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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable nodded. "Lilith is right, Oyrx. Sleep your drunken state off and then we'll make our plans. Here, take my bed you giant behemoth." Kable walked Oryx over and sat him down.

    "Funny, the people you meet in this world." Kable turned to Lilith. "Lilith, I need to know where I can find the man you're looking for. Do you have any idea where he could be?"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith shook her head and sighed, "If he was still alive, I thought he'd be here. He fought for the arena, in another city... I thought maybe after years of those fights he'd have possibly come here. Mira is known for it's arena matches and exotic goods after all. I can tell you this though, he was called the Titan of the Arena. But as I said... He might not even be alive, I honestly don't know."

    Standing up, Lilith grabbed her Bisento and led Kable downstairs and out into the streets. "Come on. Let's go browse the merchants' wares. It was my favorite thing to do as a child. Oryx needs some rest, and while I need it too... I'd rather do it while alone."
  3. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable shook his head. "You should be resting too, Lilith. We've been marching straight here since we left the capital. And you weren't in the best of shapes when we left." When Lilith refused to listen to him, Kable sighed and followed her.

    The Titan of the Arena. Now that was a title Kable had not heard in a couple years. Anyone who had even a small interest in the arena fights knew who the Titan was. It was said that he was immortal and no blade could slay him. That never stopped the challengers though. But his strength had.

    Kable had almost been one of them. After he left the army, Kable had thought of becoming an arena fighter. But he ultimately decided against it. Some part of Kable agreed with Oryx. It was the duty of someone like him to help those in need. But everyone needed money, so a mercenary was where Kable decided to live his life.

    And now look where I'm at in life. He thought as they reached the merchant stalls. Hired to escort the most wanted person on the continent. Someone who couldn't even be, and refused to be, disguised so they could hide from their enemy.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith smiled as she spoke with one of the merchants about his wares. They talked for quite a few minutes, including asking about The Titan of the Arena, before Lilith excused herself and moved on to the next stall. This continued for the good part of about three hours with no lucky breaks on information, before they came to the final stall.

    "Oh such beautiful stones... How much are they?" Lilith glanced at the Merchant with a raised eyebrow as the girl looked up at her with an intimidated look on her face. "...I'm very friendly I swear." She tried to reason with her but the girl grabbed a beautiful diamond ring, with a nice velvet box to go with it and shoved them in Lilith's face. The giant woman couldn't help but smile, "I can't just take this... Kable, leave the lady a nice fee for this ring please." And with that she took the ring, placed it in the box and pocketed it.

    "That was fun. But we should be getting back. Hopefully Oryx doesn't stay drunk very long... I need some rest."
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  5. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    The night was dark, the moon hidden behind clouds. Perfect for this evenings events Tess thought to herself. She looked in the direction of her brother who stood beside her on a hill overlooking the fort. Two targets that night, a war lord and his second. The Black guild had never accepted military jobs, stating that the Empire could do its own dirty work. Since the events that lead to the siblings fleeing the guild they didn’t have the luxury of turning away work. After the success of this evenings work the empires dogs would be in a better position to route this band of so called barbarians and reclaim their fort. Merrick simply nodded his head when Tess looked at him and with that he disappeared.

    Tess made her way down the hill avoiding the sentries’ fires. She had made it into the main body of the fort without incident, hardly surprising for an assassin with her skill level. She had scaled the outer wall dispatching a single guard and hiding his body. As she made her way to the west side of the fort Tess heard that a few of the men were still awake, drinking and shouting in their strange tongue. Keeping to the shadows Tess made her way to a window that lead to the hallway where her target was located. Looking through she saw that the hall was guarded by one man. Strange she thought to herself, one man to guard the second in command. Tess moved away from the window and scaled the wall to a balcony that was attached to the room. Inside was well lit and Tess could make out the silhouette of a man and a woman. The sounds from the room made it evident as to what the two were doing. Fitting, one last night of pleasure.


    Merrick had been perched in the rafters of the roof for a few hours now. He had witnessed several meetings between this general and his men. They could have kept his mind occupied had they not being in that barbaric tongue these foreigners used. He had nothing against them, in fact he had carried out many jobs for them and they paid well, but their native language sounded harsh and angry, and it was no surprise to Merrick that this people had attacked Aezureth. Merrick noted the change in the general’s tone of voice. The general’s assistant bowed to him, gathered up the papers of notes he was taking and took his leave. The general himself stood from his seat and stretched. So many opportunities Merrick noted. An inexperienced assassin may have taken this opportunity to carry out their task; Merrick had enough training and experience to wait.

    Merrick had followed the general while he went about his evening, first he went to a bath house, next was his evening meal with a few of his men. It had been an easy task to stay with him, the design of the fort with its high ceilings and decorative beams made this type of environment a playground for him. When he couldn’t enter a room through the ceiling it was simple to enter a person’s shadow and travel in with them. The moon will be at its highest soon Merrick thought and noted the general was on the move again. Following he was pleased to see him entering his chambers, the generals eternal slumber would be upon him soon.


    The lights had finally been doused in the room. The second in command certainly had stamina to spare. Tess waited another hour to ensure the occupants were soundly asleep. Opening the latch Tess slowly opened the balcony door and once inside closed it quietly behind her. Waiting a few moments to ensure she hadn’t disturbed anyone Tess made her way to the bedside. Two occupants, Tess examined the situation to decide her best course of action. She reached into a pouch on her belt and produced a cloth and a vial. Opening the vial Tess placed the cloth on the top and let it soak some of the contents inside. Satisfied she replaced the vial and placed the cloth over the woman’s mouth and nose. After a few deep breaths the woman’s breathing became steady again. Satisfied that she wouldn’t wake until morning Tess made her way to the other side of the bed. Once there she took her kukri blade from its sheath on her thigh and brought it over her targets throat. Lifting her free hand above the targets mouth she brought her hand down in the same motion that brought her blade across the man’s throat. His eyes widened in surprise but any noise was muffled by her hand and the fresh wound that was flowing freely. It didn’t take long until the life drained out of him, Tess breathed again. She cleaned her blade on the man’s bed sheets and looked into his eyes one last time before closing them.


    Tess was back on the hill where she had last seen Merrick. “I know you’re here “She said seemingly to no one. Moments later Merrick’s form appeared from the shadows. “Ready?” Merrick asked. Tess nodded in reply. With that the two went on their way. “Now, to receive payment and our next job”.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
    Nova likes this.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marcus rode, circling the perimeter of the Imperial Palace’s inner ward. His steed’s hooves landed with thunderous claps upon the stone-laid walks. Seas of guards parted out of each gate he passed through, making way for his venture to the training grounds.

    All the while, he remained in earnest awe of the sheer scope of the structure. The keep cast its shadow long and wide over the surrounding landscape, even eclipsing parts of the city. Not only that, but the interior of the Palace’s walls was just as much like a city in and of itself. Soldiers passed along the walks as normal citizens might have strode the city streets. Though each carried his own dignity as a man of the military, they nonetheless seemed very much at home and at ease. Even some peddlers could be spotted, having been granted clearance to the insides of the Empire’s heart; most were smithies, pitching new designs and materials to commanders, who would, undoubtedly, report back to the Emperor of their viability, or otherwise making good on promised deliveries directly to the barracks.

    After what seemed an hour’s journey, he finally caught glimpse of the training grounds: a literal colosseum housed in the back yard of the Palace. He immediately pulled his horse to a halt to appreciate the building, and to contemplate his entrance. It would seem that others have already arrived. From the other side of the walls, the sounds of blades clashing and the sight of lightning raining in from above gave obvious clue: he was not the first to arrive, and the training had already started…

    He beckoned his horse continue onward… but…

    Debris, flung from some high chamber or hallways of the Palace, caught the corner of his vision. He Pulled the reigns. His horse bucked for only a moment before calming. A mere second later, the explosive boom of a shattering impact hit his ears. He diverted his attention fully to the crumbled wall upon the Palace’s façade. Could it be? An invasion? From the inside? Was the capitol not as secure as it seemed?


    The prince opened his eyes slowly into different surroundings. He was seated upon a large, tripod chair, propped upon a rocky soil. Above his head and too his sides, the canvas of his tent swayed in in the gusts of wind sweeping town from the mountains, it’s pallet filtering the sunlight to an orange. Before him stood a quintet of soldiers, headed by Sargent. Others surrounding him comprised his personal guard, a consortium of lesser demigods and noteworthy humans prized for their valor, skill, and loyalty; all of them bore the Imperial insignia, and no Amazons were to be found either within the tent or the entirety of the camp. “What news from Barisor?” Marcus demanded as he rose from his seat.

    “Colonel Maximus… We regret to inform you that, as of our scout mission, we have determined that Barisor has fallen. Though the Eastern and Western fronts also collapsed in contribution to this fall, it was ultimately the rebels from the North that dealt the final blow.”

    “I see.” Marcus turned on his toes and paced to the back of the tent glaring at the blank canvas as though peering through a window. “And what of the happenings in the city right now?”

    “Sir. We’ve determined that the factions responsible for invasion have all taken root in the city. They’re pillaging and ruining in together… but not in coordination.”

    “Then…” Marcus wheeled back around to the Sargent. “What are the prospects of a southern front?”

    “Not as hopeful as we would like. On the other side of the mountain range, a southern rebellion is seeding. Refugees from Barisor are being hunted down like beasts.”

    “Very well. Sargent, you and your men are dismissed.” Marcus lowered back into his chair as the squadron departed. With a single sweeping signal from his hand, he beckoned his guard to do the same, if only to remove themselves just outside of the tent. “So… Atticus… was this your vision?”

    In the distance ahead of him, he made out two figures. Both female, with silver hair, one was of average in size and proportions as demigods went; the other stood at least at leg’s length taller than he. He recognized them, if only from descriptions: The smaller one was JaxXah, daughter of Atticus, an esteemed minister the Emperor’s Court. The other was Lilith, daughter of Emperor Newgate, and, if not for the succession rituals, she’d be the rightful heiress to the Imperial Throne. Both darted across the walk from the training grounds into the Palace, having clearly witnessed the same incident as Marcus, and being all the more alarmed, easily privy to its implications.

    Marcus gave pursuit, entering the castle himself. Following the commotion through the corridors, he found his way to the Court Hall, a rather large cathedral of a room, where the ruin was most evident. There, he immediately spotted Atticus and Emperor Newgate, squared off for combat. The former had challenged the latter for the throne. The ensuing battle was lengthy, bloody, and, from the perspective of a born warrior, impressive. But, in the end. Atticus proved superior, and Newgate fell. The shockwaves of the death spread, and Marcus, on that very day, gathered his Amazon contingent, and returned to their Kingdom to brace for the future to come.

    “Five years.” Marcus spoke to himself in a low, inaudible whisper. “Five. Long. Years.” That much and one month had passed by since the day the Newgate Dynasty collapsed at the hands of Atticus. Marcus had spent four of those years in the direct service of the Empire under Atticus. Now, they were battling against not only barbarians and invaders, but loyalists to the Newgate Dynasty, who believed Atticus had challenged without just cause and merely usurped the throne for personal gain.

    The Amazons themselves had remained loyal to the ideals of the Newgate Dynasty, as it was under that reign in which their treaties and alliances with the Empire had been sown and flourished. In the effort to secure his peoples’ safety, Marcus had since offered himself, against their wishes, to the service of the Empire on the terms that the Amazons would not be drawn into the wars. Atticus had, miraculously, agreed. But this had come at a cost for Marcus: Prince of the Amazons, he was considered no more; this much, he informed others of in all manners possible, down to removing any insignia tying him to the tribes.

    This much, he could bare given the knowledge that the Amazons could continue to thrive on their own; they weren’t the targets of the invasions, after all. Most invaders couldn’t be bothered to deal with such formidable warriors anyways; not with the main continent being so fragile as it was.

    “Everything is only a matter of time,” he reminded himself. He stood back up, making to exit the tent when one of his guard entered purposefully.

    “Yes?” Marcus asked.

    “Colonel Maximus, General Lucius and his army have arrived from the capitol.

    “Ah. That’s some good news.” Marcus had never had the pleasure of meeting Lucius, unless one counted their brief encounter when Atticus had sent troops to the Amazon Kingdom in the original effort to subdue them back into the Empire. But that had been brief, and not even enough to warrant a scuffle in terms of fighting; the Marcus’ contract had been drawn up just days later, after a lengthy session of bargaining. At the time it seemed Lucius might have looked down upon Marcus as no more than a young dreamer.

    Now, however, Marcus, though still carrying a seed of contempt for the General, was confident that Lucius would see his worth. With little more than a single legion, he had pushed back a siege on the city of Iscariqi, which had resulted in the invaders’ retreat to the lands south of Barisor. If nothing else, Marcus looked forward to sharing his strategic thoughts with Lucius, whom he nonetheless respected for his military tact.

    He exited the tent and marched out with his personal guard to meet his new comrade. “General Lucius Malignis,” he said, saluting the ‘superior’ officer. I’m relieved to see you made it with little issue.”​
    Nova likes this.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It was much later in the evening. JaXx had left the horse some ways back with some travellers who were in a bind. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do. Now, she felt the side effects of walking all day she wasn't so sure. Luckily she had control of the weather so she wasn't also at the sun's mercy as well. From experience she knew Mira wasn't far ahead, another hour or so and she would be there. What her plan was from there, ask around to see if lilith had been seen. She knew all too well Lilith wouldn't make any secret of her identity her childish pride would see to that. If not, she would have to keep searching. As for where her other target might be she had no idea. Her father hadn't even really given her a name to work with. Just his title Titan of the Arena. She smirked, wondering if her father's suspicion of the man had anything to do with his bias against actual titans. Once again, she hoped he wouldn't do anything that petty. She yawned, stretching her arms over her head as Mira finally became visible in the distance.
    Remembering the tracks she found in the mountains she wondered what a grown man and child would be doing alone that far from the destroyed village. The thought had crossed her mind of them possibly being survivors of whatever had happened there. The thought gave her hope. Maybe someday she could bring those responsible to justice. Realistically though, she knew that wasn't likely. Still, it was a thought that kept her mind occupied.


    The courtyard the Sax base was quiet. A month had passed and there was still no word from Jaxx, no sign of Raven, and mostly bad news from the battles raging in the north. All of the above put Atticus in a sour mood, it seemed like everything had taken a giant step back of late. He walked along the castle walls followed by a lone soldier who was reporting to him news from those in charge of the wars ".... the men are keeping the invaders at bay. Colonel Maximus has shown great strength in securing the north. And there has been some progress in our efforts to reclaim the city of Barisor. With the help of hired assassins, their general fell last night."
    Atticus stopped walking, turning his head to face the guard with frown "just the general? Were they not also sent to kill the second in command?"
    The soldier also stopped walking, appearing agitated somewhat, he answered "They were. Sent to kill both and two men died that night. However, our troops gave the assassins the wrong target. It seems the second in command is a woman. Her husband, the man who was presented as the target, turned out to be her front man in case of attack. She was only knocked out that night, and now is the new general. They say she is furious about the murder of her husband. And she has doubled the security around the city...."
    "Is that so?" Atticus's rage was obvious as he spoke "could you deliver a message to your superiors for me?" He didn't wait for an answer from the guard as he had unsheithed his weapon and dispatched the messenger brutally. As he did so, more guards approached in a rush. He picked up the head of the Fallen messenger and handed it to the nearest one "send this to whatever moron was in charge of that assassination movement. Be sure they understand I want the woman dead and the city reclaimed by the end of the month."
    "Sir." The guard saluted and ran away quickly to complete his task.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Lucius saluted Marcus back. "Colonel Maximus A pleasure to see the army is intact. How is the homefront going?"
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((OOC: @Legendseeker. Might've been a typo on your part, but it's Maximus, not Magnus, if you're going by last name.))

    "Sir." Marcus lowered his salute and assumed a relaxed stance. "Yes. Our armies here in Iscariqi have maintained position and formation. About a week ago we managed to drive out a joint siege of invaders and rebels from the mountains in the North. We've held out here since. The front here, South of the mountains, has been quiet in the wake of the siege, and we've begun improving the fortifications around the city in anticipation of another wave. But.." Marcus heaved his last breath out and took a long, deep inhale. "General, the front in the North hasn't been so fortunate. The defenses of Barisor have fallen, and the city has been reported lost. If you would come in," he pointed back, indicating the tent behind him, from where he had come out. "We can discuss circumstances and solutions in detail."
  10. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx didn't hear much of what Lilith said other than being the strongest woman in the world, that just made him more madly in love, but Oryx was first and foremost a gentleman! Well at least in his culture he was, people from other parts of the world definitely had a list of dos and don'ts that were acceptable in their own societies, he guessed he would find out soon enough how much of a gentleman he was in this new and foreign land. Kable helped him to one of the beds and he instantly fell on it, its wooden frame creaking loudly under his mass. Within seconds he was snoring loudly and comfortably, it had been the first real bed he had slept on in months since the beginning of his voyage from his homeland.

    Though his comrades had little insight into his powers and how well his people could handle their alcohol. Sure Oryx had drank enough ale to make a horse not be able to stand on all four of its legs, but his blood was mixed due to his heritage as the descendant of the gods and could handle more than an average human. Though since his people were bigger and stronger than the average human to begin with, once Oryx stopped drinking, it didn't take long for his body to get rid of the alcohol running through his body, especially since his blood ways always just below that of boiling hot and quickly burned off things that polluted his bloodstream. It had only been a short while, but by the time he woke up the other two were gone and he worried frantically. "Oh no! It was all a hallucination, my true love was just a figment of my imagination! She was so amazing! So was tall and the World's Strongest Woman, what else does one need in life!" Oryx exclaimed to himself in a tone of disappointment.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Gerik are we there yet?" Claire asked as the pair walked northwards. "My feet are tired."

    "Claire? How are your feet tired when I'm carrying you?"

    "Because the tiredness from your feet travel up your body and reside in my feet. That's why your feet aren't tired." The girl replied as she lazily leaned against Gerik's head. The pair continued on quietly for several yards. "Hey Gerik. Why do you wear this cloth on your head?"

    "Well it is part of a style of clothes we wear back home."

    "Your home huh? Would I ever be able to go there?"

    "I'm certain it is a possibility somewhere in the future." He answered. As he did, Gerik thought back on this prior month ever since he rescued Claire.


    After leaving the mountains, Gerik and Claire had traveled to the southeast. They arrived at a city that was nestled in the base of a lone mountain. During the time they traveled to this city, Gerik realized what a bad idea it was for a child to be in his care at this time. As such his first goal was to search for a place where Claire could be taken care of. Unfortunately that didn't seem to work out so well. He realized this upon his first chance to get an understanding of the area.

    "Excuse me. There was a village that was located in the mountains to the northwest of here that a few days ago appears to have fallen victim to a bandit attack and was burned down."

    "That village of titan worshipers? Good riddance I say?"

    "What?" Gerik was confused at this sentiment.

    "Yeah, there's only one village up in those mountains. All the people up there worship the titans instead of the gods. Since they refuse to worship the gods, there aren't many options left for them. It is either the sword or the flame."

    "I... see..." Gerik spoke, becoming quite uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.

    The man he was talking to stared Gerik up and down. "You... Wouldn't happen to be a member of that village, would you?"

    "No I am not. I am simply a traveler wandering Aezureth." Figuring it best to hide his identity, Gerik quickly thought up a lie. "I come from Favlak and I set out to learn more of the workings of the whole of Aezureth. During my travels I happened upon that village after it was burned down. I didn't see any survivors."

    "Well then friend. Do not worry yourself about that village. Their fate is simply that of anybody who insists on worshiping the titans in this day and age."


    Thinking back to that time, Gerik realized it might be harder to find a place for Claire to be safe. It seemed like titan worshipers were looked down upon, so that alone put Claire at risk. Gerik considered finding somebody who worshiped the titans, but then he considered that eventually they may be killed for their worship. That too would put Claire in danger. As such, it was hard to know what to do. Gerik didn't consider himself to be in a position to take care of a child, and yet this child had the misfortune of being a person that the people of Aezureth didn't like.

    As they reached the top of the next hill, Gerik and Claire could see Mira in the distance. Gerik took Claire off his shoulders and set her on the ground. "You can walk the rest of the way, right?"

    The girl looked up and glared at him. "If I have to. But I much prefer sitting on top of your shoulders. The world looks much better from so high up."

    Gerik laughed. "Don't worry Claire. You're still young. You've got time to grow taller. Let's go."

    The pair started walking again. As they did, Gerik noticed a young woman also headed towards Mira. She was alone. As he looked upon her, Gerik could see the divinity radiating out from her. "A demigod huh? Well in that case it would definitely be best that she doesn't know where Claire is from." Gerik gently grabbed Claire's hand. "Stay close to me."

    They approached this lone woman, Jaxx. "Greetings." He spoke when they were close enough.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Lucius followed Marcus into the tent. He was unsettled by the news of Barisor having fallen so easily to simple invaders. But the idea of the other fronts holding their own quelled his rage.

    "How far in have the invaders reached since Barisor?" Lucius inquired, reaching the war table that stood at the center of the tent. "Have we set up some blockade to halt them?"


    Kable paid the merchant the fee for the ring and caught up to Lilith. "Can we make sure to pay for anything before we just walk off with it?" He complained. "We already have the empire after us. We can't afford to draw any attraction."

    Kable regretted his words instantly when they reached the inn. From the open window of their room, they heard Oryx bellow out in disbelief.

    "Well, Oryx is awake." Kable said as they entered the inn. They climbed up to the next floor and opened the door. "Hey, you giant oaf. Have you slept that ale off already? If so, move yourself off so Lilith can get some rest."

    Kable grabbed a chair and set it next to the window. He plopped down and glared out the window, keeping an eye for anyone. He grabbed out a block of wood from his bag and a knife and began cutting away.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx could not help but be happy to see the strangers that approached her regardless of the reason. She had heard nothing but nature for days, although she didn't mind that either company was nice too. Mira was not far off in the distance now. The first thing she noticed about the man who spoke was the foreign accent and strange garb. Wherever he was from she could be sure it wasn't anywhere in Azureth.
    The young girl with him however, seemed like she could be. The two were not obviously related though it was an unlikely possibility. She decided not to address it. The clung tightly to the man appearing shy. Jaxx smiled slightly at the sight as she responded politely enough "Good afternoon."
    She realized then that they were also apparently travelling toward Mira and there weren't many civilizations near from the south. That would be a difficult journey, especially with a child. "Are you travelling to Mira as well?"
    RebelMurf likes this.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Disclaimer: This post is a recap of the posts we lost. I am simply writing down a summary of what the players in this RP have already written. I will try to stay as accurate as possible however if I get some details wrong please feel free to let me know. I will be using this to advantage as well by smoothing out a few rough spots. If anyone disagrees with me on any of the minor changes I am going to be making please feel free to shoot me a pm and we can talk about it :)*

    Gerik confirmed that he and Claire were in fact travelling to Mira. He offered to travel the rest of the way to the city together and Jaxx agreed. After some banter between Claire and Gerik the three took off though Claire was mostly silent for the journey. She noticed they passed a mysterious man leaning against a tree reading. He waved at Claire as they passed by and Jaxx thought something about him seemed suspicious or different but they did not disturb him on their way.

    Meanwhile Oryx awoke from his slumber after regaining sobriety. Kable and Lilith returned to the inn and Kable once again encouraged Lilith to get some rest but the injured woman would not hear it. Becoming restless, she set out into the town trying to gain any sort of clue about the mysterious Titan of the Arena whom she believes can help her. In her search she asks the bar tender for any news. Unfortunately she has none. However a stranger at the bar overhears the conversation and informes lilith that the Titan has not been seen in the arena for a long time due to harassment from Emperial guards. Though rumor has it he has recently returned to Mira to retrieve an important personal object. The stranger said he would guess the person she was searching for would have travelled west toward the desert and suggested if she hurried she could probably catch up to him. Lilith thanked the stranger and ran to inform her party of the news.
    Though Kable seemed hesitant to make the journey while Lilith was clearly in bad shape he was out voted. Oryx was almost as enthusiastic as Lilith to get going, for his own reasons. The three quickly prepared and set off on their way out of the city to travel south.

    Meanwhile Jaxx Gerik and Claire reached Mira and made their way toward the inn where Jaxx intended to part ways. The group just missed Lilith, Oryx, and Kable by minutes.

    *will add in the happenings of the war soon. I have to go now. But Sho, DW, LS, and Caboose now have something to go off of. Sorry it's rushed*
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    RebelMurf and Taboo Sho like this.
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable envied the demigods as they made their way through the landscape. He dreamed of taking a long vacation after this. The trek had been long enough as it was. The other two, on the other hand, seemed to not be bothered by it.

    Kable had to admire Lilith's resolve. The girl was non-stop throughout everything the last month. Her will and determination was something indeed. Definitely fitting for the daughter of the late Emperor.

    Oryx was another beast entirely. He kept a slight bounce in his step as they traveled, whistling an odd tune that was foreign yet familiar to Kable. His weapon swung wildly on his side and his armor clanged together, but he never missed a beat.

    They traveled straight ahead. Kable took it upon himself to lead them forward, as he was more familiar with the landscape and the route they needed to travel. Lilith was next, so she had a constant guard around her. And behind her, was Oryx. Because if anyone could survive a sneak attack, it would be the immortal man from another continent.

    Off in the distance, Kable noticed a lone figure sitting against a tree. The man had a book in his hand and looked deep in thought. The group made their way over to him and Kable waved at him.

    "Excuse me, sir? Could you help us out?"
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  16. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    “Nice armour you have… did you… have that the last time you were here?” the guard asked Merrick. Merrick blatantly ignored the man and his question and stood in silence. The solider looked at Tess hoping to relieve the tension that he was feeling. It had been evident that the man was uncomfortable from the moment he had been assigned to escorting and watching the two. Tess thought it was one of two things, either he was nervous and afraid, or he thought poorly of assassins. “It’s new” Tess said. The guard gave a small smile and then looked to a doorway. They had been waiting near half an hour. Merrick and Tess had arrived and the weary from their travels. The fact that neither of them was fond of doing work for the empire put Merrick in a foul mood the moment they arrived; and the incident that occurred on the way didn’t help his mood.

    They had been travelling for a few days and the sun was just setting, it made for a pleasant evening when they passed a peddler. “Interest you in any of my wares?” He called out as they approached. “We want for nothing” Merrick replied without turning to him. “Tess?”Merrick asked, he’d noticed she stopped walking; when he turned he saw something that immediately alerted him. Tess… was shaking, her face contorted with fear. Merrick dissolved into the shadow and appeared behind the peddler dirk placed at his neck. “Merrick, NO!”Tess shouted. Merrick didn’t move, but not by his own accord, “Who..Are..You?” Merrick said through gritted teeth; this man’s ability was even affecting his ability to talk. “Ha ha ha ha” The man laughed; his laugh sent chills down the twin’s spines. “How lucky that both the Shadow and Angel of Death should grace me with their presence”, the man stepped under Merrick’s arm and turned to face him. “You have the stench of death on you” he said “I love it!” he exclaimed after a moment’s silence. “And to think, I wanted to kill her!” Both Merrick and Tess were at a loss. The man seemed oblivious to their confusion as he turned to face Tess, “And you!” he exclaimed as he approached her. “Don’t..Touch..Her” Merrick threatened but the man simply ignoring him walk towards her. Tess was frozen in place, not by the same force restraining her brother; she had never felt this sort of presence before. The feeling intensified the closer he got; she glanced at Merrick and saw that he was struggling to move. The man was only a few feet from her now and as he got closer he reached a hand out for her. Tess moved with almost lightning speed, her abilities enhanced by her own fear. It happened in the blink of an eye, Tess had drawn her blade and before anyone could say or do anything she had stepped past the stranger bringing her kukri across his throat in one swift movement. The blood flowed freely and the man dropped to his knees. Merrick was released from the force holding him and he saw that Tess’s attack and nearly severed the man’s head from his neck. Tess was still shaking when Merrick came over to her. “Are you alright” He asked her taking her hands in his. She was still shaking when they both heard it. It was faint at first, but grew louder and louder. Merrick pulled Tess behind him and drew his dirk. They watched as the man stood up from his knee, he had his back to them but from the wound he was facing them albeit upside-down. “Ha ha, have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that” He said as his hands reached up to collect his head. Adjusting it so his head was back in line he turned to face them again. Merrick could see the muscle, tendons and finally the skin stitch itself back together. Everything sense told Merrick to run for it but when he looked around he didn’t recognise any of the surroundings. “Don’t worry your safe. You’re in my home now”

    “The general sends his apology for the delay” The new voice brought Tess back into reality, “He has unfortunately been delayed with several meetings and sends his thanks for your patience in this matter. He hopes that he will be available to join you shortly” Tess noticed the man addressed his comments at Merrick paid him no attention. “That will be fine” Tess answered for him, the messenger turned to her and stiffly offered her a bow. “Fool” Tess thought to herself, the messenger left and silence filled the room once again.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    Nova likes this.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *more recap*

    General Lucius and his men made it to the battleground on the Northern coast safely. Lucius was presented to the Amazon Prince, Marcus who has been overseeing the war zone for quite some time. The two military officials discussed the state of the war and also concerning the fall of Barisor. Marcus explained that the city has been overtaken by invaders and is in complete chaos. The original occupants of the city and soldiers who fought to protect it are being hunted down and killed. The invading army has also placed an outpost within the city and is in the process of trying to secure it as their new base of operations within Azureth. Knowing the dangers of this, Marcus hired assassins to go to Barisor and kill the enemy general and his second in command hoping to discourage the army in that area before reclaiming the city.
    However the Assassins were tricked by the enemy. Foreseeing the possibility of an assassination attempt, the second in command was fronted by her husband for all official matters. Because of this, the assassins killed the wrong man. The second in command became the new general of the enemy armies in Barisor and her rage has quickened the pace of enemy control in the fallen city (note I have conformation from Kairu this assasination attempt took place 2 weeks before the current events of the RP). News of the failed assassination has reached Atticus who, enraged by the failure, killed the messenger and informed another messenger to contact Marcus with demands to reclaim Barisor by the end of the month. Knowing time is of the essence, the guard communicated the Emperors orders by use of magic.
    Lucius was in the process of suggesting a barricade across the mountain range outside the fallen city to minimize the spread of the chaos forming in that area when a soldier entered his tent....


    "Sir" the messenger politely paused and nodded to Lucius and Marcus respectfully before he continued speaking "I have just received urgent news from Sax regarding the fallen city. The assassins that were sent to kill the enemy leaders in Barisor have only half completed their task. The General is dead but they mistakenly killed the husband of the second in command instead of their true target. The second in command has survived and in her rage has pushed forward with attempting to secure Barisor for her armies. The emperor is outraged and insists you hold the assassins payment, he has given new orders for them to complete. He also demands the city be reclaimed by the end of the month by any means necessary." he paused for a moment to allow his words to sink in before he reported on a different topic "Also I was sent to inform you the assassins we sent to kill the generals in Barisor have returned here. They wish to speak with Colonel Maximus. Here sir," The messenger offered up a scroll. "The assassins new orders".
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The man stopped reading and looked up at Kable. He eyed the three travelers up and down, making his examination of Lilith very obvious. "Well whether or not I could help you depends entirely on what it is you need help with. But since there's no fun in you simply telling me what it is you need help with I shall instead deduct what it is you are trying to achieve through my powers of prophecy." The man stood up straight, getting his body away from the tree. He tossed what he was reading aside and put his hand to his forehead. He closed his eyes and appeared as though he was concentrating rather hard.

    "Let's see... You three are a theater troupe traveling the land and wish to hire me as a playwright due to modern day plays all having a lackluster appeal to you. No, that's not right. Instead you are a group of wanna be adventurer demigods who wish to hire a local to help you navigate the desert sands to the west of here. Well that scenario doesn't make much sense. No... You are the dead princess of the previous emperor who is traveling with an unpaid mercenary and a demigod from a foreign land and are in search of a man who goes by the title of 'Titan of the Arena.' Crap, that can't be it. Too farfetched, what with Emperor Newgate's daughter being brutally murdered by the usurper emperor. Ah hah! I understand now. The three of you are soldiers who got separated from their battalion and are hoping to get pointed in the right direction. After all with the state of affairs in Barisor it is rather prudent for all available soldiers to take the city back and expel the barbarian invaders." This man had a triumphant look on his face after his final guess as to what business these three travelers had with him.
    Legendseeker and Nova like this.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith raised an eyebrow at the man's ramblings, but shrugged her shoulders lightly, "It was the third one, actually. Though I must admit, you seem like you'd make quite a good playwright. Though I've only seen you once before, you haven't changed in five years. I find that oddly strange, but I don't intend to question it. It's a good thing Kable noticed you, I'm so tall I hadn't even seen you until he pointed you out."

    Lilith didn't know whether to bow or not so instead she just smiled, "I have sought you out for a single reason. I believe you can train me so that I can defeat Atticus and right the wrongs he has commited. To be completely honest, I didn't even know whether you'd still be alive, or even relatively close by... You probably already know that though, with your future vision thing..."
  20. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable almost burst out into laughter. This man was a joke. Kable was never one for prophecies, so when the man started throwing out ideas, he almost turned around and left. Until the third option.

    Kable's jaw pretty much dropped. But the man kept going, thinking it was too far fetched. Not that he'd be wrong. The entire idea of their journey was too much to comprehend.

    Then Lilith stepped forward and began speaking to the self-proclaimed prophet. When she was finished talking, Kable's eyes widened.

    "Wait, Lilith. You mean to tell me that this is who we're looking for?" He pointed to the man. "This... prophet?"

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