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Dominion of Everything Redux

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Moogle, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Yep! You see anybody else standing in front of a graveyard?" Marie joked, hopping into the vehicle. Several minutes passed and this post was extremely mediocre because the writer was running low on descriptive things to say. Eventually, the transport reached the Spartan and Tsubasa.

    "Wow, fancy armor," She said, leaping out the Warthog nimbly.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac laughed a bit and took off his helmet as he approached the girl, "First off all, this is actually outdated armor, I just prefer to use it because of certain abilities this armor can do that later models can't. When they can add Armor Lock abilities to the models, I switch," Zac said as he gestured the soldier to leave,

    "Tsubasa, ma'am, I will need to debrief you here soon, but first, head into the middle Pelican," Zac said as he gestured to the middle Pelican, "Since we have found who activated the portals, we need to debrief you on any info you know about other worlds, and/or the threat that plans to destroy them all,"
  3. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Tsubasa chose to ignore the man's speech about Armour Lock abilities because he didn't understand a word of it. The armour didn't look outdated by his world's standards anyway.
    "I'm not sure I know anything you don't, but okay," he said as he hopped into the middle Pelican, waiting for the girl to follow.

    "Oh! Do you have a name, miss?" Tsubasa asked the girl, because it was getting inconvenient to keep thinking of her as "the girl".
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Oh please, I can tell you all that I know about other 'world' in two sentences," Marie giggled, waving a dismissive hand in the Spartan's direction. She paused, regarding the words she has just spoken, then corrected, "Wait, four."

    The gymnast walked and looked upon the Pelican with interest. It didn't look too far advanced from her own world's technology, but there was still a certain level of sophistication that her own tech just barely scratches. "Looks like the dropship from that Xeno series of films," She remarked.

    "Oh! Do you have a name, miss?" The guy from earlier asked as she boarded the same Pelican.

    "Marie. Et toi?" She replied with a grin.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac brought them to the cock pit of the pelican and gestured them to sit down as he sat on the seat near the near the dash board and readied to type the information they were given, "Alright, first thing's first, I need your full names, age, occupation, abilities and origin of world before we can start asking the actual questions," Zac said, without looking at the other worlders, "That way, we can assign you to different missions, and figure out a plan to at least prevent them from consuming more worlds,"
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    "Marie. Et toi?" The girl, Marie, said with a smile. Tsubasa wasn't great with languages other than English and Japanese, but he could tell what she was asking.
    Before Tsubasa could reply, Zac interrupted. "Alright, first thing's first, I need your full names, age, occupation, abilities and origin of world before we can start asking the actual questions," he said.

    "My name's Tsubasa Miyashima," he replied, half to Marie and half to Zac. "I'm nineteen and I'm unemployed, although I've got some cleaning experience and a degree in English, if that counts for anything? I'm not uneducated, if that's what you're wondering.
    My abilities... Besides being handy with a sword, I can also control myself," he said before realising how stupid that sounded; of course he could control himself. "Rather, I can control the energy inside me. Kind of like I can control my aura; it's like an extension of me. I haven't got round to mastering it just yet, but I'm working on it. And my world? No idea. How am I supposed to know the name of my world? An hour ago, I thought mine was the only one."

    He caught his breath and waited for Marie to answer the questions.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Huh, they've got aura users on other realities? I shoulda known," Marie said with a smile. "Although we really should stop saying worlds because I'm pretty sure that we'll come across an area with multiple planets at some point."

    The woman unrolled her metallic yo-yo with a flourish, flipping it upwards and making the Cradle Rock.

    "Marie Ross, twenty three, B-class Aura user and former gymnast, Spirit aura abilities which entail too many things to get into now, and how the holy hell am I supposed to know what my 'origin world' is?" said she, retracting her toylike device fully.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zachary had finished typing in the information of the two and saved it onto the UNSC database, hopefully the infinity still was able to hold all records. He turned to the others and looked at them, "Well I think now I should reintroduce myself," Zac said,

    "I am Zachary Todd, Spartan 107, also known as Salvager. I'm 17, and I'm also a commanding officer of the UNSC, and I've been in the UNSC since I was 12. I am from a futuristic earth in the Halo Universe, as people on this earth call it. Anyway, I just saved your information into the UNSC database, the infinity should be on its way here to this Earth, which then we will start planning our next move,"
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “Adrian Savona?” Glyde questioned, for a brief second taking a startled, inquiring tone. Slovenly, he rose to his feet, and ambled the distance to the significantly larger man before him. He stared up, looking the man in the eyes with a glazed, nostalgic expression, as though he were contemplating the universe to him. “Now there’s a name that I haven’t heard in a good few years. I’ve read it mind you, in those letters that you’ve so cautiously picked from my pockets. But it’s been a while since I’ve heard anyone use it. It’s the name of child; a child that couldn’t comprehend the horrors that you and I undoubtedly can. He was a happy one, a worriless one, with expectations of a bright peacefully future ahead, stemming from the roots that his family had sown for generations. But fate had different plans.

    “See, he died, Adrian that is; or at least, that was the last verdict after he went missing. It happened some time ago. Of course, he had enough time to leave the task of tending to his family to me. So I did what I promised and did what I could to help them out. Nicked those letters from his brother from his mother’s house. She thought he was dead until that letter showed up at her front door. She told me that she’d give anything to have her family back together though. So I went and took the letters so that I could find Demetri, since he seems to be trying to drop clues as to where he’s been. It’s my job to reunite the Savona family, see; at least, as much as it can be reunited.

    “My name is Glyde,” he said conclusively. “I’m a Keybearer, as you’ve expertly deduced. Judging by the lack of courtesy amidst this castle’s occupants, and their willingness to abduct an injured wayfarer, I don’t think that I could stoop myself so low as to work for you, or whatever your cause might be. But then, I’ve no intention of staying cooped up for too long. Greater men than you have tired to hold me down and failed, of that I can assure you. And as I’m sure you can tell from a glance at me, I’m no stranger to slow and painful. So you can take whatever twisted satisfaction you might have from keeping me locked up. Just know that you won’t be having my corpse removed from this cell by your hands.”​
  10. "Alright then, Glyde," Exilus said with a small chuckle. "You know, it's not often that I come into contact with someone who isn't openly afraid of me, not including my generals of course," Exilus looked down at Gylde with murder in his eyes, but a smile on his face. "You are an interesting one. Your spirit remains unbroken, though I can't say the same for your body..." Exilus looked over the intruder. "Really, you're quite a mess."

    "Which brings me to my next point," Exilus continued. "Like you said, you're 'no stranger to the slow and painful.' I can see that my offer will have to be... reworded." Exilus took a step back, distancing himself a bit more from the cell, and extended his hand, holding Glyde's letters out in front of him. He then took his other hand and placed it about a foot and a half below the hand with the letters, palm-up. In his lower hand, a flame appeared, growling larger each second.

    "These documents must be important to you. They contain memories of your past, and what is more precious than memories? You will agree to fight for me, Glyde, or I will incinerate these letters right here and now."
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Ice Queen found herself in a place full of ice. In there, many people were imprisoned in ice themselves, there in the Omega Dimension. "To be trapped like that forever and ever, lost and forgotten in time all because of the crimes you have committed. It is a shame. I know how it feels." The Ice Queen continue to walk as she were experiencing her memories, parts as to were she found herself trying to go after a mage and imprisoned him out of hatred. Soon, she stood still, finally at the bottom of the Omega Dimension. "Oh criminals of justice... I shall free you from the magical chains that bounds you in your icy form. Be free.... and have your revenge on the fairies and all of those who opposed you..." The Ice Queen raised her hands and the area shook, some of the ice were cracking as she starts to glow....
  12. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Tsubasa's eyebrow furrowed. He didn't doubt Zac, but he wished the soldier would stop being so vague about everything.
    "While we're waiting, could you just answer one last question?" he asked tentatively, hoping what he said next wouldn't offend and cause another argument.

    "You're being just a little unclear, you know, Zac. You told us that we'll be assigned to different missions, but how do you know where the source of the consumption of worlds is? What kind of missions were you talking about? I'm guessing recon, since as far as we know, the source could be anywhere," he said.
    "So here's what I wanted to ask. I'm sure you've got experience with this sort of thing, but just to confirm, do you even know where to start with this plan thing? I want to know before I get on this next vehicle."
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If one were to look into Glyde's eyes in that moment, they'd have undoubtedly seen the faint reflection of the Exilus' fire against their black pupils. They were widened, though still lingering with the nihilistic expression they had worn since the Nan's arrival. It was astonishing to Glyde to think that someone would go that far just to recruit him; but then, he had also been chased halfway across a vast multiverse by Keybearers that thought of his as a corrupted rogue.

    Still, there rested within him a concern for the letters. They were the last link he had to his Dimitri, and the last things he had to keep him reminded of home and what he had to do. He had memorized the most recent ones, so the information was, by then trivial. Yet there remained a deep, if unfounded, sentimental value in the fact that he had gone through so much to keep them and follow their leads.

    In the end of a seemingly endless inner-conflict, the sentimental feelings won over. Glyde's serious, blank expression gave way to a particularly crooked smile. Soft chuckles escaped his chest, and before a few seconds, he was laughing. The laughter lasted a mere second or two before he settled out of it. Continuing with his smile, he spoke once more. "By any means necessary," he said. "I like that style; in fact I've frequently lived by it. And you don't mess around either, do you? Seeing as you're clearly in great desire for my services, I'll accept your offer. You need me to fight a war, I'll fight a war. You need me to find something, I'll find something. Glyde Savian is at your service."​
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Infinity is on its way, and when the ship gets here, our commander will tell us our next move. Even though I'm a commanding officer, I don't always make the moves. And how I know about this source is because the UNSC recently discovered the power to go to different dimensions, or "worlds", and soon after they discovered some worlds looked like they were dying. It was when they saw that they took things into their hands and selected me, and many other Spartans to go locate and destroy this force. Recently, our own world is dying, and I'm sure the Infinity will have more info about the situation that took place,"

    "So to sum it up, the corruption seems to be jumping to other worlds, you will be assigned missions by our leading officers, and you will stay aboard the Infinity till this whole things is taken care of,"
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member


    The gymnast strode up to Zac, poking one indignant finger into his chest.

    "I am NOT going to go monkeying around on some random planet while my home is eroded by god knows what. I came to cut this thing off at the source. I don't care whatever this 'Infinity' thing is, but I intend to do what I came for," Marie said indignantly.


    "The magicite core is under critical pressure! How the hell did he make it so far?" A man in heavy armor growled at the scrambling engineers on the flight deck of one of the dreadnoughts.

    "He's not at the core anymore, admiral! He's on his way here!" a yeoman responded just as the doors sealing off the cabin we punched clear out of the archway that contained them. A massive, anthropomorphic lion with a coat loosely hanging off of its shoulders stomped into the room, causing metal to creak under his footsteps.

    "ALRIGHT!" The creature roared, eyes settling on the man in armor. "Yer clearly the one running things in here, so I'm offerin' ya one thing, scallawag! Either you give me the ship and the remaining dreadnoughts, or I send you all to the locker!"

    The man in armor stood up, pulling out an elegant looking halberd.

    "The Archades will never surrender to the likes of you!" He valiantly declared, brandishing the polearm. Five seconds later, he was crashing through the viewing port and plummeting to his death.

    "Anybody else havin' objections to my plan?" the lion asked, sending an intimidating glare to the engineers. "No? Okay, send a message to my fleet. We're gettin' ourselves an upgrade!"
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Miss Ross...The whole point is to find the source and cut it off. If you come with us we can easily spread across the worlds and find the source. Don't think your the only one who was concerned about their own home world," Zac said with a furious face, "I understand your intentions but going solo only ends up in failure. I'm afraid that being solo will only get you killed, despite your abilities. Trust me on this, your abilities alone won't be enough,"
  17. As Exilus heard the laughter, his hand hesitated. Had his plan failed? Did he misjudge the importance of the letters?

    "By any means necessary, I like that style; in fact I've frequently lived by it. And you don't mess around either, do you? Seeing as you're clearly in great desire for my services, I'll accept your offer. You need me to fight a war, I'll fight a war. You need me to find something, I'll find something. Glyde Savian is at your service."

    Exilus smiled back at Gylde. The fire of his lower hand ceased, leaving the letters unharmed. He then put the letters back into his pocket.

    "Excellent. Gylde Savian, I hereby declare you a Knight of the Syneptophy," Exilus announced. "Perform well and I will reward you with the letters. If you surpass my expectations, I might even make you a general. First things first, let's get you out of that cell. Until you earn my trust, I am going to have several of my apprentices accompany you at all times. We wouldn't want you running from your duties, now would we?"

    Exilus drew his Keyblade and pointed it toward the cell door. A beam of darkness shot out from the tip of the blade and connected with the cell. A faint clicking sound could be heard, and the door swung open.

    "Follow me, I'll show you to your quarters. You are to wait there until you receive further orders. Don't worry, I wont keep you out of action for long..." Exilus opened a dark corridor, threw a grinning glance back to Glyde, and walked through.

    On the other side, Exilus stepped into a rather grand room. It had a vaulted ceiling, an enormous bed, and a pair of windows on one side of the room that allowed the resident to observe the molten world below. Exilus drew a spell circle in the air in front of him, a sign that he was summoning his apprentices. A minute or so later five apprentices appeared at the door, clad in black cloaks.

    "Apprentices, you are to watch the man named 'Gylde Savian.' Treat him with respect, but if you suspect him of trying to escape, alert me immediately. You are not to be in this room when he sleeps; give him his privacy. However, during his waking hours, you all will act as his escort and a reminder of who he now works for." The apprentices silently nodded in unison.

    "Now I must be off," Exilus added, without even looking back to see if Gylde had followed him. "I have some pressing matters to attend to." Exilus opened another dark portal and stepped through it.


    Asiila sat at her desk as usual, filling out forms and filing categorization errors. As much as she enjoyed the simplicity of her job, she wanted something more. Within the time that she had spent on this planet, she had discovered so many new things, but something within her felt unfulfilled. She had a bigger destiny than categorizing the flora and fauna of Ashen Crater. Asiila was born for battle.

    She got out of her chair and stretched a bit. Looking out the window, she could see that it was particularly hectic today, with lava surging up from cracks in the rock and a bright orange glow emanating from the ground.

    Asiila turned away from the window and summoned her Keyblade. At first she merely held it in front of her at eye-height, examining it's intricacies. It was the weapon of her Heart, the manifestation of all she believed in. She swiped it once, twice in an x-pattern before her. Then she pointed it in front of her and held still a moment; this stillness was broken by a swift dash forward, followed by a flurry of attacks. Her blade moved with such speed and grace.

    Then, she was interrupted by a knock at the door. Asiila jumped, nearly dropping her Keyblade. She unsummoned her weapon and brushed off her clothes, a nervous reaction more than anything, as her clothes were pristine. She approached the door.

    "W-who is it?" She stammered, though she could already sense the presence on the other side.

    "It's me," Exilus said with a tone of confidence. "I was thinking about that training you requested. I happen to have a moment of time. Are you still interested?" The door swung open, revealing a beaming Asiila.

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Though he kept a safe distance from Exilus, Glyde nonetheless did as a he was instructed and followed him out of the jail cell. He stopped for a few seconds, eying the dark corridor; they were something he had heard of, but never actually used before then. He had his reservations, but if he knew that if he didn’t go through it, he’d have more trouble than he would if he did. Taking a deep breath in and stepped through the portal. A cold sensation filled him in body and Heart as he passed through the Darkness. It only lasted a second though, after which he emerged into a much more hospitable looking room.

    Glyde hadn’t seen a room like it since his days at the Academy. It’s high vaulted ceilings and generous space reminded him of the last time he had been at the alma mater’s Hall of Masters. The only difference was that this time around, he was on the verge of being accepted into a group, rather than setting himself up to get banished. Then, he knew that for the time being he was essentially no more than on house arrest. With guards on him at all times it would be like his last days in Twilight Town. At least this parole is better than execution, he mused in his mind, knowing full well what would have awaited him if he HAD actually reached his homeward destination.

    While Exilus was explaining the procedure to his apprentices, Glyde occupied himself by taking a look out the windows. The scene wasn’t too much for the imagination, but it was better than the view from his prison cell. As he circled his way back towards the large bed at the other end of the room, he took note of his new “master.” He nodded to him, making it clear that he understood his position for the time being. When his only company left was the squad of apprentices left to guard him, he lowered himself onto his bed, finding himself sharply reminded of his injured leg. “I don’t suppose you guys have a medic around here do you?” he asked the apprentices. “Needless to say I’m pretty useless unless my leg is fixed… the eye,” he said indicating the patched bandage over his right eye, “is a whole other story.”

    Feeling the wear and tear of his travels on his body, he flopped himself across the short width of the bed. It was comfortable, and for the first time in a while he was feeling relaxed enough to think further ahead than a few minutes. His situation wasn’t the best; he was effectively a prisoner as it was. But there was still a chance to impress his new allies and get a bit of flexibility. Once he got his letters back, he’d be able to start planning his departure, which he only hoped would happen on friendly, understanding terms.​
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "You're. . . not that bright, are you? You're basically telling us to go solo, and then telling me NOT to go solo! I meant we take them on wherever their base is in one strike!" Marie chided, rolling her yoyo out again. It was sort of hypnotizing, watching the circular device go up and down and up and down and up and do-

    She asked, "Can I talk to somebody in charge? You know, somebody like a general or somebody that has. . . proper tactical experience?"
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I see you forgot to include being a smart ass as one of your abilities, Mrs Ross," Zac quietly muttered to himself, "If you would let me finish, instead of insulting me and my rank, being so headstrong and selfish about the well being of your own planet, I was going to say you would be paired with the finest Spartans and soldiers, but if you are so insistent on doing own thing, go and do it, I'm not stopping you, so what?"

    "As for you Tsubasa, I'm not stopping you anymore, if you want join that's fine, if dont I understand, but I'd rather them be your own thoughts rater than being influenced by her's,"
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012

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