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does anybody know why did riku become a big guy

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by crazykh, Apr 28, 2009.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hmm. I was taking based off of my own evidence. That was two fights in my opinion. Still i concede your point.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Normal ansem report 12

    Oh well now i know for sure taht they fought Once. When he said he lost once he meant he lost without using darkness(1). So they second time he used darkness, he could have finished him the first time, but he stabbed they keyblade into the floor, Roxas then cheap shoted him. Riku was like okay you homo (not exact words :p) used darkness, easily messed up roxas. and bagged im that is the Second fight
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I think this is case closed. Does that dude know the answer to , "does anybody know why did riku become a big guy ?"
  4. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Answer: Because he used the Power of Darkness to change himself to look like Ansem the seeker of darkness when fighting against Roxas second time and he can't return to normal until Kingdom Hearts (almost) destroyed.
  5. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    incorrect well half correct, kingdom hearts being almost destroyed had nothing to do with it. Because there is more than one Kingdom Hearts. Riku no longer belonged to darkness. so why would he have to keep that form

    the correct answer is: Riku just felt like if he was going to win in the realm of darkness, he might as well become darkness, he basically gave in to the darkness for a while. This leading to turn him into the big guy. At the end of Kh2 when he returned to normal form, he used his darkness for good, his heart became stronger and blocked out the darkness you could, thats why he recieved a keyblade and that later goes on to him being returned to normal
  6. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    I have to agree. Lets close the discussion. CrazyKH has got the video of the event, he's got the argument about my spelling (LOL soz) and he's got about 5 different points of view.:D I'd say that's a job well done.
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