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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable followed the woman inside the inn. It stank of booze and bad decisions, but it was less crowded. Which explained the womans next question.

    "Ok, how much would it cost me to get help smuggling an injured, hunted, girl out of the city?"

    Kable sat himself down. This was going to be an interesting conversstion.

    "Well, that depends on who's hunting her. Are we talking abusive parent? Over obsessive lover? Or a criminal?"

    Lucius marched on through the country side. His chance meeting with Kable back in town had left a sour taste in his mouth. Kable had been one of his most promising soliders. He could've even succeeded Lucius himself as General.

    But Kable had a conscience. In the end, he could never do what was necessary to ensure the people's safety. Lucius was distraught when Kable suddenly left the army. But that never stopped Lucius from having a small hope for his eventual successor.

    Not even after the incident.

    Lucius, of course, had heard the rumors. Kable's village annihilated by monsters. Or one in particular. When the soliders who found him reported to Lucius about it, he knew what this meant. Lucius had finally found his challenge.

    So he slaughtered anyone who knew of Kable's secret. And decided to bid his time, wait for Kable to grow stronger. And when he did, they would fight. And it would be a glorious fight.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven remained standing where she had a better view of the door and window. She kept her right hand rested on her hip, right next to her sword. Her tone and stance were intentionally kept casual to not draw attention to herself other those two small precautions in case anything went wrong.
    "Try more like Emporer Atticus and possibly his soldiers." Raven thought about being vague or not telling the truth about the situation but reasoned that if he was going to agree to the job he needed, and deserved all of the facts. Besides he was getting paid for this and had no love for the military, as far as she could tell, so she hoped that would be enough to trust he wasn't going to just turn them in.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  3. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable must've looked startled, as the woman gave him a curious look. He composed himself and leaned forward.

    "I'm sure you're well aware that if you wish me to smuggle someone who the Emperor himself is after, it won't come cheap. I need to know who this person is and where she needs to go."
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven nodded, understanding by the look on his face that this was a bigger job than he had been expecting "Frankly i would do this myself but the emperor is aware of who I am and has a rather close watch on me. Price isn't an issue. And she just needs to get as far away from here as soon as possible. The less I know of her location, the better." She took a breath, hesitating as she considered being honest about Lilith's identity. This information was confidential and she ran the risk of him not believing her even if she told the truth "Her name is Lilith Newgate. Daughter of the departed emperor Edward Newgate."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  5. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    If Kable wasn't sitting at this time, he probably would've fallen to the floor. "Excuse me, you may have to repeat that. Did you say Lilith Newgate? THE Lilith Newgate? Last I knew, she's been dead for five years, just like her father."
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Just as the rest of the public believes and for her safety, it should stay that way." Raven added "I'm willing to pay extra for your silence if needed..." She stopped speaking abruptly as she saw JaXx approaching the inn through the window. She wore a dark cloak that covered her face but Raven could tell it was her, especially when she noticed the large oddly shaped package that she carried with her. She could only assume it was Lilith's weapon.
    Deciding it better to not allow JaXx to know the identity of the mercenary, she spoke silently and more urgently "Do not let my companion see your face. She is here."

    JaXx entered the inn, still carrying the bisento which she propped against the wall before seeing Raven standing by the window. As the chair Kable sat at had a fairly tall back rest and faced away from the door, she did not yet see him. She approached quickly "Raven what's going on where is Lilith? Time is running short. It's a miracle if my father hasnt already noticed our absence."

    "Lilith is here." She motioned toward the disguised Lilith seated not far off. "If needs be, go check with him. Tell him she is dead and cover for me. I will return shortly."

    JaXx frowned "you're not going to try to get her farther away than this are you? He would be suspicious if he discovered you left the city without telling him."

    "Nevermind what I do with her. Just that she will be gone." Raven was pretty firm on the issue and time was of the essanice so JaXx had no choice but to drop the subject. She walked over to Lilith. Having had some time to pull herself together, she spoke plainly. Any indecision or nervousness from earlier had been wiped out. "Understand this Lilith. The only reason I am allowing you to live tonight is because it would not be right to exicute you when you are unable to fight back. But it's better you keep your head down. Because next time we meet, I will not be as merciful."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith shrugged her shoulders, and gazed questioningly at JaXx, "If you believe that is what needs to be done to save this world, then one day you will succeed in that endeavor, until then though, I will work on my own to fix the problems your father has caused. When you leave... just look around JaXx." She hissed in pain and grabbed her stomach, but shook the pain away, in her right mind or not, Lilith knew there was good in JaXx, perhaps one day, she'd see just exactly where she was coming from. She grabbed her bisento and smiled sincerely, "Thank you JaXx. For everything. Sincerely."
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx disregarded her warning and her thanks. She stood, turning her attention back to Raven "I will do what I can to buy you some time. Be safe friend." With that, she adjusted her hood to ensure hee face was still somewhat hidden and she was gone. Her walk back to the castle was still hastened but not so much as before. She noticed how disheveled and poor the city was becoming, as she always had. But this only strengthened her resolve. Someday this country will be restored to its rightful order. I will make sure of that.

    Raven was notably more relaxed after JaXx was gone but not by much. At least now she could finish negotiations without interruption now. "...anyway as I was saying, no one can know Lilith is alive. For having associated with her, it would endanger her life as well as yours."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable remained silent through out the entire exchange between Jaxx and the mysterious woman. Whoever she was, she was ranked high enough in the army that she was on personal terms with the daughter of Atticus. When Jaxx stormed out of the inn, Kable leaned forward.

    "So, Raven, is it? I would like to say that the life of a mercenary is dangerous and so I shouldn't be surprised by this. But..." Kable glanced over at Lilith. He felt a pang of sorrow for the girl. Who knows what horrors she has been through the past five years.

    "I will make you a deal." Kable turned back to Raven. "I will escort her as far out as I can. I will ensure her well-being is top priority. We can discuss my payment when the job is done."
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven nodded to confirm when he asked about her name. She listened and then considered what he had to say. Getting back in contact with him after all of this was over might prove to be a challenge considering she wasn't sure where she would be by the time the task was complete. She made a decision, pulling a coin purse out of a pouch on her belt "There are 300 gold in here. Consider it an advance and an allowance to help care for you both on your journey." She set it on a table in front of him.
    "I'm fine talking of payment when your task is complete. I will just need to know how much time you need and where to meet you when she is safe."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  11. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable picked up the bag of gold and set it next to him. "There's the ruins of a village not too far out from Mira. Maybe a days ride out west. Meet me there in a month. That should give me time to get her set-up somewhere safe."
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven nodded, this fit nicely with her own plans. "I will look forward to meeting with you again at that time." she reached out to shake his hand, she wasn't sure if that was a normal interaction with this sort of deal. But considering she had no memory of dealing with mercenaries before, she didn't know the politics of it. It just seemed like the correct thing to do when making an agreement with someone. "Lilith is being cloaked by my magic. It will remain in effect until she's too far away for me to power the spell. I will remain here and try to keep her cloaked for as long as I can. After that, she will regain her true form." she warned, then turning her attention to Lilith.

    "Lilith, I have done all I can to help you. This is where we must part ways and assuming all goes well, we will never meet again. But before you go, I feel I must warn you. Whatever friendship you feel like you have with Jaxx, be careful. You are right, there is more to her than she would care to admit. She is a good person... but her father's influence is strong. One day, I truly believe she could kill you."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith smiled earnestly and shook her head, "I know that JaXx will do what is right. And killing me isn't the right thing to do, she knows it as well as I do. I am not the enemy, but I do know who is. Atticus will fall. I'll take him down personally and bring peace to this chaotic land. I swear it on my life."

    Standing up, she gripped her Bisento tightly, "You two seem relatively close... Please keep her safe while I'm gone. You can't allow Atticus to keep her in the dark." She put a hand on her chest and took a deep breath, it hurt to think, and to talk so much, but she continued anyway, "JaXx is the only important person left in my life. Even if it kills me... I'll bring peace so that she doesn't need to fight. I will take the burden of leadership, and guide this world to a just, peaceful future. Thank you, for saving me. May we never have to meet in battle. I wish you well."
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven shrugged "Don't say I didn't try to warn you." She remarked "Now you should both go while you can."


    Jaxx tried to be as quiet as possible but that was nearly impossible when trying to run on stone floors. The sun had begin to set while they were away and the dungeon halls were much darker than they were before. 'I have to make it to Lilith's cell and get rid of evidence of her escape before it's too late...'
    Finally she saw the open door of Lilith's cell in the distance. But what she saw next made her heart feel like it stopped briefly: Guards. Inside the cell, crouched down and investigating the broken chains. 'damn it.'
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable shook her hand. "I look forward to it, as well." He picked up his bag of coins and looked to the young woman who was supposed to be Lilith. "We will need supplies before we can leave. And a new name for you. Lilith may be a common name, but combine that with how you look, and people will be able to connect the dots."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith shook her head at the mercenary, "Unfortunately, I'll have to decline that suggestion. The world needs to know Lilith Newgate is alive, it will bring them hope, and it will strike fear into Atticus' heart. He will undoubtedly send JaXx after me when he finds out, but where we're going, I don't intend for him to find out for quite some time. There is a man I once saw as a child, a demon on the battlefield, I'd dare say. He fought in many great fights in arena combat, and I believe, at the very least, he can provide us with some sort of direction... With that in mind, let us be off. We've a long road ahead, and honestly, it's taking all that I have to not pass out right where we stand."

    Making her way to the door, she gestured for Kable to go ahead and lead the way. "Shall we go?"
  17. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable frowned. "I don't know where you have been for the past five years, but nothing is the same. I am getting paid to lead you somewhere safe, not instigate a civil war." He glanced up and saw a group of soliders wonder past the inn.

    "But I agree for now. We need to leave. And we need to do it now."
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith chuckled, "Nobody asked you to instigate anything. Let's get to safety, and we shall discuss the future later." Honestly, Lilith was putting on a strong face, she hated looking weak, so if she could avoid it, she would. For now they had to find Voltair. An arena champion, who's skills were very likely unrivaled. If anybody could train her, he'd be the one she'd have the highest hopes for, hopefully he was still alive, it'd been five years after all.

    "We're headed on the path to Mira. It's famous for it's arena fights, last time I saw the man I'm looking for was Iscariot, but I feel like Mira is as good a place to start as any. If he sought better fights, and stronger opponents, he'd be there. Let's go." With a confident smile on her face, and her bisento in hand Lilith made her way to the gates, they had quite the trip ahead of them. "Come on, keep up, you really aught to be in front."
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  19. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable sighed. This was going to be a long trip. He passed through the gates, nodding to the guards. Kable undid the tie for his horse.

    Kable then wandered over and purchased another horse for Lilith. "Here, I hope you remember how to ride a horse."
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith stared Kable dead in the eyes and shook her head. "If I got on that horse, I'd crush the poor thing... I am fifteen feet tall after all." With a shrug she looked to the horizon. "Mira is only a few days away if we make good pace. So long as we keep moving and don't look back we can be there within... Three days I'd say. I appreciate the gesture by the way, but for a woman of my stature, nothing is big enough honestly."

    Sighing quietly, Lilith began walking along the road towards Mira. "Well come on, hurry up. Bring the horses, we can't just leave them here, I'd feel bad. They are your responsibility now, after all."

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