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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by SkylerOcon, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Wouldn't she be equally disturbed if a straight man had asked that question? I would be put off by either scenario.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    True. I was just adding to Default_User's comment.
  3. Mike

    Mike Member

    Yeah, and I myself have had 2 incidents involving gay men. One of which involved physical contact (grabbing my ass), and one of which was verbal...both made me uncomfortable, and they have no right to do that, gay or not. I'm not even good looking or anything.

    But notice I'm not basing my opinion on gays on these two experiences.

    He's not creating a stereotype, several flambuoyant gays did that. He's merely dictating what the stereotype is. Put blame where it lies.
  4. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    loool, ok, here in Portugal we're a litle bit more quiet about that... both gays and lesbians don't go around grabbing people, and stuff.

    but asking if they can do that, it never happened to me, and i can't say if it happened (it probably did, but not to any of my familly members or friends)
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    In my opinion gay's are fine,marrige is all about who you want to live with for the rest of life and (in some relegions) for all of eternity,can a man not share his life with a male freind.Yes I said freind because in a way all a husband or wife is is a really good freind.
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I agree with chocobo. I have expressed my opinions before but i don't mind saying it again, if you want to live happily with some one of the SAME gender, i don't see why you can't get the benefits of marriage along with it.
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

    ^^But that's not quite the whole debate.

    Gays are human beings, and as such deserve equity and human rights. They are the same under the law as others. They deserve the benefits (monetary and otherwise) of being registered as a couple. (The one place I may argue is that they do not deserve the 'baby bonus' and other such monetary benefits for 'having children' as other adoptive parents don't either).

    The problem instead lies with the religious meaning of the word 'marriage' and not with the lawful meaning of 'marriage.' (The problem is, they are linked: I'll be the first to support the separation of church and state. Haha)

    As EbAl pointed out many pages ago, some religions embrace gay marriage (I'm not 100% sure I know which he's refering to...but I'm almost certain the issue of gay marriage would ITSELF spawn new religions, accepting of the tradition) If this were the case, then they have every (lawful) right to be married within the guidelines of these religions, and cannot make claims to being married within other religions.

    The issue is moreso about a given group's rights to deny certain people membership. This kind of behaviour is everywhere, not just in religion (which I think is an open and shut case). In addition, it's about people being insulted about the notion of gay people being 'married.' They feel as though it makes their own rite of marriage less special.

    This issues could be resolved if, as I've suggested a few times, gays would settle for the use of a different word...one that truly would separate church and state. (ie. upon getting married by a church official, you would also get 'married' by the state, except you would use a word like 'state-union' or something. Being married in a church sense does not involve a marriage license...while the state-union does).
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  8. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    well here's how i see it. no one is perfect. not even me. nor you. it's like a game. there's always going to be at least 1 traitor. no one is all going to agree on one thing.
    what i'm saying is not everyone is going to be straight and go after the opposite sex. there will always be those one who will fall in love with the same sex. if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. it shouldn't matter if woman fall in love with woman or men fall in love with men.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Religion, schlimish. I say that if the father, priest, pastor, what ever, can't see that if it's what makes people happy, they can go screw themselves and there little dog to. Kidding, but really, who are we to mess up peoples lives for a deity we don't even know wants. Take the KKK. They were a hate organization who actually thought they were working for a higher power. In my opinion they had no right to do what they did to ANYone. The Natzi party also thought the same and looked what happened? A holocaust. Let gays have their marraige. I'm not saying you have to like it, but im saying that you should except other peoples opinions, and let em live with it. Its our own lives we should worry about, not other peoples. In my opinion right now, case closed, i wanna sprite.
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    Not to be intentionally rude...but I did find that the remarks I've quoted are simply telling me 'You're not worth my time, why should I bother with a proper response?'

    Well in my opinion, this is a rather immature post. Hastily written, and your ending remarks merely demonstrate my point. You've also committed two very large debating no-no's; the False Analogy and the False Dichotomy.

    You're comparing organizations whose ideals infringe upon human rights to ones who are all for human rights (ideally of course, there are corrupt people/organizations on this planet). When church officials start murdering gays, or burning down their houses, call me...I'll be the first to label these as evil people. As much as people believe it is, denying Marriage is no more inhumane than issuing a tax audit. LIVING is a human right, murder against a racial or ethnic group goes against human rights. Not acknowledging two people as married...not quite the same thing. Again, gay or straight. There are plenty of straight couples whose marriages are not recognized by church officials because their ceremony (or behaviour) goes against some ideal. Like it or not, these ideals exist (for a given institution) and if you don't like it, that is the end of the discussion. No sooner will this change, than will the KKK admit a black man to their organization.

    Lastly, claiming gay marriage will 'make people happy' is not a reason to allow it. I'm sure allowing all forms of unethical brain surgery will make many scientists very happy, but there's a reason it isn't done. The mere fact that people want it, does not make it ok; that is an inappropriate conclusion to draw from the idea.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Dear god, the end was a light joke. I value everyones opinions.
    As for the other part i merely meant that if GAYS were happy with marriage then who are we to say no? That would in my opinion infringe on their rights to happiness, one of the ammendments in the constitution.
    Can't say that i can fight your second opionion there, but i am sorry if i offended you in any way shape or form. I was a bit tired when i wrote that and was rash.
    Im sorry.
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'm pretty new here and I read down the first page only (I'll read the other pages later) I just have to say that I leave religion out of all subjects for debate, especially Christianity and Chatholisism(sp?). Mainly because being from a Christian church I found that I just didn't agree with how God was portrayed. There are to many problems with it. If God is always true and to prove him wrong would be horrible (or w.e.) Then why are there other religions today? Wasn't one of the ten commandments "Thou shalt not have false God's before me. For I am a jelous God." Does that sound like an almighty being to you? Also if you go with Christianity you have to believe that God placed everything on Earth with a reason. Right? I know this isn't a religious topic but just reading all that about religion just got me itchy. As for my opinion on gay rights, I agree mainly with what Al said on the first page (btw very well presented). Please keep in mind that I have only read the first page, so should I have said something covered or w.e., just point me in the direction of the page.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    No were in scripture have i seen him saying he is jealous. He states that he is the one true god though. And please stay on subject or i can't debate to you.
  14. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    gay people have rights
    i dont really care if they can get married or not
    either way they can still live together and do everything they would normally do so i dont really see the difference weather they r married or not. The only thing is some gay people, and not to be sexist or anything, but its mostly guys, and they go around all floaty bugging the world with "ooh look at me im gayyyyyy i havvvvveeee rightttttsssss" okay we get it you dont have to dress in drag and parade up and down the street to let us know. so yes gay people have rights, they should b able to do whatever normal people do, but thats the key word NORMAL not annoying and floaty. thats all.
  15. damoz

    damoz New Member

    start rant:

    why is this even a debate gays are just like every other person here besides maybe they like same sex, but who are we to judge them by that. It sickens me that there may be people out there that believe that these people do not deserve the right to be with the ones they love. I have a few homosexual friends and they are perfectly normal people like myself or anyone of us, and they deserve the same rights as anyone of us also. I really would like to hear the argument of someone who believes otherwise so i can play it back to them so they can see how stupid it really is.

    Theres my little piece for the moment ^ ^
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Far to broad. No one said they can't be with the ones they love. But they did say they can't marry the ones they love. Personally I realllly don't care as long as they aren't trying to marry me. But you do need to understand that being homosexual isnt something that is completely accepted in society today. That is the reason it is a debate, because some people accept it and some don't. And even you have to acknowledge that ridiculously fruity homosexuals are the most obnoxious things ever. Same with really butch women, i get it, don't advertise it, thats WHY you are put apart.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    TO touch up on that, how many times have you been called gay or homo as an insult? It's just seen as something stupid, not as a point of view. People oughta think before they act, not just do what comes to mind.
  18. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    First of all, Im completely againts it because why would you have a marrage between the same sex? That's really a mental problem. Its sick. And Zerieth, about the insults.. its really just playing around. Most of the times at school people say someone: Your gay. But its just playing around.

    Bottom LIne: There should be a law that prevents gayness.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    In my boat, people ARE NOT playing around. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesnt meant it doesnt happen to me.
  20. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Marriage has been between a man and a woman for centuries and it should not change now. This country better get back to christian values before it's too late. Abortion and same sex marriage should be banned. If we allow gays to marry then they will try to destrory marriage between a man and a woman. Let's put a stop to the atheist stuff in this country and return to christian values because this country is doomed to be destroyed if we don't put God and his laws first.

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