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FF XIII Quiz Thread

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIII' started by Roxion, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Lightning - Over her Heart
    Snow - On his forearm
    Sazh - His chest, near the base of his neck
    Hope - his wrist
    Vanille - her thigh
    Fang - her tricep
    Serah - Her arm
    Dajh - the back of his hand
    Raines - The back of his hand
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    To be more specific.

    Lightning's is on her chest. I always figured it was in the center, about where Sazh's is.

    Sazh's is on his chest, at the center.

    Snow's is on his left wrist.

    Hope's is on his left wrist, about where Snow's is.

    Vanille's is on her left hip.

    Fang's is on her right arm, near her shoulder.

    Serah's is on her left arm, near her shoulder.

    And I don't know where Dajh's and Raines's are, so I can't finish the answer. Although I would go with Zenrot's answer.
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I think Dajh and Raines both have their marks on the back of their right hands
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    oooooooo.....so close it's kind of a combination of ur answers. (Hint: which *insert appendage here*) I think one of u got it, but it was in 2 or more separate posts. for my sake, please put it in 1 post. Ready? GO!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Fine then. All in one post.

    Lightning's is on her chest. I always figured it was in the center, about where Sazh's is.

    Sazh's is on his chest, at the center.

    Snow's is on his left wrist.

    Hope's is on his left wrist, about where Snow's is.

    Vanille's is on her left hip.

    Fang's is on her right arm, near her shoulder.

    Serah's is on her left arm, near her shoulder.

    Dajh's is on the back of his right hand.

    Cid's is on the back of his right hand.
  6. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Close enough, ur up.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here's a little tricky one.

    How many types of weapons are useable in the game?
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Types of weapons as swords, spears, etc? 6. Gunblades, Rods, Spears, Boomerangs, Coats, Guns
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Good. You saw through my trick. Your question.
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    What are the Fal'Cie the heroes come in contact with throughout the game, and where do they see them? (If seen more than once, state each time)
  11. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Anima-pulse vestige
    Barthandelus-several times, can't remember.........f*ck I don't know...... :(
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Give up? I'll ask a new one
  13. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    yes please.
  14. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Okay. Who is the only character in the game to have 2 unique skills?
  15. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Sazh, Vigilance and Cold Blood.
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Wrong. Vigilance is not unique.
  17. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    hmmmm......I don't think there is any.....
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    One character has it.
  19. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    well, I suppose if u count the very beginning, Snow: Hand Gernade and Soverign Fist.
  20. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Correct, your turn

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