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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Aye lassie, never judge a pig by its farm! Not every warrior is much to look at, but mercy by on his victims that make that mistake." Oryx said with a big ol' smile under his helmet. He already liked the guy from his sense of humor, he loved people that had a sense of humor and could make him bellow like a cow in a hay barn. It seemed as though fate were on their side this day, since they found the man rather quick instead of having to trek halfway across the land looking for him instead.

    Oryx was curious though of this man's strengths and prowess as the greatest gladiator in the land. He would like to challenge him one day to a duel, but now would be the wrong time. He found it funny though that the princess went to all this trouble to find this man just to have him train her, of course one more excellent warrior to their party never hurt, but he hoped she planned on getting rest first than instantly trying to fight. She was strong willed and stubborn, but those could get you killed if left unchecked.

    "Though after all of this is over and if I'm still alive, I've always wanted to try theater, and if you're interested I'd hire ya as my playwright lassie!" Oryx the Iron Lord, the one hit show of the century. Men and gods gathering from all around to see his spectacular performance!
    Nova and Taboo Sho like this.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The man's face displayed a bit of confusion when these three travelers didn't react the way he expected. "Uh guys?" He spoke to try and get things back on track. "I'm not actually a prophet of any kind. I can't actually see into the future. In fact as far as I know, nobody can truly see into the future. That was me throwing out random guesses. Though I must admit people tend to get a little more worrisome when I do this." The man very obviously left out how exactly he knew who these three travelers were.

    "But yeah, let's go with me being Voltair, the Titan of the Arena, just for fun. What reason would I have for helping you? What sort of compensation could you come up with that would convince me to train you? I mean, this is of course setting aside the absurdity of trying to train underneath a gladiator."

    The man paused a moment before preparing to go on a bit of a rant. "I mean, let's consider all of the politics involved. You're trying to usurp the throne from your father's usurper, probably due to some desire of revenge or something. I can only assume that you want to change the terrible system this land has set for deciding the next emperor, but your means of changing it involve using it to your advantage. That's rather hypocritical to say the least. Anyways, you're too beat up and weak to manage now. So you chase off after some rumors about a gladiator you watched once years back simply because these rumors claimed he was invincible. And so upon finding this gladiator you request that he trains you in order for you to get strong enough to usurp a usurper. But given that I don't have any real loyalty to the empire or the previous emperor, what reason would I have for joining you? So with that in mind, you're left with two options. You can offer some form of compensation. Or, you can prove you're a true leader and sway me to your side with your charisma. So Lilith, what will you do?"
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith smiled lightly, "I do not seek to kill Atticus out of revenge. In fact, I never specified an intent to kill him at all. I wish to defeat him in battle and force him off the throne. If I don't have to kill him, I will not, I couldn't hurt JaXx like that. I do this for the good of the land. Under Atticus, this world has fallen into disarray. It needs a ruler who will get involved, who will truly care about the state of the world. Right now... Even I cannot do this. I am considered the Strongest Woman in the World and yet I could do nothing but scar the land when Atticus killed my father. However... I do not intend to stand on the sidelines anymore. I won't sit by and watch while Atticus drives this land into the ground. I am not without flaws however, I am not going to deny I have ulterior motives. These motives, are to make the person I love happy, whatever the cost. I know they cannot stand seeing the land as it is as well, and thus I strive harder to fix it."

    With Kable, and Oryx by her side Lilith believed she could overcome many odds. "I have nothing to offer you Voltair, except an everlasting friendship and a permanent residence in the castle if you so wish, when, and I do mean when, I defeat Atticus."
  4. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Not to interrupt and put my two sense somewhere its not appreciated, but the form of compensation that be rewarded to you is the adventure of a life time lassie! I have traveled far and wide gladiator, and for most an adventure as exciting as this is once in a lifetime. A tale for the ages! One that no doubt will be sung in taverns as far as the light touches. You'll also get to experience it with the most unique group I'm sure you've come across in a while." He knew their presence was no doubt unexpected and a big surprise to say the least, but what was life worth living for if not for moments like these? A tyrant with an Empire after them, assassins, bounty hunters, great warriors, the possibilities were endless!

    "If not for the adventure, the fellowship, the excitement, then how about your duty? If you are as great a warrior as tales tell, then it is your duty to help others who cannot help themselves. Yes there will be death and sorrow along this journey I will not lie, every battle and war has its losses. In the end much grieving will occur, but there will be much celebration and rejoicing in day that tyranny ends and life truly returns to the land. That sounds like a truly great form of compensation to me lassie." Oryx figured his words may go in the man's one ear and out the other, doing the right thing for a reward unto itself didn't seem like it would be up his alley, but there was no harm in trying.
  5. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    As Kable watched the conversation take place, he felt... torn. Realistically, he knew where Voltair, if this even was Voltair, was coming from. No one would expect some stranger to join in a plot to overthrow an emperor just on a whim. Well, except for Oryx. But that was an entirely different story.

    And yet, Kable was drawn to Lilith's cause. This was a young woman who had immediately went from Sax to Mira, across the continent, with no rest. Even when given the opportunity, she wouldn't stop until she reached her goal.

    Maybe not even Death itself could stop her. Kable thought. He knew it was a simple job. He shouldn't get so involved with it.

    After Oryx was done speaking, Kable raised his arm to draw Voltair's attention. "I do agree with you," Kable began. "I was paid myself to bring her to safety. Or to you, which ever came first.

    "But think of it this way. If you helo her and she succeeds, she'll have thr entire empire at her disposal. And I bet that she would ensure you were well compensated for your help."
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    As the trio entered the city of Mira Jaxx wondered what to do next. It didn't seem right to leave her recently met travel companions behind so quickly. She noticed they both, especially the young girl, seemed tired from their long journey. Also considering her own quest, she knew she would need to find information. This was the last place the Titan of the Arena had been seen in years. She also knew it was likely Lilith would have passed through Mira at least. Her best luck at finding clues to finding either of these people was at some public place, more likely one that would be visited by travellers like Lilith.
    Considering all of these things, the best option of a destination would be a local inn. The streets were crowded and loud, full of gladiator fans, tavern goers, and merchants. The people varied in color, size, dress, and wealth. It was much different from Sax which was mostly full of poor, few rich, and mostly people who worked for her father and the empire. Here, the streets were alive and mostly joyous.
    JaXx had to speak somewhat louder than before as she suggested the idea of an inn to Gerik and Claire. The three of them made their way in that direction as she studied the area carefully for any sign of her objective or of trouble. It seemed obvious that she would be able to pick out a 15 ft tall woman in the crowd but you can never be too careful. Besides if she has already managed to gain allies to attack, JaXx would not know them until it was too late.
    She mostly looked over and ignored the merchants as they passed their many carts.
    It didn't take long before she managed to find an inn and led the way toward it. As they entered, JaXx could already tell it had recently seen some excitement. The barmaid seemed flustered as she spoke with a merchant who seemed to be selling ale. There were few people in the area.
    She turned to Gerik, "this city is much different than I expected. And an inn with a bar hardly seems suitable for your companion." She obviously was referring to Claire. "Though considering the atmosphere here I'm not sure we will be able to find much different." She said it apologetically as she could have though it still sounded more like a casual statement. Realizing she hadn't yet introduced herself she suddenly felt rude.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "You guys are... Really setting the bar low." Voltair sighed. "Friendship, a home, the thrill of adventure, and possible but undefined forms of compensation somewhere down the road. I must admit that you are right Oryx, about being the most unique group I could be with. A giantess claiming to be the world's strongest woman, at least in name only, a mercenary with... Well quite a unique sword I must say, and yourself; a literally cold hearted warrior. Though I must admit with your boisterous and jovial attitude saying cold hearted doesn't really seem like the best of descriptions." Voltair had rattled off information that he should not know; not even Oryx's name.

    "I will say, Lilith, that while you didn't really show the makings of a leader through a great charismatic speech, I have grown a slight bit of respect for you. Even with the desperation you feel towards claiming the throne, it never once seemed to cross your mind to stoop as low as to offer your body as compensation for my help. Other times people have offered such things for my help. And while I appreciate the gesture at times, it seems to me as a vulgar offer. You at least have your dignity, if nothing else. Though with the one you love..." Voltair chuckled a little. "Not the best of choices? Can't quite help but feel like your desires contradict themselves?"


    "Yeah, such a tavern isn't the best place for a girl like her." Gerik replied as he held Claire up on one of his arms. She wrapped herself around his neck, appearing to be quite exhausted. "Unfortunately beggars can't be choosers. You have no need to feel bad about it. There is a certain appeal of places like this to me. Though I suppose that has more to do with the fact that my parents don't like the idea of me being in places such as this. You said you were looking for someone, right? Give me a moment to get a room for her to rest up and then I'll help you collect information."
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith nodded, blushing slightly, "I know... It's a bit foolish, to put your life on the line for someone who likely will never love you back, but they made a lot of my life happy, even while I was imprisoned, and though our goals are the same, the way we are going about them is different. Love is strange. I do not fully understand it myself, but their existence makes me happy, that meant a lot in those five long years. Voltair, I ask for your help for the good of the land. I don't know what it is you yourself seek, but if I can help you find it I will. I wish to end this war, this strife, forever if I can. A childish dream, no lie, but one I believe is very much achievable with people like you, Kable, and Oryx by my side."

    Lilith smiled happily as she pictured the land of peace she greatly desired.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx considered this, knowing technically she was supposed to be taking this on alone. However she was fairly sure it only meant she was not permitted to bring soldiers or her bodyguard. Accepting help from a stranger for a while was never forbidden. "I won't reject your offer if you wish to help. But should you decide to, there are some things you should know once you've taken care of her of course."
    She parted with Gerik then, allowing him time alone with Claire to get her settled.
    She walked over to the bar, knowing if anyone noticed a strange individual or at least heard rumors it would be the barmaid.
    She stood there resting her hands on the counter somewhat casually until the barmaid had a moment to notice her.
    "Ey miss. You look a little young to be interested in ordering a drink from me." She had started to scold, reminding Jaxx how easy it was to assume she was younger even than her age of 16. It annoyed her slightly though she ignored the comment, cutting off the woman's chastisement "Fear not. I am not here for drink. Only for news." She said hastily deciding not to argue about age with her.
    The woman scoffed, crossing her arms "Who doesn't? But ok girl I'll humor you. What information do you seek?"
    "I am looking for two people. One, a man who goes by the name Titan of the Arena. I hear he once competed in this city. The other may be less likely for you to know of. A woman, giant in size. She would probably have drawn some attention to herself with bold statements about the empire or her indntity..."
    JaXx didn't even have to finish before the barmaid was laughing "Seems my bar is the attraction for strangeness today. Yes I have seen the giantess claiming to be Lilith Newgate. One of her companions caused quite a stir earlier. The other was polite enough for the both them though, plenty handsome as well." She laughed slightly though Jaxx raised a brow slightly surprised. Had lilith really found multiple allies so quickly? She knew, given her condition Lilith would eventually have to seek help. But it had only been a month since she had escaped.
    The barmaid continued, unphased by Jaxx's lack of reaction "Funny enough the girl you're looking for also came asking about the Titan. At that time, I had no information for her. However it seems someone did. Apparently there have been rumors of him having recently returned to Mira in search of something. Your friend ran off south of the city hoping to catch him. What are you two fans or some thing?"
    JaXx smiled slightly "some thing like that." She said simply "thank you you've been very helpful."
    She stepped away from the counter, knowing she would have to hurry if she intend to catch up to Lilith however the prospect of at least two allies with her didn't sound promising on her own. Still, if anything it would only make the fight slightly more challenging. She remembered Gerik offering help but dismissed the idea. It was one thing to help a stranger find information. To ask him to help with something like this, especially when he had that little girl counting on him, was something she couldn't in good conscience ask him to do.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Gerik you seem rather interested in Jaxx. Odd, especially with you being cautious of her when we met her." Claire spoke as she and Gerik entered the room he checked out.

    "Do I? I don't think I do. I mean, I get what you're saying with respect to when we first met her. But now that we've talked to her she doesn't seem like a bad person."

    "I guess your right." Claire answered while looking away.

    "You're not... Jealous, are you?" Gerik spoke with a smile.

    "It's nothing like that stupid." She replied, gently hitting his legs while slightly blushing. "I just don't want to you focus on some random woman you just met."

    "I understand. How's this then? I promise you that while I am here on Aezureth you will be my number one priority. Is that fine?"

    "I guess... If you're willing to go that far."

    "Good. Now rest up." Gerik started to walk out the door.

    Claire grabbed part of his cloak. "Could you teach me more of your language?"

    "Later Claire. Right now I can see that you're struggling to stay awake. You need to sleep. I promise I will teach you more later."


    Gerik walked up to Jaxx as she stepped away from the counter. "Well Claire's resting now. Do you have any leads on the person you're searching for?"
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx had just stepped away from the counter and toward the door when Gerik rejoined her. She nodded her head once as she spoke "She was seen here moments ago it seems she was headed south. I am going to go after her." She took on a slightly more serious tone "To tell you the truth, I'm here searching for this woman at the request of my father, the emperor. She is a dangerous runaway from his prison and it sounds like she has found allies since her escape. I appreciate your company and offer of help. But considering you have a child counting on you, I can not ask you to assist me past this point." She spoke sincerely. Since having left her home she hadn't taken the time to converse with anyone. It had been nice to distract herself somewhat from her quest for a moment.


    The castle of Sax was quite large. It had many hidden passegways that Atticus had spent a lot of time exploring in his youth many years ago when the building was much newer. These passageways housed a number of rooms which were built for a wide variety of reasons. The most important one of these secret rooms was one that was originally meant to be a "safe room" of sorts in the case of the castle being invaded. The younger members of the Emperors family would have been hidden there in this case. It had a large stone door with no outside handle originally and could easily blend into the wall, completely invisible to one who did not know where it was. It was long forgotten since it was built along with the other secrets of the castle.
    After atticus took power this particular room had been given a new purpose. Sealed with magic by attucus personally, he was the only person capable of opening it. He trusted only his strongest and most loyal guards to watch thevery entire passage around the room day and night. No one else, not even Jaxx or Lucius, was allowed to know of its existence. This was because it was now used to hold something very dangerous.
    Atticus stood outside the door to this very room, signaling to the guards on either side to keep their weapons drawn. They both quickly and silently drew their projectile weapons and pointed them toward the closed door as Atticus stepped forward and placing his hand against it, only then was it's outline visible against the rest of the stone wall thin currents of visible electricity made their way from his palm and outward before connecting with the edges of the opening. This temporarily illuminated the frame become the large rectangular stone slap swung outward with a soft rumbling noise. It only moved enough for Atticus to fit inside. Atticus saw nothing within the room as it was pitch black. One would first assume it was simply dark in there. However Atticus new differently. The blackness inside was not a result of Shadow, it was more than that, the very air inside this room had been transformed by what rested inside. A thick, dark, smoke like mist escaped slowly from the inside against the walls and floor.
    Atticus was quick to step in trough the opening between the armed guards before the door closed behind him sealing itself once again.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Wait, wait, wait a second." Kable spoke up. Something was off with what the man had said. "How can you claim to not be a prophet, yet know his name?" Kable pointed to Oryx. "And what did you meam by a unique sword? Clearly," Kable drew his sword out and gave it a twirl. "This is just a regular sword. Made for regular fighting."

    He can't possibly know about it. Kable told himself. Not even he barely knew about it. Much less how to control it. There had to be a way he knew about the biggest secret Kable held.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Daughter of the emperor huh? I guess that helps explain her divinity." Gerik thought to himself. "I am glad to see you're concerned for her To be honest though, her circumstances are exactly why I should help you. She's with me because I was being lazy and wasn't where I needed to be. In that sense, it is my fault that she is traveling with me. You being a demigod and daughter of the emperor does make me believe you'd be fine on your own if it was just you against the person you're chasing. But since you've mentioned she appears to have found allies, it puts you more at risk depending on who these allies of hers are. So if later on I were to found out something bad happened to you and I could've prevented it... Well I figure that's one more reason for me to go help you. I don't know if I really look the part, but I'm a demigod too. Let me come with you, if only to make sure nothing happens to you."

    Gerik figured he was being rather selfish with what he told Jaxx. She had a point, he had Claire to watch over. Sticking with her should be his main priority; not doing something else that he would want to do. Furthermore his attempt at forcing Jaxx to let him go with her was more of him not wanting any sort of repeat with what happened to Claire's village.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx seriously considered refusing his offer again but knew she was in no position to do so. She couldn't do much for the kingdom dead, which is very well how she could end up if she wasn't careful.
    He seemed like a good person, and more than likely very capable of taking care of himself. And she did need the help. Coming to a devision she nodded "Very well. And thank you. But if anything happens to me, you don't hold back. Get out if there." This sounded more like an order than a request, she spoke the same as she would have to a soldier in her father's army. It wasn't meant to be impersonal. She just wanted to reinforce she was serious about it.
    She found herself strangely caring about him and Claire and wouldnt want to see them hurt for having coming in contact with her.
    With that she took off out the door and through the streets the same way they had come before. It didn't take long to get out of the city, or to spot lilith in the distance once there.
    The giant woman seemed to have grown some even since leaving the prison. It was easy to see her large frame even from this far away. Though, Jaxx did notice she was still not fully recovered as they drew nearer.
    But that wasn't the only thing she noticed. Lilith was surrounded by three other people. One of them she remembered passing earlier. Could this be the man she was looking for or is she simply asking for directions?
    She turned her attention to the other two, evaluating the situation before charging in, as Raven had drilled into her head many times before.
    Slowing slightly and finding a more inconspicuous direction from which to approach while still studying her targets she first took in the appearance of the one nearest to her. Great another giant she thought to herself. The man wore full body armor and was almost as tall as Lilith.... or at least tall enough to tower over the other two. His height was enough for her to assume he was a demigod most likely, definitely not full human whatever he was.
    The third man caught Jaxx off guard. She had seen him before though she wasn't sure where. Of the group, he definitely stood out in his own way. There was something misleading about his appearance. His presence had a much darker feel than he appeared to be. It led her to believe he was probably a demigod too.
    She could see Gerik next to her from her peripheral vision and could only assume he was making his own observations of the group.
    Because she saw the man by the tree earlier, she knew he was not a regular member of Liliths party. Part of her kind of wanted to hang back until they parted ways in case he was simply a traveller. But reasoned, if he was innocent he would probably depart pretty quickly should things go south anyway.
    On the chance that he was the person Lilith had set out to find, judging by what she had heard in the bar, he was her target too.
    This would not be easy especially considering Geriks safety. However she knew Lilith was still probably weak from her imprisonment. Her two companions would most likely step forward in her defense in that case. They would have to be eliminated first if not somehow separated from her.
    The mysterious man was more difficult to plan for. Best case scenario would be he was just an innocent traveller and would run away when trouble hit.
    As they got close though to overhear what was being said, she finally straightened herself approaching the group.
    As the man with black hair drew his sword, she heard him speak "This is a regular sword. Meant for regular fighting."
    She smiled slightly, speaking up and interrupting the conversation. She stood a short, although strategically safe distance away from the group. Taking after the woman who trained her, she kept a stance that could have been seen as casual, though her hand was placed specifically on her hip nearest her sword in case of the need for it. "I certainly hope not. In this world of monsters and demigods, regular fighting will put you at a disadvantage."
    She turned her attention to Lilith, taking in her appearance. She was still in bad shape... but she couldn't let her go again. There was no choice.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable spun around, his sword raising up in defense. Two strangers stood a small ways away, their weapons out and present like Kable's. Kable immediately recognized Jaxx, who couldn't have though.

    The other man was unfamiliar, however. He stood barely taller than Kable, with his own sword out. They were already in battle stance, with Jaxx focused on Lilith.

    "Well, good evening there, Princess." Kable slowly grabbed his shield and readied his own fighting stance. "Can we help you with anything?"
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith turned her attention to JaXx and raised an eyebrow. "Caught up faster then I thought you would, I haven't even gotten any rest yet, sheesh. If you've come to fight me, does that mean you have decided what is best for the land?" Taking her bisento, Lilith walked forward, pushing Kable and Oryx behind her and taking a battle stance. "Oryx, Kable, stay behind me. You don't need to put yourselves at risk in this fight." Breathing slowly, Lilith raised her fist, which slowly started to glow with a powerful white aura.

    "JaXx, for the good of the entire world, I'm sorry, but I cannot lose to you. If we fight here, I will defeat you!"
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    As Kable addressed her, JaXx remembered where she had seen him. He had once been in the military. Though she hadn't ever fought with him directly, she knew he left years ago
    "Princess, hardly. No more than Lilith here at least, ex soldier. Kable was it?" She acknowledged his raised sword but remained calm for the moment "To answer your question the best way you and your friend can help me is to step aside. I've come here for Lilith Newgate. There is no need for me to have to kill you too."
    She spoke as Lilith stepped forward and couldn't help but respect her bravery, foolish as she may be, as she listened to her speak politely. "Yes, you do look unwell. Did I not warn you to rest yourself while you had the chance? Understand I can not spare you again this time." As Lilith raised her own weapon against her, JaXx finally reached for her own and took a defensive stance. As usual, allowing Lilith to make the first move.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith watched JaXx warily, knowing she'd not attack first. Damn if thete weren't too many people around, Her powers could hurt them just as much. Still JaXx needed to be defeated. Was it worth it? Using her powers to defeat JaXx while putting the others at risk? JaXx had once told her that sacrifice was necessary, that it was one of the reasons she was not fit to rule. No. She did not need to sacrifice anyone to move forward, they had done no wrong and did not deserve to get hurt from her fight. But there was no way she could beat JaXx without her powers. And so they stood, eyeing each other down as Lilith contemplated her options. She thought briefly to Voltair, he could help, but it wasn't fair to get him involved.

    Lilith stood still for a few more moments before she came to a decision. For the good of the land... Right, father? She slammed her fist hard against the air, visibly cracking it, though to her surprise, the tremor released from her punch was immense, flying towards JaXx incredibly quickly. She hadn't intended to put that much force behind it, so why did it come out so strong? Unable to focus on her worries, Lilith coughed up blood as she fell to one knee following the attack. She wasn't in good condition, that was for sure, but she couldn't falter. She struggled to her feet, lifting her weapon and taking a defensive stance, she needed to get JaXx close and end it in one blow, it was the only way.
  19. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable's world was thrown for a loop, literally, as Lilith struck out at Jaxx. He was aware of Liliths power, but he didn't expect it to have such a force behind it. The shockwave alone lifted Kable up into the air. He spun himself around and landed rather heavily on his feet.

    I'm not suited for fighting damn demigods. Kable thought as he glanced up. He saw Lilith struggle to stand and retake her defensive stance. She's not going to last like this. She's still too weak.

    Kable brought himself up just as it entered his mind. You can save her. It whispered. Just let me go and I will ensure destruction to these fools.

    "You can just go burn." Kable muttered as he stood up. Gripping his sword tightly, he readied himself back up.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    A smile crept across Voltair's face as Kable got a little worrisome over the sword, finally eliciting a reaction he had been working towards. Before he had a chance to reply to Kable's concerns, Jaxx and Gerik had reached them. He nodded towards them as Jaxx had spoken. "And so begins your first trial." He muttered under his breath.

    Gerik looked at Lilith's group. He weighed their options as he examined the four people. Fortunately Lilith didn't appear to be at her full potential, so that would make their job a lot easier. What Jaxx said though was of concern. She called this giant woman Lilith Newgate, the otherwise dead daughter of the previous emperor. Many questions raced through Gerik's mind. Given that a fight was certain to break out, these questions would have to wait. Once Gerik and Jaxx subdued this group, then he would have time to question Jaxx on some of the details he was curious about.

    Seeing Lilith make the first move Gerik quickly reacted to shield the both of them from the attack.

    "Simply using a stone wall like that isn't gonna work." Voltair muttered to himself before Gerik acted.

    Part of the ground rose up between Lilith and Gerik and Jaxx. Gerik didn't know what Lilith was going to do; his first instinct was to simply put up some sort of shield to stop the attack. Unfortunately for Gerik and Jaxx, the stone wall didn't do anything to stop the tremor attack. It simply moved right on through the stone to Gerik and Jaxx.

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