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Dominion of Everything Redux

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Moogle, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: Zac's in his street clothes, read his profile if you are unsure what he looks like in those clothes.

    After witnessing what just happened, Zac grabbed the girl's arm with his hand when she got up and looked at her with a stern look. He got off his mongoose and walked up to her and nodded, "Come on," he said as he lead we onto his mongoose, "I need you, I'm assuming you are from another world like me huh? Or are you just very athletic?" he asked, "If you are from another world, tell me, why have you come to this earth when other worlds are at risk?"
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    "When she said she was an athlete, that is not what I envisioned." Tsubasa muttered to himself, catching up to the girl at about the same time another man did. The girl had powers. Tsubasa had assumed he was the only one, but apparently he wasn't.

    The man grabbed her arm and asked her if she was from another world. Then it was as he suspected; the girl knew something about the portal and the alternate London. Was Tsubasa from another world? He must have been. Did that mean that the portal was a link between worlds?

    No. He was jumping to conclusions; he couldn't have been in another world. It was impossible. But whatever had happened, it was clear that the girl and the man both knew a lot more about it than him.

    "Hey," he said to the man, out of breath. "Explain to me what you mean by "another world". Do these other worlds have anything to do with portals and..." he began to speak, before deciding that he really didn't know what to say. "Look, just take me with you, wherever you're going. Because I may have accidently stumbled into this world from another world." He knew that what he'd just said sounded ridiculous, but this man was his only hope of getting home.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Oof!" A hard fist to the stomach brought Glyde down as he made his feeble attempts to shake off his captors. Try as he might to resist, his health left him in no position to change his fate. After just a few seconds worth of toil against his unworthy bite and bitter barking, the Keybearing guards had his wrists and legs cuffed and chained together. Before he even realized it his rear end was dragging across the strangely ice-cold stone floor to some unwanted section of the castle. While Glyde's eyes remained open, he retained only the vision of the passing ceilings and archways and doorways that he passed by overhead. "One... Two... Three, right," he said in a murmur as the guards dragged him under tree archways and rounded the first of many corners. He maintained this process throughout the 'journey' being hushed at least twice by a guard who thought he merely babbling like a drunk.

    After what seemed like ages worth of having his end side dragged over the floor, and countless archways and turns gone by, Glyde felt his body lifting with considerable force. As suddenly as this had happened, he was released airborne and landed hard on an even colder, and less maintained stone floor. "You'd think a place surrounded by a volcanic field would be nice and cozy warm on the inside, wouldn't you?" he asked, receiving no response other than being chained to a large, cast-iron weight. "You know," he continued, "the great thing about being injured is that eventually, you heal over. It's a glorious thing really." He threw a strange smile at one of his guards, who again ignored him. He felt a groping sensation in his jacket, and looked to see that be was being searched, and purged of his only material belongings. The letters from Demetri Savona were ripped from his possession, yet he had no sense to even try to hold on to even one.

    "Before you know it my leg will be better, and you two, and the rest of your little gang bang will be in such b g trouble. You won't know WHICH WAY your heads are spinning!" He shouted as the leader of the guards walked away.

    His ears rang with the sound of heavy steel bars closing him into his six-by-six space in the dungeons. "That's not to mention what my associates are gonna do. I've got a crew, a squad, so to speak. When they find out I'm missing, they'll come looking for me. And whether I'm alive or not, they'll find this place, and they'll rip you guys a new one in memory of me, if I am dead by that time."

    Glyde drew a deep breath in, and looked at his bad leg. He stretched out a single hand, and concentrated hard. With just a slight power modification, he created a small chunk of a blizzard spell. Holding the chunk of ice in his hands, he placed it gently against the area of his injury; it was just a bad muscle strain, which would heal pretty well over the next week or two, if his captors even kept him alive that long.

    "Just you wait," he muttered, looking a the two guards manning his cell. "You'll get what's coming to you."​
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac slowly turned his head towards the man. He moaned in annoyance and facepalmed himself and let go of his grip on the girl and called his group,

    "Send in a Warthog, I have found two potential other wielders and we need to debrief them," Zac said and then looked at them with a serious face, "Alright what are you doing in this world? I don't need pedestrians from other worlds crossing over, we have major problems, and I'm gonna get you guys home, maybe not you, lady," Zac said as he pointed at the girl.

    Meanwhile, an ODST soldier was driving a red mongoose to Zac's location, by the Spartan's orders.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Drown in my inferno." The Fire Mage starts to charge up as he cast down a fire ball that hit the ground and made a seal. Soon, the soldiers were ignited in the flames and withered away, engulfed by the light. "BLOW HIM UP!" One soldier was up in the balcony and had a rocket launcher ready. The soldier fired at the Fire Mage and shot at him. Once Seraphin turned around, he had his shield already ready but the rocket hit the shield and explode. Smoke was rising into the air as singing sirens were in the city to warn the citizens. Soon, the shield of the Fire Mage had shattered.

    "So... you will rather play fire with fire?" A large, blue ball starts to shine through the black smoke as the Fire Mage begins to charge up. "GET OUT! ABANDON MISSION!" "SHOOT HIM DOWN!" "Now burn in the lake of fire." The Fire Mage was finally done charging by the time the soldiers began to shoot. The Mage threw the gigantic sphere at the building and caused an enormous shockwave throughout the city. It echoed from the inevitable bang...

    Snaedis had a chilling spell ready as she had her ice shield completely protecting herself. "HA! How fragile!" The Ice Queen. shot the spell and trapped a few of the soldiers in ice. "Our weapons is not working!" Snaedis turned around to listen to Teri whining. "Aaw. You do not want to stay longer to have some fun? Well that is very bitter." Snaedis starts a hailstorm as she screeched, howling in the wind as the weather changed. "Let us go then I guess."

  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Come on. I need you, I'm assuming you are from another world like me, huh? Or are you just very athletic? If you are from another world, tell me, why have you come to this earth when other worlds are at risk?"

    Marie looked upon the cosplayer with a bewildered look.

    Well, that escalated quickly. She thought, trying to think of an answer. Of course, that's when Tsubasa arrived.

    "Hey, Explain to me what you mean by "another world". Do these other worlds have anything to do with portals and... Look, just take me with you, wherever you're going. Because I may have accidently stumbled into this world from another world."

    "I came here accidentally on purpose," Marie joked, only to be cut off by the stern stranger.

    "Send in a Warthog, I have found two potential other wielders and we need to debrief them," Zac said and then looked at them with a serious face, "Alright what are you doing in this world? I don't need pedestrians from other worlds crossing over, we have major problems, and I'm gonna get you guys home, maybe not you, lady."

    "Pedestrians? Debrief? You sound like a soldier, but you sure don't look like one!" The gymnast commented, ripping her arm away from the man on the ATV. She retrieved her silver yo-yo with one hand while pushing an accusatory finger into the stranger's chest.

    "I am HERE because my fractalomati. . . screw it, this fractal generator brought me here! And stop using the word 'world.' It's misleading. My reality isn't Space Trek, so we don't have massive access inter-reality travel. The reason I was sent in the first place is because there's something that scientists in my homeplace called the Rot that's eating away at my reality."

    She stopped talking and turned her back, making as if to walk away. Marie stopped in her tracks, snapped her neck to face Zac, and said, "And another thing - I'm not letting some random wannabe soldier on a hillbilly offroader to tell me where I'm allowed to go and where I am not!"


    Teri activated the portal and walked through, yawning a bit. Snaedis could use her own darn portal thingy to get back. Broad was too cold-shouldered, by his logic. The device put him out where the throne room was, so he easily found Exilus again.

    "Yo, admiral. Can I get back to taking Ivalice? My guys probably have all the Buggy Balls loaded and ready to destroy the Archades and all that good stuff," He asked, his catlike form giving way to his human visage.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Don't ever insult a Spartan like that!" Zac barked back at her, "Incase you haven't noticed, the reason I'm reading a mongoose and in my street clothes is to not draw attention in my armor!" Zac turned back and saw his Warthog draw up with a UNSC soldier driving. He came out of the jeep and saluted to the spartan,

    "At ease, now take my mongoose back to the Pelicans, I'm personally taking ten there," Zac said as he saluted back, and gestured to his mongoose. The UNSC soldier nodded and hopped onto the mongoose and drove off back to the small base outside the town.

    "My world is dying as well, before it was fully gone we were sent a full report about what happened, said the world was rotting and dying, I believe your world encountered the same fate as well," Zac said as he walke onto the driver seat and sat on I with his hands on the wheel, "Oh, if I wasn't a real spartan, why would I be having this?"

    As he said those words, he pulled out a metallic hadle and then shook it for a sec, and then the twin, blue blades made of energy were formed, revealing the weapon was an energy sword, "Now if you would please get on,"
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Snaedis used the portal Tari used and appeared behind him while another portal with smoke coming was was revealed, having Seraphin walking out. "This is too easy. Can we at least have some kind of challenge?" "We should burn away the universe itself into eternal fire. No intrusion is needed from mere low lives." " Burn everyone to hell, trap them as statues forever, steal their hearts, who cares. I want to teach people who would even dare to even rebel. That is the best part of all. You destroy all hope the side of good ever held onto."

    The Ice Queen flew towards the leader and had her hair wrap around his neck. She had some ice cubes ready in a cup with a mystery drink for him that smelled like blueberries. "I do not know why we have to go after each heart of each world. We should go after the source that is keeping the universe in order. The source where it ties all space and time together." The Ice Queen left from Exilus and looked straight at Tari. "Wouldn't you agree?"

    "But what is next? If there is nothing else for us to do, then we can all start following the naked hearts of our desires." "But it will only be for a momentary gleam in the spotlight that is."
  9. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Tsubasa knew that the stranger supposedly only drew his blade to prove to the athlete that he was a soldier, but he took it as a threat regardless.
    "Well since you asked so nicely," he muttered so that the man could just about hear it. He reluctantly got onto the jeep. He knew that the man was his only way of getting home, but that didn't stop him from being uneasy about it.

    But was that what he wanted? Did he want to go home and train for the rest of his pointless life? He decided that he'd ask the man about the other worlds(or 'realities') later on, and see if he could help somehow.

    OOC: Sorry for the rather short post.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "No, if you were a real spartan you'd have nothing but a loincloth, a spear, and a shield. And a tendency towards hypermasculinity, but you've got that part down already," Marie venomously spat, rolling out the yo-yo. "A glowy energy sword does not a soldier make, Adonis. And for your information, my world is just fine! The heads of the Academy are devising multiple ways to protect the world from the Rot's spread. They will stand! Now if you'll excuse me, I have got to recharge."

    Marie got out her GPS device once more to find the location of the nearest graveyard.She still needed to refuel after her transit here.


    "Can't go after the source, Snae-girl. It works like a scattered treasure map with codes written on it. We can find the island, but we can't do anything with it until we've got all the pages. Day one meeting, remember?" Teri yawned, one hand ruffling his hair again.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac withdrawed the energy sword and moaned, "Not the spartan from Ancient Greece, I am super soldier called a Spartan, whose named was originated from the Spartan's from Greece," Zac face palmed himself and looked at the man, "I suppose you want answers, and don't worry, I was only showing the Energy Sword to show here who I was, obviously she hasn't heard of the UNSC,"

    He turned the warthog around and drove off to the pelicans and started to talk to Tsubasa,

    "Anyway, I might as well tell you who I am, I am Zac Todd, Spartan 107, I'm one of the new Spartan IVs, but I have been a spartan for a while, longer than the Spartan IV program was excicuted. I come the reality a lot of people on this Earth know as the "Halo" Universe. I'm a member of the UNSC, and they instructed me to cease whoever is causing chaos between the worlds. So far, they are destroying me earth, and the Infinity is on its way here to this earth in order to help protect this earth. My armor is back in the Pelcans. So mid if I ask who you are, and what world you originate from?"
  12. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    As the warthog started to move and Marie stormed away, Tsubasa wondered what he'd gotten himself into.

    The stranger, Zac, introduced himself.
    "Tsubasa Miyashima. I honestly don't know which reality I came from, but it was similar to this one. My world was never attacked, but for as long as I can remember, I've had abilities that no one else in my world had," he replied. "Do you mind if I ask a couple questions? What do you plan to do to stop this chaos? What's gonna happen to me? Could I help you somehow?" he swamped Zac with questions.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well our plans are unclear, seeing how we know so little about what we are up against, but if this power can kill and consume worlds we need to find a solution fast. The first of their memebers I encountered had the ability to control ice, so I can only assume they have different abilities and are compose of other wielders as well. If you wanna help, we could use it, guns don't solve everything, so we need help, but we need that girl to join us, and right now I'm restraining all anger I have towards her for insulting a Spartan,"

    The warthog drove up to the pelicans as Zac got out of the jeep and walked to the middle one of the three, "I'm afraid I'm not certain of our fates, but we just gotta keep pressing onward," Zac said as he went in the middle one to get his armor on.
  14. Exilus sat patiently in his throne room, going over the documents that were confiscated from the intruder. They seemed to be personal letters between two people named Adrian Savona and Demetri Savona. From the contents of the letters, they seemed to be brothers; while he could not garner too much information from them, he was able to reason that the one in their captivity was most likely Adrian.

    Exilus felt the air bristle with energy, causing him to look up from his documents. He knew this feeling. The energy of the second world he ordered destroyed was passing through the planes of existence, transferring back to him. Exilus cast the papers aside and stood up, readying himself. He put his arms out to his sides.

    A beam of pure white energy suddenly ripped though a portal in space-time, directly into the throne room and into Exilus's chest, accompanied by a booming sound. Exilus brought his hands in from his sides and gripped the beam, feeling its enormous power run through them and into his heart. The feeling was one of overwhelming ecstasy. Soon, the beam grew thinner and eventually dissipated, leaving Exilus's chest steaming and his hands cackling with black lightning.

    "So... much power..." Exilus stammered. He had the urge to simply unleash his new-found strength on the nearest victim. However, he managed to quiet this urge. None of the peons in the castle would hold a candle to destroying an entire world.

    Just then, a portal opened up in Exilus's throne room. Out of it walked Kurao Teri, still in the form of a cat, wearing the air of success. Teri quickly reverted to human form. Exilus smiled at his competent general.

    "Yo, admiral. Can I get back to taking Ivalice? My guys probably have all the Buggy Balls loaded and ready to destroy the Archades and all that good stuff,"

    "Do as you must, general," Exilus answered. "You have performed admirably today. I think that earns you some time shooting cannons at Archades or whatever it is you pirates do."

    Snaedis also walked out of the same portal that Kurao used, and a fiery portal gave way to Seraphin.

    "This is too easy. Can we at least have some kind of challenge?"

    "We should burn away the universe itself into eternal fire. No intrusion is needed from mere low lives."

    "Burn everyone to hell, trap them as statues forever, steal their hearts, who cares. I want to teach people who would even dare to even rebel. That is the best part of all. You destroy all hope the side of good ever held onto."

    Exilus laughed at the complaints of the two mages. If he had any doubt that he had picked his generals correctly, they were now dissolved. Snaedis and Seraphin had proved themselves to be quite capable. Snaedis then listed over to Exilus, having her hair wrap around his neck softly while offering him a fruity-smelling drink.

    "I do not know why we have to go after each heart of each world. We should go after the source that is keeping the universe in order. The source where it ties all space and time together." Before she had even finished her sentence, tendrils of darkness began to slither up Sneadis's legs and around her body. Exilus put his hand lightly on her cheek, then had the tendrils pick her up and move her back away from his throne.

    "All in due time, my impatient little snow fox," Exilus said in an uncharacteristically-flirtatious tone. "With every world we absorb, I grow stronger. I would have thought that you could understand such a simple concept." His tone changed mid-dialogue from flirtatious to condescending.

    "But what is next? If there is nothing else for us to do, then we can all start following the naked hearts of our desires."

    "Yes, I like the sound of that," Exilus said with a smile. "Do as you please for now. Follow your desires. I will call upon you when I need you next. You are all dismissed." Exilus planned to take advantage of this little hiatus as well. He gathered up the confiscated letters of Adrian Savona and opened a portal in his throne room.

    A swirling mass of black energy appeared right outside of the intruder's cell. Exilus stepped out of it, all 6'8" of him, wearing terrifying black-and-grey spiked armor. He smiled wickedly at the injured man.

    "Adrian Savona," Exilus began. "Or are you Demetri? No no, you must be Adrian. So nice to make your acquaintance. I am Exilus, owner if this castle and ruler of its denizens. How are you liking our cells? I trust that the stone is coarse, and the shackles tight enough?" Exilus laughed. Then, his laughter stopped, and his eyes narrowed.

    "So. You're a Key Bearer," Exilus said in a serious tone. "I'm sure you know how much trouble that must have caused me. Were you a normal human, I would have ordered you slaughtered. Now there is the question of what to do with you."

    "You have two options, Adrian Savona. One, you work for me, and your Keyblade becomes another pawn in the army of darkness that I lead. Choose this option, and I will also give you your belongings back... if you perform well enough, of course."

    "The second option would be to remain in this cell, rotting to death. We will not feed you or provide you with water. Furthermore, you will never get back your letters," Exilus waved the papers in his hand.

    "So, what's it going to be? Serve me, or die a slow, painful death?"
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Marie trotted along, locating a graveyard not two blocks from where the Spartan almost ran her down.

    "Man, this place is full of graveyards," She mused aloud, stepping into the midst of all the ancient tombstones, hundreds of years old. One, two, three times she rolled out her yo-yo, each time getting an inch above the ground but not touching it. She grasped the device and spun it in her hands, suddenly causing the device to levitate just in front of her bosom. The spinning device soon glowed, pulling in strands of energy like a cotton-candy machine.

    "Come to mama. . ." Marie mumbled, placing one hand behind the yo-yo. Energy transferred into her arm like a Van deGraff generator.

    Minutes later, her backpack beeped, full of the excess energy that would have been wasted otherwise. Rummaging through her pockets, she pulled out something that resembled a slide phone and muttered, "Sweet. I'd better go apologize to that weirdo, now."

    Marie played around with the interface of the device, dialing into a few different communications channels before she finally picked up on the right one.

    "Hey, soldier boy. Where does a girl have to go to get a ride around here?" She asked once she finally picked up on the right band.


    "Great. Later!"

    Teri opened another portal without any more than a wave, walking through to his personal ship. The armada, floating over the Phon Coast, was being menaced by a second fleet over to the horizon over the continent.

    "Cap'n! Orders?" the helmsman of the ship asked.

    "Simple! Kill 'em all!" A haughty Teri replied, pulling a spherical pill from his pocket.

    "Aye cap'n!"

    The whole fleet sprung to life, all the ships pulling into formation for a mass broadside strike on the Archadian fleet. deckhands scurried to secure rigging as cannonneers plied their trade, readying their shots.

    "Alright you scallawags, let them see what happens when they mess with pirates! Give 'em hell!" Teri roared.

    He swallowed the pill.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Just as Zac placed the final part of his armor onto his body, his helmet, on, someone was calling on the radio channel of the crew. Zac went up to the main dash board and acceded the radio system, "We'll if it isn't the doubter of Spartans," Zac said as he talked into the mic, "Exactly why do you need a ride, and if we do come find you, where are your coordinates?"

    Zac gestured to one of his soldiers to go to a warthog, to be ready to go find the girl as bring her here. Why would she be calling him after insulting him, and not believing he was a Spartan? He hoped that this other worlder was a friendly and not one of the enemies.
  17. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    "Well if it isn't the doubter of Spartans," Zac said into the mic.
    "That girl..." Tsubasa mumbled. He was glad she'd decided to come back; though he wouldn't admit it, he was quite tense in the presence of Zac. Although, having her on the ship would only cause more problems, as Tsubasa would end up sitting awkwardly while the two of them argued.

    He cringed a little, but he was starting to get the gist of it; Zac was recruiting other "wielders", as he had called them, to stop whatever was threatening the worlds. Whether he wanted to or not, the soldier had to go find her.

    "So where are we going to next? Do you have an idea at all where the enemy is?" Tsubasa asked skeptically before the girl could reply to Zac.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Au revoire." The Ice Queen disappeared out of the throne room automatically as the Fire Mage starts walking out of the room. "Now to find the Seer. Once I find him, then I can focus." The Fire Mage opened a portal and walked into it. By the time he made his way back to his own realm, his army was in a rage, causing the flames to get larger and larger. "Hm... toasty." The Fire Mage then sat in his throne, plotting as to what to do next....

    Yesterday, there have been a couple of cities that have been under attack. Just now, a city in Rome has been encased in pure ice. One say that it was the mythical goddess of ice but some say that it is the worst blizzard in history. Not only that, the Amazon Forest has suffered so much from a blazing fire. What caused it is unknown but right now, it may be very difficult to restore its resources.

    "They are busy..." An older man had his cane already in his hand as he was inventing something. "The worlds are collapsing too fast. If I do not get away from him, then the whole world is in danger."
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Graveyard on Abner Lane. Can't miss it," Marie replied into her device. She tacked on, "And I'm joining you. You got on my bad side earlier because you grabbed me. I don't like being grabbed."

    The gymnast closed the device, putting it back into the pocket where it belonged. Now all there was left to do was to wait. She performed some stretches in the meantime.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Graveyard on Abner Lane,"

    "Alright, I'm sending one of my troops to pick you up in a warthog. If you don't know what that is, it's a jeep with a turret on it, so yea, shouldn't be hard to miss," Zac said as he gave the signal to the warthog driver after giving him the coordinates of the girl, "When you make it back I want to debrief both you and Tsubasa, y'know, the guy you were with,"

    The warthog driver drove off to find the girl. About a few minutes of driving, the warthog found its way to the cemetery, and parked near the side with the man getting out of it and walked towards the girl, "Excuse me, are you the girl Spartan Z107 is looking for?"

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