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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx was nearly as surprised by the strength of the attack as Lilith. They didn't have much time to act as the attack moved right through Geriks attempt at blocking it. Having experienced this from childhood she also knew attempting to take the hit or block it with her own magic would not be effective. She would have to use her own powers. Taking hold of Geriks arm she flung her hand forward and both of them were forced to the side by a strong gust of wind she conjured. It was messily done but she managed to avoid the worst of the attack. Immediately she put her guard up. The attack wasn't even close to what Lilith was capable of and Jaxx knew it as she fell to her knees. Part of her considered just ending it, putting her out of her misery quickly. But it wasn't in her to take advantage like that. She used her magic in retaliation, but matched Lilith in power. She shot a bolt of lightning from her hand toward Lilith, her eyes narrowed. "Don't go soft on me, friend. At ten years old I stabbed you and you fought through the pain then. You've had a month to prepare for this day. Get up. If you die here it will be fighting." She spoke as Lilith struggled to her feet and Kable stepped forward ready to fight. The sight was slightly a relief though she would never admit it. At least if Lilith had help there would be some sort of challenge to stop this from being an all out murder. The low crackle of thunder sounded in the distance as the once fairly clear sky darkened with storm clouds, too quickly to be natural, "So the mercenary stands against me after all." She stepped forward spinning her sword once in a quick motion toward Kable.
    For once, she actually attacked first. Two attacks were performed simultaneously. The first was to Lilith, another bolt from her hand knowing ranged attacks were still safer for now. The second was an upward slash toward Kable nearly as fast as the bolt though not quite.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith laughed at JaXx's words, a smile again coming to her face. Her third boon allowed her brief insight into what was coming when she fought though it was rarely ever enough on it's own. Not sure Kable could defend against the attack, Lilith took the blow from the lightning so that she could block JaXx's attack on Kable, stopping the upwards slash with her bisento. "Stay out of this. Kable. JaXx, this is between you and me... nobody else needs to get hurt." Now big enough to wield her Bisento with one hand, Lilith used her free hand to again focus her power, though instead of striking towards JaXx, she struck the air, sending a tremor right into the oncoming storm, not exactly sure what effect it could have, but attempting to nullify JaXx's attempt to manipulate the battle in her favor.

    "That's the first time you've referred to me as friend. Strange, how you say it when you see me like this. You know it doesn't have to be this way JaXx. You know it just as much as I do." Breathing heavily, Lilith sighed, "I don't want to fight you JaXx... But you don't intend to back down, and so neither will I." With strength she should be holding onto, Lilith charged forward at JaXx, with the intent of forcing her onto the defensive. It was a risk she had to take.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Her strategy had worked well enough. Lilith was struck and had used just a little more of her energy to block her attack on Kable. Jaxx's battle plan remained the same as when they were kids: wear her down until she could get close enough to deal a final blow. Though, her intent was only to incapacitate Lilith for the moment. She would have to be careful to not overdo her attacks.
    She wasn't sure what Lilith intended by sending tremors into the air until she saw the distortions in the atmosphere toward the storm. Slightly amused she concentrated her power toward the distortions. A much bigger bolt of lightning shot from the sky meeting with Liliths attack in the sky. The result was one she had seen before, one she and Lilith had the misfortune of being in the center of once years ago. With a loud crash, the two forces of nature crashed into each other and ignited. A Shockwave of energy and flames shot back to the ground.
    The deflection did drain Jaxx some, though not as badly as it used to. She was slightly disoriented which made for a slow reaction to Liliths next attack. Even in her weakened state she knew blocking Lilith wouldn't be a wise move if she wanted to keep her sword and her arms in one piece. So, she once again evaded the attack. As Lilith neared her, JaXx disappeared and reappeared again within range of Lilith from the side relying on her sword for the first time in a slash toward her hands. The bisento was only a minor annoyance compared to Liliths powers but getting rid of her ability to wield it would certainly help. For the moment she ignored Liliths words.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The unique reaction that JaXx and Lilith's powers created amused Lilith slightly, though not enough to take her eyes off her opponent, who used the same technique she used when they were younger. Feign to the side and attack. Though the pain she was in made her reaction time a bit slower, she managed to grab JaXx's sword in her hand, but not before it cut her open. Struggling through the pain, Lilith gazed down at JaXx and hesitated, she had to incapacitate JaXx, she could not bring herself to kill her, and so she pulled back, and slammed her fist into the air in front of JaXx, instead of hitting her directly, thus softening the impact from the attack. However, what Lilith did not expect was to be blown back by her own attack, sliding backward and again falling to one knee. What was happening with her powers? Why were they being so wild? She gazed up towards JaXx, only to feel a sharp pain in her chest. She looked down to see a large bruise in the center of her chest. Where did that come from?

    Breathing slowly and heavily, Lilith realized this battle was not in her favor. JaXx, who was rested, could easily wear her down, and though she had found a way to counter JaXx's last attack, even she knew her reaction time was sloppy at best. There was no way she could keep this up. But that did not deter her. Using her Bisento to help her stand, Lilith prepared herself for JaXx's next attack.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Liliths attack actually managed to hit Jaxx directly this time. The blunt force from the punch, even though it did not come in contact with her, knocked her breath out as she was slammed to the ground. Both the fist and the fall hit harder than she expected.
    Luckily she knew the slash with her sword had managed to land a decent wound.
    Her sword landed tip down into the ground next to her as JaXx didn't take any time to get back to her feet. She could already feel a decent bruise forming near her ribcage to the right side though. It was likely she had at least one fractured rib. Taking one noticeably labored breath before shoving back all signs of discomfort and picking up her sword. She thanked the gods that it had been reinforced with magic. Otherwise the force of Liliths punch would surely have shattered the blade.
    However the damage she took was worth it, as she noticed the toll this fight was taking on her enemy. Lilith would not last much longer in this condition.
    She steadied herself before taking her weapon in her hand and charging forward.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Like watching a bunch of children play at swords." Voltair sighed as he moved towards the fight. He put his hand near Kable and Oryx as he passed by them. "You two stay down." As he passed them, the force of gravity on them immediately increased to the point of pinning them to the ground. Seeing Voltair moving to interrupt Jaxx's and Lilith's fight, Gerik moved to block Voltair. "No sense in getting in the way. I'm stopping this fight. Fall." Voltair put his hand on Gerik's shoulder. He too immediately succumbed to the sudden increase in gravity.

    Voltair suddenly had a weapon in his hand by the time he got between Lilith and Jaxx. With a single swing of the blunt edge of his blade, Voltair knocked Jaxx back several feet. "You wanted me to train you Lilith? Here's your first lesson. The emperor's throne is a lonely peak. An emperor's personal desires do not matter when compared to the good of the people of the empire. You must be prepared to sacrifice that which you desire." Voltair raised his weapon towards Jaxx. "Perhaps I shall do you a favor and remove this obstacle for you." Voltair began walking towards Jaxx, ready to strike her down.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx was caught off guard when the stranger intervened and even more so by the strength of his attack. Allies of Lilith and Jaxx alike fell at his command yet it didn't even seem to drain on his energy whatsoever. She managed to raise her sword on time to block it and land on her feet from the blow but just barely, sliding backwards upright a short distance. Her knees buckled slightly on the impact though she somewhat clumsily kept her balance.
    Whatever magic he was using on everyone else, she could feel the effect of it too, making her feel heavier, slower, more vulnerable to whenever he would decide to strike. However the heavy feeling could also be a side effect of adrenaline. Whatever he was, she was sure she hadn't faced anything like him before. This made her incredibly uneasy, though her suspicion about his identity was confirmed.
    "How convenient that you would happen to lead me here Lilith. To see the face of the other person my father sent me to find." She looked her attacker straight in the eyes "The Titan of the Arena. Voltair."
    As he stepped forward Jaxx tightened her grip on her sword, holding it in front of herself in a defensive stance though she could tell already she was outmatched. Even if she wasn't already worn down and injured from fighting Lilith, he could easily have overpowered her. This fight was decided before it even started. The thought angered her, he had been playing both of them. Testing Lilith.
    Just then, There was a bright and sudden flash of light JaXx could see it to her side and she immediately turned her head to investigate the interruption only to find it had already vanished. In its place was the figure of a woman. Her sword was drawn as she moved toward Voltair with grace and speed Jaxx recognized instantly as her bodyguard, Raven.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable watched the fight between the two girls with worry. Lilith was clearly outmatched at the moment and he could tell that she knew it as well. He stepped forward to intervene and help fight.

    And then a hand touched his shoulder. Suddenly, his body was pulled violently to the ground. Kable landed on one knee and struggled to look up. Voltair had walked forward and somehow incapacitated not only Kable and Oryx, but Jaxx's companion as well.

    Get up! GET UP! The voice began screaming. He clutched his head in pain. We are not dogs! I refuse to allow this! The broken sword hilt that hung at his hip started shaking, as if it was trying to break free.

    No, no, no! Kable thought, his attention diverted to holding it back. All of a sudden, a flash of light nearly blinded him. The voice screeched out and retreated to the back of his mind. When the light vanished, Kable was shocked to see Raven advancing on Voltair.

    "Raven, no!" He shouted.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well she faces death with honor." Voltair thought to himself, seeing Jaxx's refusal to run away. He continued walking when a bright flash appeared behind Jaxx. Everybody except Voltair seemed to avert their eyes for a moment. Unfazed by the sudden appearance of reinforcements, Voltair raised his weapon in preparation to block Raven as he kept on advancing. As they got closer Voltair looked at the face of this newcomer.

    What came next happened instantly.

    "I'm so glad to see you're okay." The words came out of Voltair's mouth once he made eye contact with Raven. His weapon dropped out of his hand as he opened his arms, appearing as though he was trying to embrace her. "Wait a moment. Why am I happy to see her? Who is she?" Voltair questioned to himself as he weapon hit the ground and dissolved into darkness. Before he had a chance to come back to his senses, Raven had already swung her sword.

    It was a clean cut. Voltair's arm dropped onto the ground; Raven's blade had cut it off entirely. Voltair jumped back while simultaneously pushing Raven back with his remaining hand. He looked back towards his arm that was on the ground. "That was... Unexpected." He muttered in an almost uncaring way about his arm. "Well I suppose this is about the time when everyone turns against me." He spoke out, loud enough for everybody to hear. Turning his attention to his arm again, the strangest thing happened. In an instant, his arm burst into black petals that quickly vanished in the wind. At the same time, similar black petals formed around his wound. These black petals also were carried off by the wind. When they were all gone it was incredibly obvious what happened. It was as though Raven had never cut him. There stood Voltair, with both arms intact.
  10. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    So much was happening all so fast that Oryx could barely keep his excitement in! So many new and powerful warriors coming out of thin air as it would seem! Oryx was never one to get angry, always seeing the positive side of things, but he did give a huff and puff when Lilith told him and Kable to stay back. How could she tell them to stand back and not do anything, he craved battle! To not let him fight was like telling a pig not to roll in the mud! The princess was in no condition to fight effectively or to her full potential, while her opponents were obviously well rested, but the girl held her own for the most part. Oryx watched ready to intervene like Kable had, but he seemed to have been pushed back to the sidelines.

    Seeing that Lilith was hurt and more than likely not to survive another attack he began to move forward only to slump down to his knees because all of a sudden it seemed as if he was carrying the entire seven seas on his back. Kable seemed to be affected by the same thing, this Titan of the Arena seemed to live up to his title, definitely hard to fight an opponent who immobilizes you. Though Oryx was a very strong man and managed to pull himself up with great effort and slowly make his way over to Lilith, with lots of huffs and puffs between each step. "Missy you'd be wise to let the others step in to the arena for a bit, no battle or war has ever been one by one person alone. I'm sure lassie over here agrees....?" Oryx said to her, but noticing that something seemed to be eating away at Kable from the inside. Then there was a blinding flash of light and yet another lady seemed to have come out of nowhere that didn't seem on their team, but Kable knew who she was.

    The titan man seemed to also recognize her, greeting her as she cut his hand off. "Good grief, is that how you people introduce yourselves around here? Hello I'm so and so please cut my arm off!" Oryx said bewildered by what had just transpired.
    Nova likes this.
  11. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable was lost to what was happening. Raven's sudden appearance and Voltair's ability to heal his own cut off arm surprised him. He pushed himself up likw Oryx had. Oryx's comment would have made Kable laugh if the situation wasn't dire.

    His hand grazed the broken sword hilt as he reached for his fallen weapon. Should he use it now? He was no match against any of these people in his current state. Maybe he could keep it under control for long enough to get themselves to safety.

    I have no choice. Kable dropped both shield and sword and unhooked his sword hilt. We have to get out of here.

    "Oryx, no matter what happens, protect Lilith." Kable opened himself up and it eagerly surged forward. He immediately felt the darkness suck him down. It took everything in Kable's willpower to keep himself in command of his own body. The hilt quivered as iron as black as the night shot out of it. Kable angled the sword forward and faced their aggressors.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith stood quietly, watching everything take place with vague interest. Her attention turned to JaXx who just seemed to stand there and watch, then to Oryx and Kable who again attempted to step in. She listened as Oryx spoke and waved him off. "There is no need to worry about me." She spoke quietly, "stop Kable from doing something he'll regret. Attacking either Raven or Voltair would be suicide, and JaXx is my opponent, though I cannot stop Voltair, I will stop you or Kable from attacking her with all my might. Stand down, and let them go. This is no longer our fight."

    Turning to JaXx, she spoke again, "JaXx, our fight will have to be postponed it would seem. You are no fool, and neither am I, we are both clearly outmatched here. We will meet in battle again soon, after all, I'm not that hard to find if you look hard enough." Backing away slowly, Lilith stood and watched, fully intent on waiting this fight out.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *oh my. So many things to answer in the same post lol*

    Jaxx stared dumbfounded at the whole situition. Firstly, the shock at seeing Raven at all let alone here right at the last second was enough to break her concentration. She had heard by carried message days ago that her mentour had been missing for weeks. She had been worried, more so than she would have let on in front of this large group of people. Her eyes widened as she watched her friend run toward Voltair. She knew her mentour was strong, but strong enough to take on this fight? She honestly wasn't sure. No!

    Raven had seen enough of what was going on to know Jaxx was in danger though she didn't really take in her other surroundings like she normally would have and instead chose to zero in on one target, the one advancing on Jaxx.
    As she got closer to him she sized him up, noting on seconds that he was taller than her and his aura was strange. Not like she had seen before though it did indicate power. His weapon shared the same aura indicating that he had conjured it, verifying to her he did have some ability with magic. Possibly a lot. The last thing her eyes locked on to was his face just in time to watch his expression change as they made eye contact.
    Rather than blocking her, like she was expecting, the stranger spoke to her instead like a close friend. The look in his eyes that second was somehow familiar and that took her off guard. Normally rational and calculating with each second of an attack, Raven felt completely frozen. Her body reacted for her her by instinct as she followed through, slashing her weapon and making contact with flesh and removing his limb. The cut was clean and she finished off the attack as gracefully as ever, steadying herself as her blade swung to her side in a downward angle before halting.
    However normally at this point she would have finished off her enemy but in this case she hesitated, the sight of the damage she had inflicted seemed to disturb her. The hesitation gave Voltair adequate time to retaliate. He pushed her away, moving backward himself and creating distance. She moved with the push to avoid letting it alter her balance, jumping backward in front of Jaxx where she stayed with her weapon ready.
    Whoever this person was, she didn't like how easily he had caused her to drop her guard like that. She made a mental note to not let it happen again. Whatever it was she felt when when first saw him, she quickly shoved it to the back of her mind and replaced it with distrust.


    Jaxx watched her mentour land an attack on the man she had once thought untouchable in disbelief. Though she regained her composure quickly as Raven landed directly in front of her in a defensive stance "Raven what the hell?! He could have killed you!"
    "So I was supposed to watch while you stand still and let him cut you to pieces? OK I'll remember that next time." Raven spoke much more calmly than Jaxx though both women quieted as Voltair spoke, and his arm healed completely. Though Jaxx was noticeably surprised by this Ravens expression remained unchanged.
    She noted the reactions of the other people for the first time since arriving as they each reacted. She recognized Kable and Lilith first. Their presence didn't surprise her and explained the source of the contention at least. Oryx, Voltair, and Gerik on the other hand she wasn't sure about.
    Once it fell silent she addressed Voltair, giving him her attention once again though she had regained her more casual tone "Not everyone. You may regrow as many limbs as you'd like. just be aware Id be happy to disarm you again if you attempt to use them against her." She gestured toward Jaxx with her free hand.


    As Raven spoke Jaxx shook her head, slightly embarrassed that she had chosen to speak so likely at a time like this. This whole situation had gotten out of hand too quickly. As she scanned her surroundings she noticed one of Liliths allies step forward with his sword drawn. There was something very different about him than there was before. Her first reaction was to go on the offensive but as she moved to step forward Raven put out a hand to stop her. Whatever it was Raven saw in Kable at that moment, JaXx could tell it wasn't good. She followed Ravens silent request to not antagonize him though stayed ready for an attack, shrugging off any pain or fatigue she was feeling. Her eyes darted to Gerik.
    The situation was becoming more unpredictable and she worried bringing him had put him in more danger than she realized. And now she had Raven to be concerned for too. She was at a cross between finishing what she started and considering her allies as Raven addressed Kable "Kable... I am not your enemy and Jaxx is in no condition to cause any more trouble. There is no reason to escalate things any further." She spoke calmly though Jaxx could hear some caution in her voice as well.

    Lilith spoke then, her words echoed the same message as Raven. To end the contention before it got out of hand and settle their quarrel at a later time. She considered this with a scowel. Once again cursing herself for catching up when it was too late. Had she been just a day sooner she could have finished this already before so many people had gotten involved.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  14. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Are you so sure about that, Raven?" Kable snarled. The sword pulsated in his hand as everyone watched him. "The way I see it, you show up and start defending the person attacking us."

    Kable began to advance forward. Every step brought his rage to a head. The gravity that Voltair summoned lifted from his shoulders. Nothing was holding him back now.

    She brought us to this point. The demon shouted in his head. She paid us to do this. She, along with everyone else, MUST SUFFER.
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven used her swordless hand to push Jaxx back as she held her ground against Kables still slow advance. Whatever was talking, she could tell it wasn't entirely Kable. There was something much more ominous there. She was quite perplexed she hadn't noticed it before.
    Though she did see his point she brushed off his comment finding no point in explaining her actions. Her voice remained calm, steady, and clear as she responded, still doing what she could to diffuse the situation. "Last chance to get a hold of yourself. I'd rather not have to force you to."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable couldn't have agreed more. The situation was pretty much defused. But the demon wasn't allowing it. It oushed itself even further along, slowly gaining more control.

    "You, force me to?" Kable felt his mouth move, a sly grin creeping up. "You're just a girl. You may have grace, but I've been built on full power. Watch and learn."

    He knew what attack was going to happen. Kable cried out but was voiceless as his body drove the sword deep into the earth. He felt as the iron expanded itself even further, rocketing underground towards Raven and the others.

    "There's a reason I'm known throughout history as the Iron Demon!" Kable screamed as iron spikes erupted from the ground.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven took a deep breath, sighing as it became clear this was not going to be resolved with words. Becoming annoyed she moved quickly, casting a spell to move anyone in range of the metal out of harms way just as the spikes emerged. She sensed something dark about this presence and decided to abandon her weapon for a new strategy. Darting forward, she stopped only inches in front of Kable placing a single palm against his forehead. This was all done in one swift motion as she cast. Being minimalistic as usual with her attacks, Raven only did what was necessary. A bright ray of light emerged from the palm in front of Kables face followed by a much stronger burst of energy that would knock him back a few feet.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  18. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable's eyes widened as Raven suddenly appeared before him. No one should have been able to dodge that attack. She thrust her hand forward and a flash of light blinded Kable. The force of a hundred cannons then smacked into him, causing him to fly back in pain. The demon hissed violently.

    Kable flew back and smacked right into Oryx. They both would've went flying, had Oryx not been a 7"ft behemonth demigod with a horses weight in armor on him. Nevertheless, they did skid back a few feet. Oryx quickly wrapped his arms around Kable to hold him back.

    "Now lassy, I have no idea what went wrong with you. But we are gonna burn it like a good roasted steak." Oryx called forth his flame around his arms. The demon cried out in agony.

    Celestial magic AND enchanted fire? These are no regular beings. The demon hissed. "You shall all fall behind me! Your magic cannot hold me forever!"

    But Kable was ready. He pushed all of his willpower out and enveloped the demons influence. As it was drowned out, it let out an unholy scream that escaped Kable's lips. Then it vanished and he slumped forward, exhausted.

    Oryx withdrew his flames and let Kable go. He fell to his knees and gasped for air. The sword hilt lay at his side, no longer extended since the demon was gone.

    "Lassy? I have fought many a beast. But that, was something unreal." Oryx commented, placing his hand on Kable's shoulder.

    Kable nodded. "And not something I enjoy going through." He glanced over to Raven. "Thank you for that, I definitely needed it. But I have to ask, does this mean my payment is forfeited?"
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well that was rather exciting wasn't it?" Voltair spoke up as he was suddenly leaning on Jaxx's shoulder. "Now that this little matter is cleared up, why don't we call it a day? With the current state of our two princesses right now any more fighting won't be involving them." Standing up straight, Voltair walked towards Raven while speaking to Oryx and Kable. "If anything it would be you two fighting our traveling friend," Voltair motioned his head towards Gerik, "While this beautiful woman right here tries to cut my body to pieces while I appear to attempt to kill Princess number two." As he commented on Raven attacking him, Voltair decided to then lean on her shoulder. "As fun as that sounds I'm certain we all literally have better things to do with our time."

    "Given the current situation, us ending things right now is the better option. But do you really think we can just walk away after everything that just happened? Gerik asked as he moved closer towards Jaxx.

    "I would much rather hope you would. I'm certain you can see the futility of continuing things here." Voltair answered.

    "That's not quite what I meant."

    "Ah. I see what's gnawing at your mind. People keep secrets for a reason. Would you rather I expose some of your secrets right now?" Voltair's voice deepened slightly as he asked his question.

    "Secrets? How would you-"

    "Know? Know what? Are you willing to take that gamble right now?"

    "N... No." Gerik answered, frustrated that Voltair could get to him so easily. Given what he saw earlier, he knew that no matter what could happen between everyone right now Voltair would certainly be the one to remain standing.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    In spite of her attitude toward all of the contention, Raven couldnt help but smile slightly at Kable's comment as she walked toward him and put out a hand to help him to his feet "Honestly I'm just glad you're OK and did not succeed at killing me." Any sign of stress had vanished from her countenance. Wether or not she blamed Kable for the attack was left unaddressed.
    "Find me later near the empty city you once spoke of and we will go over your terms of payment. Wether you decide to stay with Lilith after that will be on your conscience."


    So that's why you sent me back to the castle. To hide the man you hired... JaXx watched Raven speak with the mercenary and couldn't help but wonder if Raven somehow picked this one on purpose in case she was sent after Lilith. That dark side he had just shown seemed more than capable of holding off a demigod. However how could she have known about it? She dismissed the thought as she felt pressure on her shoulder.


    Voltair speaking turned Ravens attention back to him instantly. Really not sure what to expect at this point she stayed alert. However it seemed like the situation was cooling down. The sight of Voltair leaning on Jaxx seemed innocent enough aside from the fact that she could tell Jaxx was uncomfortable with it by her expression.
    Raven could almost find that humorous if it weren't for the fact she warned him not to touch her. She thought better than to call him out on it though as he had already stepped away from her anyway as though he read her disapproval himself.
    For the first time since arriving she was able to get a clear look at him. She studied his face as he spoke to everyone and walked toward her. The feeling of Deja vu hit once again, especially when he stopped next to her and leaned on her, but she did well to not show it. Once again she brushed it off, remembering the darker side of him she had seen attack Jaxx as well as the regeneration of his arm. He was dangerous and her priority was to keep Jaxx safe at the moment. She didn't give much warning as she stepped away from Voltair's leaning body, leaving him to regain balance she moved to rejoin the Emperors daughter.
    At very least she could agree with what he was saying. If this continued there would be casualties and most likely they wouldn't be from Liliths allies. She hoped Jaxx would see this but said nothing, curious on how she would react.


    Jaxx listened to everyone speak, gritting her teeth. After a month on her own, searching, she had finally reached her goal and almost defeated Lilith. The idea of just walking away was, at best, upsetting. She considered arguing, or simply attacking once again.
    But watching Voltair approach Raven made her think twice. Not that she was worried he had intent to hurt her in that moment, just the thought that he could. The same consideration went to Gerik who she knew had Claire waiting for him. It wouldn't be fair to put them at risk just for her pride. Not when she knew their chances of winning were so low. Besides the next time she would have time to learn more about how to defeat Voltair to stop him from being an obstacle. Lilith would be stronger by then, for sure. But she wasn't left with any other option. Her eyes focused on Lilith, her cold expression made it hard to tell what she would say.
    Her decision was weighed down with resent though she finally voiced it anyway. "Raven, Gerik, let's go."
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.

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