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Final Fantasy XIV (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Well, kick butt, take names and get some clues." Raito explained, "I heard that magical beings, you name any kind, well that can talk of course..." Raito started getting deep into thought, "any magical being can sense where magic is being disturbed at, so if we could find a talking magical being it could tell us where all these things are happening at. The we go in and as I said before, kick butt take names, and we're famous and save the world. Good plan eh?" Raito looked back at his friend awaiting a response.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Elishua left out of the temple with his friends, looking outside to see that the villagers were praying and bowed down, being grateful that he was able to become a summoner. Elishua saw Lina bringing a new stave to him and started to nod. "Please. Show us what you have learned through your training." "Yes." Elishua started to walk to the middle of the village and gave a sigh of relief. "Here goes." Elishua had his eyes closed as he lifted his stave in front of him. As he was waiting and concentrating, he was thinking of how his father would have thought about his first summoning. Elishua slid backwards and a glyph appeared underneath him. Rainbows started to shoot forth from its four corners and a flying beast started to come down from the sky. The villagers was astonished while Elishua petted the beast. "I am Elishua. Thank you."

    The beast then started to dismiss itself and took to the skies. Elishua looked back and was ready to back up to leave later on.
  3. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    OOC: this roleplay isint getting anywhere..

    "KAI!!!!" Rezoxx says. " Ah the day has finnaly come where i can put Kai's training to work!"

    "Huh!...Oh he is calling for "Kaaii" well why doesint he calll for me other than takin out the trash!!" He starts slicing a dummy into pieces. "If only he knew "My" power then they would respect me!!!!!! Arggghh!!!"
    He sliced his desk right in half. He calmed down. "If only they knew." then collapsed on his bed and went to sleep.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' shrugged and strode forward. As he thought about what the kid had said and what he knew, there were reactors that took magic from the earth and processed it into Mako, which in turn made Materia and SOLDIERs, which didn't always mean good things. He had seen his fair share of SOLDIERs that went rogue and killed each other, and when they have powerful materia it made everything go worse. He had even fought a few of them and he knew how hard it was to fight a SOLDIER so he was happy to be finally going against the academy to stop them from destroying the world. "Well I guess we need more people first Raito." He said to the boy.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Let's Listen: Final Fantasy VI - World Map/Terra's Theme (Extended)

    The ship was on the ocean, making its way towards a city. Elishua was looking out towards the distance, wondering if he had made the right choice. "The wind. It feels nice." Elishua closed his eyes and started to picture as to what his friends had said. Willing to go on his journey without any protectors, he looked as he saw Cloud 7 towering over the distance. "Isn't... isn't that's Lord Hao-cun's son? That is the son of Lord Hao-cun isn't it" "Hey. That is Lord Hao-cun's son. That complexion and face. You cannot deny it." Elishua extended his arms forth, enjoying the wind and the scent of the ocean as though it would be his last.

    The boat finally docked onto the pier and landed on Cloud 7. There were people at the pier already, taking a praying stance and giving him respect. "Lord Elishua. It is an honor. You are so much like your father." "Thank you. It is certainly good to be back in my birthplace once again." "Where...why...you have no guardians?" "It is ok. I believe that this journey I can accomplish on my own." "Oh..." Elishua was then being led towards the tallest building by the priest, to show Elishua to the ruler of Evaglost.

    A couple of kids started to run pass Raito and William on the way. "HEY! Have you heard! There's a new summoner in town! I heard that he is pweety!" "NO WAY! NO WAY! My momma said that he has a pweety beast adorned with the jewels of the rainbow!" "Now come along kids! You cannot run too far away. We have to catch up to the ceremony soon and to welcome him."

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