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Dominion of Everything Redux

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Moogle, Sep 23, 2012.

Who da boss?

  1. Exilus

  2. Matthias

    0 vote(s)
  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then. Big bossa nova (or whatever the name is going to be) is still boss of the Synectophy, though, so there's a power gap that must be maintained.
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    -_- I misunderstand no longer. He's now from TWEWY Earth.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Looks fine. Thank you Reprise!
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    So is my guy approved?
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I see no problems with it.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I just don't agree with an RP where one person has a character that's ohmyfreakingodmoreimportant than everyone else's.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Like I said, I was just basing my understanding off the first RP. Wasn't really THINKING.
  8. (As you can see, this profile is extremely long -.- Sorry about that! Hopefully you guys can get through it so you can decide who to vote for, but if anyone wants me to make the bio more concise I can give it a try.)

    Name: Exilus (no middle or last name)

    Age: 24

    Universe and World: Kingdom Hearts, Homeworld: Boundless Horizon (OC World). Also lived on Ashen Crater (OC World).

    Personality: Exilus is sadistic, cruel, and hedonistic by nature. He is usally kinder to those in the Syneptophy and those that are close to him, but he has been known to exercise cruelty on them as well. Exilus can usually be found with a wide smile across his face, whether he is causing pain or simply reaping every pleasure he can.

    Appearance: Exilus is 6'8" and has long, flowing black hair. His eyes are amber and his skin is tan due to his exposure to darkness. He wears a suit of armor adorned with spikes on the pauldrons, colored black with a grey trim. A black cloak flows behind him.

    Weapon: Dual Keyblades. One is the Keyblade of the Heart of Ashen Crater and is called "Brimstone Shadow." The other is the Keyblade of the Heart of Boundless Horizons and is called "Fathomless Destiny."

    Powers: Heart Theft: Just as the name implies, this is the power to steal hearts. When this happens, it is the same as if that person lost their heart to darkness, meaning a nobody may be born. This power is performed using a Keyblade, and cannot be used effectively unless the target is very near death or has lost the will to live. Can also be used on worlds to consume their energy and leave them lifeless.

    Wretched Banquet: This power allows Exilus to consume hearts and other forms of spiritual energy (not including attacks that utilize spiritual energy, it must be inert). This will provide Exilus
    with an ample power boost, improving his speed and destructive capabilities. This effect lasts for three posts and cannot be stacked to amplify the effect further.

    Shadow Magic: The ability to use darkness to attack. This darkness can be manipulated into any form, such as condensed bullets or a whip.

    Corridor of Darkness: This power allows for extremely quick travel from one world to another. The drawback is that the transition is fairly random, and the user may not end up exactly
    where they wanted to. Exilus's mastery allows him to come closer to his target than an ameteur.

    Hallowed Heartless: Exilus is able to summon heartless, from simple Shadows to mighty Invisibles. He can summon a large group of weaker Heartless (Shadows, Soldiers, etc.) or a small group of powerful heartless (Invisibles, Defenders, etc.).

    Keyblade Training: Exilus recieved standard, if brutal, training from a Keyblade Master. This has allowed him to learn all of the basic skills of Keyblade wielder, including how to summon a
    Keyblade Glider, how to lock/unlock anything, and how to cast magic using the Keyblade as a conduit. Exilus's strength and defense are bolstered from the years of brutal training he has

    Master Magic: Exilus knows Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga.

    Fusion Casting: Exilus is able to combine his Master Magic abilities with themselves and also with his Shadow Magic ability. This can allow for a bolt of interspersed fire and thunder, or a hail
    of ice and spikes of darkness, as well as other combinations.

    Bio: Exilus was orphaned early on in his childhood. He lived on the streets, stealing to survive. At age seven, Exilus tried to pickpocket a strange-looking woman; as it turned out, this woman was a
    Keyblade Master, and an evil one at that. She looked at Exilus in disgust and almost lashed out at the little pickpocket. As fate would have it, she instead summoned her Keyblade, and offered the
    handle to Exilus. "Go on," she said. "You wanted to steal something didn't you?" Exilus, thinking that the Keyblade might fetch a price, grabbed the handle unknowingly; it shined with the telltale light of acceptance, and so the Keyblade Initiation Ceremony was complete. The Keyblade Master then introduced herself as Nocta and extended a hand to Exilus. "Time to get out of this dump. You have a destiny to fufill."

    Nocta took Exilus back to her homeworld, a place called Ashen Crater. There, Nocta had accumulated a small following of Keyblade wielders who had also given in to darkness. They were her students of war and Exilus was her newest scholar. Exilus was only eight when Nocta started training him, but she made him go through the same regiment as fully-grown adults. He was forced to spar with the others who were all two or three times his age.

    The darkness grew quickly inside of Exilus, until his heart was nearly devoid of light. Nocta taught him how to control this darkness and harness it as power. By the age of 15, Exilus was adept at using darkness to attack, creating dark corridors, and even summoning heartless. By 17 he had mastered the three techniques. Exilus was learning faster than any other student, and Nocta recognized his amazing potential.

    Soon after Exilus's 18th birthday, Nocta and her students returned to Boundless Horizon to test their strength. Using Exilus on the front lines, Nocta and her students summoned an army of Heartless and began to destroy everything in sight. In a few short days, the world had fallen to darkness, and Exilus's blooming was complete; he was now a beacon of darkness and a powerful warrior. Nocta was proud of her student.

    In the heat of the battle on Boundless Horizon, Exilus unlocked one of his abilities. bringing his Keyblade down on a helpless civilian, Exilus drove the tip of it into the man's chest, then twisted the weapon. The man's body transformed into a walking shadow as a pink aura floated up from where his body once was. Exilus grabbed the heart, and out of pure instinct, he crushed it in his hand. He felt a rush of power. A smile crawled across Exilus face as he realized he was able to consume the hearts that he stole.

    Exilus then found Nocta on the battlefield and confronted her. Though he had no grudge against the woman, he had no love for her either, and Exilus understood the position of power he could
    achieve by eliminating Nocta. The teacher understood immediately and met the challenge with a grin. Keyblades collided and sparks flew from the metal clashing. In the end Exilus was able to best her, but only barely. In the process Nocta had given Exilus a large wound across the face. "Remember... when I spoke of your destiny?" A pause as she coughed up some blood. "You're... right on track... good luck."

    Boundless Horizon fell to the darkness mere hours later. When the surviving students regathered, they asked where Nocta was. "Nocta has retired," Exilus informed them. "I am your new Master."

    With a small retinue of Keyblade wielders, Exilus went on to form the Syeptophy, intent on spreading darkness to all the worlds. It wasn't long until he found out his power to steal hearts could be used on worlds as well. Exilus devoured many worlds until he finally heard of Deep Granam. He is now looking for this mysterious heart of all things in order to rule it and all of the
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    So... since this roleplay is in our hands, we can basically do what we please then under Moog's supervision? And when will this start?
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yes, pretty much. But, I'll be keeping a tenative eye on things to make sure somebody doesn't, oh, I don't know, become god in the first page or anything.

    Also I put the poll up since the new boss was submitted. Exilus is teh new guy, and Matthias is teh old guy.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Bummer. So much for a quick win becoming a god and whatnot. Anyways, here's the profile for Matthias again.

    Name: Matthias

    Age: 26

    Universe and World: Earth

    Personality: Tactical, cold, uncaring, bold, unafraid. Will do anything for knowledge.

    Bio: Matthias was born in 13th century Europe. At a young age, he was exploring a forest when he was attacked by wolves. He ran into a cave. Inside this cave, there was a glowing blue portal. He ran through the portal, arriving in a different world. He spent over a decade in this new world, learning everything he could. He started drawing upon darker and darker knowledge, corrupting his soul. Eventually, he had one single goal. Infinite knowledge. Truly infinite knowledge; knowing every possible outcome, what has happened, what will happen, what could happen.

    At one point, Matthias learned of a spell that slowed down his aging. Not granting him true immortality, but enabling him to live for eons. There was even one rumor that Matthias went to sell his soul to a demon, but tricked the demon into eternal servitude.

    In his multitude of lifetimes gathering knowledge there was something that caught his attention. There was very little information about it, but what little information could be found was enough. Deep Granam, the method for Matthias to achieve his single-minded goal. So Matthias searched for people who would have the strength to assist him.

    Weapon: He creates any weapon we feels like using. If it is a unique weapon it will be a copy and may or may not include any latent abilities of the original.

    Powers: A multitude of magic that he has learned in his long life. Aside from basic spells he has a few he especially enjoys using.

    Clone magic: A clone walks out of his body as if it were a ghost and becomes physical.

    Binding chains: He can make chains appear from the surrounding area. These chains are incredibly hard and durable and are very difficult to break free of. Oh, and they have pointy ends to pierce people with.

    Gravity magic: He's able to use it to both mess with an individual's center of gravity and form high density objects that are similar to black holes (Although not as strong as a black hole, since one of those would suck up everything in an instant).

    Storm of blades: Using the same magic that creates the weapons he uses Matthias is able to cause a large number of weapons to rain down upon enemies.

    Soul crush: He is able to reach inside somebody and pull out their soul. He can instantly kill somebody by doing this, or he could use their souls to control them. There are several restrictions with this magic (Or else it would be too OP) and some people's souls are more difficult to pull out than others.

    Zero energy field: A bubble with a radius of about 20 feet surrounds Matthias when activated. Inside the bubble all forms of magic or special abilities are nullified and useless, Matthias' own spells being the only exception. The field is not indefinite.

    Generic magic: As mentioned above, Matthias has learned many spells. Fire, lightning, healing, flight, teleportation, etc. He has learned them all. With spells like these, he doesn't cast any specific spell. Instead he simply creates something strong and shoots it at a target.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Not to be rude or anything but does it even matter on the boss part? I really just do not care which character will be the main villain in this roleplay.
  13. I'd be fine with not having anyone as the leader. We could have some sort of dark council instead consisting of multiple characters. Just a suggestion.
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    No that's lame. They'd never get anything done.
  15. XD Like I said, just a suggestion. It is your decision, after all.
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Well, since two are apparently abstaining, that means that the majority is for the new guy. New thread will be up shortly. br8ce for impact.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Is it gonna be posted in Orignal or Canon?
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Er. . . The old thread was original, but tbh it should have been in Canon given the characters.

    Thread is up now.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So what was the verdict on chosen people of destiny?
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    People of destiny grow in equal measure or whatever, No "Chosen One"

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