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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Agunimon stepped forward each step he took the ground beneath him began to melt. " Firamon. i'm going to have to ask you to sit this one out. " Kaiser said without even turning a glance. " You won't be needed right now. i have to demonstrate something.

    Come Get some you flaming idiot!!! , Yea i'll break your head in two!

    The other digimon yelled out as they were ready to battle. "May i begin master?" Agunimon turned his head to Kaiser with a look of intend. " you may Begin.."

    The fire digimon took off in a burst of speed quickly grabbing the two large digimon be the head slamming them both to the ground. " Burn Baby!!!" He clinched down and there heads exploded into burnt ash. Quickly spinning his body he threw a firewall at 3 of the rookie digimon. nothign was left of the bodies but dust.

    " To hell with this!! Everyone rush him he can't kill all of us at once!!!

    RAHHHHHH!!!" They all cheered as they rushed Agunimon. " Tch!! You Bastards have it your way!!!" They all jumped simultaneously at once surrounding him. " Die!!! " He slammed his Feet against the ground. " Salamander Break!!: PYRO TORNADO!!!" His body spun into a massive twister engulfed in nothing but flames. The screams of the burning bodies of the Digimon could be heard miles across. When the tornado was done ash, soot and dust fell to the ground.

    Agunimon turned his head as did Kaiser. Smoke came out of Agunimon's nose he stepped over to Aire.

    Kaiser placed his hand on Aire's shoulder. " This is the result of people that are against me. If you wish to join there ranks. Merely walk out of this gate. i'll even be as generous as to give you a head start.

    So what will it be eh? Your choice. mind you i cared for patamon since he was born im sure he knows fully well who i am and what i am capable of.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe sighed, but he let Agunimon do his thing. "DAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That was sooo mean Kaiser... I love it!" Ashe jumped onto Firamon and patted Agunimon on the back, "You and I need to team up one of these days, show these rebel scum who's in charge yeah? DAHAHAHAHA!" Ashe laughed maniacally and he and Firamon took their place next to Kaiser. "So, what's it going to be, run or stay? Choose your fate."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Listen! I don't want I harm you and you don't want to go," Zac said, "Maybe I could work an agreement with you? In order for you not to cause Rufus to the Deva Kings?"

    The Muchomon placed a wing on his chin and thought for a second. He then place it an then said, "Well, me and me amigos could use some food, maybe you can bring over a few tacos or salsa and chips, and we won't cause chaos, for Sonya that is, sound fair amigo?", he said with his Spanish accent.

    Zac nodded and went up to the Muchomon and gestured his hand, "Agreed," he said as the two shook on it, "I'll be back tonight with some food," he said as the Muchomon group flew off. Deputymon and Lalampn finally woke up and got to there feet, "Ugh...what in tarnation happened? Must of hit da hay or somwthin',"

    "I took care of it," Zac said, "Lets head back to the mansion and report to Sonya,"
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori rubbed his head as he gained consciousness. "Where are we....where is everyone?" He said as he looked over to see his digimon layed out next to an unconscious Jordan and his digimon.

    "Rein....Hey kid you okay?....Kid!" Sasori said as he ran over to his aid. Sasori began shaking him as he began to awaken. "You okay?" Sasori said looking at Jordan.

    "Yeah Im Fine! and the names Jordan!" Jordan said as he gently pushed Sasori off of him. He then looked over to Veemon, ran over to him to see if he was okay.

    Rein then looked over to Sasori and the others.

    "This Rocky Mountains...a lot of powerful digimon live around here....we should find somewhere to go."

    Sasori and Jordan looked over to Rein and nodded.

    Sasori followed behind Rein as he lead them into a cave.
    Jordan picked up Veemon and followed behind them.

    OOC: KOD said it was acceptable to post as him so I did to progress the Rp
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Ugh, you have legs! Why the hell don't you just walk," Jordan asked Veemon, obviously irritated.

    "Hehe, because I think it's much more fun having you carry me," Veemon replied, beginning to laugh.

    Jordan groaned and dropped Veemon. "Walk you lazy bum."

    Veemon scoffed and muttered, "Whatever." He ran up to Rein and started to walk with him.

    Jordan caught up with Sasori and sighed. "Pretty crazy, huh? An hour ago we were normal kids. Now, we're in a digital dimension with small creatures. Oh joy! Hey, I don't think I got your name, dude. Like I said, I'm Jordan." He gave a small smirk to the stranger who he happened upon by sheer luck. Had it not been for all of these event, the two would probably still be strangers.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix rushed over to Ri pulling her back from the door. " Are you nuts! we don't know who this place belongs to they could be i dont know crazy or wana kill us ya know!" It was obvious that Alix was over reacting about the situation which he usually did when he got nervous.

    " Alix we don't have a choice ya know its cold out here and if we don't get somewhere warm we wont last long.." Agumon said while nudging Alix through the door. Inside there was nothing around. 1 large warm bed and a comfy couch. Food was placed on the dining table. it all seemed to good to be true... Almost.

    " I guess...we don't have a choice but whoever owns this place is going to come back soon-" He was cut off as agumon rushed past him to the table starting to gobble down food. " ALIX FOOD!!"

    Alix facepalmed and face planted himself on the couch. his voice was mumbled as he said " We need to figure out something to do.."
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Vix shook her head and walked over getting food. Ri walked over getting herself food and food for Alix carrying it over to him sitting down next to him on the couch.

    She nodded her head.

    "A lot has happened though, so I guess we'll rest tonight and in around lunch tomorrow head out." Ri told him. She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder looking at him.

    "Don't worry." She said to him smiling.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac an the group returned to the mansion, Zc and Terriermon headed for the kitchen to get some tacos and stuff. He hoped Sonya or PawnChessmon saw him...what would they think? Would they punish him? He wasn't gonna think about it.

    "What do you think Kipper?"

    "Noone here to my knowledge eats tacos, momentai Zac," Kipper said as he got a sac and walked off,

    "NONONONONONONONONONONO NOT NOW!" Zac said, but then stopped. He heard a scream. He looked out the window and saw something heading towards him. It was a Babydmon, and it crashed through the window and crashed into Zac, knocking him into the ground,

    "You okay?"

    "SHE IS A MONSTER!!!" the Babydmon screamed as he rushed out of the kitchen.

    Zac and Kipper nodded and left the kitchen to find out what was going on.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2012
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A portal of Digital light opened out into the depths of Quad City. From this portal, Hoshi and Kuroneko arrived back in the city limits, perfectly positioning themselves in the heart of their territory. Upon arrival, they were greeted by what was, at the time, a sparsely crowded, bleak looking area of the metropolis. A silence that would be discomforting to most who walked in it, hung in the air like a soothing lullaby to the pair. It there was silence, it meant that everything on their watch was normal, and that no one had stepped out of line or done anything out of the ordinary while they had been gone. “Looks like we can trust them to keep to their code. It’s good to know,” Hoshi said, yawning and stretching before she began to walk along in the middle of the street; it was still daylight, and she and Kuroneko were usually most active at night, though they were typically capable of operating and functioning just about all hours of the day.

    With four Deva Kings, each one was able to take a sizeable quarter of the evenly laid out cityscape. Kaiser, being the leader of the group, had taken position in a more governmental district, where something akin to a city hall and policing precincts were located. Ashe had gotten a residence and command over something more of a financial or business district. Lady Sonya had been fortunate enough, by virtue of heritage it seemed, to inherit the well-off residential areas of the city, as well as a suburban area.

    Hoshi, having been the last to fall in with the Deva Kings, and having a personality appropriate for handling it, had been given a rougher part of the city, referred to as “The Bad Streets.” It was a bit of a mesh between a few things. It was the less well-off sector, where high-rise apartments might be the places of residence, and the street sides were littered with nightclubs, bars, and roosts for local Digimon gangs, which mostly banded together by their species; pretty much, it was a place where one could expect the underbellies of society from mere cons and cheats to thugs and criminals. In fact, until Hoshi had taken her position in The Bad Streets, that part of the city had been a chaotic place, torn by the warring of Digimon gangs and the brief attemtps of the other Deva Kings to instill some sense of order amongst it. Apparently impressed by her calmness and lack of fear, many of those cutthroat Digimon had found a certain level of respect for Hoshi, and a level of fear for the wild and relentless Kuroneko.

    As she walked, Hoshi constantly took note of who was out on the streets. Most of the Digimon residents that frequented The Bad Streets were nightwalkers. Certain ones were givens to be seen in daylight, as they did have legitimate things to tend to. But there were other who, when seen before sundown, were bound to be up to no good. As it was, Hoshi saw no suspicious activity; every Digimon she saw in the sidewalks and streets were ones that had a business being there, and it seemed that there was very little to worry about. That being so, she went straight to her base of operations, a large nightclub facility that was complete with a bar-restaurant area, a dance floor, and a recreation space filled with arcade equipment and some billiards-type tables. When she entered, the lights were off, with allowing the mid-afternoon light to come through open windows; at night, the windows would be blacked out and the strobes and spots and a disco ball would provide the only light to the main room.

    It was also empty in terms of any occupants. With Hoshi and Kuroneko’s arrival, the only people there were the two, and a bustling Sukamon behind the bar getting ready for the night’s activity. Hoshi stepped forward, crossing the floor without even being noticed. When she finally reached the bar, she spoke with a soft but serious tone. “Any messages from Kaiser, Sukamon?”

    The Sukamon flinched and jumped up, surprised by Hoshi’s sudden appearance. “Oh. Miss Hoshi,” he said, putting down his polishing rag. “Not as of yet. Not since he sent the informant to have you meet him at the city’s entrance. However, the Ogremon gang did stop by, wondering where you were. They didn’t tell me what they wanted of you though.”

    “If it was anything pressing they’d have told you to relay a message,” Hoshi said. “Or they’ll come back around to see me again. It’s been a rather long day for me. I’m going to turn in for now. Wake me if anyone comes with important information. Or if it’s Kaiser or Ashe, wake me anyways.” After yawning and stretching once more, she retreated down a hallway to her quarters, a securely locked room with soundproofing, so she could sleep through the partying that had happened if she so desired.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Not much of a choice! Is there?" brushing off the hand on his shoulder. "It really is none of my business if you cared for this thing or whatever relations you once or still have." "In the end, I'll take your first offer" "Don't forget to count!" Aire continued to leave Quad City. As he advanced, it seemed that he crossed into another region controlled by a Deva King, who is unknown to him. "Leaving this massive city seems more difficult than I've anticipated."

    "He won't be far behind!". He quickly glanced at the pink marshmallow in his hands. Tokomon's (Patamon's) condition seems to show its toll. He was completely unconscious with light bruising, not as bad as it was previously in its rookie state, and it inhaled in gasps.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac and Kipper went over to the arena, to see three other Babydmon being scared and being chased by a little brown blob shooting bubbles at them, "KOKO CRUSHER!" the brown digimon exclaimed as she attacked them. The Babydmon ran out of the arena crying, irony after tey called her a crybaby.

    Zac and kipper went into the field as they heard her exclaim, "I AM NOT A CRYBABY!!!". She snorted and looked to see Zac and Terriermon. She looked at them with a scared look and scooted off quickly. The two boys looked at each other and saw Kokomon already near the end of the other side. They ran for her and Zac picked her up, "What was that about?!"
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " I see i see..." Agunimon flared up watching Aire pace off. " Master i'll burn his flesh from his bones. " Kaiser shrugged " As generous as i am he took the latter of the two options available to him. " He took a long yawn preceding to crack his knuckles. Flicking his wrist he snapped his fingers and a pack of Garurumon appeared with a Black Garurumon leading them. " What is your wish" The black one growned. They all seemed to be famished hungry for blood.

    " You see that boy walking down that way. "

    He took a long pause.

    " Kill him"

    " oh oh! and if you want to be pretty about it bring me the Tokomon feel free to find your sustanance on his corpse. "
    Kaiser began to walk away With agunimon pacing behind him slowly digivolving back into Flamemon. Kaiser was kind but even Ashe knew this was a harsh punishment.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe gawked, even in the face of death the kid was brave, and defiant. "GARURUMON! DELAY THE ORDER FROM MY BROTHER! HOLD YOUR GROUND!" Ashe turned to Kaiser and raised an eyebrow, "How could you kill someone brother? That will not bring peace, and you have to admit, it's been a while since someone stood up to you after one of your show and tells. Think about it, all we need to do is win his allegiance, and then he'll be our most valuable warrior, a neo digidestined, give me a chance to change his mind."
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    kaiser stopped the moment Ashe finished speaking. He treaded closely to his brother and put his arm arond him. " Ya know what thats fine, Hes now your responsibility. However if things don't turn out in MY favor. i will murder him myself." Kaiser smiled to his brother and walked off towards his district. Kaiser had a problem with authority and people talking down to him or back to him. It was one of his few flaws that even now he refused to fix.

    " Now that i think about it i should probably Talk to Hoshi about him..but i feel a bit tired."
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    PawnChessmon walked on back to the mansion and into the garden to see how well Kokomon progressed. Once she got into the garden, she saw Zac and Terriormon and walked back, hiding behind a wall to listen to the conversation.

    "So, what is going on now? Strange that she met up with the two now of all times. Intriguing."

    PawnChessmon continue to listen, believing that they were done with their task. Pawnchessmon decided to talk with Sonya back at Kaiser's domain once Sonya wakes up from Kaiser's bedroom.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe smiled and turned but not before yelling out, "Sonya is probably in YOUR castle. She disobeyed me and she needs to be punished, I'd say take your anger out on her. Let's go Furea!" Ashe and Firamon flew after Aire, and after flying for a few minutes caught sight of him. They landed in front of him and Ashe sighed, "Sorry about him... he's a bit of a grouch sometimes..."

    OOC- Angel, just so you know, if you read the digimon wiki on Flaremon it says it gains tremendous speed but loses its wings.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac gave her a stern look, and soon she began to cry, then Terriermon's ears went up and looked at Kokomon, "It's my sister!"[/COLOR\] he said with joy. Zac looked at him and then her and saw she kept crying, "So you are kipper's sister?"

    "Yes...I'm his twin..." she sighed and looked down,

    , "Then that means you get to work with us right?" Terriermon asked with a joyful tone and smile as he spun around. Kokomon simply sighed and shook her head, and Kipper's ears now went back to sagging.

    "Well...maybe I can arrange something with Kaiser," Zac said with a smile as Kokomon lifted her head up, "Kiki,"

    Kokomon smiled as she cuddled up against Zac's chest with a smile. She then stopped and jumped off, "I'm gonna go play now,"

    "Wait for me!" kipper said as he followed his sister, Kiki to play wih the digimon. Zac sighed and left to the kitchen. In Kiki's heart, she felt happy, but...Sonya said those two son care for her at all. But Zac gave her a new name...did he care? Or was it just cause he felt bad? Well she trusted Sonya and the other Devas more than Zac but she also trusted Terriermon...but...this was given her a headache.

    Zac went back into the kitchen and got a sac filled with tacos, salsa and chips, and headed back for the forest to deliver the tacos early to the Muchomon. He hoped Sonya would understand, he wasn't wanting to harm any digimon...but then again...she could Digivolve Pawnchessmon back to QueenChessmon and he would get whipped... He decided to keep the secret, JUST in case anything bad were to happen.
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    ["So let me get this straight. We are in the digiword, a place where digital monsters, like you, live and thrive. There are hundreds of different "Digimon" out there, some nice, some mean, and so on. I am a "Digidestined," which means I am special or something and get a partner - you - to help me save the digiworld. Do I have that much right?"

    "Yup! That's about it!"

    "Well, it isn't any crazier than a talking dumpling dog and four giant t-rexes."

    Katia slumped against a nearby tree, sliding down it in exhaustion.

    "Ugh. . . My feet are killing me. Don't they have cars in the digiworld?" She asked, looking to her canid companion.

    "Wellllll they got trains, and they got trolleys, and sometimes planes! But the planes are usually machine digimon!"

    "You don't suppose that one of them will be lying around here, would you? These shoes aren't my walking shoes."

    "Mmmmnope! I only came off of the digi-egg farm recently!"

    "Let me guess - all digimon come from digi eggs? Leave it to my luck to give me a scrambled one."

    "Why would you scramble a digi-egg?"

    "It's a thi- ah, nevermind. It'd take too long to explain.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser walked into his Main HQ. The rooms were all lavishly furnished with Red walls some rooms were casted in White walls. Gold endings as well as black trimming on many of the walls. In the main room there was a Formal reception desk. Hawkmon had only recently stepped back in. " Kaiser sir lady Sonya is in your chambers. i tried to stop her but..."

    " Its fine don't worry yourself about the details i'll see what it is she wants." Flamemon lagged behind him walking off to the cafeteria. he hopped on the counter grabbed an apple then found a seat. Kaiser's room was Furnished with only the best things. There was a feeling of warmth within as if you could relax here and let all your problems float away.

    " Why hello My Lady, tell me how was your nap?"
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac made his way into the forest, hauling the sac of hot food over his back. He looked at his Digivice, as it was his map to the location of the Muchomon. He hoped Kipper was doing fine with his sister, the impression Kiki made wasn't the best, but maybe she was just mad cause she was separated from her brother. That was more or likely the case.

    After 15 minutes of walking, the food now like-warm...but the Muchomon could use their fiery powers to warm the tacos up again. "Hey little macho mon!" a familiar, Spanish voice said to Zac. Zac looked up at the branch and saw the leader of the Muchomon gang.

    "Hey guys," Zac said as the others came in. He pulled out the food from the sac, the Muchomon stared at the food with big eyes as the drooled over the food (because who doesn't drool over tacos?) and then they dive bombed towards the food, with Zac jumping back.

    "There is no way you could be working for the Deva Kings man," the leader said with a full beak,

    "We'll I am, are they that bad?" Zac asked as he scratched the back of his head.

    "I believe this human has a lot to learn..." said voice that differed from the Muchomon. Zac turned around.

    "Who are you?" Zac asked, as he approached the sound of the voice, hoping to know who it was.

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