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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith's eyes met JaXx's cold stare and she couldn't help but smile. This whole fight was almost completely one-sided. She needed to get stronger, so she could defeat JaXx and Atticus, and right the wrongs the man had commited. Shouldering her Bisento, Lilith called out, "Oryx, Kable, with me. Voltair, if you desire to join us, nobody will stop you, nobody can if we're being honest. JaXx, Raven, be safe. Until we meet again." Turning away at last, Lilith walked onward back towards Mira, visibly limping, but otherwise standing as strong as she possibly could.

    JaXx... I will get stronger, I will recover, and next time we meet, I won't need anyone to interfere. I will defeat you... I'll prove to you everything I've always said. And maybe then, you'll see the light. But until that time comes, train, get stronger, and find the desire to overcome me if that is what you wish. Your father is a madman, and one day soon, I will put an end to his reign, with, or without you.
  2. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Much had transpired so quickly, lots of fighting, no fighting, crazy evil sword magic turning people crazy, bear hugs, and then to more talking. By the time everyone had reverted to just exchanging mean facings and agreeing not to fight, Oryx was getting very bored. Oryx considered piping up and saying something, but no doubt everyone there would more or less ignore him, this group of yuppies all seemed to serious all the time to take anything he said with slight humor in it. He would not find his great heroic deed to be done by playing patty cake with a bunch of folk standing around in them middle of nowhere.

    Lilith however took charge of their group at least and began to move them back towards the city. "Yes! More Ale drinking time for me!" Oryx exclaimed cheerfully as he followed Lilith's lead. He looked towards the other group and did a bit of a bow with his hands off to the side. "Nice meeting you lads, quite the group I must say! Enjoy the rest of your day and till we meet again!"
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    The meeting with the general had been a tense one. When he first arrived he refused to speak plainly to them, instead insisting that the two join him for dinner. This had aggravated Merrick to no end and it took a few words from Tess to stop him from doing something drastic. Once they were all seated the general informed the two that their previous job was a failure, and as such they wouldn’t be receiving payment. Merrick had lunged at the general drawing a dagger; the night would have ended with blood if not for Tess’s intervention. Once things had calmed down the man informed them that there was another job request for them. They were to find the daughter of the Emperor and assist her in mission. They weren’t given further information on the situation and after some heated words it was agreed that Merrick and Tess would receive payment in full for their last job, as well an advance on pay for their new mission. The terms were agreed upon and Merrick and Tess left with Merrick informing the general that if ever his name was to come to him, he could expect it to be a slow and painful death.

    “Do you really think it wise to threaten a general in the Imperial army?” Tess asked Merrick as they readied some horses later that evening. “It wasn’t a threat” Merrick replied. “Oh of course, because promising a slow and painful death is much better than the threat of one. Really Merrick, can’t we just leave. We have more than enough coin to live comfortably for two lifetimes. There is no reason for us to linger in this god forsaken war torn country”. Merrick paused in saddling his mount. “We could go anywhere” Tess continued sensing a chance. “We can leave this country behind, we can forget about the guild!” she pleaded. Tess immediately regretted her wording. “I can’t forget” Merrick replied. He finished readying his horse and climbed into his saddle. “Go if you wish Tess, I know you want to. And I won’t hold it against you, I love you Tess, and as my sister I want nothing more for you, than for you to be happy. And if that means leaving, please, don’t let me staying stop you from going.” “…..Come with me” She tried once more. “I can’t Tess”. The silence hung in the air, threatening to become uncomfortable. “I can’t leave you” she replied the sadness evident in her voice. She finished readying her own horse and climbed into the saddle. “Well then, to Mira” Merrick said, “We should be able to get a lead on JaXx from there”.

    The two kicked their horses into a trot heading south. Tess pulled her hood up hiding her face.

    She couldn’t let Merrick see her cry.
    Nova likes this.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The room was completely void of light as the door sealed behind Atticus. But he knew the blackness that surrounded him wasn't darkness. It was a physical manifestation, like black vapor that filled every open space and stained everything around it.
    The Emperor spoke to seemingly nothing "This form does not fool me creature. I know youre here." He put out a hand and suddenly a surge of electricity shot through his hand and cut through the mist in every direction. There was the sound of a voice groaning in agony before the mist dissipated revealing the spacious room in which he stood. It was square in shape with no windows or apparent doors. In the center was a large shallow circular hole on the floor which was stone like the walls and ceiling. In the opposite corner of the room atticus's eyes fell to the person whom he had addressed.
    In the form of a woman with brown hair and white marks showing across what was visible of her back. She lie face down, clearly hurt from Atticus's magic though she recovered quickly rising to her knees and turning her head, at an odd angle, to face Atticus. She had the face of Raven though her eyes had no pupil and we're white throughout.
    "Pardon me, your majesty. Is this the form you prefer?" The being spoke as she stood and her form broke up once again into the mist which swirled around like a swarm of insects before taking the form of Lilith Newgate. "Or perhaps this?" Her skin parted at both wrists travelling up her forarms as if being cut by an invisible blade. She walked forward as silver blood flowed from both wounds and toward the pit in the center where expanded until it filled it and formed a mirror that was level with the floor.
    Atticus raised an eyebrow, Crossing his arms clearly unfased by the theatrics "Impressive how long you've held the human form. It appears you're getting stronger." He stated indifferently before the image of Lilith began to fade back into the mist. Which lingered in the shape of a human being with no features. Atticus smirked "Though not strong enough."
    The being, whatever it was, ignored his taunt as it kneeled against the ground, resting a jet black hand against the still present mirror on the ground. "I assume you came not to taunt me, Storm Emperor. You have questions." The surface of the mirror rippled under its touch toward the center and out again before turning black.
    Atticus nodded "Indeed. I need you to check again for the location of those I seek, The happenings of the war, And the status of my daughter." He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
    The creature was already searching as Atticus spoke as the surface rippled again, brightening to show the image of Lucius and Marcus speaking in the tent. "Lucius has made it to the battle with his your men. The arrangement you have made with him is working to your advantage. He is behaving and has welcomed your general. They discussed the state of the war including the Fallen city, Barisor...."
    The image changed to show the face of a blonde woman shouting to a battalion of foreign men "it has been taken over by a powerful demigod who is working to secure the city for the enemy. Her bloodline is that of equal rank to your own. She is competition to your reign, your legacy. If not stopped, she will bring Azureth to distruction...."
    Once again the image in the mirror rippled and faded into another scene. He saw Jaxx with her weapon drawn she was fighting someone, the rain fell around her and she was surrounded by other people "Your daughter found her targets. Both of them..." it said this as JaXx took a strong hit from Lilith in the image. Both women fell to the ground. "She would have killed Lilith Newgate had the fight not been interrupted..." suddenly everyone but Jaxx fell to their knees and someone stepped in, attacking Jaxx with great force and knocking her back several feet "... by the one they call thearlier great Titan of the Arena. His strength outmatched her. She will not be strong enough to defeat him alone." Atticus pushed himself off the wall at the utterance of the name, his interest peaked. "She found the so called immortal warrior?"
    "Aye she has. And it's lucky he stepped in. Your plans would have died along with the Newgate child, the last of Neptune's mortal bloodline."
    At this statement, Atticus was surprised and his eyes narrowed, zeroing in on the creature "You knew this? And yet you advised me to let Jaxx kill her?" His voice was cold with rage. The creature laughed, as the mist expanded to change the form of the creature to a standing position. White eyes met the Emperors "Foolish man. I said you needed her blood, but not instantly. Your haste is to blame."
    Atticus shot a bolt of lightning toward the creature who screamed though it continued to laugh "Such delicious rage! Truly it is the only joy to be found in this prison. Keep it up and I will be strong enough to ruin you."
    Atticus stopped his attack, furious. Though he calmed himself "I understand now you will not tell me what I need unless I ask you plainly. What do I need to accomplish my goal? And when?"
    The creature, who had separated from the lightning, gathered back together before responding "To achieve what you seek, you require the blood of the Three Divine Kings. You will also need the assistance of one who has walked in the realm you seek. These things will need to come together when the planets have aligned."


    Jaxx watched Lilith walk away in anger before turning to Raven and Gerik "I suppose now we should return to Mira. Claire will worry about you." She said to Gerik.
    She turned to leave but noticed Raven seemed to not have listened. Her eyes followed Lilith and her group. "Raven?" The word came out more harshley than it than she intended but it worked to get her attention. "Let's go." She repeated.
    This time Raven simply nodded looking over Jaxx's injuries. Regardless of how long she decided to stay with the young girl and her companion she decided to at least accompany them as far as Mira to help her heal her injuries. "As you wish." She placed a hand on each Jaxx's and Geriks shoulders. She had never attempted using this spell with more than one person however she reasoned with herself there was no better way to find out if it were to work than to try. She warned the both of them to close their eyes before light expanded from all three of their bodies. When it diminished the spot they once stood was empty.

    JaXx felt strange and as she opened her eyes she found that she was no longer where she once stood instead she was inside the city of Mira though they were in a back alley where no one would be around to see them appear. She looked perplexed and spole to Raven "Since when could you do that?"
    Raven shrugged "where's the fun in me telling you?" She said deflecting the curiosity. "Now we need to get you somewhere safe where I can fix your injuries. You mentioned another person waiting for our friend here." Referring to Gerik "I suggest we make our way there quickly."
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well that's quite unfortunate. I feel... Disappointed that she left so quick." Voltair muttered to himself. "I wonder what that was about... Me acting as though I was familiar with her... Well, not the strangest thing I've done." Finished with his ramblings, he turned his attention to the remaining people who were also headed towards Mira. "Hey! Are you guys sure you wanna head that way. Those other guys went on to Mira as well. You sure you wanna risk another fight breaking out?"


    "Teleportation magic huh? Quite impressive. Especially from..." Gerik stopped himself mid sentence. Today was a strange day filled with questionable things. It was probably best to give everybody a moment of normalcy after the recent events. Especially since Jaxx apparently had no idea Raven could do this sort of teleportation.

    "Yeah..." Gerik replied to Raven's question. "Due to certain circumstances I've been the guardian of a child for about a month now. I left her here in Mira since I figured it wouldn't be safe for her to be near that fight."

    The group made their way to the inn where they left Claire. Gerik opened the door to the room she was in and saw the girl sitting up with a sleepy look on her face. "Hey, I'm back."

    "Back with another woman." Claire spoke as she looked away.

    "Hey, I told you its not like that."

    "I know." She sighed. Focusing on Jaxx now, Claire could see the damage from the fight with Lilith. "Jaxx, how did you get hurt?"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith turned back to look at Voltair with a smile, "We don't really have much of a choice, friend. I'm in no condition to make it to the next town. Mira has multiple inns though, so we should be alright. I imagine JaXx won't be there long anyway, and I doubt Raven would let her attack me in front of hundreds of civilians who could get involved unintentionally. At least I'd think so anyway. She's a very honorable woman, but then again, so is JaXx. Anyway, unless we can teleport to another town, Mira is our safest bet for now. I will try to recover as quickly as possible so as to not make you all wait. Also, Oryx, I'd say hold off on the ale. We wouldn't want any incidents, if you know what I mean."

    Lilith turned to Kable and shook her head, "Do you intend to leave us upon getting paid? I would not blame you. Traveling with me may one day get you killed."
  7. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable's eyes widened as Raven, Jaxx, and Gerik all vanished into thin air. My god, I really am losing my mind. He thought as he glanced around. They were beaten down and barely alive, but the fact that they were alive was all that mattered. Kable looked to Voltair as he suggested they return to Mira as well.

    "Well, if we run into them again, it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen today." He remarked as he picked up the sword hilt and hooked it back on him. He heard a faint laugh as he did so, but he brushed it aside. He wouldn't let it take over again.

    Lilith looked to him and asked if he would stay with even after he got paid. Honestly, Kable was unsure of himself. He knew it would be better to ride off the second he could. But at the same time, he couldn't leave Lilith to handle this alone. Of course, she had Oryx with her. And maybe Voltair would decide to train her.

    But if Jaxx finds more companions, like that sand guy, maybe I should stay. He thought. "I'll decide when I get the money." Kable answered. He then started walking.

    "Oryx, I appreciate your help earlier." Kable said as they began their march back to Mira. "I don't know what you did, but if that ever happens again, feel free have at it again."
  8. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Ilda was growing impatient. With the King dead and her husband as well she now was forced to gain control of the situation that had been dumped on her lap by cowardly assassins. Barisor was being ransacked everyday by hordes of barbarians, loyal only to their chieftains, and ultimately causing so much damage it was weakening their defensive position. She had called for a meeting of the Chieftains in the council chambers of the city and all had respectfully came at her wish. but were now more or less arguing who was going to be the new king.

    "I am son of Hrothgar the Great! I have proven my mettle in battle, I should lead our forces!" One large man said shouting to the other chieftains, several backed him up with nods or cheers of agreement, others were not convinced.

    "I am son of Greyjoy, bloodline of Thor! I have higher claim to rule than you!" Yet another man shouted to the other man, and several other chieftains backed him up as well.

    Ilda sat with her legs crossed and her hand in her face as the men in the room continuously argued and bickered amongst themselves before the yelling finally was starting to give her a headache. Slamming her fist on the table, the large thud and partially breaking of the table echoed throughout the hollow and stone room. "Enough! I am tired of hearing all of you folk bicker and fightin amongst yerselfs. The reason why I called you all hear was to inform you that I am now grand chieftain." Ilda awaited the response she expected of the buffoonish men. The room exploded with laughter, faces turned deep red and eyes cried at her statement. The first man regained his posture first.

    "No offense to your skills as a warrior missy, but I will not be taking orders from a shield maiden......." Before he could finish Ilda had raised her hand and fired a breeze of frost air at him, encasing him completely in ice. With her other hand she formed a spear of ice and through it like a javelin, shattering the frozen man as well as piercing the man behind him and instantly killing both of them. The room grew completely silent and eyes were as wide as can be with mouths hanging low.

    "I am grand chieftain from here on out. You will inform your men to stop ransacking this city and to being executing my defensive plans. All of you are so short minded, capture one city and everyone loses their mind, but there is an entire empire to topple, filled with riches and some of the greatest warriors this world has seen. Valhalla awaits us brothers and sisters, but in the mean time I will settle on the riches of this world. Now go!" All of the men ran out of the council room and she could hear orders being barked left and right as she approached the window that overlooked the city. This empire was about to experience its first ice age...


    Oryx gave a sigh as he was told to hold off on the ale, he wasn't going to cause any incidents. He didn't last time, or so he didn't think he did. However it was not his place to make those kind of decisions, this girl was the leader of the group he volunteered for and he would obey her commands for the most part. "You don't have to worry about my missy, I'll be a good lassy, I am just as much gentleman as drunken missy!" He exclaimed with a cheerful tone.

    He turned towards Kable as he began to thank him for what he did and to do it again if need be. "Aye lassy, ancient Drawrven Paladin technique. The purest and brightest of fires is that which lies in us. Only the noblest of heart can learn it, and evil retreats in its presence." Oryx told Kable as they continued moving towards Mira. While the giant man came off as dumb or foolish, he did have his moments that let others see how intelligent he actually was on the inside.
    Nova, Legendseeker and Taboo Sho like this.
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    As Lucius and Marcus discussed their battke strategy, they were interrupted by a knock. A solider entered the tent and saluted both of them. "Sirs! I bring dire news!"

    "Well, speak then." Lucius answered.

    The soilder nodded and pulled out a letter. Opening it up, he cleared his throat and began speaking. "As you are well aware, we have managed to infiltrate Barisor with spies to keep tabs on the warring factions. Through our sorcerers magic, we have been able to determine that one of the faction leaders have gained control."

    Lucius was surprised. He certainly hadn't expected someone to gain control of the tribes, and not in such a timely matter. "Who is this chieftain that managed such a feat?"

    "Ilda Ironside, my lord. Also known on the battlefields on the Valkriye of Death. Apparentky, she managed this by killing off two of the chieftains instantly that argued against her. They now begin planning of defenses against our forces."

    Lucius nodded, turning back to the table. "Very well. Thank you for the information, solider. You are dismissed." He looked to Marcus. "Looks like our plans have changed, haven't they?"
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Of couse... the lining of the planets cliche Atticus nodded in comprehension, keeping his remarks to thought alone. "How is my daughter fairing now? If the gladiator overpowered her is she in trouble?"
    The creatures white eyes met Atticus's for a moment in silence before laughter followed "Such fatherly concern." The statement sounded sarcastic though it kept all other remarks to itself. The mirror disappeared into vapor which few back to rejoin the form of the creature. "I have seen all that I am able today. If your offspring is alive she will be around Mira. Assuming you had her reporting to your men, she will likely go to them."

    Later the Emperor sent word to Lucius to send reinforcements to help Jaxx apprehend Voltair and Lilith. But was surprised to learn the order had already been carried out and two assassins were being sent to find Jaxx. Atticus played it off like he knew he had already made that order. But knew he hadn't.


    Jaxx tried not to make any noise or sign of discomfort as Raven helped her sit down on a chair in the room. She couldn't help but grunt through gritted teeth though as her mentour touched her discolored forearm. Her sword holding arm had actually broken from a combination of blocking Liliths and Voltairs attacks. The very idea that her bones themselves were too weak to carry out her task stung her pride somewhat.
    Though she heard Claire ask a question, she remained silent. Too angry to even know what to say.
    As it became clear Jaxx wasn't going to speak, Raven did to fill the silence. "Hello you must be Claire. Nice to meet you, I'm Raven." She spoke as she stretched out Jaxx's broken arm and began to heal it. The initial movement of her bones coming back together was uncomfortable. JaXx moved to pull her arm away from it but Raven simply held on tighter, roughly pushing Jaxx back against the chair. "JaXx here is hurt because she is stupid. And decided to charge into a bad situation without thinking. We're lucky your friend Gerik was kind enough to help her out. Sorry for waking yo..."
    JaXx scoffed "I knew what I was getting in to. And I would have been fine without your help." She pulled her arm free as Raven finished healing it and knocked her hands away.
    At this Raven simply rolled her eyes "Yeah, ok princess." Using a nickname she often used when Jaxx was pulling this attitude. She decided it was better to not go into the gory details with Claire present.
    She stood up, leaning against the wall with her arms folded. She knew Jaxx had other injuries but for the moment decided to ignore them. If Jaxx wanted them healed she could fix her attitude. "Anyway now isn't the time to argue. You're being rude to your friends." She nodded her head toward Gerik and Claire. She wondered what Gerik had meant earlier in the streets when he commented on her teleportation ability. But decided that was a conversation for another time.

    JaXx sighed, partly wanting to point out that Raven started it. But she bit that comment back "you're right I'm sorry. I'm fine Claire. It's just a part of my job." She turned her attention to Gerik "Thank you for your assistance. I may not have accomplished much but at least now I'm more educated on what I'm up against."
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    With a sleepy smile, Claire spoke on Raven's comment about Gerik helping. "He does that a lot." She then tugged on Gerik's pants. "Gerik. She's so pretty. Almost like an angel." She spoke about Raven in one of those childish ways where a child would think they were whispering, even though everybody else could hear her. Gerik chuckled a bit, unsure of how to reply. "And Jaxx is a princess..." She spoke in awe.

    Fortunately for him, Jaxx's comment seemed to be a way to avoid commenting on what Claire said. "Yeah... About that Jaxx. I'm not sure how much education would really help against a man like him." Gerik was obviously talking about Voltair. Based on the previous events he was able to tell that Jaxx was hunting him along with hunting for Lilith. "There are certain things that are... Quite frightening about him. I'm certain I'm the only one who truly saw it, but... How should I put this? That man is... A unique existence... I'm not sure if there's anything quite like him in the world."


    "Well I suppose sticking with them will give me a chance to meet up with that woman again. Raven... She's quite something else..." Voltair thought to himself as his mind wandered off towards thoughts about Raven.

    Regaining his focus he immediately caught up to Lilith's group. "I suppose I can stick around you until you reach Mira. At the very least I can ensure you'll make it there to be able to rest. After all it would be quite unfortunate if something were to happen to y'all on your way back after today's events."
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx smirked slightly about Claire's comment about Raven, looking to her mentour and expecting a similar reaction to when others commented on her appearance: pretending she hadn't heard. However to her surprise Raven actually laughed slightly. Though she made no other comment, JaXx fond this odd. However to be fair she had never seen Raven around children before at all. She was likely knowing how to behave around them was unfamiliar to her. Finally, something she isn't good at. she thought to herself.

    The both of them made an unspoken agreement to not correct Claire about Jaxx being an actual princess. It wasn't entirely incorrect anyway. Besides the comment was more directed at Gerik.

    Raven had never, to her memory, interacted with a human child before. Having seen mostly dishonest people and bloodshed over the past five years she couldn't help but find Claire's innocent honesty fascinating.

    However Geriks next words caught the attention of both women. JaXx looked to Gerik as he spoke, cringing slightly when she attempted to lean forward only to be met with a painful reminder of her bruised ribcage. "I believe everyone who was there could confirm your words in some way. His abilities and rapid healing being the obvious indicators."
    Her mind travelled back to the moment his arm grew back and how casual he had been about bringing everyone present to their knees as though it was nothing. If that was him being lazy she was curious what him actually trying looked like.
    "However apprehending him and Lilith-" She decided to not use the word kill in front of Claire when speaking about Lilith "-is my responsibility. I will have to find some way to defeat him in order to accomplish either goal assuming he has decided to join her. With this in mind, any information helps. What is it that you found unusual about him?"

    Ravens eyes met the floor as she listened to the both of them speak. Whatever her thoughts on the subject, she chose to simply listen for the moment.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith nodded, "Very unfortunate indeed. I welcome your company Voltair, even if it is for only a short while." She looked towards her companions and smiled, these were the people who deserved to be happy. The good people that she wanted to protect, and save. It was the people like Atticus who needed to be stopped. By force if necessary, but she had no intentions of killing him if she could help it, not unless JaXx was okay with it, and Lilith had a feeling the younger girl never would be okay with the idea of having to put down Atticus, even if it was for the greater good. Even so, imprisoning him would work just as well. "Well, enough standing around then, let us be off. I'm simply exhausted."
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hmm... How do I explain it best?" Gerik muttered to himself. "Well... To start... There's the matter of his regeneration. Healing at that level is immortality, plain and simple. Back in my homeland there are creatures we call Djinn. They are, in simple terms, demons that have been imprisoned by the gods. Like the gods they too are immortal. Harm them and their wounds will heal. Unlike the gods though, their healing is slow. A wound, say... Half the size as what that man experienced, would at the very least take several minutes to heal from. Obviously that man's healing is much faster than that. In fact, based on his reaction I can only assume that he was even stalling. I feel that he could have recovered like that much faster than he did. Therefore the logical conclusion would be that this man is a god. Unfortunately things aren't that simple."

    Gerik paused for a moment to look at Claire, concerned that this talk of gods and whatnot might not be something she would want to hear. During the month that they were together he did tell her that he was a demigod, so there wasn't any concern whether or not that would cause her to fear him. He turned back to Jaxx and Raven. "I did mention to you before that I am a demigod similar to you. I assume the circumstances to my birth are different, but that is a minor detail. Anyways, I have inherited the eyes of one of the gods." Gerik pointed to his eyes as they faintly changed colors. "Due to this I am able to see a person's divinity. So when we first met, I already knew you were a demigod. It is because of my eyes that I said I'm certain that I'm the only one who could see how truly frightening that man is. He has the immortality of the gods, and yet... He doesn't have any divinity whatsoever. When I looked at him... I only saw a normal person."


    "Well this is... An exciting walk." Voltair spoke to the silent group. "Certainly one of you guys have something exciting to talk about. A past adventure of sort? Something with which to bond with. I mean if you guys are gonna be companions then it would help to know more about each other."
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx was very surprised by what Gerik had to say. Remembering how difficult it had been to block his attack, equal even to the blows of Lilith herself. Not to mention his arm growing back and the way he was able to still Lilith and her companions, even breifly. If Geriks words were true, it didn't make any sense. A normal human wouldn't be able to do any of those things. She frowned, "We have a legend very similar here: Evil immortal beings who were imprisoned by the gods. However it isn't possible Voltair could be one of them. Not based on the legends that is." She chuckled "However his title would make sense if it were the case..."

    Raven was barely listening. Something Gerik had said struck a nerve in her, immortal beings imprisoned by the gods. The words gave Raven an odd sense of Deja Vu. Almost to the extent she had experienced earlier in the fight with the very person about whom they were talking. Something about this particular emotion was different though, unsettling. As JaXx finished speaking, Raven took the opportunity to step away "As interesting as all of this is..." She spoke up finally "...I've just remembered it's time to cut ties with our mercenary friend."
    She spoke as she pushed herself off the wall, stretching as she spoke.

    JaXx turned her head to face Raven once again "You mean pay him for protecting her from me." Once again, Raven heard the sting of bitterness in her tone and sighed.
    She knelt down next to Jaxx, using her magic to heal the remainder of her wounds "I hired Kable on the night you did the honorable thing by Lilith. As she is now a free woman and you are equals, his work is done. Now I must honor my own integrity by keeping my promise." She explained.

    JaXx nodded, once again brought to reason "I understand. However will you join me to report to Lucius? I would like to catch up on where you've been this past month."

    Raven paused, somewhat surprised that Jaxx would suggest that considering everything. It wasn't like she could simply waltz into the tent of the leader of the Emperial army without causing trouble considering she was as much a fugitive as Lilith at this point. Assuming Jaxx simply hadn't heard the full story of why she left Sax, she answered carefully. "We do have a lot to talk about. I'll see you again soon."

    She stood turning her attention to Gerik and Claire "It was nice meeting you both. However next time I hope it is under better circumstances." With that, she walked out the door and was gone.

    JaXx couldn't help but find Ravens sudden exit a bit out of character, like most of her behavior since appearing earlier. However as curious as she was, she knew she was not likely to get a straight answer on what Raven was thinking until she was ready to give one. She turned her attention back to Gerik. "I apologize for that. My mentour can be unpredictable at times but she doesn't mean to be impolite." She spoke on how rude it must seem for Raven to have left mid conversation.

    She paused for a moment before continuing the previous conversation. "Anyway whatever he is, it's clear running up to them directly will not work in my favor in the future. With him or her other companions. The mercenary is clearly not all he seems to be either at least... but I digress. Youve been a huge help to me. Is there anything I can do for you in return?"


    It didn't take much for Raven to cloak herself as usual as she made her way to the outside of the city toward the abandoned village Kable spoke of. To most, there would be no trace of her walking right past them. Usually she wouldn't worry about the discretion, knowing she could handle any trouble from guards or spies. In this case, though, she would rather avoid being bothered if possible. She had too much on her mind.

    She lifted the spell as she exited the city. Having already found her destination once before, it wasn't difficult to find it again. The ghost-town was a short distance from Mira even when walking. It was quite small and didn't take much investigation for her to come to the conclusion Kable had not yet arrived. taking this to her advantage she decided to find a good place to wait. Somewhere high up so she could see him coming, yet decently covered so he wouldn't see her right away. As much as she wanted to believe he was a good person, she always leaned on the side of caution. Especially in the case of Kable's allies and her own recent encounter with him. Both of which had proven to be unpredictable.

    Seeing a taller building somewhere in the center of the town she made her way toward it. Even though time and vandals had run the place down, Raven could tell this building was once a lot nicer than a lot of the other ones. It was easily distinguishable as having once been a church though of what religion she wasn't sure. In the center of the church, toward the top, there was a large stained glass window. However it had been cracked slightly. that will do.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    As the group made their way into Mira, Kable thought back to the fight earlier. Everything had happened so fast, there wasn't any time to process it. Now that they were all calmed down, he began to go over the details. Who was Voltair? How was he able to regrow his arm back almost instantaneously? What was his connection to Raven?

    And what about Raven herself? Kable knew that he was late to their meeting, due to having to avoid any followers for a month on the trip to Mira. But her sudden appearance gave cause Kable for concern. Even if she was able to help subdue the demon in him.

    They reached the hotel with Voltair asking about any adventures they have had in the past. Kable turned to him as he paid for two rooms with the inn keeper. "I think your best bet for adventure time is with Oryx here. He seems to have been on a lot of adventures."

    "Here are the room keys." Kable handed to Oryx. "Make sure Lilith gets rest. Don't let argue with you. I have to go take care of something with the our friends." Kable said sarcastically. He pulled up the hood on his cloak. "I'll be back soon."

    Kable nodded to the rest and left the inn. Thankfully, the trip to their meeting place wasn't far. He made it in decent time. As he walked into the abandoned town, memories flooded into his head. The demon cackled inside him.

    Funny, that you would choose this of all places, feeble human.

    Kable shook his head. He wasn't gonna let it bring him down, not again. Kable threw down his back and sat onto the dirt, intent on waiting for Raven's arrival.
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Aye that be true lassie! I have been on plenty of adventures across the world! From fighting dragons and gods to sailing to the ends of the earth, I have seen it all lassie. Some of my greatest tales are sung by both bards and poets across the world! The Tales of the Lords of Iron I have no doubt will be remembered through all of time." Oryx grew excited at a chance to tell his tales. His people's culture was built heavily around telling heroic stories of glory and passing them on to the next generation and the next. His people's greatest would leave their legacy in the great adventures and deeds they had done in life.

    "By far my most favorite adventure and tale is King Horik and the Iron Lords. That is a lengthy one to tell though, and we should wait until we are settled down." Oryx said to their newest addition. He was an interesting fellow, full of great power Oryx could sense, okay not so much sense just watching him fight a little gave him a pretty good sense of that he was a strong and powerful fighter. As Kable gave him the room keys he nodded. "I will make sure the missy gets some rest or I'll give her a little knock over the head until she's sound asleep!" Oryx slapped Kable on the shoulder before he took off to take care of his business. The life of a mercenary was very strange to him, but Kable had a good heart and that's all that mattered in the end.

    Turning towards Lilith and Voltair, "You must get some rest this time around missy, if I have to fight you to make you get some I will, stubbornness is all good and dandy at the right time, but this isn't one of them. As for you gladiator we will give the missy her privacy and share the other room. I'll be nice even and let you have the bed, grounds always been pretty comfy for an oaf like me!"
    Legendseeker and Taboo Sho like this.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith shrugged and turned to Oryx, "Tired or not, I would never lose to you in a fight. I am the Strongest Woman in the World, Oryx. None can surpass me in strength..." Though she tried to say it with as much confidence as possible, it was clear that she was starting to lose faith in that part of her as well. I have much to accomplish, and little time to do it. It's only a matter of time before JaXx regroups and challenges me again, and I'm sure she'll have more allies. For now, I will rest, but only because it is necessary. After I am recovered, we move forward, and don't look back. The future is what's important, not the past, and the future I'm writing, has no place for Atticus in it,"

    She grabbed the keys to her room and made her way in. JaXx was the only thing on her mind as she unbandaged her chest, pulled off her boots and crawled into bed. I'll surpass you JaXx... and show you that my way isn't as impossible as you seem to think. And with that, Lilith fell asleep.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The inside of the old church was almost more destroyed than the outside. Most of the windows were broken and the aisle was cluttered with displaced books and furniture. There was also evidence of campfires, looting, and vandalism. Raven had seen plenty of strange things in her travels in Azureth but nothing like this. The entire town appeared to have been abandoned for many years. And much like the throne room in Sax, the town had a certain presence that put her on edge. Though, unlike in Sax, she couldn't really put a finger on why she would feel that way. It was obvious something had happened here. But nothing Raven knew about to explain the vibe she got from it.
    The church has only one level, so the window Raven had picked out had no ground in front of it to make it more accessible. This didn't present a huge problem, though. The ceiling was very high up and pointed with the roof. to give added support the architects had built a few pillars and beams across it in multiple places. The design was simple, but it provided Raven the height she needed. She sat on one of the beams nearest to the window. Through a large crack in the stained glass she could see far down the overgrown road toward Mira and watched Kable approach for some time.
    Once she was decently satisfied he was alone and wasn't being followed by any of his companions she allowed her mind to wander.
    Since leaving Sax, she had learned many things about Azureth and about herself. Though she had done her best to avoid learning anything about her identity or her past, being wary of the warning she had received. The teleportation power she discovered seemed to have opened the flood gates to remembering other abilities she had. Ones she couldn't make sense of as she had never considered them possible.
    The encounter with Liliths group just then gave her that same feeling, in a way. Like there was something important she had forgotten. And the memories were just barely out of reach. In any other circumstance this would be a good thing. But, considering everything, Raven wasn't sure what to think. It was clear the reminder had come from the one the others seemed to fear: Voltair.
    Admittedly he stood out. She hadn't entirely gotten him off her mind. However that could easily be blamed on the oddity of that entire situation. He hadn't even bothered trying to block her attack. From his reaction to her approach she could have even wondered if he knew her. However later, after growing back his own arm, he acted as a normal stranger. Normal being used loosely of course.
    Wether or not it was him or something about him that triggered the familiarity, or the memories, it made her cautious. If it was him, learning anything else could be trouble. And even if it wasn't him, something about him still seemed familiar. She couldn't allow herself to be distracted by that if she ever crossed him again.
    For the time being, she only knew for sure she cared about one thing and that was Jaxx. She also knew the girl's father gave her a mission that would get her killed. Lilith alone was one thing. But Lilith, Kable, Oryx, AND especially Voltair were to much for her to face alone. Even if she refused to stand behind Atticus, she couldn't knowingly let Jaxx get herself killed. With all these things in mind, she made a decision about what to do from here.
    It seemed most of her problems, along by those of many other people, branched off of the Emperor in one way or another. So, it stood to reason he would have to be stopped. Wether by Lilith, who seemed determined to make that happen, or by Raven herself.
    With that in mind, she decided to stick with Jaxx. This was the most convenient way to keep informed on what was happening with Atticus, and to keep Jaxx from getting herself killed in the meantime.

    Noticing how near Kable had travelled brought Raven back to the present. She watched as he entered the city and sat down not far from her location. Raven allowed herself to fall from the beam in which she had been waiting. She landed on her feet, straightened herself, and made her way toward the mercenary.

    He didn't appear to threatening, sitting there on the ground. Raven knew well enough to know this wasn't the case, though. Iron deamon or otherwise, Kable was more than capable of defending himself. Not that Raven would present the need for him to do so. As far as she knew he was only defending Lilith because he was paid to. She wondered if he would continue after this. But even if he did, he was not Raven's enemy personally. Though she didn't trust him, there was something about Kable she liked, or could understand at least. Again, she couldn't really think of a specific reason why she would feel that way though.

    He seemed to be lost in thought as she approached so she spoke first, alerting him to her presence "Glad to see you made it. With that whole demonic takeover thing I was beginning to think you didn't like me anymore." Her attitude remained light, making her sarcasm obvious.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
    RebelMurf and Legendseeker like this.
  20. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable slightly jumped. He had been so lost in his thoughts that Raven's sudden appearance startled him. He grinned at her comment and stood up. "Honestly, I was going to ask you the same thing. People tend to judge you when you go demonic on them and they avoid you."

    He wandered over to the front of the church and gazed up at the broken stain glass. Images flashed in his head, bringing his smile down. This place was filled with dark memories.

    "They certainly cleaned this place up." Kable remarked sarcastically, turning back to Raven. Even with what was escalating, Kable saw something kind in Raven. Hopefully if it came to it, he wouldn't have to fight against her.

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