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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable laughed. "You know, this isn't the weirdest thing I've heard before. Come on, girls. Let's get going then." And so they both started their journey towards Mira.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven watched two cross the border with out trouble through the window of the inn. As they left her sight, she knew she would have to keep lilith's disguise up for quite a ways. She sat down at one of the chairs next to the fireplace and concentrated. I hope 30 minutes is long enough.


    Knowing it obvious that the guards would know Lilith escaped, she had to think fast. Raven was still gone and her father knew that she herself was supposed to be in this cell. She couldnt admit the truth without outing her friend. At least if she played along she coild 'I just hope they had enough time' she thought to herself as she neared the cell, sword drawn "What are you two gawking at? The prisoner escaped! Round up whoever we have left and go after her!"

    The guard who had been examining the chain stood and saluted immediately "Yes ma'am right away!" He motioned for the other guard with him and the two of them ran past her, so quickly her hair blew back slightly as they passed her.

    In the brief moment she had alone she sighed. If the news was out her father would learn soon enough. It would be better if he heard it from her. Gathering her courage, she started walking in the direction of the throne room.


    Atticus had just finished speaking with the last of the subjects he was supposed to deal with that day. He turned to summon a guard to fetch JaXx so he could ask her about her task, when there was a tap at his door. 'That must be her. Good now I don't have to find her.' He called for whoever it was to approach and was not surprised to see his daughter, dirty and and slightly messed up from what he assumed was the job he gave her.

    "Father..." She was saying as she entered the room
    "Yes, is it done?" He interrupted her. Something about her demeanor was off. It made him suspicious already something was off.
    JaXx took breath before looking in her father's eyes, ready to accept the consequences of her decision "Lilith Newgate has escaped. She is no longer in my reach."

    Atticus simply stared at Jaxx for a moment, his stare could be considered blank aside from the fury in his eyes. Finally, he spoke. The tone of his voice was matched by the subtle fury in his expression "What did you say?"

    The young woman hesitantly took a breath to speak again. The action was interrupted from a sharp pain of her father striking her across the face, the blow was enough to catch her off guard and continue to sting several moments later. She could feel her lip swelling and some blood pooling there as well though she knew it would heal quickly enough. It still surprised her, he had never struck at her for messing up before.

    Atticus could tell he surprised her. Though he watched her force back on a brave face in seconds. It was a good thing. Weakness angered him almost more than failure. Silver blood pooled at the corner of her lip, but she knew better than to fix it. Not until she left the room anyway.

    She kept her eyes stubbornly in contact with her fathers, awaiting orders. Atticus finally turned away, pacing toward the great window behind the fallen throne, kicking a cracked wedge of stone as he went. The stone flew to the wall under the window and broke into pieces with a loud cracking noise. He watched as mass amounts of soldiers ran to the edge of the city. His red eyes reflected the light from the moon and into the wondow. They seemed to glare right at Jaxx through his reflection though she knew that couldn't be. He was too busy scanning the streets far below. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, he spoke again. Though he kept his eyes on the streets far below "Your mission remains the same. You will track down the criminal and bring him here. However you should know that you are not to return until Lilith Newgate is dead."

    JaXx was stunned. She knew he would be angry, but not this much. "Father-"

    "Get out of my sight! You leave tomorrow."

    JaXx thought about trying to reason with him but decided against it. She simply turned and walked out of the throne room. Her expression remained hard, no sign of emotion.


    The crackling and warmth of the fireplace seemed like the only thing connecting Raven to her current surroundings. The rest of her focus and energy was devoted to keeping up the spell she had on Lilith's disguise. She sat in the same chair with a small window to her right as the spell continued to drain at her energy until finally they were safe and out of range. The release of the spell left her momentarily drained and she closed her eyes against the fatigue, resting her head against three fingers on her propped left arm. When they opened again the tiny, contained flames before her captured her attention once again.

    Funny, this little spark could destroy the whole city if not contained by just four tiny walls....
    The quiet moment finally gave her time to think about the other strange things that had happened throughout the day. Her conversation with attucus and the bizarre vision she had as well. 'You will find what it is you seek. But when you do, the storm king will destroy it'
    the sound of commotion outside pulled her back to reality from her thoughts. Soldiers could be seen from the inn window, plowing through anyone in the way as they darted across the city boarder with with their weapons drawn. With a grim smirk, she stood guess nap time is over. She didnt bother doing anything about the guards, knowing their target was too far away to catch now.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
    RebelMurf and Taboo Sho like this.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *double posting. Sorry*

    Things were finally starting to quiet down after the commotion of the prison escape. The night was wearing late and the training yard was near completely dark, lit only by dim moonlight. JaXx could see just fine though as she shot one lightning bolt after the other at various targets. The noise of static interrupted the occasional cricket chirping but other than that there was mostly silence.
    Here she was, finally about to see the country on her own and take on a solo mission like she had always dreamed yet still she was petrified. The feeling put a bad taste in her mouth. She shot another lightning bolt at one of the targets but as it lit up the area she realized this wasn't a target. It was Raven just returning to the castle.
    Fortunately, Raven must have seen this coming because she managed to deflect the attack. She raised her hands mocking surrender "So I missed cerfew. That's no reason to kill me." She teased.
    JaXx ignored the jab, abandoning the lightning she moved on to throwing knives. She threw three of them at three different targets and hit the mark with all three, then moved to grab more.
    She heard her mentour talking, this time much closer "any reason you're out here at this hour and not, I don't know, sleeping?"

    JaXx was quiet for a moment before finally deciding to answer "my father is furious. I don't know what he really holds against you. But I am leaving tomorrow."

    "Huh, your dad is mad what else is new." Raven stepped up next to Jaxx and picked up a knife at her own. She threw it at the center target, knocking Jaxx's out. "Throw one again. Try to hit the exact same spot." She said it like she usually would if they were training but this was different.

    JaXx sighed, doing as she was told she aimed "what's new is, he has ordered me away. I am not to return until Lilith has been killed among other things." She threw the knife, landing it in the exact same spot as before only to have it knocked out again by Raven.

    "Fair enough. But you had to kill lilith anyway. At least this way you aren't lowering yourself to petty murder to do it. Besides don't you want her dead too?" Raven couldn't deny it might be better for Jaxx to get out from under her father's thumb anyway. This could be a good thing though she kept that to herself, handing Jaxx another knife "hit it again."
    Getting slightly irritated with this game, JaXx once again threw a knife only to have it knocked out a third time. Frustrated, she threw a fourth knife, this time with enough force to knock the target over. It crashed into the gate behind it, broken. She sat down on a near by bench.
    Raven was slightly amused by the tantrum but she kept that to herself as she crossed her arms listening as JaXx spoke again. "Between us, I don't WANT to kill anyone. But that's just how the world works now: kill or be killed."
    "Is it though? Or is that just the way your people in power make it out to look." Raven reasoned.
    JaXx smiled slightly "Don't let my father hear you saying that."
    The casual warning fell on deaf ears as Raven continued "I suppose youll learn first hand soon enough."
    "I suppose I will." JaXx agreed. She stood then, walking back toward the targets and removing the remaining knives "part of me wishes I could bring you along. But my father wouldn't stand for it. He insists I go at this one alone.... maybe it's better that way. I don't know." She huffed, putting the knives away.
    Raven shrugged, "Perhaps it is. For one, it gives you a chance to see the world as it is without any bias. This opportunity could teach you about the world in a way I never could. Don't take that for granted."
    After some consideration, JaXx nodded "You mean try to form my own opinions about the state of the world without the influence of my father. I can understand where you are coming from. But understand I will always do what is best for my people."

    ---------- The next day -----------

    It was a gloomy morning. The sunrise really couldn't even be seen over the horizon. JaXx had just finished preparations, mostly alone though accompanied by a few servants thar were assisting her.
    Atticus had denied an audience with her that morning and she had already said her goodbyes to those closest to her. It was easier this way; No awkward send off.
    She watched the cloudy sunrise on the horizon, tightning the straps on her horses saddle and securing her supplies. Most travellers would see this kind of morning ominous. To Jaxx though, it was perfect. The smell of rain was in the air, no better scent in the world.
    She took a deep breath, pushing her hair back from her face as she mounted her horse, taking hold of the reigns from a servant who handed them to her.
    "Will you be needing anything else for your journey, ma'am?" One of the servants spoke, still close. She shook her head "no. Thank you."
    With a nod, the servant backed away "Safe journey to you, Jaxah Stormkeeper. May your days be fortunate."
    "And yours as well." JaXx responded in kind before she was off, in a gallop, from her home without so much as a glance back. She was determined to restore her honor before even thinking of this place again.


    Atticus watched from his window in the throne room as JaXx rode off. His fury had not calmed much over the night. The first real task he had given her was a colossal failure which was beyond disappointing. If she couldn't carry out something as small as conquering one child, who was restrained even, she would ruin everything. He could only hope being out on her own would harden her somewhat. Until then, he had another problem to deal with: finding the truth behind the escape.
    He spoke then, to a soldier in the room with him though his eyes remained on the window "Get together a team to investigate what happened last night. I want to know how the girl escaped."
    "Sir. Evidence has already been gathered. We have reason to believe Lilith Newgate's escape was assisted by someone close to the crown."
    Atticus's eyes narrowed as he whirled around you face the soldier face to face "who?"
    "Raven, the archangel"


    Raven had considered seeing Jaxx off that morning but decided against it. They had already said their goodbyes the night before anyway. She was now in the castle courtyard. It was mostly uninhabited save for a few guards that would occasionally cross her path though she barely took notice of them, too lost in thought. The events of the day before weighed heavily on her mind. The deal Atticus had proposed, the mysterious warning she had received right after, and the prison escape.
    All of those things were causing her to question her plans for the future. Of course, she wanted to learn the truth of her past and whatever she was missing. But was it worth it possibly being destroyed? After last night's events it became clear Atticus was willing to do pretty much anything to get what he wanted and he unfortunately had the power to do so.
    Which brought her back to the memory of their deal. The idea of being near him and his whims indefinitely wasn't a much more attractive prospect either.
    Until Atticus is no longer in power, I will have to put my search on hold. Until then, what will I do...
    Just then, someone spoke "Good morning Raven. Are you well? It appears something is troubling you."
    Raven recognised atticus's voice without having to investigate. Still, she turned to face him. "Not at all. I am just thinking about the future. Did you need something?"
    Atticus paced toward her, though he kept casual she got the feeling something was wrong. She instinctively placed a hand on her hip, near the handle of her weapon though the movement could be seen as casual to most.
    "The future, interesting it seems like you are usually more interested in the past. What makes today different? Or is it the future of Lilith Newgate you're so concerned for? As it seems you and she became aquainted."
    Taken off guard by the question but knowing she had been discovered, she wasn't sure how to react. So, she decided to do what she could to prevent the situation from escalating. She spoke calmly while considering her options in case things went south. "Not particularly. She's out of my hands now as well as yours I'm afraid." She pursed her lips in mock sympathy.
    Atticus couldn't help but admire her courage, mocking him when she had obviously been caught "Yes. That is unfortunate. Though not as unfortunate as your betrayal." He clapped his hands together which signaled an ambush of soldiers. They attacked from both sides, restraining Ravens arms as he continued speaking "You see, now I'm at a loss. I was actually growing quite fond of you. I was happy to allow your freedom while I searched for answers about you. But now, it's clear I can no longer be so lenient as you are no longer content to be silent and obedient."
    Raven struggled against the soldiers to no avail. Though curiosity made her stop fighting. The way he had that suggested his search was very different from hers, more for his own gain. She was furious but kept her emotions separate from her tone. "What answers are you searching for?"
    Atticus shrugged "How a lone and weakened woman could survive the venom of one of the deadliest creatures known to man and walk away with only a case of amnesia." Ravens eyes widened, she knew what he was talking about all too well. It was her earliest memory. But she had never told him or anyone about it "How..."
    She was interrupted as he answered the question on her mind with a question of his own "Did you really think my men just happened to find you out there by accident? Your desert friends were only too happy to share the story." He smirked "Furthermore how does that same woman fight in four years worth of battles without being injured in the slightest? I have a feeling your past is an interesting one for sure. And I do intend to find where you came from. And as for you, it's better to say here safely in my reach." He turned his attention to the guards "Take her to her room and ensure her windows and doors are secure. If she gives you trouble, you are to inform me immediately."
    The guards responded in offermative. Raven however was not as compliant. "Yeah thats not happening." She pulled against the guards with strength that caught them off guard, knocking them off their feet. A flash of light emerged breifly in two long shapes from her back. It was only there for a moment but the result was a powerful blast of wind that knocked her attackers back a few feet. Atticus had to plant himself firmly and bring up his arms against it. Raven appeared as surprised as anyone else by the ability well that's new she thought to herself though it somehow felt familiar and she was grateful for how it came in handy.
    Atticus got over his shock quickly. Whatever had just happened got him even more curious "Don't just lie there! Recapture her now!" He called to the soldiers who were already getting to their feet.
    Knowing she only had moments to decide what to do, Raven tried to concentrate to recreate whatever she had just done.
    As the soldiers came close enough to touch her, there was another flash of light, much brighter than before and it lasted several moments. Even Atticus had to sheld his eyes against it. As it finally dimmed, the space Raven once stood was empty. There was no sign of her or where she had gone.

    -------------------- Time Skip ------------------

    It has been a month since the escape of Lilith. She and Kable made it to Mira safely. JaXx tracked them north before losing their trail. She is now wandering the mountains near Lis Montagnis Du Sari trying to decide her next move. Since Ravens disappearance, she has been missing without a trace. No one has seen her.
    Lucius has also made it to his destination with his army to meet Marcus, the amazon prince who is currently in charge of operations.
    Meanwhile Barisor has been overtaken by the enemy in a surprise attack the Azureth army was not anticipating.
    Atticus is enraged by the lack of progress in the search for any of his targets as well as the loss of Barisor. Though he has received good news from a search party in the deserts of Geriks home land.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Hold fast, men." Lucius called. His men stopped instantly. "You may rest now. But stay alert."

    Lucius wandered forward, his eyes scanning forward. Sighting the Amazon prince, Marcus, he marched ahead and introduced himself.


    Kable sighed in relief. They had finalky made it to Mira. Took us long enough. He thought. Lucky for them, he knew his way around the country side. So they were able to lose any followers they had gathered.

    "Alright, Lilith. Here we are, the town of Mira."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith breathed heavily, looking to Kable with a smile, "For what should've only taken us a few days, that felt like forever. I can't help but wonder if Atticus sent just JaXx after me, the way you maneuvered us. Well done by the way, losing our pursuers like you did." Falling to one knee, Lilith sighed, "You should get some rest, we have money for the town inn, so let's go there." As she went to stand, she found herself struggling just to get to her feet, were her wounds not fully healed, she couldn't help but wonder.

    "I might rest myself too. That trip was tiring."
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable nodded. "Yeah, we definitely need a rest. And the inn of Mira lives up to its reputation." He walked Lilith to the inn, waving people around them. Escorting a 15' ft person was more difficult than he thought, but Kable made it work. They walked in and Kable bought the biggest room they had.

    They went to the room and Kable sat Lilith on the bed. "Okay, you stay here and get some rest. I'm going to check around town, see if anyone can give me a clue as to where this person is you're looking for."
  7. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    It had been a long voyage to the land of Aezureth from Solstheim for Oryx. He had been at sea for many months, but he felt the journey had been worth it. Word had travelled across the world that it had been plagued with war from invading barbarians, not doubt rival tribes that constantly harassed his homeland seeking easier prey in this rich land. He had landed in a northern port and while many advised him to wait out the cold and bitter weather that was currently assaulting the coastline, he chuckled in their faces and made his way south towards the large city of Mira. He was born in a cold and unforgiving land that was much harsher than the worst of Aezureth's weather he had so far experienced. Though it helped that fire ran through his veins, his blood was the color of fire and produced heat like it was fire. Alas though, his heart was a cold and chilling pain in his chest that had been frozen for a few years now. After a few days journey from the northern coast he made it to the city of Mira and made his way to the first inn he could find.

    The citizens of Mira stared eyes as wide as they could go at him. He was a very tall and built man, concealed underneath plated armor with his peoples history inscribed on it. He was no doubt very foreign to these people, but he also figured most had never seen such a towering man before, standing at 7'5", people were quick to move out of his path. He approached a reputable looking inn that was called "Journey's End & Beginning Inn". An usual name, but alluring for a man such as himself. Upon entrance he placed some gold coins on the counter. The good thing about gold was that despite what was written on it or how it looked, gold was gold. "I'd like a room for the night please, but first things first. I'd like some mead and lots of it."

    The inn keeper looked at him funny, "sorry mister, but I ain't got a clue as to what that is. We've got ale or wine, take your pick." She said pulling a mug out for him.

    This almost made Oryx scoff in her face. Wine was horrible and for fancy rich sniveling people, while ale was for savages and uncultured swine. Once again he was at the mercy of another country that lacked such a fine and creatively made drink as mead. Mumbling insults under his breath he slammed another dozen or so gold coins on the counter. "Ale it will be missy, I'll be needing a second mug though, and keep coming nonstop." The lady took the coins and filled up two mugs. Oryx moved over to a table by the fireplace and chugged both without a blink or wince of the eye. "Your about to earn your keep tonight missy, another round on the double!" He shouted slamming his mugs on the table. People in the inn at other tables looked on in amazement at this gargantuan and bizarre man.
    Nova likes this.
  8. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable stepped into the inn and was assaulted by a bellow. He, along with everyone else in the inn, glanced over to see an imposing man at a table going through mugs of ale like he was breathing air. He ignored him and walked up to the inn keeper.

    "Excuse me, miss." Kable leaned forward. "Could I get a mug of ale and some information?"

    The inn keeper scoffed at him. "The information won't be cheap. As with the cup of ale, thanks to this behemoth right now." She pointed at the man pounding through ale.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The high peaks of the Lis Montagnisdu Sari mountains were more chilled than Jaxx had expected. Her every breath turned to small clouds in the morning air. She was way off her mark, that much was clear. Whenever her target left these mountains it must have been some time ago. She did manage to find separate tracks from those of Lilith and her companion. A larger set-probably a man- followed by someone much smaller, more likely a child. However signs of even those people were few and aged. However, JaXx also knew there was a village somewhere in these mountains. Perhaps lilith had stopped there for supplies at the very least, it was all she had to go on. She wandered for some time. The sun was nearly in the center of the sky as she finally found something in the distance that looked like it could be a village. She started in that direction but something didn't seem right. As she got closer, she realized the buildings were badly damaged and many were not standing at all. A fire she concluded to herself as she got closer, noting it odd that the buildings and structures of the village were completely destroyed but the trees and foliage around the boarder were barely singed at all.
    However the next thing that caught her attention was much worse: the smell.
    She knew the scent all too well from occasion on the battlefield. It brought on memories of collecting fallen comrades from the battleground. But this was much worse, much stronger. The decay was enough to make her stomach turn but she pressed forward. It was when she finally reached the center of the village did she find the source. There before her were dozens of dead bodies, nearly unrecognizable as the living people they once were. The village itself was completely destroyed. She could tell, whatever had happened here it would have at least been weeks ago. The thought crossed her mind that Lilith and her companion might have done such a terrible act... but she dismissed it quickly. Her hands balled intof fists and she felt sick. Knowing there was nothing more she could do, she continued forward occasionally having to step around or over the dead 'I must send guards to clean this up... give these people a proper burial.' She thought to herself as she finally made it to the other side, eyes stinging though she maintained her composure. 'These were some of my own people how could I not have known about it?!"
    The thought angered her and she stopped, shooting a bolt at a tree, which instantly destroyed it. She took a deep breath, grateful she was alone as a tear ran down her face. She quickly wiped it away. 'This was the work of the enemy. Bandits, orcus assassin's, it even spies from the invading armies.' She thought to herself. She steeled her resolve then, once again, that the world was a brutal disgusting place. She had to do what was necessary to stop any threats to her people. If that meant having to kill Lilith, Marcus, anyone else, then so be it. So that she could stop things like this from ever happening again.
    With this purpose in mind, she continued North toward Mira hoping she would re-find her trail.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Kable had insisted she get some rest while he searched for information, and as she lay silently on the bed, she couldn't help but think of how foolish this was. It had been five long years since she saw Voltair fight. The odds of him being anywhere nearby, or even still alive, were slim to none in this war-torn world, but yet she didn't want to look weak, she pretended to have a plan, no matter how foolish, to look stronger then she was, the truth however, hurt more then any wound. Lilith was in no condition to fight, not for a while, her body in bad shape and her heart hurting for other reasons... JaXx...

    Lilith could only imagine how angry Atticus had been when he found out she had escaped, and she wondered how much of it he took out on his own daughter. He didn't deserve JaXx's love, not at all. She was certain of this, though as much as Lilith had tried to tell JaXx that her father's rule wasn't going to be best for the land, the younger girl refused to listen... Lilith knew they'd cross paths soon, and as much as she hated to admit it, she knew they'd have to fight. That was fine. If fighting JaXx was the only way to make her see the light then so be it, Lilith would fight her until her very last breath.

    After all... It was easy to do stupid things for the people you love.
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx slammed the mugs on the table, let out a large burp and rubbed his arm across his face to get rid of the left of ale and spit on his face. He took out a small sack of gold coins and slammed it on the table. "I don't know what you got left missy, but a round of drinks for everyone here on me!" He shouted, the patrons let out a large happy cry and began to drink up. Oryx had noticed a man come down from the upper floor and seemed to be awfully secretive with what he was talking about to the innkeeper. Oryx didn't care much about other peoples business if they wished it to be on a need to know basis, but what he didn't like was that this man didn't have a drink in his hand. He stood up from the table, the bench bouncing up since it was no longer under his weight, grabbed his helmet and stumbled somewhat over to the man.

    He wrapped one arm around the man and looked at the innkeeper. "Sorry to interrupt your business, but I have a wee bit of a problem. You see here missy, I said a round of drinks on me, but yet I still see this poor young chap her without a mug in his hand! Matter of fact I don't see one in your hand either, I sound a round on me for everyone here, that includes you!" He said pointing with his hand that he held his helmet in. His breath wreaked of ale, or perhaps it was just his natural musk, it was hard to tell for sure. He stared at the gent that he had his arm around for a second, with a brain dead look on his face before a face of shock took its place. "My apologizes lassy! Where are my manners! I am Chieftain Oryx of the Skaal clan from the far away land of Solstheim. I have trailed across many lands seeking glory and heroic deeds to be done, for worthy opponents, and battles of epicness! I have many titles, none of which you have probably heard of, but some people in this country have recognized me by my most famous title, Lord of Iron, for I am the last of the Iron Lords that lived under the Great Mountain."

    Being drunk, belligerent, and going off on rants were some of Oryx's infamous abilities he had mastered over the years. "Lassy you need to grow some! I feel like I'm slumping over just to put my arm around ya!" The statement was true, Oryx stood about another foot or so higher than the man, but him slumping over could be more linked to the absurd amount of alcohol he had just drank. He'd probably far over if it wasn't for the man being there to stop him from doing so.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable didn't have a clue as to who this man was. But the man, Oryx, could put down some ale and was offering to buy Kable a mug as well. And he wasn't about to turn down free alcohol.

    "You're correct in assuming that I don't know who you are. But perhaps you would like to sit down and discuss this more?"

    In truth, Kable had no real reason to talk to the man. But it intrigued him to know more about this who this guy was. And maybe if he would be someone to leave Lilith with.

    "So, Iron Lord, you say?" Kable asked, leading the drunken man back to his table and sitting him down. "We have a similar Iron being running around here."
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Aye that may be true, but to be a true Iron Lord you must learn the art of the forge from the Dwarven Kings of the Iron Mountains..." Oryx said taking a brief moment. He waved his hand over the table and underneath tiny figures made of fire appeared, it showed 5 armored midgets and pointy mountains. "The Dwarves were the first to master the metals of the earth long before man ever did so. Their fires burn hotter than the magma of the earth, their iron, steel, and brass the finest in the world among men or gods..." He grabbed another mug off a tray of drinks from the innkeeper and chugged it within a few seconds and let out a sigh of relief.

    "Though my people befriended the Dwarves and as a show of respect and friendship they chose one from each of our clans to apprentice under them and learn their secrets. I was chosen naturally for fire already runs through my veins and my lineage comes from Tyr the God of Law and Heroic Glory, who is son the of Odin, Chieftain of the Gods." The figures on the table showed several men joining the dwarves at the forge hammering away. "Thus the Iron Lords were born, and the greatest among us was deemed the Lord of Iron. Alas though being an Iron Lord does not make one immortal. One by one the Iron Lords fell, taking the secrets of the Dwarven Forges with them to Valhalla. Now there is just me, the last Iron Lord and the only true Lord of Iron." The figures faded one by one until only one was left, which obviously represented Oryx.

    "But my luck is no better, my tribe met their end against a hoard of monsters in battle, a glorious and honorable death, I was among them until a demon cheated me of death and cursed me from dying. Tyr has told me that I must accomplish a great and heroic deed, so great that it pleases the Sun, so that it will melt my frozen heart and free my soul." Oryx said holding his mug with both hands and staring into it with intense eyes. He quickly snapped out of it and grabbed another mug and his face took on a happier appearance, "But until then I am content with drinking my weight in ale! All work and no play makes for a sour Iron Lord I always say haha!" He exclaimed loudly drinking yet another entire mug.
    Nova likes this.
  14. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable listened intently. Most of what Oryx said had little effect on him. But as he took a swig of his drink, Oryx mentioned the demon. Kable choked on his drink in surprise, but Oryx didn't notice this.

    Another demon? He thought. Could what afflicts Oryx be the same with him?

    "Oryx, you mentioned a great heroic deed needing to be accomplished. Do you have any idea what this deed could be?" Kable's mind raced ahead of himself. Maybe this was who Lilith searched for?

    Or maybe not. Kable realized. Oryx had said he just arrived from Solstheim. But another traveler couldn't hurt.
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx stretched out his arms and scratched the back of his head. "I do not know my friend. I have done many great deeds in my travels. Fight monsters, save damsels in distress, saved kingdoms, I even helped this little guy in a green dress to save the world supposedly from this giant pig man, or maybe it was a bear... all three? Regardless I do not know what this heroic deed is to be and go from land to land searching for people in help as well as worthy opponents to fight. That is why I have come to this land, I hear it is in much need of heroes.”

    He began to shake his head in dissatisfaction at what he had just said. “A land without heroes is a real pity my friend. People need hope my friend, without it they turn to things like paying mercenaries. I despise people that would rob innocent folk of their money.” He paused only for a moment to continue drinking. Oryx was definitely one of the 7 wonders of the world, for his stomach was as endless as the stars and close to being as full as the sea expect with ale. “They are shallow men I must say, a true warrior helps those of the kindness of his heart without expectations of a reward. My people as well as the Iron Lords lived by a code of honor to help those who cannot help themselves. In all my travels I have never taken from those who have little, and only take what I needed from those who had much. Though any treasures I find from slaying monsters or smashing pots is another story!”
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable shrugged. "Mercenaries help the world in their own way. You know the saying if you're good at something, never do it for free."

    Kable took a swig of his drink. "But in regards to what you say, I think I have an idea for you. I have this... friend," he pointed to the room above them where Lilith sat. "She needs help. More help than I can give her on my own. Perfect scenario for you. Damsel in distress, kingdom in need in saving. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if pig men came raining down on us now."

    Kable leaned , a serious look on his face. "I need to get her some place safe. And with who's after her, I can't do it alone."
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    A large grin grew across his face. He didn't know if this would be his heroic deed that would fix his problem or not, but he was down to find out and he never shied away from adventure and peril. He done just about every damsel in distress scenario you could think of, but the way this man talked it up seemed like it might be a new one to add to his list. "Well you can count me in friend. I give you the Oath of an Iron Lord that I will stick by your side. I don't know who is after this girl, but they'll be in for surprise if or when they find us." Oryx then leaned in and got more serious. "Do you know of anyone who's hot on your trail and do you have a plan as to what your next move is lassy?"
  18. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Let's just say that we have the might of an empire on our tails. And this empire will put up a fight." Kable shifted his gaze around. "If it's all the same to you, mate, we should continue this elsewhere. Plus you should meet the young lady who requires your assistance." Kable picked himself up out of the chair and led Oryx to the rented room where Lilith sat. He closed the door behind them and turned around.

    "Oryx, meet Lilith Newgate. Lost princess to the kingdom of Aezureth. And currently the most wanted criminal on the continent."
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx followed the man up to the room and once inside stared in disbelief at Lilith. She was huge! Oryx was very intoxicated and couldn't help but make a stupid comment. "I must say missy you are the first woman I've ever met that's taller than me and I think I love you. I hope this doesn't make working together a problem, I must inform you I am also incredibly drunk, so I apologize for any rude behavior your highness." Oryx said with a smile and fumbling bow.

    "I am Chieftain Oryx, the Lord of Iron. Your friend here has en listed my services to help you. He also tells me the entire Empire is after you, which I must say I've seen worse, but definitely exciting nonetheless!"
    Legendseeker likes this.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith stared at the giant of man with a raised eyebrow, just how exactly did Kable come across this one, she wondered. "Greetings Oryx, I am Lilith Newgate, and I'm sorry, but my heart already belongs to another. I welcome your service with open arms, however, but I would recommend that you sleep off that alcohol before we make any plans. I look forward to working with you, but I'll have you know, just because I'm wounded and weakened, I am still the Strongest Woman in the World, and I will stop any and all advances with force if I must, do I make myself perfectly clear?"

    As she finished, she couldn't help but stop and think about what they could accomplish as a unit... If Voltair was alive, he might just be able to help as well, and JaXx... Perhaps someday, she'll join up as well, and then they can take the kingdom with their combined strength. And yet, she couldn't help but think that JaXx would just call all of this butterflies, just a childish dream. Perhaps it was about time she proved her wrong, just as she swore she would five long years ago.

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