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Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Father-McKenzie, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. krazykenji

    krazykenji New Member

    I would have to say Roxas...
  2. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Sora, ofc. I also like Roxas and Naminé. Kairi was better in KH I but okay in KH II too.
  3. Kairi25

    Kairi25 New Member

    I Like Sora The Best,
    Then Probably Kairi.
  4. LittleNamine

    LittleNamine New Member

    kairi^^ well actually namine but since she isnt really IN kh1...
  5. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

  6. Possum_Kingdom

    Possum_Kingdom New Member

    Sora is my favorite. Then Donald.
  7. broflovski

    broflovski New Member

    Sora is my favorite too.
  8. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    Unfortunatly for me I would have to say that I don't have a favorit character. For me the reason why I even started playing the game kindom hearts was because it was a Disney game, something I have never seen before. When it comes to Disney, they have some really good stories that that just can't be beat!

    When I first saw the this game and how it was from disney I had to take a look and see what kind of storyline this game would have. After seeing that it was a game that had lots of the characters from Disney movies I was fasinated! Finally taking so many good stories and adding them to one game was one of the best ideas I have ever seen from Disney!

    After going through the whole game and finishing it I thought... WOW! I could not believe a game could possibly come out with the best story I have ever seen.

    So I tell you this: I don't have a favorite character,
    My favorite storyline game is; KINGDOM HEARTS!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  9. Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character: Roxas
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^You realize this is in the Kingdom Hearts I section, not II, right?

    I posted in this thread back when it was first made and voted Riku. And I still think he's the best character in KH I. I like conflicted characters- characters who can't seem to decide which side to be on. I think he had the most character development, and I usually prefer anti heroes to the knight in shining armor types.
  11. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    Even though he is from Final Fantasy VIII, Leon is still a beast.
  12. I finally realized that this was in the KH1 forum so I'll switch my answer and say that I liked sora the best.
  13. saix547

    saix547 New Member

    My three top favorite are Genie, Goofy, and Sora
  14. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    my favorite characters are sora, roxas, namine and kairi
    the special connection they share reminds me of my family and friends.
  15. Sora and Jack Skellington. I love Sora!! Jack Skellington is so EPIC!!!! I thought Axel was a pretty awesome character, but at first I thought he was Riku's nobody.
  16. finalblackmage

    finalblackmage New Member

    Riku was my favourite, though more in the first game than the second. I didn't like his character redesign for the second as much.

    Him, Sora and Kairi are a really cute little team.
  17. Princessmayfly

    Princessmayfly New Member

    mine is demyx and saiox :p love them lol XD

    sorry to putthis but theres a leon in kingdom hearts 1
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2010
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Yeah, that's who he's talking about. The character is originally from FF VIII. :rolleyes:
  19. Dark Riko

    Dark Riko New Member

    King Mickey
  20. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    From KH1? Hmmm... Let me see...
    Leon is cool, so is Sephiroth. And Cloud and Cid. Pretty much everyone from FF-games are my favourites. ^^
    Oh! And Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit! (Even though after watching that show in FINNISH as a kid, hearing his ENGLISH voice was a shock... O.O )

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