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Fears, Anyone ?

Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    Sorry for the long story I'm about to tell.. ;_;
    When I was little [I was 8 years old; My oldest brother was 17 at the time and the twins were 13. My mother had two sets of twins and two other children, me and my twin are the youngest siblings.] my brothers and I would play outside a lot. Our favorite game to play was "Knights" which was just us playing with sticks and pretending they were swords. Anyways, when we were playing the game they decided to make me the prisoner, at first I didn't want to do it because it wasn't something we usually did, but they talked me into it. I followed them out back underneath a large tree where my dad's "workspace" was and my brother Jamey told them to lock me in the shed; Kevin and Kyle hesitated at first, but they did as they were told. I was happy when they locked me in there because I thought they would open the door after a few seconds, but they didn't. I was in there for at least 2 hours before they came back and this shed was FULL of spiders.. I was sitting in the middle of the shed because every corner was filled with spider webs and nasty looking spiders. My mother and father never knew that they did that to me because I thought it was just a game; My mother was out in town with my twin sister and my older sister when it happened and my father was inside watching tv. So yeah, ever since then I've been terrified of spiders.. not just the nasty ones, ANY KIND of spiders creep me out.. ;_;

    That sounds just like my older sister. D:
  2. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心


    the one main factor that we all can't avoid, which is sad cuz i have anxiety (and sometimes panic attackz). orz..
    but it can't be helped, so i try to manage it :D
    itz still hard though....

    whenever i'm not stressed, i fear that i will be stressed (because i know i'll be stressed)..
    and when i am stress, well ... nothing to worry about cuz i won't be stressed after.. then it just goes back to the one on top. QQ


    something that can't be avoided either ...
    i guess thatz just cuz i feel unsafe at home, and i don't have control over that too.
    either that or i just think too much at home; i guess itz just cuz i'm paranoid. 'orz


    straight A student ... and i can't handle it if i get a B. 'nuff said D:
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer


    My one fear, it's the only thing that holds me back. I fear myself because ''myself'' is weak and can't face the world. I built a wall to protect me from the reality of life.

    It's stupid I know XD
  4. Ammo Angel

    Ammo Angel New Member

    They have a 360 degree field of vision, they can fly as fast as you can run, they're pissed off, look evil and have swords attached to their butts. Nuff said.

    Being Upside Down
    I dunno what's up with this one. I just don't like it. If humans were meant to be upside down we'd have feet growing out of our shoulders and another head growing out of...

    Ventriloquist Dummies
    Pretty self explanatory I think. I read a lot of Goosebumps as a small child.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Ready to hear how pethetic I am guys?

    I feel slightly better knowing that it's a common fear here but with me its a bit rediculous. I hate living in ground level appartments because spiders are more common in them. I guess this fear actually does have an origin. When I was really young, I'm going to guess about 12, I was at girls camp and there were two other girls that shared a tent with me. I found a spider on my knee and it was really big and scary looking. I screamed and smacked it away and all there sudden there were hundreds of little spiders everywhere. They were all over me and the other two girls in my tent and we all freaked out. I think someone told me that our invader had been a wolf spider with young or something like that. Whatever it was, I havent been able to deal with spiders at all ever since then xD The other night I was driving home from work and I saw one on my window. It was a catface and I actually had to pull over my car and make sure it was outside because it freaked me out so bad. Then I got out of the car, on the passenger side, and threw things at it until it fell off of my car.

    Well not nessisarily hights, because I love being on high places. I guess my fear is of falling from high places. But at the same time, I really want to go free falling someday. I'm a little bit weird.

    The Grudge
    This is the most irrational fear I have but I swear I've had nightmares about this movie a hundred times. The little bitch just pops out of nowhere whenever she pleases and scares the crap out of everyone and it's just not cool. I have an overactive imagination so it only makes things worse when I'm in bed at night and trying to sleep. >.<

    Bees are fine as long as they mind their own business. Wasps are a different story. They are mean. My high school had an infestation of the little jerks the whole time I went there. They were never dealt with. >.> The only thing I can think of that would be worse is if spiders somehow got the ability to fly.
  6. HunteroftheDark

    HunteroftheDark New Member

    well my fear of insects, back when I was a boy of 6 years I had a horrible nightmare where a spider the size of a dish on the roof came walking towards me and I was totally scared while in the nightmare even with my mother next to me I could not speak and was this the spider came to me that totally woke up scared to spiders
    For this fear was a combination of a real life event and a nightmare, as a child denuevo I was not afraid of heights till the awful day when I went to an amusement park attraction and let me go to an attraction for 11 years with only my 6 years as a result I end up crying because I thought it would come out flying that night arrives to sleep and I had a dream where I was super high in places and every time I fell so much that hurt me I had to go to the hospital and had to drop 3 times in different places and worst of all was it was so real and fell on my face now terrified me to the heights
    Rubber Monster:
    ok this fear, was the most big i ever had,thank god I could overcome, as a child I watched a television program called the ghost writer, do not know, but still I was a child of 5 years when it appeared on TV [​IMG]
    I have only to say I cried for hours, I had nightmares for 4 months with him and even see it now gives me chills, as I hate this thing
  7. YourLuckyKeyblade

    YourLuckyKeyblade New Member

    My Bi-polar disorder
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Whose idea was it to put something so evil on this wonderful Earth? At my old school, there was a boy obsessed with the things. He sat next to me. He used to put them on my shoulder and face every day -_- now I can't even look at a Spider without fighting the urge to scream.

    Once I was in hospital looking at a screen with horrible patterns for hours. Now some patterns give me headaches.

    As Khroma said, I'm a straight A student. I have a fear of B and C :(
  9. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    My only fears -

    Lightning: Used to be horribly astraphobic but it's calmed down a good bit. Now I'm only fearful of the lightning if I'm outside, too close to a window, or near running water from a sink/shower.

    Needles: They make me cringe, cry, faint on sight.

    The dark: I don't like to be alone in the dark, I'm too imaginative and I tend to overreact when I think about...

    Unrealistic darkness creatures or those of the metaphysical: Such as ghosts/poltergeists, zombies, anything relating to possessions, etc. When relevant to horror movies I don't mind thrillers/suspense or even slashers (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, etc.) but I'm naturally terrified of the previously mentioned and anything similar.

    When I was younger I used to be afraid of being home alone, especially if my windows weren't covered by blinds/curtains, I never wanted to leave my room even to use the bathroom, but I've since let go of that fear and now I actually prefer to be alone.
  10. Mervil

    Mervil New Member

    I fear nothing.
    I fear what is unknown and in the dark.
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Meaning that you have no fears, or that you fear 'Nothing'?
    I wouldn't count phobias as fears, to be honest. Phobias are irrational fears that aren't a matter of being scared or intimidated by something.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    1. Being alone. I know that I have Jesus but... sometimes I fear that if he leaves me, then I cannot make it. Losing people, having to do things by myself that will be challenging and to test me. I fear them all. It feels like it is just me, the only person standing there in a ravaging crowd of bulls running amok back and forth.

    2. Not Fulfilling myself: Not being able to achieve what I need to do. I fear this a little this more than being alone so this should have been number one. It feels like if I do not do what I need to do, then I cannot make it. Why I am still Jesus loving because I think of fulfilling what God wants me to do. I guess it is a more appropriate term of me saying that I am scared of failing.

    3.Needles. Never did like them and regardless of going to the doctor, I will still fear them. Why I will NEVER donate blood. "D: But what about those who are unfor..." NOPE! I will not donate!

    4. Destruction of relationship: I fear this too. I do not like destruction of relations. Just bickering and then the other side gives up because they let a disagreement get to them. Make me wish that the conversation never starts. It shouldn't happen. There are other factors to this that I know but they are more personal.
  13. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I admit that I fear failure. I have a habit of reminding myself that I failed for days afterwards. Or more accurately, I fear imperfection; knowing that I could've made something better. And to top it off, I'm lazy, so the two traits contradict.

    Summoner, I also fear destruction of relationships. It's unnecessary for a friendship to end due to a possibly short-term problem.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think he means "nothing" as in the unknown, the dark, the lurking. Pretty much the unknown.

    By definition, phobias are fears.
    You know that "fear and scared" are the same thing. We just used them differently because one is a noun and the other is an adjective.

    Phobias can be completely rational. Why are you afraid of heights because you can fall and die. Completely rational. Acrophobia.

    All fear is....is anxiety. Anxiety is the worst. I can't stand it!
  15. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    The definition of phobia: A persistent, abnormal and irrational fear of...despite the awareness that it is not dangerous.
    If you're scared of heights simply because you might fall and die, I wouldn't classify it as acrophobia. If you're scared of being in high buildings, even though you know they're perfectly safe, because when you were younger you nearly fell off a high place, then in my opinion, that's acrophobia. Usually caused by childhood trauma.

    Perhaps phobias are fears, but they're a specific type of fear; one that can't be explained. Why am I afraid of failure? Because I hate the feeling of being disappointed in myself. Why am I terrified of spiders? I don't know.

    As you said, fear's anxiety. It's there to alert us that we should avoid whatever is scaring us. Phobias are almost like failed fears, the way I see it. It makes us avoid things that are otherwise harmless.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012

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