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Dominion of Everything Redux

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Moogle, Sep 23, 2012.

Who da boss?

  1. Exilus

  2. Matthias

    0 vote(s)
  1. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Thanks! Yes, I was wondering on how best to structure that part of the post. She didn't control them all at once; she set them, one by one, to all move forward in a straight line using the 'F' button mentioned in Requiem's post. I've edited that section slightly to make it more clear what she did to the tanks.
  2. Ah, okay, that makes much more sense. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Hello everyone. As we all can tell, the activity for this RP has slowly but surely been dying down. There are a couple times where it got dreadfully low, but each time we came back and revitalized it with a quick barrage of posts. However, now I fear The Dominion of Everything may be on its last legs.

    It would be nice to let this RP take it's natural course and end when it needs to; However, many RPs will go too long and fizzle out rather than getting the definitive end they deserve. In observance of this fact, I come to you, dear RPers, to ask for your honest opinions. Would you like to let Dominion take it's natural course, letting it end when it ends? Or would you like to proactively work against a possible fizzle by starting the Final Battle as soon as possible?

    Both options are respectable courses of action, but both of them also require the consent of you, the players. Please post your answer to this thread as soon as possible.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If we can get people together to build up to the final ending, I say we take some time to build up both sides and move on to the final confrontation.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I'm honestly fine with whatever.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah. Basically I'm thinking someone lets some vital information slip to Exilus, prompting him to find out what he needs to about Deep Granum. Then he realizes the "good guys" are amassing their resistance and begins to bring his armies together.

    Both sides meet at some sort of "End of the Worlds" sort of place and duke it out.
  7. Well, seeing as Wayward is the only one who answered meaningfully (sorry Zac, your answer is appreciated, but also unhelpful), that's the course of action we'll take.

    What about the raid? Letting it take it's course could potentially take quite a while, seeing as we frequently have week-long gaps in between posting (including the gap I have created presently trying to work everything out). Maybe we should cut it short and skip forward.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think we should try to wrap it up quickly. Zacax should really get a move on with his end and get the heroes to SteamGear, so as to bring everyone together.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The sooner we can make this happen the better. We may have to trudge along with the folks we've got left.
  10. You're right, I'll post as soon as possible, hopefully sometime today.
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I could potentially initiate the Chaos thing we discussed earlier, to advance the heroes' abilities early.
  12. That would be best to achieve a quick ending. I'll PM you about it.
  13. Double posting again. I know, I'm terrible like that.

    I finally got a post in. I apologize to everyone for the gap in between this and the last post, as it was quite substantial.

    Alright, now, a little bit of business. Reprise and Summoner, are you two still interested in seeing this RP through to the end? I ask because you were the only ones that didn't respond to my last question of how we should wrap up the thread.

    Looking forward to your replies everyone, let's finish up this raid in style.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Come to think of it, Summoner hasn't really been on here lately, I haven't seen Reprise in the site either a whole lot.

    Maybe they are jus busy
  15. Yes, that could be the case. I'd just like to know if they're still interested. It will also be good to know if they're busy with real life, because then we can be more patient with them and, if absolutely necessary, take measures to move the story along without them at times. Thanks for the insight though, I haven't been on too much either so I haven't noticed.

    So, I suppose I'll change the question to are you, Summoner and Reprise, interested in/able to see this RP through to the end?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Sorry. Yes, I have been quite busy lately, but I'm still interested in seeing this through. If I stall you again, feel free to move along without me.
  17. Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to remind all you all: Zac, Wayward, Requiem and Reprise, (as Summoner appears to be AWOL, I use the term lightheartedly of course) to try and post when you have the time. I know that I took a very long time to get my last post up, and I am in no way rushing you guys, think of this as just a friendly reminder. We all agreed to finish up the thread as soon as possible, and I'm hoping we can be completely done with this thread around May if everyone keeps to a relatively regular posting schedule.

    That said, there is the issue of what to do with Summoner's characters. Personally, I think the easiest option would be to simply ignore their existence. The Syneptophy team already seems to be overpowering the Heroes a bit, so cutting Snaedis and Seraphin would definitely help shore up that difference. Also, handling it that way makes it so that if Summoner does come back we didn't puppet their characters around in a way that might've displeased them.

    What do you the rest of you think we should do?
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I was the last person to post before you did.

    As for Summoner's characters, it seems that he won't be joining us for the end of this. I was actually considering taking up one of his characters, just so we maintain the ranks a bit. Sneadis, I figure is pretty much captured by SteamGear. I've been considering playing her a bit of Summoner doesn't continue with us.
  19. My mistake. Reqiuem, Reprise and Zac should post as soon as soon as it's convenient for them.

    As for you taking over Snaedis, I have no objections.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Well, currently I'm waiting for either Requim or Reprise to respond so that way I can post.

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