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Elemental, My Dear!

Discussion in 'Roleplay Arena' started by Become, May 8, 2012.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((I’m not sure electromagnetic shields are within the spectrum of Avatar prowess. I mean, I don’t think they realize lightning as being electrical in nature; they define it as an off-shoot of fire; which I’ve actually never understood)).

    Buried shallow beneath the rocky surface of the Earth the battle was commencing over, Omoyama’s hands were held upon the ceiling of the makeshift cavern. With vibrations from above pulsing through stone gloves into an aware pair of hands, the Earth Bender could feel everything that was transpiring. Two vibrations were noticeable from the cut of the underground: first, the fire bender’s departure. It wasn’t much like a fire bender to flee a battle though; more than likely, they had repositioned themselves to a spot where their motions would not reverberate through the Earth as easily. The opposite bank seemed a likely location. And then there was the matter of the water bender, who had also vanished from the senses. More than likely, Omoyama surmised, she had taken refuge in the river.

    A perfect opportunity…

    The Earth Bender lifted the chunk of rock that acted as the top to their hiding hole. With a powerful push of chi, they launched the plot of earth they stood upon up throng the open hole, and catapulted back to the top of the slope they had started on. With the Fire and Air Benders being the only ones in the open enough to be targeted, Omoyama focused on them. With a stomp of the foot, a loose chunk of rock, a by-product of the earlier cracking of the slope’s outer surface, dislodged from the slope’s face, and into the air to keep the Air Bender on the ropes. With another stomp, another chunk of rock was launched toward the Fire Bender’s pillar. However, rather than targeting the Fire Bender himself, the rocks were aimed below him, directly at the pillar. ​
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Marama thanked her luck, seeing as the firebender hadn't realized that the ice barrier and the sheer volume of the river prevented the lightning from reaching her little bubble on the riverbed. The water bender could not rest on this fact, so she began channeling her energy into her palms, reshaping her ice barrier slowly a little higher so she could sit fully upright with arms outstretched. Then, her work began,

    Move, mother river
    Flow swiftly over the land
    into a maelstrom

    With renewed focus, her arms began to move, carefully reshaping the current. It would begin to spiral, to bubble, to reform into a swirl in the river. The tide gave her momentum to turn into the other direction, which gave birth to added momentum one way and another.

    Soon enough, her whirlpool was formed.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: You do really need to cut it off some summoner, you're starting to go into god mod realms- or rather into Avatar realm


    Sora clenched her hands into a fist and soon let go of the wave turning just in time to see the boulder coming towards her. She moved quickly and pushed the air at the rock slicing it in half.

    "You fire benders never do change do you?! You're always about destruction! Harmony, as if, you fire benders destroy harmony, not to mention humanity might I remind you of the 100 year war!" Sora exclaimed. "You've clearly demonstrated it takes only one chain of event to bring ruin." She said before moving her hand and a giant gust of wind hit the tall pillar. The pillar soon began to sway before beginning to crumble apart.

    "And you!" Sora pointed at the Earth bender. "Though you bend the rocky Earth, the living Earth is very much part of your element, and you just stand by and watch as it gets destroyed around you!" Sora said as her strong side came out into play pointing out the surrounding forest on fire. She jumped up into the higher atmosphere again. She could sense the air getting thinner but she was used to the thin atmosphere from living up on the mountain. She looked into the distant seeing a rain cloud. She swiftly moved her hand as the wind began to pick up more and with the wind current the rain cloud began approaching. She observed it carefully thankful to see no true friction with it to cause any lightning. She jumped out of her own air current holding her body up as she fell towards the ground. The wind slowing her fall as she spun her staff around and she landed swiftly on top of the cliff.

    "I'm sorry, father, I understand now..." She whispered as it began to rain putting out the fire. She looked to find the fire bender. Though she would obviously defend herself from the other benders, she had her target picked out. She glared towards the fire bender staff in hand ready to take on the fire bender.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: I don't know. I thought it was possible to do that Wayward. ... And I hardly did any fighting Nicole.

    Uwr stopped drinking his tea as he witnessed Ugokasu throwing a boulder at his pillar. The boulder crashed into the pillar and Uwr embraced himself, having his staff ceasing from creating the shield. The pillar crumbled and Uwr jumps, taking his tea with him as he landed a little bit ahead of the pillar. He then had to control his breathing once more so that he will not suffer from fatigue. "Now that is certainly not nice. I was enjoying the whole show as part of the audience." He turned back, seeing that the pillar is completely destroyed. "So, you actually believed that fire benders are destructive in nature. Foolish girl. Still, if you are that quick to bring yourself a swift defeat, then I shall grant it. It is about time that all of you are having some fun."

    Uwr smiled as he stood in a good stance, preparing himself to engage against the Air Bender. "Prove to me that fire benders are destructive with your feeble knowledge."
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “Is water earth’s only true opponent in this battle?” The voice, a tough, lower alto, muffled by the masking shawls, was that of Ugokasu Omoyama. The earth bender’s head shook back and forth at the plights of the fire and air benders. The battle was starting to turn into a childish banter between Uwr and Sora; one without and ounce of dedication to the challenge, and the other over-concerned with the environment at an inopportune time. Had they forgotten the purpose for which they had all been sent that place at that time? Or was their conception of battle really so far off point? Which ever it was, the Earth Bender was unenthused by the proceedings.

    It was clear that the purpose of the shawls that concealed the earth bender’s face was defeated, perhaps because the heat of the battle had not lent itself to inquiry of their identity. Deciding it best to remove the obstruction, and end the needless, and practically nonexistent, ruse, Omoyama removed the shawls. Revealed was a younger face, mildly dark in tone, capped off by a short-cut black hairdo, and bearing what might have been an oddly feminine look, revealing that beneath the masquerade was a woman. “This is a battle,” she called to the two bickering. “If you’re not going to focus,” she continued, looking at Sora, “or serious,” she added, glaring at Uwr, “then be gone, and allow the ones who care to concentrate properly.”

    At her closing words, she pointed down to the river, where a movement upon the surface was taking place, indicating the gathering whirlpool. Wasting no time, Omoyama gave a heaving war cry, and pushed the heavy, loosened boulders upon the slope immediately in front of her down towards the river. With a forceful pushing of her Chi, she hoped to draw the water bender back out.​
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    No sooner had the boulders made contact with the water than did the whirlpool rise out of the water like a monolithic titan, becoming that strange pheonomenon known as a water spout. The ice bubble containing Marama Chau rose into the middle of the swirling vortex, continually spinning with the flow. The bender within could be seen balancing on one leg with both knees bent, arms continuing to channel the chi necessary to keep the storm spinning. Centripetal force took care of her attacks, so the attempt was more on keeping the shape intact.

    A deed once finished
    Leads to yet another task
    More steps in the road

    A torrent flew outwards, aimed for the Earth Bender, as spears of ice solidified themselves in the torrent. The spears shot out of the cascade, some aimed for the Air bender, some for the Fire Bender.

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