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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Atticus nodded "perfect. I will count on your victory as always. Take whatever men, supplies, and weapons you need." He clasped the Lucius's arm like a brother would. "Lastly, I will be sending my daughter, JaXx on her own mission in that direction tomorrow as well. As you will be so close, I ask you to supervise her in any way you can. She will report her progress to you."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Lucius frowned at that statement. "My lord, i mean no offense by this. But i have trained my men to the peak of power. Will your daughter be able to hold her own without distracting us from our mission?"
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Atticus shrugged, "JaXx is powerful. All she lacks is focus, drive, experience. All of these things she can only learn by being exposed to battle without her mentour holding her hand. I don't expect you to Cottle her. If she fails her mission, or can't hold her own, you are not to pick up her slack. Your own purpose there is too important."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Lucius nodded. "Understood, my lord. I will see to the arrangements at once." He bowed to Atticus, then exited the room. As he descended the stairs, his thoughts traveled to the Emperors comment.

    Lucius did admire Emperor Atticus. He was not afraid to do what was best for the kingdom and its people. But the carelessness in which he disregarded his own daughters safety left an uneasy feeling in Lucius' stomach. He cast it aside, however. It was not his place to judge Atticus' actions.

    Arriving outside on the training grounds, Lucius gestured to a passing solider. "Gather every available man and bring them to the castle gates within the next couple of hours. Ensure that they pack their gear for a long trek. We have a new assignment from the Emperor."

    "Sir, yes sir!" The solider saluted before running off. Lucius made his way to the barracks. He walked in and traveled to his own cot. Lucius didn't believe in having his own building, unlike the other generals before him, as he felt that it disconnected him from his fellow soliders. They needed to see that their general was like them, hard-working and able to adjust to any environment.

    Gathering his gear, Lucius then made his way over to the castle gates. He planted himself firmly at the gates and waited for his men to arrive.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Even though the potion he gave her kept her from dying, the cold mountain air caused the child's body to get cold. Gerik had wrapped her up in the cloak he was wearing in order to keep her warm. He looked at the sleeping girl as he continued the path down the mountain. "What am I going to do with you? I could have saved your village but I didn't, so it is my fault your family is dead. I can't just dump you off in the nearest town, but at the same time I'm not really in a position to care for a child for a long period of time." Gerik wondered what he could possibly do for this life he saved.

    As he continued to walk, he noticed the sleeping girl started to squirm and move around a bit instead of sleeping peacefully like she was. It wasn't long after that when the girl woke up screaming. Gerik quickly set her down when this occurred. "What's wrong?" He asked as he gently put his hands on her shoulders.

    "Monsters! They're coming to get me like they did everybody else! Mommy... Daddy..." The girl broke down into tears again.

    "Listen. You're safe now. Monsters can't hurt you anymore. If any monsters did appear I would fight them off for you."

    The girl tried to stifle her tears. "Who are you?"

    "My name is Gerik. I was going to visit your village before you were attacked. I'm... I'm sorry I couldn't get there in time. I hate to ask, but would you be able to describe these monsters that attacked you?"

    "They were tall and looked like the adults. Except they didn't have any faces. And they had a big claw on their had. And... And..." Tears started to fall from the girl's face again.

    Gerik gently wrapped the girl in a hug. "I'm sorry. Please don't cry anymore. I won't ask you to think of those monsters again." Gerik didn't realize just how terrible he was at trying to comfort a traumatized child. "I see. While I can't pretend to be familiar with the monsters of Aezureth, it sounds like these monsters were bandits who covered their faces. I can only assume these claws were swords or daggers."

    "What's gonna happen to me?" The child asked as she tightly squeezed Gerik.

    "Well I figure for the time being I'm going to keep you safe. Aside from that... Well to be honest I haven't thought that far. Is that okay with you?"

    "Please don't leave me. I'm scared to be alone."

    "I understand. I promise I will stay with you. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a name I can call you by?"

  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx heard the mumbled sound of voices as she closed the distance to the door. It opened as she was just outside of it, she came face to face with the leader of her father's army: Lucius. She said nothing to him though she did nod to at least subtley greet him as they crossed paths. At this point, the afternoon was coming to a close. "Good evening, father." She greeted him somewhat formally though she did step forward and the two embraced. "How is your day going?"

    "Rather uneventful mostly. Spent mostly meeting with council members and military leaders regarding the siege to the north. Are you well, JaXx?"

    She nodded "Yes very. I trained with Raven this morning. She was very strict and by the book this morning. She asked me to contemplate the importance of knowing how to defend myself without my powers, sometimes even without weapons. Something about always being prepared and balance or whatever."

    "Yes I discussed that with her myself.... she makes a valid argument so for now I will stay out of that. But on the subject of her, I have some news for you."

    Usually when conversations went this way regarding mentours, JaXx could tell where it was going. Usually she would be happy about it but not this time "no don't tell me she's leaving! I know we banter sometimes but I like her..."

    ---------- Dungeons: Sax ----------

    For a while, the guards Raven was following had stopped in front of the large door. They released the previous occupants from guarding thar position and moved to take their place. They stood there outside the door for a while, sometimes in silence though they did speak every once in a while.

    Kind of large door... meaning who ever or whatever is in there isn't human. at least not entirely.

    "So if she doesn't wake up in there, do we really have to feed her? It's just going to go to waste anyway." One of the guards was saying.

    "It would be a waste either way. She should have been killed years ago."

    Still cloaked, but close by enough to hear, Raven grimaced So are all of their prisoners treated like animals? Or just this one?


    "Oh.... so she's going away for a while. But she'll be back?" JaXx had just been told the situation with Raven and appeared relieved. She would hate having to try to replace her mentour again.

    "Correct. Now that we have that out of the way, there is something else I would like to discuss. During the month of Raven's absence, I will be sending you away too. You may take a few men from my army if you wish. But you will not be accompanied by any of your tutors. It is time you went solo, proved yourself a capable soldier." At this news, JaXx light up with enthusiasm "you're serious? You're going to send me out solo?"

    Atticus was proud about his daughters reaction. No fear in her. "Yes. I have sent a few teams of my men to take this task but so far, none have succeeded. There is a man somewhere in this country who goes by the title Titan of the Arena. A gladiator who, rumor has it, has never been injured in the arena. Now, normally this wouldn't interest me. Rumors are rarely completely based on truth. But this story holds my attention for many reasons. He has appeared in at least two of the eastern cities before my men were no longer able to track him. In both of those cities he gained popularity very quickly. It could be that he is somehow cheating. If so, he has broken the law and should face the consequences of such actions."

    "Yes, I agree. Many people lose their lives in the arenas. It would be a terrible crime if they died by hand of a dishonorable cheater. But what if he's innocent?"

    "If he is innocent then it can be proven in fair trial. Besides if he had nothing to hide, why would he have slain my soldiers or run?"

    JaXx's eyes narrowed "You make a good point. I will leave tomorrow."

    "Good. In the meantime, there is one more thing I'd like to discuss with you. Your target is assumed to be unpredictable and very dangerous. You should be as prepared as possible. That's why the time has come. You must kill Lilith Newgate and take her power tonight."


    The guards had been chatting for some time now. Raven sat on the ground against the wall across from them, both knees propped up slightly to keep away from where others might walk. It wouldn't do any good to get caught because someone tripped over your invisible leg after call this waiting.
    Just as she was about to give up on seeing what was inside that cell, one of the guards spoke up "in case JaXx does show up tonight we should have food in the room. The girl is unconscious anyway. If she asks about her state, we will say we tried to follow her order to keep her out of the restraints and she tried to escape. Recapturing her proved to be difficult which is why she's all banged up."

    The others nodded in agreement and Raven quietly stood up, following a guard in to the room as he carried in the prisoners evening meal. As she entered, the smell of blood instantly hit her. But the sight was worse what the....

    The guards exited just as quickly as they entered, locking the door behind them. For a brief moment, Raven ignored the fact that she was officially trapped on the cell with its inmate. She was too appalled by what she saw before her.

    The person she saw, chained to the wall even though she was not conscious, was obviously a child. Probably not much older than JaXx. But she was quite large, almost Raven's same height although she was in a kneeling position. Her white hair was a mess that was matted with dirt and blood and she was clearly not in good shape.

    "What could a child possibly have done to deserve this?" She spoke very quietly so as not to be heard as she leaned over slightly to examine the girl. She was sickened and part of her was angered. How could JaXx have something to do with this? She tore a part of cloth from her clothing. Finding a small cup of water next to the food brought in by the soldiers she poured a tiny amount on the cloth, dampening it before she got to work cleaning some of the wounds. It didn't take long before she heard the door open again. She whirled around to face the person...

    ----------- A few moments before --------

    JaXx bit her lip as she walked through the halls of the dungeon. All seemed silent as she made her way, sword in hand, toward Lilith's door. Her heart was racing. Something about all of this seemed wrong. But at the same time, she believed in her father. He was a good man she knew it. She needed this power to become a better warrior. Through her, the Newgate line would finally be able to do some good for the world again. Besides Lilith was suffering there in the dungeon. She had for years JaXx watched the girl suffer, her soul was dying in there. JaXx would finally be able to put her out of her misery.

    Yet everything inside her still screamed that this was wrong. That it was murder. Still, she had to do it. her people needed her. She couldn't disappoint her father...

    As she neared the gates, she saw the night guard pair had already arrived. They stood ever vigilant on either side of the door. They appeared surprised to see her "good evening Jaxah. Have you come to see the prisoner?" the one on the left was speaking as he was already fumbling through his key ring to find the right key. Something about them seemed off like they were nervous.

    "I have." she spoke with authority, more so than usual. Trying to keep a front of confidence though inside she was screaming. "But tonight will be different than usual. You are to give me the key to Lilith's room and walk away. Do not return tonight. Am I understood?"

    "Yes Ma'am. Right away!" The key holder handed her the key and they both walked away in a hurry. JaXx waited until they were out of sight before taking a deep breath. She forced her trembling hands to steady and stepped forward, unlocking the door. One hand still grasping her sword, the other on the handle of the door, she stepped inside the room but was immediately greeted by an unexpected frontal attack, too fast for her to have seen it coming. She barely managed to raise her sword on time to stop a slash from a broad sword and found her face to face with the last person on earth that she would expect "Raven!?"

    "We need to talk. Now." JaXx had never seen Raven this disgusted. The sight shocked her, she wasn't sure how to react. Raven put her sword down, although kept her guard up, she closed the door to the cell and returned her attention to JaXx. "What is this?" she gestured an arm toward the still unconscious Lilith near the wall. "What are you and your father up to? No more lies." She spoke calmly just like always. But something about her tone was off... very off.

    She finally averted her gaze from her furious bodyguard to the bloody heap that was Lilith against the far wall. Her eyes widened as she realized what this must look like. What it WAS. Part of her wanted to drop her sword, tell Raven everything, and get Lilith out of there. Her hands shook with anger, tension, nerves. It all wanted to break out of her at once. But she held it in, taking a deep breath, she put up a brave front. "You shouldn't be here, Raven. Go back to the castle. This is not your business." she grasped her sword and stepped toward Lilith but was stopped instantly as Raven put a hand on her arm, holding her back.

    "Who is she?" she demanded. "You and both know she isn't a petty criminal. Certainly not one deserving of the death penalty or I would know about this."

    JaXx sighed, "I am following my father's orders." she stated in a flat voice "Now get out of my way or I will be forced to hurt you too."

    Raven paused for a moment before moving defiantly in front of her trainee "Go ahead. Try." There was a pause from there. JaXx grasped the handle of her sword but she couldn't make herself do it. Murdering an innocent girl was one thing. But turning on Raven too in the same night? She hadn't prepared for this. The two women stared each other down for a long moment before JaXx finally looked away, releasing her grip on her sword "My father sent me to kill her. She's the daughter of the late Emperor Newgate... but you already knew that didn't you?"

    Raven scoffed, "Yeah, it doesn't take a genius mind to figure it out. You're actually planning on going through with this? Murdering a defenseless girl? Come on JaXx, you're better than that. After all I taught you, and all your talk of honor, this is not who you are."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Noises. Voices perhaps? All she could tell were that it sounded like two people arguing. Come on Lilith, open your eyes.

    When she did, at first everything was blurry, though she could make out two figures standing near her, one was JaXx, the other a total stranger. They seemed to be fighting about something, though she couldn't exactly figure out what about in her semi conscious state. She sat up, albeit with a lot of effort and a lot of pain, and reached out to the figure that was JaXx. "Jaxx... What's going on? Who is this? Why are you fighting?" So many questions were dancing through her mind, though she found she was only able to really pose those few in her current state.

    Her voice was quiet she realized and so she listened as closely as she could, catching pieces of what was going on, raising her voice as much as she could she spoke again, "JaXx is the most honorable person I know and the only person to take care of me in the time I've been here. I trust her with my life, if she believes whatever it is that she came to do is just, well then I think so too. I believe in her, I know she'd never do anything that wasn't for a just cause." She reached out further and extended her fingers allowing her to barely touch JaXx's own hand, "I believe in you JaXx. Do what you came to do."
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx's hand recoiled from Lilith's touch. She said nothing, her eyes wide. Raven could tell she was conflicted, and Lilith was clearly not in her right mind at the time either. Someone had to be reasonable. It was her turn to take a deep breath, steadying herself mentally before she spoke up "Jaxx... the step you are about to take is one you don't come back from. Killing someone in battle to protect your countrymen and your family is one thing. This, it's murder."

    Jaxx shook her head, finally allowing her true emotions to crack through "I believe in my father. But not in this." she dropped her sword "I know I have to defeat her some day. I have to take her power. But this isn't right." she shook her head, realizing the situation they were in "If she doesn't die tonight, my father will know something happened here. If he finds out you were here, chances are you will be arrested. Lilith will be killed anyway and I will never be able to prove myself and do any good for this country. Raven, what am I supposed to do?"

    Raven's loyalty kicked in and she spoke before she really gave herself a chance to think it through. "You are going to leave here. Now. Take those keys and go to the gate." she picked up Jaxx's sword from the floor and handed it to her before securing her grip on her own "I am going to do what needs to be done. Do you understand?"

    Jaxx looked like she was about to argue, but realization hit her on what was really happening. "Ok... Do what you have to do. I'm sorry Lilith." she walked out of the room, leaning against the wall just outside the door for a moment steadying her emotions before she ran down the hall, keys to the gates in hand.

    Raven took no time to watch her go, she knelt down next to Lilith and focused her attention on the chains that secured her to the wall. At first, it seemed like nothing was happening. Then, all at once four small bursts of light flashed around the link closest to her limbs on the restraints. When the light died, the chains fell to the floor, each neatly melted in half and still glowing. She held out a hand to help Lilith up. "We don't have much time. Can you run?"

    Jaxx at this point had already reached the gates to the front of the prison and had unlocked them. She waited there, sword in hand
    RebelMurf likes this.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith's eyebrows furrowed in confusion but she nodded. "Yes I should be fine. The better question is JaXx okay? She looked hurt, I don't much like that. Also if you intend for me to escape, I'm not leaving without my Bisento... It was my father's last gift for me before he died." She grabbed Raven's hand and allowed the woman to pull her to her feet. Lilith knew JaXx would come around, planning this from the start, she imagined. Lilith knew they were friends despite what others may say. "Let's go."
  10. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable sighed with relief as he reached the city gates of Sax. He dismounted his horse and walked it over to the watering post. "Drink up, girl. You earned it." The horse neighed happily and began gulping up water.

    Kable pulled the bandit off the horse and stood him up. "Start moving." They began marching towards the gate. One of the sentrys stepped forward.

    "Hold fast, sirs. May i ask what you business is today?"

    "Happily. This scum right here," Kable gestured "is a bandit. I have his bounty papers right here." Kable reached into his pocket and pulled them out. The sentry took the papers and looked them over.

    "Ah, Wily William. Was wondering when we would see your cheerful face again." The sentry handed Kable his papers. "All looks good. Enjoy your stay."

    "Thank you." Kable waved before grabbing thr bandits arm and walking through the gates.
    Nova likes this.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven sighed "I was afraid you would say something like that. But ok, if you insist. Let's go, if anyone knows where it is, it would be Jaxx. She was your overseer right? She's waiting by the gate which is where we have to go anyway." the two of them ran that way. Raven was actually surprised how well Lilith seemed to keep up though she could tell she was still way out of it What are we supposed to do with her after this? drop her off injured and by herself in the streets and say good luck?

    Jaxx already had the doors open by the time they got there. She had put away her sword now but had a small knife in hand just in case it came down to it and she had to kill one of the guards. She hated the idea of attacking one of her own men but this was the situation she was in. She could only do what she believed was right. She saw Raven approach first "Bisento, any ideas where it is? She says she isn't leaving without it."

    Jaxx growled, "Really we're doing you a favor and you're going to make demands?" she fumed, "Ok, fine. Raven, get her out of here. There is an inn just north of the city. Take her there and check in under a false name. I'll come find you there once I've gotten the bisento." She ran off, a blur of black armor and silver hair that disappeared into the shadows of the prison.

    Raven looked Lilith up and down "So, smuggling you through the city without anyone noticing like that sounds like a pain. Pardon me, but I'm going to have to cloak you." She gave no other warning than that before she waved a hand in Lilith's direction. To anyone else, Lilith would now appear to be a black haired woman about Raven's age and height in the official armor of the army. It wouldn't fool any of the leaders, but citizens and other soldiers wouldn't know the difference. "Just try to step lightly ok, I can change your looks but your weight is a different story. Anyone with a basic grasp on physics would know somethings up."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable made his way through the bustling streets, bandit in tow. Most of the citizens ignored him. But every now and then, one would glance at him and he could see a small dose of fear enter their eyes.

    It wasn't exactly a secret what was wrong with him. Hell, most of the army knew of the wandering mercenary that harbored a dark power said to be near uncontrollable. It only made sense that the citizens would know as well.

    The Iron Demon. A being capable of controlling the very metal around him. Said to be indestructible as well. But Kable knew how exaggerated rumors could get.

    Kable rounded a corner and was taken by surprise. Ahead of him marched a battalion of soliders. At their head, walked General Lucius. The ever imposing figurehead of the royal army.

    Lucius spotted Kable in the crowd and ordered his men to halt. "Kable! My, my. How the look of mercenary suits you well!"

    Kable thought, but he forced a smile anyway. "Lucius. I dare say, your armor gets any shinier and you'll have half the country side blinded."

    Lucius chuckled. "What brings you here, on today of all days?"

    Kable pulled the bandit into view. "This lovely trash here."

    Lucius shook his head. "Reduced to hunting small time bandits? I had envisioned so much more for you, son."

    "Well," Kable replied through gritted teeth. "I enjoy mercenary work, actually. Get to choose my own hours, better food, no one to boss me around. Also, the enjoyable idea of having my own moral code."

    A silence fell between them. Both men had smiles over their faces, but anyone could notice that each gripped their own weapon tightly. Ready to strike at any time.

    "Should you ever decide to reenlist," Lucius finally spoke "you are welcome back with open arms."

    "I'll keep it right next to Wily William heres own suggestions."

    Kable moved to the side. Lucius looked as if he wished to retort, but decided against it. "Move out, men!" The army started marching again. As Lucius passed Kable, they locked eyes again.

    "The Iron Demon cannot hide forever." He said before continuing on his way.

    Kable stood there in shock. There was no way Lucius could know, could he? Maybe they were chasing a lead for The Iron Demon in another part of the continent.

    The bandit shook himself, distracting Kable from his thoughts. He pulled thr gag down. "What is it, Willy?"

    "You two don't seem to like each other, do you?"

    Kable sighed. "Get walking. We're in the city and I would hate to lose my bonus pay by killing you three blocks away from the jail."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith shook her head, this whole thing was rather confusing, but she did as the woman said sticking with her and stepping lightly. She was amazed to realize she knew exactly where she was going, nothing had changed. She walked in awe, a huge smile gracing her face... Until she stepped outside. People were sleeping in the street, some had no shoes, some wore nothing but rags. What had happened here in the past five years? The merchant stalls were nowhere to be found but they soon came across the inn. Walking inside, Lilith waited for Raven to make the next move.
  14. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "One bandit, ready for sentencing!" Kable announced as he pushed the jail door open. The guard in charge drearily looked up from his paperwork.

    "Must you always make a scene, Kable?" He grunted.

    "Gotta keep you awake and alive, Stein." Kable replied. He handed the ropes to another guard and searched for the paperwork.

    "Here we go!" Kable pulled out the papers and set them down in front of Stein. "Wily William. Got caught while attempting to rob a couple innocent travelers. Thankfully, he was on my list."

    "Did he try escaping?"

    Kable eyed the guard down. "They all try escaping."

    "And none ever make it. Yes, we've heard it all before." The guard stamped the papers and handed them over, along with a bag of gold. "Here you go, 300 gold."

    "A fine day gentlemen." Kable grabbed his stuff and stepped out into the sun. "Now, where to go next?"
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven walked with the disguised Lilith through the streets of Sax. All seemed to be going smoothly so far. As they walked, she couldn't help but notice how run down the capitol city had become since she first arrived four years ago. She never stopped hearing how great of a ruler Atticus was. But was this the proof? She reasoned that the city was probably in such poor conditions because of the war. But even that didn't seem right. Where were all of the city's resources going? Was the rest of the country like this? She hoped they could get through the rest of the evening smoothly so she could go and find out herself. On their way through the city, she noticed Lucius and his men not far away and grabbed Lilith, pulling her back into an ally. She knew he probably wouldn't notice Lilith, though she was clearly not a soldier he would recognize, but he would recognize her which would rise suspicion. She opted to avoid him seeing them altogether. She watched as Lucius and some other man had a confrontation before parting ways. Though she didn't pick up all the details, she did learn that Lucius had a son and that his son was a mercenary. The two women waited until the soldiers were well out of sight before they continued on.
    She watched the sun slowly lowering, turning the horizon to a deep red color, knowing that once night fell, if they weren't back at the castle with some sort of evidence that Lilith was dead, there would be trouble. She found the inn that Jaxx had been referring to and motioned for Lilith to get inside.
    Ok... we still have the problem of what to do with her once we have gotten her her weapon. It's not like she can do much to defend herself right now. And it would be too conspicuous if I tried to escort her myself. Especially with how close of a watch Atticus is keeping on me right now. It would be lucky if he hasn't already noticed my absence...
    Deciding she would have to worry about it later, she walked into the inn behind Lilith. She introduced herself at the counter under the name "Angel Thomison" which is the name she checked in under. She instructed Lilith that she would be back and then walked back outside, hoping some idea would come to her about what to do with Lilith. Just then, she saw a familiar face. The same black haired man she saw talking with Lucius earlier. He's a feared mercenary but he did say something about a moral code. I guess beggars can't be choosers. She approached him, "Good evening."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable was walking towards the inn to get some rest when one of the most beautiful women ever walked out of the inn and glanced over in his direction. She made her way over ti him and greeted him. He stood there, stunned for a split second.

    By the gods, Kable. You act like you're a boy again. Speak up!

    He shook his head slightly and smiled. "Sorry ma'am, i was lost in my mind for a second. Good evening to you as well."
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven raised an eyebrow, resting a hand on her hip as Kable said nothing for a moment after she greeted him. Did I not speak loudly enough or...?
    Just then he seemed to snap out of something and smile, greeting her back in a friendly way. She couldn't help but smile a little, after discovering that not only was this man a mercenary but one with a fairly dark reputation, it was slightly amusing that he behaved more like a farm-boy. It made her feel a little better about leaving her fugitive in his hands. "I hope this isn't too out of the blue, but I hear you are a mercenary. And if that's the case, I may need your help."


    Mean while back in the castle, Jaxx ran as quickly and quietly as she could through the halls of her home. Lilith's weapon was kept in a particular room that her father prized. It was a room full of the weapons or armor of all notable enemies he had killed. She hadn't worked out the details about how she was going to cover it was missing. But she gave her word that the weapon would be returned to Lilith and she couldn't go back on that. Finally reaching the room she needed, she managed to unlock it using the key ring given to her by the guards earlier
    RebelMurf likes this.
  18. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable blinked, his mind going into overdrive. What could this woman, who couldn't be older than himself, need with a mercenary? Especially someone who carried herself like she could handle her own in a fight. He sized her up real fast as he answered.

    "Well, straight to the point. I like that with my customers. How can I be of assistance today?"
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven smiled "I'll tell you but follow me, if you don't mind, inside. This one should probably not be discussed with so many ears around..." she walked back into the inn. Seeing Lilith not far off she gave her a slight nod, reassuring her that she was still around and she wasn't abandoned. They chose their location to wait for Jaxx well. It was not very populated and not many people knew of it or stayed there because it was so close to the outskirts of the city, and also right next to the crack in the center of the city. Most people stayed away from it. Once she was sure no one could hear her, probably not even Lilith, she asked him "Ok, how much would it cost me to get help smuggling an injured, hunted, girl out of the city?"
    Jaxx found the weapon and was finally leaving the castle. Luckily, no one saw her carrying it out. The problem now was how to get it clear across the city without anyone recognizing it.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Gerik, I'm hungry." Claire told the man who she was being carried by.

    "You are? Huh, guess I didn't think of that." He replied as he tried looking up at Claire. It was less of he was carrying her and more of she was sitting on his back, her legs dangling over his shoulders. On top of that Claire was leaning her body against Gerik's head, almost forcing the man to keep his head straight in one direction. "Come to think about it, I doubt she's eaten since her village was attacked. That could've been yesterday. Definitely didn't think of that. Guess I really shouldn't be anybody's caretaker. I'm doing a terrible job already."

    When they stopped Gerik took the child off of his shoulders and reached for his pack of provisions. "Well... There are enough here for one person. I was planning on stocking up at her village after all. Come to think of it I am starting to get a bit hungry myself... No! What are you, crazy? You didn't survive in that cursed desert for a week to simply end up trying to divide a small amount of food between yourself and a child." Gerik set the food down in front of Claire. "Here you go. Eat up. Sorry that it isn't much. I'll be sure to treat you to some proper food once we reach the nearest city"

    "What are you going to eat Gerik? I don't have to have all of this. You can have some of it too."

    "Naw, I should be fine." Gerik smiled. "I'm not really hungry right now. Though if I were to become hungry I could always go hunt an animal and eat them. What's important right now is that you eat what you need to."

    "Thank you Gerik." Claire spoke as she looked away and started to nibble on some of the food.

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