smirk and whispers to him. "Maybe I should use your little friend next". He begins to chuckle. "You guys are a joke" he stated releasing Zac's hand. "You should really grow up or go back and play house with your dog!"

    Patamon was completely unconscious now. He was breathing heavily as it slept. It seemed to be coming down with something. Patamon reverted back to Tokomon.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "If you harm Terriermon with what you call a strategy, you gonna wish your dead!" Zac whispered, "Patamon cares for you but you treat it like crap! You can't use people as your gun, they aren't some tool, especially Patamon, the little guy wants to be love but your forcing it to fight until the end when it's still learning! You are the one who should grow up!"

    "Guys!" Kipper exclaimed as looked over Patamon. Zac rushed over to Patamon and picked him up, "Are you okay?" Zac asked the weak Patamon, and checked to see if he was alive. Luckily he was, still breathing, but unconscious. He gave a grim look to Aire and then walked towards Lalamon,

    "Can you heal him?" Zac asked the flower digimon with a concerned face. Lalamon shook her head in sadness. She began to speak, "I may be a flower digimon, but sadly I can't heal.. Please young man, don't push him so hard, he is a child..."
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe snickered, appearing behind Aire. Flaremon grabbed Aire by the head and lifted him into the air, turning him to face her master. Ashe walked up to Aire and glared, "Time for a lesson in respect." He punched Aire in the gut and spoke, "You want power, then damnit you will learn to respect your partner." He punched him again, harder then before, "You will do as I, Kaiser, command you to do. I brought you here to help me, and I expect you to respect your partner like you will respect me!"
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac sighed. This was some day, and a lot more was to come. "C'mon guys," Zac said as he took Patamon with him, "First we get Patamon To a healing Digimon, then we can proceed with our mission that Sonya told us to do,"

    He turned around and looked at Ashe, "I'm gonna get Patamon healed, then I'm gonna continue my mission Sonya gave me, okay?" Zac told the Deva King, who was harming Aire, "Okay don't hurt him to much! Stop!" Zac said,

    Deputymon grabbed Zac's arm as Zac tried to move towards the beating, and shook his head, "Y'all best not try to stand up to them, they'll take ya down faster than the speed of a Garurumon!" Deputymon stated as he took Zac to the local hospital. This was all very weird. The Deva kings didn't seem like kind rulers...hopefully it was just Ashe...
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe turned and stopped them, "Leave him here. I will tend to his wounds." He turned to Zac, "You think we are not kind? That is false, as we care solely for the wellbeing of the Digimon who reside here. If a human cannot treat their partner with respect and care, then we give them the same punishment that they forced onto their partner. Do you understand me?"

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