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Eternal (Private RP)

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Desert Warrior, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Before Sana even realized it, the pair reached a castle. Sana was fairly certain that Astaroth did some sort of teleportation magic, especially considering the sudden change in scenery. As they arrived Astaroth had quickly began talking about what they would be traveling in and everything. Admittedly it seemed like Astaroth was quickly taking control of the situation and moving Sana along before she had a chance to react. While Sana could understand Astaroth's excitement and everything, Sana had to be careful to make sure that Astaroth's pace kept with her own.

    "Well Astaroth. It certainly is a nice looking castle I suppose. I mean, I don't really have any to compare it to. This is the first one I've actually seen in person. But about this ship you're wanting to use. I feel like that would be defeating one of the purposes of me traveling. You use ships as a way to quickly get to a destination. But I'm not in any rush. If we take a ship then I fear we would simply pass things by instead of actually being in the regions. Walking, as long and boring as it may be, gives a closer feeling to actually being somewhere."
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Astaroth frowned but nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I suppose that makes sense... umm still, we'll probably be here a while, so I suppose I should warn you that my sisters... well they uhh..."

    "ASTY! You're home!" Three voices shouted out as from the skies, three succubi wearing very revealing outfits, flew down and tackled Astaroth to the ground. "We are so glad to see you!" "And you brought a friend!" "Friends friends!" "Will you and your friend be joining us for our nightly romantic experience?"

    Astaroth blushed profusely and shook her head violently from side to side, "N-n-n-no sisters! We have other things to do, including speaking with father... So if you'll excuse us... we'll be uhh... on our way." Astaroth grabbed Sana's hand and quickly dragged her inside, chancing a look behind her, only to witness her sisters begin stripping and molesting each other. "Ughhh...."
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well... Umm... Yeah..." Sana started to speak with a blush on her face, thinking of what to say. "Your sisters... They seem... Friendly? I mean... It is good they are so close? Umm... Yeah..." Sana let Astaroth drag her away, shuddering at the thought of what the alternative would be if they stayed near Astaroth's sisters too long. Admittedly Sana wasn't sure if Astaroth was trying to rush anything or not. Something about meeting up with her father. Sana wanted to question the importance of her being there while Astaroth met up with her father. But then again, the alternative would be her being alone and potentially being prey for those three sisters.

    "Why are you going to meet with your father?" She asked.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Astaroth sighed and after getting far enough away from her sisters, she let go of Sana's hand and smiled. "You and I will be speaking to my father so that I can get you a pass which will unofficially make you a member of our family, that way nobody will bother us on our travels and we can do whatever we please! So... Father is a bit terrifying to behold. He is the king of all demons after all... so don't be scared alright?"

    They soon stood in front of a massive set of doors adorned with the crest of the Demon king. After giving Sana a moment to prepare herself, Astaroth pushed open the doos reveling a long, massive, throne room. Sitting upon the largest of three great thrones at the very end of the chamber, was the Demon King himself, Asmodeus.

    "Ahh, Astaroth, welcome home. This must be Sana, yes? She does look quite formidable, a good friend indeed. But remember Astaroth, I need an heir to my throne, and your sisters are a lost cause. You are my last hope for an heir, don't let me down..." Turning to Sana, Asmodeus frowned, "This won't be hard, but it will take some time... Please, feel free to stay the night while your pass is being made. You two are friends right? Well Astaroth's room has a large enough bed for both of you. So you can stay there. I will let you know when your pass is ready and then you can both be on your way."
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Scared? I wouldn't be scared of him unless his strength was comparable to grandpa's." Sana thought to herself as the pair stood outside the doorway.

    They walked into the room, heading straight towards where Astaroth's father sat. Sana quietly marveled at the room, looking every which way. It was indeed a room worthy of a castle. But perhaps it was a bit too excessive for one demon king and his four daughters. Surely other people, or other things, lived in this castle.

    Sana looked at Asmodeus as they got closer. He certainly gave off the appearance of one titled Demon King. That did increase the intimidation factor a bit. "The world truly is full of strong people. I wonder what grandpa would think, knowing I'm at this castle right now."

    Asmodeus spoke to the pair, going off on a slight tangent about an heir before focusing on Sana. Admittedly him talking lessened the intimidation he gave off. But that would not be enough cause to forget any sort of manners. After he spoke, Sana bowed down and spoke herself. "I thank you for your generosity sir. I apologize for any inconvenience my presence may cause you."
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Asmodeus waved Sana off, "No trouble at all. You an your parents raised my daughter when I could not. This is the least I could do. Hmm, Astaroth, leave us for a moment."

    Astaroth looked towards Sana, then towards her father, before nodding and leaving the chamber.

    Asmodeus adjusted himself on his throne and spoke quietly, "Your grandfather is one of my oldest enemies. I'm sure you are aware of the man battles he waged with me. Even if you aren't, heed my words Dragonkin, it is only at Astaroth's behest that I have not attacked your kind these past few years. But if you hurt my daughter, or somehow prevent her from producing my heir... I will not hold back my vengeance. I will crush you, and your family, into dust, jus as I did the many other races that conspired against me. Your grandfather may be strong, but I do not age, I get stronger with every passing day... Do not betray mine, or my daughter's trust in you Sana. Or more than just hell will be unleashed upon the Dragonkin."

    Asmodeus leaned back in his throne and waved his hand dismissively. "Away with you. I have business to attend to."
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I'm slowly starting to wonder what happened to an innocent and simple journey to explore the world." Sana jokingly thought to herself as she left the throne room. "I'm not some political envoy dammit."

    Reaching Astaroth, Sana quietly exhaled and then forced a smile to Astaroth. "Well, that went well. Fathers have a tendency to show that they care in the strangest of ways, don't they?" She quickly took Astaroth's hand and began walking. "Moving on. You should show me around. Y'know, since I've never been here before. Do you have any cool secret passageways or anything to get around quickly with?"
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Astaroth looked at Sana and shrugged, "No idea what you mean haha. But as for secret passageways... there is the one right above us that leads to my room. There is also one in the library that leads to my father's room, and of course there is the corridor of pain, which leads to my Father's Castle in the Demon Realm... but that is off limits. So let's just go to my room okay?"

    Pushing a button on the wall, Astaroth waited patiently until the wall vanished, revealing a stairway to Astaroth'sroom.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Corridor of pain sounds fun. I wonder if it really is painful. Oh well. Now's not the time to be sneaking around. Although I did apologize for any and all trouble I may cause her father, it would be best to not deliberately cause any sort of trouble if I can avoid it."

    "Race ya." She smiled, quickly darting ahead of Astaroth. Sana ran though the passageway, soon reaching Astaroth's bedroom. "Ooooooohhhhhh. How nice. And clearly your dad wasn't lying about having a big bed." Sana jumped up onto it and sat down "Come on." She spoke, tapping an area on the bed right next to her with both of her hands, signaling Astaroth to sit next to her. "We've got some catching up to do."
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Astaroth laughed as Sana ran off and quickly pursued her until they both entered Astaroth's room. Sana had seated herself on the bed while Astaroth, without a care in the world, changed her outfit in front of the other girl. Once she had gotten into her pajamas, she sat next to Sana and giggled, "So, where should we begin? I mean, we do have a lot of catching up to do like you said, and we have all the time in the world to catch up, right? I mean we have so much we can talk about!"
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Begin at the beginning of course. Where else does one start?" Sana answered. "Tell me what you've been doing since I last saw you. All the places you've been, all the things you've done. Any cute boys you've met along the way. After all, living a life like yours must be exciting. I bet you've been to all sorts of places in this world and the other ones. I want to hear all about the outside world before I go out an experience it myself."

    As she spoke of all the things she wanted to hear, there was a certain thought that lingered in the back of her mind. More of a desire than a thought. Astaroth's father mentioning not wanting Sana to interfere with his plans for Astaroth; Sana's own parents concerned about her as she traveled. These things almost seemed to be orders for Sana to do or not do, with no concern for Sana herself. She wanted to get away from those types of things as soon as possible. The sooner she truly began exploring the world then the sooner she would be free from people telling her what to do. It was something she badly wanted, even if the exact thought never came to mind.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Astaroth laughed and nodded, "Okay okay uhh... well to be honest with you Sana, I've been working under my father these past years, growing stronger, and learning how to lead. My father wants me to produce the heir to his throne, so yeah, I have seen countless cute boys. But none as cute as you hehehe." She poked her friend in a teasing manner before releasing a sigh.

    "Sana my life was exciting when I was with you, and my dad just wants to destroy or enslave humankind. I just want to live life peacefully, with my best friend in the whole world. I don't want a child with some stranger my dad sets me up with, I don't want to love anyone but you and my family. But dad doesn't get that..."
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Uh-huh. Well..." Sana started, not entirely sure what to say. She figured it would be better to start with a more lighthearted reply. "Thanks for saying that I'm cuter than any of the boys you've seen. But then again, girls tend to be cuter. And while it might be a bit vain with me acknowledging my own cuteness, there are many other people who are so much better looking than I am. So maybe you just haven't found anybody that really grabs and takes hold of your attention. I dunno. I think you're bound to find somebody eventually. I'd love to see any child of yours if you ever give birth. As for your father wanting you to create an heir..." Sana paused for a moment to think of the proper words to say. "Hmm... Personally I don't think it really matters at all if he has an heir or not. I can't exactly speak about the enslavement part, but any attempt to destroy the people on this planet would be stopped. As I recall from grandpa's tales about the worlds, there are plenty of people who would stop any sort of action that gets taken too far. Lemme think..."

    Sana thought about the various people she had heard tales about. People who were so strong they had no equals outside of themselves. Admittedly not all of them would get involved in issues that did not concern them, such as genocide. But some of them would. "There is that one pair grandpa dubbed the immortal lovers. There is the wandering witch. Hmm... There is that one man everybody calls the 'God of Magic,' though from what I hear he hasn't been seen in a long time. And I know there are a few others I have been told about but I can't quite think of them at the moment. Oh, and there's grandpa too."

    Admittedly, this sort of talk was going to head in a direction Sana most certainly did not want to go down. So she quickly went to move the topic elsewhere. "Anyways, as for what you want and what your dad wants, all I can really say is that you should do whatever it is that you want to do. I mean, if you're stuck between a choice that would make you happy and somebody else unhappy or a choice that would make somebody else happy but you yourself unhappy, then I feel that the only proper choice to pick is the one that makes you happy."

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