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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac gave Patamon to Ashe and turned away, "Agh! This is so confusing, first Sonya says digimon are used as tools, and that those who can't share a bond to digivolve have to be deleted, then you are saying humans should e persecuted to the amount their digimon have?! I get the whole the sins of an employee are the sins of a boss thing but he is just a kid like me!"

    "Zac! Ashe, what my partner here is tring to say is that he is very confused 'bout all of this, but if memory serves, humans are made of data, they can't be reconfigured like digimon...can they? Please don't get angry for back talkin'," Deputymon said,
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire spats into Ashe's face with every punch. ""You A$$" He begins to flail his body inadvertently hitting Ashe to wiggle himself free. Eventually, he is set free because of the digimon's massive paws unable to grip such a small cranium. "How about I just leave!". He grins an awfully big grin. Like Starmon did before him. He slides underneath Ashe and takes Tokomon running off into Quad City!
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe roared at Aire and turned to face Flaremon, "After him! Don't let him out of your sight!" Both Ashe and Flaremon dashed past the others as they chased Aire into Quad City. Ashe came to a slow stop and breathed heavily, "YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER! EVENTUALLY I WILL FIND YOU!" Ashe turned to Flaremon and sighed, "let's go..." Flaremon nodded and in an eruption of fire and data, Ashe and Flaremon were gone.

    "DAMNIT! Kaiser, that kid showed me nor his partner any respect! He doesn't belong here!"
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac sighed and left the scene. He had business to attend to. He pulled out his map, which apperently had a map of the Digiworld, "What's with the shaded areas?" Zac asked Deputymon, showing his Digivice,

    "Those are the parts that the Deva Kings have control over currently," Deputymon said, and then pointed to a part of the forest which had an unshaded area, "Now Miss Sonya told y'all we have to take care of some Muchomon in this forest, they're bein' a bit stubborn and won't leave, and if things get ugly, we have to delete them,"

    Zac's expression looked like he saw a ghost, did he really have to kill Digimon? He shook his head and withdrew his Digivice and followed Deputymon, he seemed to know where the group needed to be. Aire was a total jerk to Patamon... Why was he even brought here? And why does he not want help? Zac hoped he wasn't going to be working with Aire anytime soon, especially after he threatened to use Kipper like that.

    The group kept walking until they left the city and headed for the located forest. They had to finish the mission and report back to Sonya soon afterwards. It was Zac, Terriermon, Lalamon and Deputymon, against Muchomon. Zac didn't know what they looked like, but Sonya said they were disgusting. He hoped this wasn't a group of monstrous Digimon,

    "So what are Muchomon?" Zac asked Deputymon and the others. Lalamon flew towards Zac and then answered,

    "Just some Bird Digimon,", she said with a shrug, "Not a big problem, but they don't like to be moved from their territory, in fact, none of the digimon do,"

    "We'll I understand that," Zac said, "Does this happen often?"

    "Son the Devas are always doin' this,", Deputymon responded, fixing his hat, "Don't know why, don't care, just as long as I get paid that's purty good tah me,"

    "oh..." Zac said as the looked foward. He was wondering why they were doing this. Was there a reason? Would they be harmed if this disnt happen as they merged the worlds?
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Awww c'mon! Just one bite? I'll be your best fri-"

    Labramon had spent the good part of the last hour or so trying to convince Katia to give up the food in her bag.

    "No, no, and no!" She chided for what seemed like the hundredth time. "I'm NOT giving you any! I need to ration and I have no idea when we'll next find food!"

    The digimon stared at her partner with the biggest puppydog eyes she could muster.



    "Your so meeeeaaan, kitty-Kat!"

    "No, I'm just used to whining dogs."

    "What's a dog?"

    "Magical talking dog doesn't know what a dog is. On an island of magical talking animals. Where are we, anyways? This doesn't look like my town at all!"

    "The digiworld!"

    "Who in the what now?"
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A dark leomon Appeared in front of Kaiser as he sat on his throne. " Sir there is trouble in District 7 of Quad city. its got to do with those new people and your brother!!

    Kaiser let out a large sigh full off irritation and annoyance." I see" He sat up in his chair slowly standing up. " Well then it seems i'll have to make a few more public appearances to get my point across.Tell hawkmon to scrap that if he returns, i'll speak with Sonya on my own. " He pointed his finger at his digimon. " Your coming with me we have some how do i say this. " Grunt work" to do".

    Flamemon clinched his fist and flames roared from his hands.. " I wouldn't have it any other way..."

    Flamemon stood next to kaiser and they vanished into a ball of flame.

    As Aire fled through the city a massive orb of flames appeared. It looked as if a simple touch would burn the skin off of anything however Kaiser walked out of the fire step by step standing in front of Aire. " Now now now...where exactly do you think your going with something that I gave you eh?" Flamemon walked beside him his teeth flared up as did his flames. " We wouldn't want to inconvenience you of course. But i simply must know. " Kaisers face and presence was enough to scare the strongest Digimon even without his digimon partner present. The others around stopped in there tracks some even ran into the distance.

    " He spoke into his ear communicator. " Hoshi could you come to my location for just a moment."


    Alix new they had to find shelter but oddly enough not to far away from them seemed to be a large brown cabin. " That seems a bit to convenient. but..its the only choice we have.so lets go" Alix started to walk and Agumon soon caught up to him. Alix seemed to be changing. He wasn't so shy as he was before. What was changing his demeanor on life?
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Kokomon sighed, still not looking at Sonya or QueenChessmon. She looked out the window, and then finally turned her head to Sonya, ""Why couldn't I go with my brother? We have always been together..." she said with a sigh, she was really heart broken her brother left without her.


    The small band of Digimon and the human boy kept walking through the forest, Zac's eyes focused on the digivice's map of the forest, Deputymon was spinning his revolvers, Lalamon was behind looking at the beautiful forest, and Terriermon was lying on top of Zac's head, ears going down Zac's head. Terriermon began to think of something, was his sister okay?

    "According to the map we are getting close," Zac said about the map, "Which means we are-"

    "Trespassing on our turf amigo," said a voice with a Spanish accent. The group looked around the area, with Kipper falling off Zac's head and fell on the ground, his ears keeping him from hitting the ground hard. Zac then saw a fat, parrot-like digimon giving a cold glare at them. Pretty soon three more appeared, giving the same look as the first. Zac then took a look at his Digivice as it beeped, showing the name and image of the digimon.

    "So this is a Muchomon, apparently their most powerful attack is Ardent Flare," Zac stated as he read the information. He then withdrew his Digivice and looked at the parrot digimon, "Hello, I'm Zac Techika, I'm here because of Sonya, and-"

    "Sonya?! A Deva King?! Listen lil' human, we aren't leaving out home! We'd rather be deleted!", one of the Muchomon said.

    Deputymon shrugged and then aimed his revolvers at the Spanish Birds, "Alrighty then! Your choice partner!" he said as he was about to pull the triggers, but Zac stopped him, "Deputymon! Listen, I'm not wanting to cause any harm, maybe we can relocate you to a better place?"
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Belong to him? Belong to that "Kipper"? Don't you see the look on his face? He is enjoying his new lifestyle. He has a friend, even a new name. Ever since the two of you were separated, the two of you developed into unique beings in your own rights. Do not worry. You will meet up again with him soon. It seems however, that he is not looking for you anymore. All you have to do is to rival him in power."

    "This is why we are here for you love. You will go down into the small arena and fight a couple of Babydramon. Fight them with all of your might and you may be able to go into your next form. You have to train harder than your brother. All your brother had to do is to rely on a human to gain power. You do not have to. Your bond is special. You rely on your own terms to get stronger and by that, you gain experience." "As PawnChessmon said. Now run along dear. After you fight, you can go into the garden and play." Lady Sonya and QueenChessmon in her pawn form left out of the room, leaving the door open for Kokomon to leave out so that she can go back to training

    "Where is that Impmon?" "Let us not worry. Let him be." "But we need to hurry and speed up our plan of domination. Otherwise, we will lose our chance of victory." "We have enough time in the world. Let us not be too hasty and reckless. We are already using her as part of our plan, training her up as we speak." "Hm... what would the Deva Sovereign have to say?" "Oh. Him? What about him? All we have to do is to surprise him with our gift and he will surely love it. Speaking of gifts, I already sent a digimon to drop off a gift already in his room. Basically the food and another digimon for massage purposes."

    "And his brother?" "The one who try to attain the rank of Queen. Such arrogance. Still, we ourselves must not be hasty. We are the queens and we must not give ourselves away too early in the game. Let Ashe be the sacrifice for all I care. Kaiser himself must be protected." "So... what is the next plan?" Lady Sonya smiled as she had her fan in front of her face. "Let us start our Indian Defense. We will keep a low profile. Train up OUR army and the Deva army. This world must be merged with the real world." "But, will our dream come true?" "IT WILL! We are of a royal family and we must be treated royalty!"

    The two proceeded on to leave out of the mansion. "But until then, you stay in your pawn form for now. Let us... conserve energy even though we do not like to stay at the lower ranks."
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri nodded looking over at Vix before they too hurried over to the cabin. She ran past Alix and agumon running over and stopping perching below a window.

    "Ri?" Vix stood confused. Ri shook her head. Ri stood up and looked inside. There was nobody inside but the small cabin was well furnished and a warm fire blazed in the fireplace inside.

    "I think somebody lives here, but they're not home so we can't just walk in..." Ri said crossing her arms.

    "Somebody else everything inside appears not natural in out world and as far as humans you and Them are the only ones who occupy digiworld, and I doubt they'd live here." Vix said.

    "I don't know..." Ri walked towards the door and knocked on it only for the door to open. "Hello!" Ri called inside recieving no answer.
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "....okay..." she said quietly as she inched out of the bedroom that was once here and her brother's. She inched through the mansion till she was outside and headed for the arena, remembering that Sonya said there were a few Babydramon ready to fight. She hoped Sonya was right about this.


    "Listen kid!" the first Muchomon said, [/COLOR]"We aren't gonna be moving from our lovely forest of a casa!". The Muchomon and the other three sucked in a lot of air, with their stomachs puffed out and their heads back, with them all saying in unison, "ARDENT FLARE!"

    Four balls of red fire came flying towards the group, all of them jumping away. Lalamon went back, not wanting to fight, she wasn't one for that. However, Kipper and Deputymon got to their feet and readied to attack.

    "JUSTICE BULLET! WEEHOOOO!", Deputymon exclaimed as a bullet was launched from his torso barrel, Terriermon began to spin around and exclaimed, "TERRIER TORNADO!" and charged in the air towards the Muchomon.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe appeared near Sonya and spoke as his brother would so that even she would not know it was not Kaiser. "Sonya... I have eyes and ears in every corner of the digital world, believe me when I say you can't surprise me." He gave her a slight nod and continued, "Ashe may be arrogant, but he is my brother. He came before you, and he is as you say, queen of the deva kings." Kaiser(Ashe) turned and disappeared.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "What an amateur." Lady Sonya had her digivice out and it signaled that the digivice that was "supposedly" was Kaiser was actually Ashe. "Who in the world he think he can pull? Digivices can track another person's digivice. I can tell whose digivice is whom since each digivice can tell sense another one. Just keep on dreaming Ashe. A queen is for a lady. Not a mutt. Such an amateur move on the field. NEVER expect for your opponent to fall for such a beginner's move as two fighting sides are fighting over control of the center."

    The two left out of the mansion and saw two, large birds outside. " Now, let us see where Kaiser TRULY resides." Lady Sonya checked her digivice to see if he was anywhere within the city limits. "Hm. Signal is weak. He must be somewhere else. Oh well. I will still come and visit anyway." The two rode on the large birds and left, heading towards Kaiser's abode.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The two attacks landed on the Mucho, an they fell off the giant branch and onto the dirt floor. As Zac slowly approached them, they quickly flew into the air and scattered, "Always love to shoot things from the sky!", Deputymon said as he fired his revolvers first before his big attack. Kipper climbed on Zac's head and readied a Blazing Fire attack, but Zac took him off his head.

    "Kipper," Zac said with a stern face, "Not trying to be a parent, but we said we weren't gonna harm them! Unless it comes to it, then we-"

    ARDENT FLARE!", the four Muchomon exclaimed as they sent a ball of red fire at Deputymon, which hit and sent him flying into Lalamon. Zac sighed,

    "Okay, now you can," Zac said.


    Kokomon inched into the arena where four Babydramon were floating in the air, and then took notice of the twin of Gummymon. She sheepishly smiled as she crawled into the square. She looked as the Babydramon give a dirty look. Did Sonya intentionally pick them for a reason?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire ventured through Quad City reaching the outskirts. Yet another surprise occurred, a sphere of flames developed in front of him and a familiar face emerged from the fire. The digimon recognized the enigma, some flabbergasted, others fled. It was Kaiser and Flamemon, who quickly posed a question during his emergence. Aire answered "I didn't know gifts had refunds!" "I'm simply leaving that's all to it"
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe stood by watching Kaiser confront Aire. He laughed at the thought of Aire's reaction to seeing his identical twin only moments after escaping him. Ashe realized he'd probably be yelled at by Kaiser when this was over so he might as well entertain himself. He dedigivolved flaremon into her rookie form coronamon, and hunted down the digimon who were attempting to start a rebellion against the Deva Kings.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "BLAZING FIRE!" Kipper exclaimed as he realized hot breath from his mouth which turned into flames, heading for the Muchomon. They flew away and scattered, all except for one, the first one, and the leader of the gang, "You got skills kid, but they aren't good enough! ARDENT FLARE! he exclaimed as he sent a fireball at Lalamon and knocked her out, she wasn't used to extreme heat, plus she was a plant digimon, leaving Zac and Kipper in the battle, with their partners knocked out of the fight.

    "Look, I didn't want to fight you at all, just get the rest of your guys and follow us to the mansion, you guys can live there," Zac said, reaching out his head, only to have a fireball vein launched near him, forcing him to jump back.

    "Can you digivolve again?" Zac asked Kipper,

    "I only just Digivolved an hour ago!", Terriermon exclaimed, "But I wish I could..."
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh hoo Leaving are we?!" Kaiser smiled raising his hand behind his head. " Well ya know, ya see heres the thing about that. Where do you intend to go exactly if you leave?" He laughed a bit " i mean Quad city is the safest place for anyone human and digikind alike to be. I mean if you feel the need to rush out into the wild then by all means. Throw yourself to the dogs as they say.

    He started to slowly walk closer to Aire. " I don't think you understand exactly how things work around here, So let me give you an example in 3....2...


    " Ahh right on schedule. Flamemon if you would?"

    The local Digital Resistance had finally readied themselves to capture Kaiser. With them in this case they had plenty rookies and few champions. there were about 20 Digimon in total. as they stood at the gate.

    " I have to give you guys credit you have some balls showing up at our front door like this. So let me Throw out the welcome matt!"

    Flamemon's Digivolution began to commence

    Agunimon!!!" He yelled. Many of the digimon fled in fear. the remaining felt as if they were prepared for they had no idea the torture that would ensue upon them next.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe laughed sadistically, "I'm so mean, eh Furea?" "Only when you want to be Ashe. But your heart still lies with your brother... no matter how much you two argue." Ashe smirked as he and Coronamon walked towards the commotion caused by Kaiser. "Yo! Don't hog em all Agunimon! Save some for Firamon! Go Coronamon, digivolve!"

    "Coronamon digivolve to..."

    A massive ball of flame engulfed Coronamon as she grew into a giant winged flaming lion, "Firamon!"
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya finally arrived to Kaiser's palace, walking along with her PawnChessmon to his room. The two digimon that she sent were also waiting." "Madam. He is not here currently. He is of fighting somewhere." "Are you serious?" "Sorry madam." "That is alright." Lady Sonya starts to walk inside Kaiser's room, seeing that he is indeed not inside. "I am... tired." She walk on to the window, looking outside to see the city still bustling. "Too much fighting. I will end it all."

    PawnChessmon looked at Lady Sonya as the girl walked on to Kaiser's bed. Thinking too much, she fell asleep on the bed. "Sonya..." PawnChessmon walked out of the room and decided to check up on how Kokomon is doing.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Kokomon? She wasn't doing to well. She wasn't able to attack, the Babydmon kept attack without remorse and shot several Hot Steam Attacks at Kokomon, not even giving her a chance to use her Koko Crusher Attack. She kept dodging but failed, as she fell to the ground and started to cry. She wasn't wanting to be tossed around and bullied. She curled up crying, as the other Babydmon looked at her confused,

    "Mon she is terrible!" the leader said, "Sonya said we were gonna be given a good match! Not some crybaby who can't even attack,"

    Kokomon kept crying, but...stopped. She looked at them with an angered face, "I am not a baby!" she said crying, but with an angry tone.

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