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Fairy Tale Wars OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Italia07, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    So, a few quick notes just to get out on the board so everyone knows what's happening:

    = I will probably start the roleplay soon, probably starting some time next week to get things prepared and the RP up (plus I will be a bit busy on my own line with school & papers & terrible terrible things x.x).

    = Add new characters if you all want (max limit for people will probably be 2 or 3 characters, haven't decided yet, probably leaning towards 2)) while I'm working on getting the roleplay all ready & such.
    I will probably post something for the 'boy who started Fairy Tale Wars' just so we all know what type of person started the games.
    And if you are interested in taking his character (if not, then I'll just control him on default) then send me a small PM or VM in my direction so I can help you with that mindsetting.

    = Will probably add some more information soon on here, like how the city & such is structured so we don't have everyone needing to start making up buildings or areas where the city is just mysterious and such.

    Edit: Here is "the Boy who created FTW"'s profile:

    Full Real Name: Irving Newt Sayne

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Fairy Tale Character Name/Name of Fairy Tale They're from: The Fox (From the Wolf & The Fox)

    Weapon of Choice: Dynamite & Smoke Bombs

    Fairy Tale "Signature": A small tattoo on the back of his hand that looked like a fox.

    Appearance: Great Teacher Onizuka by *Leox90 on deviantART

    Personality: An interesting and likable fellow, he is a bit of a charmer as he knows how to speak his mind and trying to make others understand what he is trying to say.

    A bit of a schemer, he tries to trick others into the traps that he has placed out for his fellow classmates, as he does know his way around his silver tongue and devious ploys to keep things straight.

    After the accident and death of his "favorite person" (Which will be explained in the background and all..), he found himself making his mind slip towards a borderline personality with can either be just "plain silly & happy" or "sadistic & mentally deranged".

    Background: He always loved to play games with the other children when they were all first in school. He didn't think much of his Fairy Tale Wars that much until the other children seemed to be really into the idea. From that point on, he was able to get help from their sweet kindergarden teacher Miss Em, who was oblivious to this game that the children were all going to be apart of many years later, on the different fairy tales and stories that she had read to them over the year that she was teaching them. He grew a little bit of a small crush on Miss Em, thinking that she completed his life as she was just so kind and thoughtful to everyone that she meets.

    He decided to keep in touch and visit Miss Em even after he left her class because he really enjoyed his teacher's company. Just when he was going to visit Miss Em to tell her the great news of getting into high school, he found that her classroom was completely empty. The room looked dark and cold, like no one had been in the room for a few days, so he asked people that still worked at the school of where was his former teacher.

    They had explained that Miss Em had an accident, as she had gotten injured in a hit-and-run when she was walking home a few night before and was in the nearby hospital. Shocked and confused, he ran to the hospital and asked to be seen in Miss Em's room immediately. When the nurse led him to the sweet teacher's room, he was horrified and in tears as he saw his teacher in bad shape and smiling at him as he went to her side.
    They had one last chat together before Miss Em handed a book to him, which contained all of the stories she had read to him as a child, just before she passed away with him by her side.

    Distraught and distressed, he took a new look at life around him being not so kind and gentle, with happy endings like the ones in the story his teacher read to them. He took a look at all of the stories that his teacher had read to them and had searched for the original stories.
    Now seeing that these tales were not so kind and pretty like before, his mind slowly darkened as he decided to make Fairy Tale Wars into a game where there was no happy endings...

    Their Big "Secret": Being a bit of an happy guy before the "death", he's always thought of everyone as his friends. Even if they picked on him, or they got in a fight and never talked for days, he always considered them to be his friends.
    But ever since Miss Em's death, his mind has changed as everyone around him have slowly become split into three categories - "Allies", "Meals" and "Friends".
    And only he knows or had decided on who's on each of his special menus.
    Last edited: May 19, 2012
  2. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Sorry for the double post, but it's most 'cause I wanted to poke out two small things:

    -one: the roleplay is up for posting, will probably go through a few rounds for everyone, try to not do machine gun posting so much because falling behind and trying to make up just sucks :3 So here's the link for that: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/original-idealistic/11549-fairy-tale-wars.html

    -and two: I kind of threw a sadly drawn map together after a few minutes ^^; I didn't even think about why it was done so badly until now :3
    But yes, the fictional city is called Lean'í Timir. It is a lovely little beach city that is usually known for importing all of its goods in and all
    But it is an odd area as there are some parts of the city where the forests are completely overgrown and such.
    Sorry about my terrible handwriting with labels and such, mostly since the pencil i was using had broke when i was in the middle of writing.

    Attached Files:

  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    it looks grat Lia:) don't be harsh on yourself...
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    So how on Earth did I miss this 3 weeks ago!? Count me in(if you're still accepting)

    Full Real Name: Allison "Ali" Kairi Tetsuna
    Age: 18
    Gender: female
    Fairy Tale Character Name/Name of Fairy Tale They're from: Mulan from Mulan(I think it counts, so)
    Weapon of Choice: Twin set of katana swords that have run in the family
    Hand Gun belong to her mother(who is an ex-detective/cop)
    Fairy Tale "Signature": chinese dragon seen wearing also a silk fitting shirt with the same dragon on her tattoo on the front but in white.
    Personality: Ali is a tough girl. She's always been mentally and physically strong, ever since she was in preschool. She loves adventures with her friends. She's a very friendly person, but she's also very honest.

    She does keep to herself on a lot of things, except to her closest friends, especially her one friend she has cared about for a long time.
    Background: Finish later?
    Their Big "Secret": She never really did anything wrong, but for the sake of her mother and her general safety out of fear she doesn't like people knowing her secret and told only one. She killed her step father two months after an incident. She was raped by her step father, and her step father admitted the only reason he married her mother was because of her. Two months after she was raped and threatened to keep quiet about it, she found out she was pregnant so she killed her step father not telling her mother while also forcing herself to miscarry the child. She was 13 at the time.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2012
  5. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    @Desti If i recall, I think a lot of things were just going on at the time 3 weeks ago :3

    But yes I'm still accepting people and don't forgot to finish putting the rest of your profile up ^^

    EDIT: oh, nice Destiny! pretty accepted so far
    Last edited: May 20, 2012
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Is this dead ?
  7. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    I will admit that I am really sorry but being really REALLY late in replying to this because I barely make it past the front page of the forums because i've been busy with school and life itself. Plus, as of the moment, it looks like it is dead as a doornail since no one else was no during the time, or forgot about it itself.

    Even though this is the most terrible late reply even, I am willing to try to get this back off the ground, even if it means reworking it, with the fact that i'm really busy ;_; sorry about being so inactive or trying to be on to not noticing this earlier!
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's alright, alot of us have been really busy lately so we understand.

    We have to rework it though, because Sifer was permabanned.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    True that, perhaps a simple restart.
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    If this is gonna restart, mind if I join?
  11. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Not sure if its gonna restart just yet, but I'm pretty sure you can still join.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Doubtful, if it doesn't restart, Sifer's character will be killed off, and we'll move on.
  13. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    In any case I made some edits to my OC.
  14. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    And as for everyone else, thanks for understanding, since we all really had our own things going, so there's no blame and things can move being either fast or slow. But for the moment, I think that there are two options that we could possibly try out with how the situation is holding up on my end:

    1) I get until the weekend to wrap up any loose ends or details and we can start off on where we left off. But because of Sifer's character role involved, we will indeed kill his character off unless someone has another idea. I will gratefully take ideas on who will temporary take control and kill off the character to their liking as long as their is some type of agreement.

    2) This option is pretty much a restart in where I can either start the Post off from the beginning of the first night, in thus getting more into the battle scenes from the very start. The only difference is of course, Sifer's character is non-existant and we go on with the story.

    With my case, I could probably do Option 1 easier with the time I have at the moment, and I would assume after a round or two of posts to start getting the rest of those fights going asap.

    Other than that, if anyone else wants to still join by this point as of 11/5, put your stuff below, comments on Sifer's character's death, etc. And I'll keep checking on when I can the next day or two to get things caught up on!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  15. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I agree with you, option 1 seems to be the best course of action.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Full Real Name: James Marcus Peter

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Fairy Tale Character Name/Name of fairy tale they are from: The Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.



    Weapon of Choice:
    Tommy Gun

    Signature Fairy Tale Item: A black top hat, with a blood red ribbon around it, with a white card stuck between that has the number, "6/10" on it.

    Personality: Absolutely insane. Though, not stupid. He is poetic, comedic, intelligent, sociopathic, morbid, in everything he does. People call him insane or psychotic, but even he agrees. He is obsessed with his hat, and trusts no one.


    James was diagnosed with a disease that caused him to go insane and psychotic at points when he was 12. He was morbid in treats and had a huge temper. His parents tried to calm him down by taking him to a psychiatrist and a therapist. Luckily, they were able to help, as much as try could, but he was still devilishly insane, but he managed to control his insanity as he grew up. Until his father starting seeing other women, James was furious, and at that point he could no longer control his anger and killed his father. First he shot him, but then realized what he had down, so he covered it to be a common, accidental road kill incident and left his home.

    Since then, he has kept his secret hidden, from police, anyone.

    Big Sceret: He actually killed his own father.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    No! I forbid you from joining! It'll ruin EVERYTHING I had planned! DX

    Aren't you in enough rps...? Let me have ONE that I can be in without you PLEASE!!! DX
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Okay jeez taboo!

    I just like the ideas here is that wrong?!

    Just forget my submission Taboo, plus, I never knew you were in this!
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I apologize for sounding rude but you've been pissing me off alot lately.

    I was especially pissed when you threw yourself into Origins 2... Halfway through the rp! Besides, my character is the psychopathic killer chick! KITT IS MINE!!!!

    Side note- Killed Sifer's character... It was a dream come true...
  20. BK-201

    BK-201 Member


    Dude... did you just scare away someone who could have contributed to this...

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